
Resources Utilized for Training Mechanical Engineering Graduates Before Employment

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Resources Utilized for Training Mechanical Engineering Graduates Before Employment

The interviewees mention various resources and training programs used to prepare mechanical engineering graduates before employing them. Interviewee 1 explains that they put graduates through a training program designed to bring them up to the expected standard before sending them to the field. Some graduates receive advanced training in emerging technologies abroad, for example, in Japan or Bahrain, for three to six months. Graduates are trained using equipment manuals to learn the steps and procedures for equipment usage in repairs and assembling semi-knockdown vehicles. The interviewee also mentions that a significant amount of resources goes into this training due to the need to invest time and money to reorient the graduates’ thinking. IE1 states that training programs are necessary to "bring graduates up to the expected standard." This approach is consistent with prior research stressing the need for engineering education to better align with industry requirements (e.g., Jackson, 2014; Van den Beemt et al., 2020). Interviewee 2 echoes the sentiment of putting graduates through a training program before sending them to the field. Some graduates travel abroad, such as to Japan or Qatar, for additional training in new and advancing technology. The interviewee wishes that they had provided digital literacy training to recent mechanical engineering graduates, mentioning the importance of troubleshooting electrical and electronic problems with a digital torque wrench and multimeter. Interviewee 2 (IE2)

highlights the importance of digital literacy training for mechanical engineering graduates, mentioning the need to

"troubleshoot electrical and electronic problems with a digital torque wrench and multimeter" (IE2, 2023).

This focus on digital skills aligns with research pointing to the increasing significance of digital literacy in the engineering profession (e.g., McDougall et al., 2018; Spante et al., 2018). Furthermore, iinterviewee 3 states that the initial training includes orientation, in-house training, pre-delivery inspection, quick vehicle service, and air conditioning servicing, lasting at least two weeks. Afterward, trainees move to the electrical and electronics department for hands-on skills training. Some graduates are sent to Kenya and India for further training. Interviewee 3 (IE3) emphasizes the importance of hands-on training experiences, such as

"pre-delivery inspection, quick vehicle service, and air conditioning servicing" (IE3,2023).

This perspective supports existing research that emphasizes the value of practical, hands-on learning in engineering education (e.g.W. Chen et al., 2019; Sianez et al., 2010) Also, interviewee 4 mentions that newly employed graduates undergo two to three months of training, which involves basic digital training with the use of digital tools. Some are taken to Germany and China to learn design software and other essential skills, such as computer-aided manufacturing and SolidWorks, which help mechanical engineers in various industries design two- and three-dimensional objects. The interviewee wishes that technical universities would provide fundamental digital training. Interviewee 4 (IE4) discusses the need for technical universities to provide "fundamental digital training," including design software and computer-aided manufacturing skills. This statement reflects the growing importance of digital skills in engineering education and the need to integrate such skills into the curriculum (e.g., Dacre et al., 2019; Makgato, 2020). In summary, the interview findings indicate that mechanical engineering graduates require additional resources and training programs, including in-house training, equipment manuals, international training opportunities, and various software tools.

These resources aim to equip graduates with the necessary digital and practical skills to meet the demands of the industry. This approach is consistent with prior research that advocates for more practical, hands-on learning experiences and the integration of digital skills in engineering education (e.g., Instefjord & Munthe, 2017; van Laar et al., 2017; P. Zhang & London, 2013).

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