No impact — ….
Case turns the DA — …
Case outweighs — economic collapse outweighs Obama will lose --- unemployment numbers will crush Obama.
CNN Money, 7/19/2012 (Election 2012: Economy does Obama no favors, p.
Unless the economy mounts a dramatic turnaround, President Obama will be forced to ask voters for a second term while the unemployment rate sits north of 8%. Any campaign consultant will tell you that's bad news for the incumbent -- and it could get worse. Robust labor market growth in the first three months of the calendar year has given way to three consecutive disappointing jobs reports. The housing market remains tied in knots. And growth is depressingly weak. Europe is mired in an intractable debt crisis that shows few signs of easing. At home, the impending fiscal cliff has the potential to unsettle businesses to the point where they are reluctant to make investments or hiring decisions. The resulting economic outlook -- especially from the Obama campaign's perspective -- is not especially rosy. With only four monthly jobs reports remaining before Election Day, it now seems unlikely that unemployment will drop below 8%. The current unemployment rate is 8.2%. Patrick Sims, a director at Hamilton Place Strategies, said that getting below 8.0% is "not going to happen" by Election Day.
Any public reaction to the plan will taper off before election day, which is over 3 months from now. Nominee gaffs, or other political or social issues will be more influential to a voter than a transportation modernization bill.
Public supports airport programs--- they see them as job creators
Dye, 3/26/2012 (Morgan – Senior Management of Communications & Marketing at Airports Council International – North America, Poll Finds Americans See Airports’ Value, Centerline, p.
Americans love their local airports, but they’re still not sure how they work, according to a new national survey commissioned by Airports Council International-North America. A majority (61%) recognized the importance of airports to the economy, with 33% saying they are “extremely important” to their local economy, a finding that is consistent with a recent ACI-NA report that attributed 10.5 million jobs and $1.2 trillion in spending to the nation’s 490 commercial airports. “Americans know that airports are hubs of economic activity and job creation for the communities they support,” Greg Principato, president of ACI-NA, said.
Voters will determine the election based on job numbers and the direction of the economy
No political or industry opposition to NextGen means that the public won’t know or care about it for the election
Washington Post, 11
Washington Post, 6-3-11, [“New guidance system for skies could face delays,” Ashley Halsey III,] E. Liu
NextGen has virtually no credible enemies — not in the administration, not on Capitol Hill and not in the airline industry. But the seemingly simple concept is layered like an onion with complexities. In addition to demanding an enormous investment, there is a confluence of history and technology that creates a hurdle to progress. Airlines fear that the FAA will not meet its timetable for creation of the network of ground-based stations and satellite links that will make it all work. “The FAA’s track record on deployment hasn’t been good,” said Russ Chew, a former airline executive and former FAA chief operating officer. “The FAA could be perfect in meeting NextGen deadlines, but [private investors] are looking at past history.”
NextGen saves taxpayers money
Pearce 6 [Robert A., Mr. Pearce is a NASA executive serving as the Acting Director of the Next Generation Air Transportation System Joint Planning and Development Office. For the past two years, Mr. Pearce served as the Deputy Director of the office.
Previously, Mr. Pearce was responsible for strategy and program development for NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate. January- March, ATCA Journal of Air Traffic Control.“The Next Generation Air Transportation System: Transformation Starts Now”]
And during this time of fiscal austerity, and as the Aviation Trust Fund continues to spend down, the JPDO was able to determine that Next Generation System costs are reasonable. Approximately $1.5 billion is spent annually on air transportation- related research and we cannot afford to go off in a dozen different directions. But by aligning every dollar, program and plan to the Next Generation System and with everyone pulling in the same direction, we can eliminate duplication and even save taxpayers money in the process.
Obama reelection results in unilateral disarm --- kills deterrence and results in nuclear war.
Ferrara, 4/4/2012 (Peter – Director of Entitlement and Budget Policy for the Heartland Institute and General Counsel of the American Civil Rights Union, served in the White House Office of Policy development under President Reagan, Obama’s Unilateral Nuclear Disarmament, American Spectator, p.
America's Nuclear Suicide Obama's literally crazy idea is that if we just lead by example and phase out our nuclear weapons, everyone else will realize we mean them no harm, and do the same. As a result, because of the messiah, the lion will lie down with the lamb, and the world will live as one. As Gaffney further explained, "He evidently is prepared to take such a step unilaterally in order to encourage by our example other nations to join his long-standing ambition to 'rid the world of nuclear weapons.'" The problem is if President Obama is reelected, he as the commander-in-chief would be free to carry out this flower child policy on his own authority, without Congressional approval. As Gaffney further explained in the March 27 Washington Times, "Mr. Obama's subordinates are signaling, however, that he is prepared to disarm us unilaterally through what one of them, Assistant Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller, recently called 'executive action.'" Gaffney rightly concluded in his February 22 column, "It is an astonishing insight into the President's commitment to 'fundamentally transforming the United States of America' -- in the worst sense of the phrase -- that he is willing to take such steps in the midst of his reelection campaign. Imagine what he would do if the last vestiges of restraining accountability are removed in a second term." In these modern times, a full blown nuclear war would be over in a matter of days. America will not have four years to build up the arsenal of democracy if caught by surprise. A dew-eyed miscalculation on these matters literally threatens your very life, and the lives of your family and children. That is why not only President Obama must be held accountable for this national defense foolishness, but the entire Democrat party that supports and enables him. That includes his contributors, whose names are publicly available, and his voters. This is a Paul Revere moment. The survival of you, your family and your nation is at stake, far more so than even on that April night in 1775. Exercise your rights of freedom of speech and democratic participation while you still have them, indeed, while you are still alive.
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