Chicago Debate League 2013/14 Core Files

NC Extension Harms: #3 “Iran is Peaceful” [1/2] 92

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2NC Extension Harms: #3 “Iran is Peaceful” [1/2] 92

1) Iran is willing to negotiate and has already allowed international inspectors to review their nuclear facilities to guarantee they are not producing weapons. If Iran is not developing nuclear weapons, they cannot support terrorists in any attack against the United States. Extend our 1NC MIDDLE EAST MONITOR evidence.
2) The U.S. is already pressuring Iran with sanctions that will stop nuclear development.

[Rick Gladstone; “U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Those Aiding Iran,” 5/09;]

The United States on Thursday expanded its roster of those violating Iran sanctions, blacklisting four Iranian companies and one individual suspected of helping the country enrich nuclear fuel. It also singled out two other companies, including a Venezuelan-Iranian bank, accused of helping Iran evade other Western-imposed prohibitions on oil sales and financial dealings. The penalties announced by the Treasury and State Departments came a day after the Senate introduced legislation that could effectively deny the Iran government access to an estimated $100 billion worth of its own money parked in overseas banks, a step that proponents said could significantly damage Iran’s financial stability. That legislation, known as the Iran Sanctions Loophole Elimination Act, is expected to be integrated into a broader House measure introduced in February. The actions on Thursday appeared to signal an accelerated American effort to squeeze Iran economically over the lack of progress in negotiations on the disputed Iranian nuclear program, which Iran says is peaceful but the West has called a guise to achieve the ability to make atomic bombs.

2NC Extension Harms: #3 “Iran is Peaceful” [2/2] 93

3) Iran is not an aggressive country, and reports of nuclearization in the Western media are exaggerated.

[Dr. Daud Abdullah; “A Dangerous Delusion – Why the West is Wrong About Nuclear Iran,” 4/22;]

A Dangerous Delusion is a call for sanity and impartiality. It reminds readers that Iran, unlike Israel, has not attacked another country for more than two hundred years; nor has it occupied another country. Whereas Iran's facilities are open to IAEA inspections, Israel, being a non-signatory, has closed its facilities from scrutiny. Yet, while Iran is subjected to sanctions, Israel is rewarded with $3 billion worth of US military aid annually. The authors rile against the media for fuelling myths and delusions about Iran. They castigate some of the most respected for becoming willing cheerleaders for warmongers in Washington and Tel Aviv. On the whole, the dispute over Iran's nuclear programme seems farcical at best and hideous at worst. Not founded on facts, the 2011 IAEA report on Iran contained a 15-page annex on the 'possible military dimensions to Iran's nuclear programme.' It used the words 'alleged', 'allegedly' and 'allegation' 28 times in total; hardly the type of watertight case to impose crippling sanctions, let alone invade another country and ignite a regional war.

1NC Frontline: Harms – Democracy 94

1) Non-Unique: Venezuelan elections are already fair and democratic.

[Laura, director of the Americas Program for the Center for International Policy in Mexico City.; “U.S. Efforts to Block Democracy in Venezuela Harm Hemispheric Relations,” 5/02,]

The Venezuelan electoral system is highly tamper-proof, as recognized by monitoring organizations like the Carter Center, which before the vote assessed the system as “the best in the world.” Delegations from the Carter Center, the Union of South American Countries, and other experts observed the elections and proclaimed them clean and fair. Venezuelans vote electronically, then print out and double-check a paper ballot before depositing it as well. The Electoral Council carries out an audit at polls of 54.3 percent of the votes. These reviews are signed by members of the political parties, including Capriles’ Democratic Unity Party.
2) Turn: U.S. attempting to force democratic reforms on Venezuela will cause regional backlash and hurt U.S. democracy credibility elsewhere.

[Laura, director of the Americas Program for the Center for International Policy in Mexico City.; “U.S. Efforts to Block Democracy in Venezuela Harm Hemispheric Relations,” 5/02,]

Capriles’ actions and de facto U.S. support for prolonging post-electoral unrest not only endanger peace and stability in Venezuela, but also potentially the entire region. Venezuela is a geopolitical hub—for its oil, for its role in building south-south integration projects like ALBA and Unasur, for its solidarity trade pacts, and for its defiance of U.S. hegemony. To illegally disrupt the constitutional order there will not be as easy as it was in Honduras, where even a broad opposition movement couldn’t restore the constitutionally elected president after a right-wing coup in 2009. Inevitably, nations across the hemisphere and the world will react with anger if the Obama administration decides to maintain this course, both in defense of their neighbor Venezuela and also in what they see as a threat to their own sovereignty. Already former Brazilian president Lula da Silva has warned that "Americans should take care of their own business a little and let us decide our own destiny." The longer the United States remains globally isolated in its refusal to accept Venezuela’s election results, the longer the instability, uncertainty, and violence will continue. Extending the conflict could very well end up unnecessarily costing more lives.

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