This section of the report constitutes AIATSIS’ Annual Performance Statements for 2015–16, prepared in accordance with paragraph 39(1) (a) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (Cth) (PGPA Act).
In the opinion of the AIATSIS Council, the accountable authority, the performance statements:
accurately present the entity’s performance in the reporting period; and
comply with subsection 39(2) of the PGPA Act.
AIATSIS Corporate Plan 2016-17 to 2019-20
The AIATSIS Corporate Plan 2016-17 to 2019-20 (Corporate Plan) sets out how AIATSIS intends to achieve its vision and fulfil its purpose, as outlined in its legislated functions, over the next four years.
Alongside context including the operating environment and key challenges, it identifies five strategic priorities, with key outcomes, planned actions (strategies), and performance criteria, measures and targets:
Ensuring our collection is safe, accessible, valued and growing.
Providing leadership in Indigenous research, and ethical engagement in research, collections and publishing.
Strengthening institutional and community understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and heritage.
Promoting and sharing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and heritage.
Building strong governance and organisational resilience.
These performance statements outline the performance that was planned and related measures, the strategies pursued during the 2016-17 financial year, results achieved (including whether targets were met) and an analysis of the factors contributing to those results.
AIATSIS Portfolio Budget Statements 2016-17
The AIATSIS Portfolio Budget Statement (the PBS) sets out how we intend to expend our annual appropriation of $20 million to support our functions and pursue the strategic goals set out in the Corporate Plan. This appropriation includes the 2016-17 Budget measure of $10 million per year from 1 July 2016, ongoing. The PBS sets a single outcome for AIATSIS:
Further understanding of Australian Indigenous cultures, past and present, through undertaking and publishing research, and providing access to print and audio-visual collections.
This outcome is delivered through a single program – AIATSIS Research, Collections, Communications and Publications.
Strategic Priority 1 – Ensuring our collection is safe, accessible, valued and growing.
AIATSIS will work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities to build a national collection and ensure preservation, discoverability and access to the collection.
Key outcomes over four years:
A refocused collection strategy and program aligned with policies and objectives that support improved outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, including a regional focus.
Improved online discoverability, access and understanding of our collection.
Increased scope and representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the collection and increasing the national and international significance and value of the collection.
Improved physical infrastructure for the storage, management and exhibition of the collection.
Performance criteria, measures and targets for 2016-17:
Performance criteria
Targets 2016-17
Ability to accept new material that is offered to and accepted into the collection, the rate at which it is preserved and made discoverable and accessible.
The rate at which material is offered to and accepted into the collection, by media.
The rate at which material is made discoverable at is accessed, by media.
1% increase in the rate at which material is offered to the collection
1.5% increase in the rate at which material is accepted into the collection.
1% increase in the rate at which the collection is made discoverable
5% increase in the rate at which the collection is accessed.
Preservation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage and enable all Australians to appropriately access and experience knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, traditions, languages and stories, past and present.
The rate of digital preservation of the collection, by media.
5% increase in the rate of preservation of the collection.
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