Title Bar
Displays the title and name of the current document
Document Area or Workspace
The area where to type and edit text. In this area, you will see a flashing vertical line, indicating the insertion point, where the text will appear
Menu bar
Displays all menus with each menu consisting of a set of logically grouped commands; E.g., Format menu groups all commands for formatting text
Each of these menu bar items has a drop-down sub-menu
A drop-down sub-menu comprises a list of options, which are displayed when you click on the Menu bar item.
Task Pane
Provides shortcuts for performing commonly used commands, such as creating new documents or searching for specific text
Scroll bars: (horizontal and vertical)
Enable you to move through a document that cannot fit completely in the workspace
Status bar
Displays information about the current document. E.g., the current page number, total number of pages in a document, the line number on which the cursor is positioned and the column number
The Document window
Consists of various toolbars:
A toolbar Is a collection of buttons that provide easy access to the options available on the menu bar
Commonly used toolbars are:
Standard Toolbar: This toolbar contains buttons for the frequently used actions, such as opening files, saving files, and copying and pasting text
Formatting Toolbar: This toolbar provides various tools that help your format the text in the document area. For example, changing the font size or the style of text
Drawing Toolbar: Consists of various drawing tools - to draw different shapes, arrows, and geometrical figures. You can modify these graphics by adding colours and 3-D effects or by moving the graphics behind or in front of the text. You can also insert preformatted text styles, text boxes, and pictures.