Christ In The Home: God’s Plan For His Family

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Husband Yes No

  1. Do you remain indecisive or blame others when things go wrong?

  2. Do you believe women are inferior to men and cannot possibly make important decisions?

  3. Do you call your wife ugly names? (Any name she does not like is ugly.)

  4. Do you find it hard to say "I love you" (and mean it) every day?

  5. Are nagging or bickering general occurrences in your home?

  6. Do you have any resentments against your wife or children (because she is "fat," "late," ill-mannered, uneducated, etc.)?

  7. Do you kiss your wife every morning before leaving for work?


  1. Do children annoy you? Do you feel a father should have a lesser part in the rearing of children?

  2. Are your children ill mannered beyond reason?


  1. Do you think housework is beneath your dignity?

  2. Do you refuse to help around the house to any significant degree?


  1. Are you stingy when it comes to spending money on your wife but somewhat liberal with yourself?

  2. Is it hard or impossible for you to account for where most of your money goes each month?

  3. How is your credit? Are you inclined to buy things on impulse, then have trouble paying your bills?


15. Do you find yourself spending most of your spare time with your family and friends and very little with your wife's?


  1. Do you ask which film or TV program she would like to see and then somehow end up seeing the one you prefer?

  2. Would you prefer to watch TV than talk with your wife?


18. How do you handle the car when you are in a bad mood? Do you drive like crazy when you are "ticked off" (a real symptom of immaturity)?


19. Do you treat her mother (or yours) with disrespect?

20. Are in-laws allowed to interfere or set policies for your family?

21. How is your sense of humor? Do you see something funny only at the expense of others?


22. Has your wife caught you in little lies which you have tried to wriggle out of?

23. If you are wrong, do you find it hard to admit?


24. Do your prime interests in life center around things more than people?

25. Do you make it a point to spend some time introspectively concerning your purpose in life: Who am I? Why am I here? Where will I be in 20 years?


26. Do you often kiss your wife on the lips and mean it without it leading to the bedroom?
PROBLEM CHECKLIST FOR WIVES (Check the answers that apply to your marriage) Yes? No?

  1. Is the Lord really first in your life?

  2. Are nagging, bickering or picking general occurrences at your home?

  3. Are you in subjection to your husband? Do you place him in the position of leadership?

  4. Are you a happy person? Do you take life, generally, without complaint

  5. Are you a positive, affirming person?

  6. Are you a forgiving person?

  7. Do you often interrupt your husband when he talking or telling a story?

  8. Do you put your husband down in public? In private?

  9. Do you have reasonable control of your weight?

  10. Are you sexually responsive to your husband at least 95% of the time?

  11. How do you handle problems and pressures? Do you remain indecisive or blame others when things go wrong?

  12. Do you call your husband any ugly names? (Any name he does not like is ugly.)

  13. Do you have any resentments against your husband (because he is "fat," "late," ill-mannered, uneducated, etc.)?

  14. Is your house reasonably organized and clean?

  15. How do you feel about housework? Do you do it willingly?

  16. Are you too "fussy" about how the house looks?

  17. How is your credit? Are you inclined to buy things on impulse, then have trouble paying your bills?

  18. What is your social life like? Do you find yourself spending most of your spare time with your family and friends and very little with your husband's family and friends?

  19. Would you prefer to watch TV rather than talk with your husband?

  20. Do you spend at least one-half of your leisure time together?

  21. Do you ask which film or TV program he would like to see and then somehow you end up seeing the one you prefer?

  22. Do you treat his mother (or yours) with disrespect?

  23. Are in-laws allowed to interfere or set policies for your family?

  24. How is your sense of humor? Do you laugh easily - even at yourself?

  25. Has your husband caught you in little lies which you have tried to wriggle out of?

  26. When you are wrong, do you find it hard to admit?

  1. Do your prime interests in life center around things more than people?

  1. Have you thought about who you are and what you will be like in 25 years?


  1. Is your husband a better man for marrying you?

  2. Do you store up grudges or resentments?

  3. Do you resent the submissive role God has selected for you?

  4. Is your house generally attractive and in order?

  5. Are you "more than pleasingly plump" when you stand on the bathroom scales?

  6. Are you dressing as he would wish you to?

  7. Do you dress "your" age?

  8. Are you keeping up-to-date with his interests?

  9. Can you carry your end of a good conversation on current world events? What about church and biblical conversation

  10. Do you have a daily time for Bible study and prayer?

  11. Are you taking care of your body, "God's temple"?

  12. Do you try to be creative in your approach to everyday problems?

  13. Are you allowing God to effect change in your husband, or do you consider that your task?

  14. Do you serve meals that have some variety and attractiveness?

  15. Are you childish? Want your own way? Pouting or making a fuss over trifles?

  16. Are you fun and enjoyable to be around?

  17. Do you have any bad habits your husband wants you to change? Write the major one right here. Write the exact date and time you are going to change. What are you going to do if you "slip up?" (How are you going to get back on track?)

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