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The Importance of Messianic Prophecy
The Bible stands apart from the scriptures of world religions in that the Bible contains much prophecy foretelling the future, and much of that prophecy has been fulfilled. God revealed the importance of prophecy to build faith in him alone. Isaiah 48:3,5 I foretold the former things long ago, my mouth announced them and I made them known then suddenly I acted, and they came to pass. . . .
(5) Therefore I told you these things long ago before they happened I announced them to you so that you could not say, My idols did them my wooden image and metal god ordained them.
Out of all prophecy, Messianic prophecy is particularly important, because the focus of the Bible is upon Jesus, the Messiah, who has redeemed those who trust in him. Jesus appealed to Messianic Prophecy before and after his resurrection.
Before going to the cross
, Jesus taught Messianic prophecy to his disciples. Isaiah prophesied of a suffering servant who would be numbered with the transgressors and Jesus said that he would fulfill that prophecy.

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