LEE MORRIS, CHAIR RESOLUTIONS (CONT’D) 98-R-1719 ( 2) A Resolution by Councilmember Lee Morris to add to the 1999 Legislative Package an increase in the Homestead exemption to the greater of $20,000.00 or 20% of assessed value; and for other purposes. (Work session held 10/21/98; Recommendation to File) Committee Chairperson Morris sounded the above item and on behalf of the Committee, Made a Motion to File. Mr. Morris provided clarification regarding the Motion to File, but then Made a Substitute Motion to Adopt and then clarified that Motion. A brief discussion ensued, but ended with Councilmember Woolard’s Motion to Call the Question. It was properly Seconded but Councilmember Bond voiced a sounding nay vote and spoke briefly. Conversation was thwarted, however, by Councilmember Woolard’s Motioning again to Call the Question. It was properly Seconded and on this occasion the Call CARRIED by voice vote. Subsequently, the Substitute Motion to Adopt was properly Seconded and CARRIED by a roll call vote of 13 yeas; 0 nays. ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE OF 13 YEAS; 0 NAYS 98-R-2201 ( 3) An Amended Resolution by Finance/Executive Committee authorizing the Mayor to enter into an appropriate Contractual Agreement with Painewebber/Graicap/ Interstate/J.C. Bradford and Bear Sterns/Siebert Bradford/Blaylock Securities/Legg Mason for FC-6940-98, Banking Services to underwrite 1998 Water and Sewerage Revenue Bonds in connection with the issuance of approximately $300,000,000.00 in Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds. (Favorable As Amended - 4-Yeas; 1-Nay; Amendment corrects dollar amount in caption) Committee Chairperson Morris sounded the above item, noted that the Recommendation from the Committee was Favorable as Amended. On behalf of the Committee, the Chair Made a Motion to Adopt as Amended. Council President Pitts asked Mr. Morris several questions, including and for the Record, “what process was used in choosing the firm?” Mr. Morris provided clarification and the Motion to Adopt as Amended subsequently CARRIED by a roll call vote of 13 yeas; 1 nay. ADOPTED AS AMENDED BY ROLL CALL VOTE OF 13 YEAS; 1 NAY
Council President Robb Pitts Presided
LEE MORRIS, CHAIR RESOLUTIONS (CONT’D) 98-R-2202 ( 4) An Amended Resolution by Finance/Executive Committee authorizing the Mayor to amend the appropriate Contractual Agreement with Morley Environmental, Inc. for FC-6856-97, Asbestos Abatement Citywide from a not to exceed amount of $150,000.00 to a not to exceed amount of $300,000.00. Said contract shall be based on unit prices. All contracted work shall be charged to and paid from various Department Fund, Account and Center Numbers. (Favorable As Amended - 3-Yeas; 1-Nay; Amendment Corrects Contract Number)
ADOPTED AS AMENDED BY ROLL CALL VOTE OF 13 YEAS; 0 NAYS 98-R-2253 ( 5) A Substitute Resolution by Finance/Executive Committeeas amended to provide recommendations to the Georgia Legislative Study Committee regarding changes to the Atlanta Regional Commission. (Favorable On Substitute - 6-Yeas; 1-Abstention) Committee Chairperson Morris sounded the above item, stated that the Recommendation from the Committee was Favorable and subsequently Made a Motion to Adopt on Substitute. A lengthy discussion ensued wherein Councilmember Maddox Made a Motion to Amend in order to add certain wording. Additionally, Councilmember Muller Made a Friendly Amendment to Mr. Maddox’s Amendment which he accepted. The Motion to Amend subsequently CARRIED by a roll call vote of 14 yeas; 0 nays. Discussion was thwarted by Councilmember Woolard’s Motion to Call the Question which was properly Seconded and CARRIED by voice vote. Subsequently, the Motion to Adopt on Substitute as Amended CARRIED by a roll call vote of 13 yeas; 1 nay. ADOPTED ON SUBSTITUTE AS AMENDED BY ROLL CALL VOTE OF 13 YEAS; 1 NAY
Council President Robb Pitts Presided
LEE MORRIS, CHAIR RESOLUTIONS (CONT’D) 98-R-2267 ( 6) A Resolution by Finance/Executive Committee to amend Resolution 98-R-2127 as adopted on 11/16/98 and approved by 11/20/98 which authorized the Mayor to enter into an Agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia, Inc; United Healthcare of Georgia; Kaiser Permanente; the Prudential Healthcare Plan of Georgia, Inc.; and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia, Inc./Group Insurance Administration, Inc. a Joint Venture; OHS of Georgia, Inc. for (FC 6318-95) Group Health and Dental Insurance to extend Agreement for Plan Year 1999; establishing premium rates for Health and Dental Insurance for 1999; and for other purposes. (Favorable 3 Yeas; 2-Nays; 2-Abstentions) Committee Chairperson Morris sounded the above item and on behalf of the Committee, Made a Motion to Adopt. Councilmember Moore Made a Motion to Bring Forth a Substitute, which was properly Seconded. Ms. Moore provided clarification and requested further clarification from Chief Financial Officer Judith Blackwell who responded accordingly. A lengthy discussion ensued, but ended with Councilmember
Woolard’s Motion to Call the Question. The Call was properly
Seconded and CARRIED by voice vote. However, the Motion
4 yeas; 10 nays. Conversation reverted back to the initial Motion to Adopt and a lengthy discussion ensued but concluded with Councilmember Woolards’ Motion to Call the Question. The Call was properly Seconded and CARRIED by voice vote. The Motion to Adopt subsequently CARRIED by a roll call vote of 11 yeas; 3 nays. After the vote, Councilmember Moore made a brief remark and Councilmember Alexander requested a Point of Personal Privilege to ask Councilmember Thomas a question. Privilege granted, Ms. Thomas responded accordingly. ADOPTED BY ROLL CALL VOTE OF 11 YEAS; 3 NAYS