Introduction In our generation today, there’s no denying that technology such as phones, laptop and computers has become a significant part of many people especially in student’s everyday lives. But many of us are still wondering on how these technologies affects the student’s learning and what are good and bad effects of it.
Modern technology has greatly improved people’s lives through different fields such as medicines, work, industry and especially education. For the students, we know the benefits of using technology such as making student more interested and excited about the lesson. It also increased the student’s level of interaction and it brought us new perspectives and knowledge in class. Also, the teaching strategies based on educational technology can be described as ethical practices that facilitate student’s learning and boost their capacity, productivity, and performance. Instructors are no longer limited to write in a plain paper or discuss the lesson in a white board, but they can rely on our modern technologies that will enable them to make things easier.
In conclusion, technology is a versatile and valuable tool for teaching and learning and becoming a way of life. Technology in the classroom is both beneficial to students and teachers. It creates new ways of obtaining and presenting information and gives us new ways of analyzing and understanding the world around us. These inspired the researcher to conduct a study about technology. We focused on how students should interact to technology in order to attain learning with the help of it.