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Source: Field Data (2023)
This study examines the accessibility of digital infrastructure within the educational context, with a specific emphasis on the provision of mechanical engineering instruction at technical universities in Ghana. Table 4.3 displays a survey outcome indicating that the respondents exhibit a tendency to concur with the assertion that "information access is improved by fast internet speeds in the university." The mean score for this statement is 2.84, with a standard deviation of
1.084. The aforementioned discovery suggests that rapid internet connectivity plays a significant role in enhancing information accessibility, which is a predictable consequence given the essentiality of high-speed internet in enabling knowledge acquisition and promoting cooperative learning endeavours.
Prior studies, exemplified by (Fri & Elouahbi, 2021), underscore the significance of fast internet connectivity in enabling access to information and fostering knowledge attainment within the realm of tertiary education. This finding

corroborates the survey outcomes, indicating that the participants' experiences are consistent with previous scholarly investigations regarding the significance of high- speed internet connectivity in the realm of education. No unforeseen outcomes or information surfaced during this phase of the research. The influence of high-speed internet connectivity on education is exemplified by the expanding employment of e-learning platforms and the escalating dependence on digital materials. The current transition demands that both students and educators have access to high-speed internet in order to facilitate instantaneous collaboration, obtain multimedia resources, and engage in virtual learning environments.

Based on the survey findings, it can be inferred that the participants hold a collective viewpoint that the utilisation of network infrastructure has facilitated the process of file sharing within local area networks (LANs). This inference is supported by the statistical data, which indicates a mean score of 2.94 and a standard deviation of 1.190. This discovery is consistent with the anticipation that improvements in network infrastructure can enable the exchange of files and cooperation among students and instructors. The significance of dependable network infrastructure in improving file sharing and collaborative learning in higher education has been emphasised by prior research, including the study conducted by (Al-Samarraie, 2019)
The statement regarding the components of internet infrastructure, specifically the internet backbone and broadband local area network, exhibits a moderate degree of variability in the responses provided. The calculated mean for this statement is 2.86, with a corresponding standard deviation of 1.470. The aforementioned outcome suggests that the individuals involved in the study may possess diverse interpretations of the constituents of internet infrastructure, thereby constituting an unforeseen result. The diverse backgrounds and technical expertise of the respondents may account for the variability in understanding observed. The significance of network infrastructure in file sharing is demonstrated by the growing dependence on cloud-based storage and collaboration platforms, such as Google Drive or Dropbox, which necessitate a strong network infrastructure to operate efficiently. The utilisation of these tools facilitates the sharing of educational

resources and promotes collaborative efforts among students and educators, thereby cultivating an environment that prioritises cooperation in the learning process.
Based on the survey findings, it can be inferred that the participants hold a collective perception that their respective academic institutions offer sufficient instruction on the utilisation of technology in pedagogy. The mean score of 2.90 and standard deviation of 1.118 serve as indicators of this belief. The aforementioned discovery is consistent with the anticipated outcome that academic establishments ought to provide students and instructors with the essential competencies and expertise to proficiently employ technology in the realm of education. The present study is consistent with prior research conducted by Guri- Rosenblit & Gros, (2011), which underscores the significance of training in facilitating the effective assimilation of technology in educational settings.
Furthermore, the aforementioned assertion regarding the adequacy of information provision by the institution on the utilisation of technology in pedagogy garnered a mean score of 2.90 and a standard deviation of 1.171, indicating that the respondents generally perceive themselves to be adequately informed on the subject matter. The aforementioned result aligns with the anticipated norm that academic establishments ought to provide aid and provisions to enable the integration of technology in pedagogy. An instance of sufficient preparation for utilising technology in pedagogy is the integration of instructional sessions or classes that concentrate on the efficient utilisation of digital tools and platforms, such as learning management systems, online collaboration tools, and multimedia presentation software. The aforementioned educational opportunities can facilitate the acquisition of essential competencies by students and educators, enabling them to effectively traverse the digital terrain of contemporary education.
According to the survey findings, it can be inferred that the respondents generally hold the view that the employment of learning management systems has led to an enhancement in data management within their respective domains. This inference is supported by the mean score of 2.98 and the standard deviation of
1.304. The present discovery is consistent with prior scholarly investigations, such as the study conducted by (Al-Emran et al., 2016), which emphasised the significance of learning management systems in enhancing the educational process

and streamlining data management. The present study's findings indicate a favourable outlook towards learning management systems, thereby endorsing their potential to mitigate the digital skills deficit in mechanical engineering education within technical universities in Ghana. Also, the statistical analysis indicates that the mean score of 2.86 and standard deviation of 1.167 suggest a general consensus among participants regarding the efficacy of mobile telecommunications, digital communication, and applications. The findings are in line with prior research, specifically the work of Sharples et al., (2010) which has illustrated the capacity of mobile and digital technologies to augment educational experiences and achievements.

The statement that "Laptops, desktops, and smartphones are frequently utilised for researching various online sources pertaining to mechanical engineering education" obtained the highest mean score of 3.22, accompanied by a standard deviation of 1.361. The statement implies that the respondents hold a firm belief that the utilisation of these gadgets is prevalent in their respective areas of study for conducting research. The present discovery aligns with prior research, including the study conducted by Milushkina et al., (2020) which emphasised the significance of digital devices in enabling research and education in diverse academic environments.
The findings of the study indicate that the utilisation of disruptive technologies, such as learning management systems, mobile telecommunication, digital communication, and applications, can serve as a viable solution for addressing the digital skills gap in mechanical engineering education within technical universities in Ghana. The optimistic attitudes towards these technological advancements, coupled with the prevalent utilisation of digital gadgets such as laptops, desktops, and smartphones for scholarly purposes, underscore the capacity of these instruments to augment academic achievements and equip students with the necessary skills for the exigencies of the contemporary labour market. Subsequent investigations ought to delve into the most effective amalgamation of distinct technologies and digital instruments within the mechanical engineering syllabus to enhance their influence on the educational encounters and proficiency advancement of students.

The mean composite score for the availability of digital infrastructure in education (TUDI) is 2.94, and the standard deviation is 1.233. This composite score represents the average response to all statements regarding the availability of digital infrastructure. The lowest mean score among the individual statements is 2.84, which corresponds to the statement that rapid internet speeds at the university improve information accessibility. This indicates that, on average, respondents have a moderate perception of the availability of rapid internet speeds for information access at their university. In contrast, the maximum mean score is 3.22, which relates to the statement that laptops, desktops, and smartphones are routinely used for Mechanical Engineering training-related online research using a variety of online sources. This indicates that, on average, respondents have a slightly more favourable view of the availability and use of these devices for research purposes. The variance of the responses within the sample is reflected by the sample's standard deviation of 1.233. Individuals' perceptions of the availability of digital infrastructure are diverse, as demonstrated by the variety of responses across the statements.

Table 4.4 Results on technical university staff development (TUSD)

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