Chapter 1 Basic Principles of Digital Systems outlin e 1

Discrete Separated into distinct segments or pieces. A series of discontinuous values. Dual slope ADC

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Discrete Separated into distinct segments or pieces. A series of

discontinuous values.

Dual slope ADC Also called an integrating ADC. An analogto-

digital converter based on an integrator. The name derives

from the fact that during the conversion process the integrator

output changes linearly over time, with two different slopes.

Flash converter (or simultaneous converter) An analog-todigital

converter that uses comparators and a priority encoder to

produce a digital code.

Full scale The maximum analog reference voltage or current

of a digital-to-analog converter.

Integrator A circuit whose output is the accumulated sum of

all previous input values. The integrator’s output changes linearly

with time when the input voltage is constant.

Multiplying DAC A DAC whose output changes linearly with

a change in DAC reference voltage.

Nyquist sampling theorem A theorem from information theory

that states that, in order to preserve all information in a signal,

it must be sampled at a rate of twice the highest-frequency

component of the signal. (fs 2fmax)

Priority encoder An encoder that will produce a binary output

corresponding to the subscript of the highest-priority active

input. This is usually defined as the input with the largest


Quantization The number of bits used to represent an analog

voltage as a digital number.

Quantization error Inaccuracy introduced into a digital signal

by the inability of a fixed number of bits to represent the exact

value of an analog signal.

Resolution The difference in analog voltage corresponding to

two adjacent digital codes. Analog step size.

Sample An instantaneous measurement of an analog voltage,

taken at regular intervals.

Sample and hold circuit A circuit that samples an analog signal

at periodic intervals and holds the sampled value long

enough for an ADC to convert it to a digital code.

Sampling frequency The number of samples taken per unit

time of an analog signal.

Successive approximation register A state machine used to

generate a sequence of closer and closer binary approximations

to an analog signal.


Problem numbers set in color indicate more difficult problems:

those with underlines indicate most difficult problems.

Section 12.1 Analog and Digital Signals

12.1 An analog signal with a range of 0 to 12V is converted to a

series of 3-bit digital codes. Make a table similar to Table

12.1 showing the analog range for each digital code.

12.2 Sketch the positive half of a sine wave with a peak voltage

of 12 V. Assume that this signal will be quantized according

to the table constructed in Problem 12.1. Write

the digital codes for the points 0, T/8, T/4, 3T/8, . . . , T

where T is the period of the half sine wave.

12.3 Repeat Problems 12.1 and 12.2 for a 4-bit quantization.

12.4 Write the 3-bit and 4-bit digital codes for the points 0,

T/16, T/8, 3T/16, . . . , T for the half sine wave described

in Problem 12.2.

12.5 An analog-to-digital converter divides the range of an analog

signal into 64 equal parts. The analog input has a

range of 0 to 500 mV. How many bits are there in the

resultant digital codes? What is the resolution of the A/D


12.6 Repeat Problem 12.5 if the analog range is divided into

256 equal parts.

12.7 The analog range of a signal is divided into m equal parts,

yielding a digital quantization of n bits. If the range is divided

into 2m parts, how many bits are in the equivalent

digital codes? (That is, how many extra bits do we get for

each doubling of the number of codes?)

Section 12.2 Digital-to-Analog Conversion

12.8 a. Calculate the analog output voltage, Va, for a 4-bit

DAC when the input code is 1010.

b. Calculate Va for an 8-bit DAC when the input code is


c. Compare the results of parts a and b. What can you

conclude from this comparison?

616 C H A P T E R 1 2 • Interfacing Analog and Digital Circuits

12.9 a. Calculate the analog output voltage, Va, for a 4-bit

DAC when the input code is 1100.

b. Calculate Va for an 8-bit DAC when the input code is


c. Compare the results of parts a and b. What can you

conclude from this comparison? How does this differ

from the comparison made in Problem 12.8?

12.10 Refer to the generalized D/A converter in Figure 12.4.

For Iref _ 500 _A and RF _ 22 k_, calculate the range of

analog output voltage, Va, if the DAC is a 4-bit circuit.

Repeat the calculation for an 8-bit DAC.

12.11 The resistor for the MSB of a 16-bit weighted resistor

D/A converter is 1 k_. List the resistor values for all bits.

What component problem do we encounter when we try

to build this circuit?

12.12 Draw the circuit for an 8-bit R-2R ladder DAC.

12.13 Calculate the value of Va of an R-2R ladder DAC when

digital inputs are as follows. Vref _ 12 V.


a. 1111

b. 1011

c. 0110

d. 0011

12.14 An MC1408 DAC is configured as shown in Figure

12.12. R14 _ R15 _ 6.8 k_, Vref(_) __12 V, Vref(_) _

ground, and RL _ 2.2 k_. Calculate the output voltage,

Va, for the following digital input codes: 00000000,

00000001, 10000000, 10101010, 11100010, 11111111.

12.15 Calculate the resolution of the DAC in Problem 12.14.

12.16 Refer to the op amp-buffered DAC in Figure 12.13. Assume

the resistor values are changed as follows: R14A _

270 _, R14B _ 2 k_ (max), RFA _ 1.2 k_, RFB _ 5 k_

(max). Describe a step-by-step procedure that calibrates

the DAC so that it has a reference current of 4 mA and a

full scale analog output voltage of 12 volts, using only a

series of measurements of the analog output voltage.

When the procedure is complete, what are the resistance

values in the circuit? What is the range of the DAC?

12.17 The resistor networks shown in the DAC circuit of Figure

12.13 allow us to set our input reference current and output

gain to values within a specified range. Using the values

shown in Figure 12.13, fill in Table 12.7 for the cases

when Va is at minimum and maximum, and when the potentiometers

are at their midpoint values. Assume the

DAC input is set to 1111 1111. Show all calculations.

Table 12.7 DAC Output Range

R14 (_) RF(_) Iref (mA) Io(mA) Va(V)

Minimum Va

Maximum Va

Pots at midpoint

12.18 The waveform in Figure 12.47 is observed at the output

of the DAC ramp generator of Figure 12.14. (Compare

this to the proper waveform, found in Figure 12.15.)

What is likely to be the problem with the circuit? Can it

be easily fixed? How?

12.19 The waveform in Figure 12.48 is observed at the output

of the DAC ramp generator in Figure 12.14. What is

likely to be the problem with the circuit?

FIGURE 12.47

Problem 12.18


FIGURE 12.48

Problem 12.19


Problems 617

12.20 Refer to the bipolar DAC circuit in Figure 12.16. Describe

how you would adjust the output for a range of

_10 V to (_10 V _ 2 LSB). Include values of variable

components. Calculate the resolution of this circuit.

12.21 A 3-bit DAC has a reference voltage of 12 V and a transfer

characteristic summarized in Table 12.8. Plot the data

on a graph similar to those in Figures 12.18 through

12.20. From the data in Table 12.8, determine the offset

error, gain error, and linearity error of the DAC, both in %

of full scale and as a fraction of an LSB.

12.23 A 3-bit DAC has a reference voltage of 4 V and a transfer

characteristic summarized in Table 12.10. Plot the data on

a graph. From the data in the Table 12.10, determine the

offset error, gain error, and linearity error of the DAC,

both in % of full scale and as a fraction of an LSB.

Table 12.11 Table for Problem 16.23

New Digital Analog vanalog Comparator Accumulated

Bit Value Equivalent vDAC? Output Digital Value









Table 12.10 DAC Transfer Characteristic

for Problem 12.23

Digital Code Analog Output (volts)

000 0.000

001 0.500

010 1.025

011 1.525

100 1.985

101 2.675

110 3.000

111 3.500

Section 12.3 Analog-to-Digital Conversion

12.24 How many comparators are needed to construct an 8-bit

flash converter? Sketch the circuit of this converter. (It is

only necessary to show a few of the comparators and indicate

how many there are.)

12.25 Briefly explain the operation of a flash ADC. What is the

purpose of the priority encoder? Explain how the latch

can be used to synchronize the output to a particular sampling


12.26 Why do we choose a value of R/2 for the LSB resistor of

a flash ADC?

12.27 An 8-bit successive approximation ADC has a reference

voltage of _16 V. Describe the conversion sequence for

the case where the analog input is 4.75 V. Summarize the

steps in Table 12.11. (Refer to Example 12.11.)

12.28 What is displayed on the seven-segment display in Figure

12.49 when vanalog _ 5.25 V? Assume that the reference

voltage is 12 V and that the display can show hex digits.

12.29 Describe the operation of each part of the successive approximation

ADC shown in Figure 12.49 when the analog

input changes from 5.25 V to 8.0 V. What is the new

number displayed on the seven-segment display?

Table 12.8 DAC Transfer Characteristic

for Problem 12.21

Digital Code Analog Output (volts)

000 0.5

001 2.0

010 3.5

011 5.0

100 6.5

101 8.0

110 9.5

111 11.0

12.22 A 3-bit DAC has a reference voltage of 8 V and a transfer

characteristic summarized in Table 12.9. Plot the data on

a graph. From the data in Table 12.9, determine the offset

error, gain error, linearity error, and differential nonlinearity

of the DAC, both in % of full scale and as a fraction

of an LSB.

Table 12.9 DAC Transfer Characteristic

for Problem 12.22

Digital Code Analog Output (volts)

000 0.000

001 1.036

010 2.071

011 3.107

100 4.143

101 5.179

110 6.214

111 7.250

618 C H A P T E R 1 2 • Interfacing Analog and Digital Circuits

12.30 a. An 8-bit successive approximation ADC has a reference

voltage of 12 V. Calculate the resolution of this


b. The analog input voltage to the ADC in part a is 8 V.

Can this input voltage be represented exactly? What

digital code represents the closest value to 8 V? What

exact analog value does this represent? Calculate the

percent error of this conversion.

12.31 What is the maximum quantization error of an ADC, relative

to a fraction of 1 LSB?

12.32 An 8-bit dual slope analog-to-digital converter has a reference

voltage of 16 V. The integrator component values

are: R _ 80 k_, C _ 0.1 _F. The analog input voltage

is 14 V.

Calculate the slope of the integrator voltage during:

a. the integrating phase, and

b. the rezeroing phase.

c. How much time elapses during the rezeroing phase?

(Assume that (1) the integrating and rezeroing

time are equal if the integrator output is at full scale,

and (2) the reference voltage will rezero the integrator

from full scale in exactly one counter cycle.)

d. Sketch the integrator output waveform.

e. What digital code is contained in the output latch after

the conversion is complete?

12.33 Repeat Problem 12.32 if the analog input voltage is 3 V.

12.34 Repeat Problem 12.32 if the analog input voltage is 18 V.

12.35 make a sketch of a basic sample and hold circuit and

briefly explain its operation.

12.36 Explain why a sample and hold circuit may be needed at

the input of an analog-to-digital converter.

12.37 What is the highest-frequency component of an analog

signal that can be accurately represented digitally if it is

sampled at a rate of 100 kHz?

12.38 Calculate the minimum sampling frequency required to

preserve all information when sampling a sine wave with

a frequency of 130 kHz.

12.39 Suppose a sine wave with a period of 4.8 _s is sampled

every 5.2 _s. What alias frequency will result? (Hint: see

Figure 12.33.)

12.40 Calculate the corner frequency of an anti-aliasing filter for

anADC with a sampling frequency of 8 kHz. What type of

filter (low-pass, high-pass, bandpass, etc.) is required?

Section 12.4 Data Acquisition

12.41 Refer to the data acquisition system in Figure 12.38.

Write a VHDL file to implement the continuous-convert

version of the ADC controller, as represented in the state

diagram of Figure 12.42. Create a simulation in

MAX_PLUS II to verify the operation of the controller.

12.42 Use the state machine controller from Problem 12.41 and an

octal latch as components in aVHDL hierarchy that represents

the ADC interface of Figure 12.38. Create a simulation

inMAX_PLUSII to verify the operation of the design.

12.43 The data acquisition system in Figure 12.38 is designed

with the controller from Problem 12.41. (The controller

state diagram is shown in Figure 12.42.) Assume the controller

and latch are interfaced with a different ADC that

has a conversion time of 16 _s, which is equivalent to 64

clock cycles. Calculate the highest-frequency component

that can be accurately converted with this system for a

clock rate of 787 kHz.

12.44 Repeat Problem 12.43 for a 4-channel data acquisition

system, assuming the same conversion rate for the ADC

and the controller state diagram of Figure 12.45.

FIGURE 12.49

Problem 12.28

Successive Approximation

ADC and Seven-Segment


Answers 619


Section 12.1

12.1 5 bits (25 _ 32). Resolution _ 24 mV/32 steps _ 0.75


Section 12.2a

12.2 4-bit: Ia _ 0 to (15/16)(1 mA) _ 0 to 0.9375 mA; Va _

_IaRF _ 0 to _9.375 V 8-bit: Ia _ 0 to (255/256)(1 mA) _ 0 to

0.9961 mA; Va _ 0 to _9.961 V

Section 12.2b

12.3 2.048 M_.

Section 12.2c

12.4 Va _ (10 V/2) _ (10 V/8) _ (10 V/256) _ 6.29 V

or Va _ (161/256)10 V _ 6.29 V

Section 12.2d

12.5 The maximum switching speed is higher if we choose the

lower range of output voltage.

Section 12.2e

12.6 The output 0 V requires its own code. This leaves 255, not

256, codes for the remaining output values. The maximum value

of a positive-only output is 255/256 of the reference voltage. A

bipolar DAC ranges from _128/128 to _127/128 of the reference


Section 12.3

12.7 a. _1.5 V/ms; b. _ 4 V/ms; c. 1.125 ms;

d. 01100000.

Section 12.4

12.8 1.26 kHz



C H A P T E R 13

Memory Devices and Systems


13.1 Basic Memory


13.2 Random Access

Read/Write Memory


13.3 Read Only Memory


13.4 Sequential Memory:


13.5 Dynamic RAM


13.6 Memory Systems


Upon successful completion of this chapter, you will be able to:

• Describe basic memory concepts of address and data.

• Understand how latches and flip-flops act as simple memory devices and

sketch simple memory systems based on these devices.

• Distinguish between random access read/write memory (RAM) and read

only memory (ROM).

• Describe the uses of tristate logic in data bussing.

• Sketch the circuits of static and dynamic RAM cells.

• Sketch a block diagram of a static or dynamic RAM chip.

• Describe various types of ROM cells and arrays: mask-programmed, UV

erasable, and electrically erasable.

• Use various types of ROM in simple applications, such as digital function


• Describe the basic configuration of flash memory.

• Describe the basic configuration and operation of two types of sequential

memory: first-in-first-out (FIFO) and last-in-first-out (LIFO).

• Describe how dynamic RAM is configured into high capacity memory


• Sketch a basic memory system, consisting of several memory devices, an

address and a data bus, and address decoding circuitry.

• Represent the location of various memory device addresses on a system

memory map.

• Recognize and eliminate conditions leading to bus contention in a memory


• Expand memory capacity by parallel bussing and CPLD-based decoding.

622 C H A P T E R 1 3 • Memory Devices and Systems

In recent years, memory has become one of the most important topics in digital electronics.

This is tied closely to the increasing prominence of cheap and readily available microprocessor

chips. The simplest memory is a device we are already familiar with: the D

flip-flop. This device stores a single bit of information as long as necessary. This simple

concept is at the heart of all memory devices.

The other basic concept of memory is the organization of stored data. Bits are stored

in locations specified by an “address,” a unique number which tells a digital system how to

find data that have been previously stored. (By analogy, think of your street address: a

unique way to find you and anyone you live with.)

Some memory can be written to and read from in random order; this is called random

access read/write memory (RAM). Other memory can be read only: read only memory

(ROM). Yet another type of memory, sequential memory, can be read or written only in a

specific sequence. There are several variations on all these basic classes.

Memory devices are usually part of a larger system, including a microprocessor, peripheral

devices, and a system of tristate busses. If dynamic RAM is used in such a system,

it is often in a memory module of some type. The capacity of a single memory chip is usually

less than the memory capacity of the microprocessor system in which it is used. In order

to use the full system capacity, it is necessary to use a method of memory address decoding

to select a particular RAM device for a specified portion of system memory.

13.1 Basic Memory Concepts

Memory A device for storing digital data in such a way that they can be recalled

for later use in a digital system.

Data Binary digits (0s and 1s) that contain some kind of information. The digital

contents of a memory device.

Address A number, represented by the binary states of a group of inputs or outputs,

uniquely defining the location of data stored in a memory device.

Write Store data in a memory device.

Read Retrieve data from a memory device.

Byte A group of 8 bits.

Nibble Half a byte; 4 bits.

Address and Data

A memory is a digital device or circuit that can store one or more bits of data. The simplest

memory device, a D-type latch, shown in Figure 13.1, can store 1 bit. A 0 or 1 is

stored in the latch and remains there until changed.

A simple extension of the single D-type latch is an array of latches, shown in Figure

13.2, that can store 8 bits (1 byte) of data. Figure 13.3 shows this octal latch used as a

component in a MAX_PLUS II graphic file and configured as an 8-bit memory.

When the WRITEn line goes LOW, then HIGH, data at the DATA_IN are stored in the

eight latches. Data are available at the DATA_OUT pins when READ is HIGH. Note that although

the READ and WRITEn inputs are separate in this design, their functions would often

be implemented as opposite logic levels of the same pin.

Figure 13.4 shows a simulation of the 8-bit memory. The LOW pulses on WRITEn

write the data, shown as two hexadecimal digits on the DATA_IN line, into the latches. To

read the values stored in the eight latches, we set READ HIGH. In between read states, all

DATA_OUT lines are in the high-impedance state, indicated by the notation ZZ.



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