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Std. Dev

1. There are not enough computers and technologies
available for teaching in my institution.



2. My institution provides me with appropriate equipment
to use digital technologies for engineering training.



3. My institution gives recognition to staff who use digital
technologies in their teaching.



4. My institution provides me the training I need to
confidently use technologies in teaching.



5. There are sufficient digital technological resources for
engineering teaching and learning in my institution.



6. My institution provides me the opportunity to have
regular training in the industry.



7. My institution provides staff with sufficient data
towards using technologies in teaching.





Std. Dev

8. The teaching curriculum is digitally based.






Source: Field Data (2023)
The table presents research findings that cast light on the state of technical university staff development (TUSD) in relation to digital technologies for engineering education in Ghanaian technical universities. Based on the composite mean score of 2.86 and composite standard deviation of 1.021, it can be inferred that there exists a moderate level of support for staff development in the realm of digital technologies. The findings are consistent with the notion that, as digital technologies continue to proliferate in the realm of education, it is imperative to establish staff development initiatives that enable educators to effectively incorporate these technologies into their pedagogical approaches. The significance of continuous staff development in the proficient utilisation of digital technologies in higher education settings has been emphasised in previous research, such as the study conducted by (Aljawarneh, 2020). The observed mean values ranging from
2.63 to 3.16 and standard deviations ranging from 0.890 to 1.211 suggest that certain facets of staff development may be receiving more consistent attention than others. The observed variation may be ascribed to dissimilarities in institutional objectives, available resources, or the heterogeneous backgrounds and experiences of the participants.
An instance of a thriving professional development initiative involves the incorporation of workshops, seminars, or online courses that concentrate on the effective utilisation of digital tools and platforms in pedagogy. These tools may include learning management systems, multimedia presentation software, and online collaboration tools. Institutions can facilitate the development of educators' proficiency in utilising digital technologies in their pedagogical approaches through the provision of professional development opportunities.
The findings pertaining to the professional growth of technical university personnel (TUP) in technical universities in Ghana indicate that despite some advancements in the integration of digital technologies into engineering education,

there remains scope for enhancement. The study indicates that the perceived availability of teaching resources, including computers and technologies, is moderate, as evidenced by a mean score of 2.92 and a standard deviation of 1.093. The aforementioned discovery aligns with the anticipated notion that the incorporation of digital technologies in the realm of engineering education necessitates sufficient resources and infrastructure. The significance of resource availability and support for the effective integration of technology in education has been emphasised in prior research, as demonstrated by the study conducted by (Ertmer et al., 2012). The study indicates that there is a moderate perception of resource availability, which implies that additional investments in technology infrastructure and equipment may be required to enhance engineering education in technical universities in Ghana.

An unexpected discovery pertains to the comparatively reduced average rating of 2.63, accompanied by a standard deviation of 1.019, concerning the assertion that "The establishment furnishes suitable apparatus for utilising digital technologies in the context of engineering education." The aforementioned outcome suggests that there is a necessity for increased investments in suitable equipment and resources to facilitate the assimilation of digital technologies in the field of mechanical engineering education. Adequate equipment for utilising digital technologies in engineering education may comprise of advanced computing systems, specialised mechanical engineering software, and cutting-edge laboratory apparatus. Facilitating access to these resources can significantly augment the educational experience and results for both instructors and learners.
The findings also exposed that the institution displays a moderate level of acknowledgement towards staff who incorporate digital technologies in their teaching (M = 2.98; SD = 1.086) and provides adequate training to enable them to use these technologies with confidence (M = 3.16; SD = 1.084). The aforementioned results emphasise the significance of institutional backing and motivation for instructors to integrate digital technologies into their pedagogical approaches. The concept is reinforced by previous studies, such as the research conducted by Ertmer et al., (2012), which highlights the necessity of continuous professional development prospects for teachers.

Besides, the degree of accessibility of digital technological resources for engineering education in technical universities in Ghana is regarded as moderate (M = 2.65; SD = 0.890). This discovery is consistent with the anticipation that sufficient digital resources are imperative for the successful education of mechanical engineering. The significance of digital resource accessibility in improving educational experiences has been highlighted in previous studies, such as the research conducted by (Cabero-Almenara & Marín-Díaz, 2014). The study reveals that there exists a scope for enhancing the frequency of training programmes offered in the industry, which are moderately provided (M = 2.67; SD = 1.211), and assistance in furnishing the faculty with adequate information to effectively employ technological tools in teaching (M = 2.92; SD = 0.891). The findings indicate that fostering closer partnerships between educational institutions and the industry could yield advantages in augmenting personnel growth and optimising the utilisation of digital technologies in pedagogy.

The current teaching curriculum has a partial reliance on digital resources, however, an increase in digitization would yield benefits (M = 2.92; SD = 0.891). The aforementioned discovery provides evidence in favour of the idea that the incorporation of additional digital elements into the educational curriculum can serve as a means of addressing the deficiency in digital competencies within the realm of mechanical engineering education. Previous studies, exemplified by Al- Emran et al., (2016), research, underscore the possible advantages of integrating digital technologies into educational programmes for enhancing academic achievements. A noteworthy discovery is the moderate level of perception regarding the availability of digital technological resources. A plausible rationale for the aforementioned outcome may be attributed to the constrained resources and infrastructure within technical universities in Ghana. The allocation of resources towards digital infrastructure has the potential to greatly improve the educational experience for both mechanical engineering students and instructors.
One potential outcome of the augmented availability of digital resources is the prospect of involving students in interactive learning opportunities, such as virtual laboratories or simulations, that can facilitate the acquisition of crucial engineering competencies. Moreover, digital resources have the potential to

facilitate collaborative learning and broaden students' access to a diverse array of educational materials.

In brief, the findings of the study on technical university staff development (TUSD) for digital technologies in engineering education indicate that despite advancements in the integration of digital technologies in mechanical engineering instruction in Ghanaian technical universities, there remains significant scope for enhancement. Based on the composite mean of 2.86 and the composite standard deviation of 1.021, it can be inferred that there is some provision of necessary training and equipment. However, there exist opportunities to improve the availability of resources, industry training opportunities, and recognition for staff who incorporate digital technologies in their teaching. In addition, the educational syllabus has integrated certain digital components, however, the complete advantages of additional digitization have yet to be fully actualized. Through targeted efforts aimed at addressing identified areas of improvement, technical universities in Ghana can effectively narrow the digital skills gap in mechanical engineering education. This will result in better prepared students who are equipped to meet the demands of the modern workforce, while also fostering an innovative and technology-driven learning environment.
Table 4.5 Results on digital equipment and tools (DET)

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