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Look through the list of English words and their Russian equivalents before reading the text:

1.foodstuff (n)

продукт питания

2.consumer goods (n)

потребительские товары

3.abundant (a)

богатый, обильный

4.tin (n)


5.lead (n)


6.limestone (n)


7.china clay (n)


8.to raise (v)


Great Britain is one of the world’s leading industrialized nations. It has achieved this position despite the lack of most raw materials needed for industry. Great Britain also must import about 40% of its food supplies. Thus the country’s prosperity is heavily dependent upon the export of manufactured goods in exchange for raw materials and foodstuffs.

Some years ago, manufacturing industries accounted for about a quarter of GDP, followed by financial industries, trade, transportation and communications, services, construction, mining and public utilities, and agriculture. Service industries employed about 60% of the workforce, while manufacturing accounted for just over 25%.

Within the manufacturing sector itself, the largest industries include machine tools; electric power, automation, and railroad equipment; ships; motor vehicles and parts; aircraft; electronic and communications equipment; metals; chemicals; petroleum; coal; food processing; paper and printing; textile; and clothing.

The country’s chief exports are manufactured goods, machinery, fuels, chemicals, semi-finished goods and transport equipment. The chief imports are manufactured goods, machinery, semi-finished and consumer goods, and foodstuffs.

Great Britain has abundant supplies of coal, oil and natural gas. Great Britain’s other mineral resources include iron ore, tin, limestone, salt, china clay and lead.

British agriculture is highly mechanized and extremely productive, with some of the highest crop yields of grains, sugar beets, fruits and vegetables. Sheep are Britain’s chief livestock. Farmers in almost every part of the country raise sheep for meat and wool. British farmers also raise beef cattle, dairy cattle and hogs. A little over 2 per cent of Britain’s working population is engaged in agriculture, which is a lower proportion than in any other major industrialized country.

In order to pay for the food and other materials it needs, Britain relies not only on the sales of manufactures. Of great importance is the “invisible export” – the provision of services such as banking, shipping, aviation and tourism. The heart of all these activities is the City of London, although there are other important centers in several large cities, especially in ports. The City contains probably the greatest concentration of financial expertise in the world.

The national economy of Britain is vitally dependent on foreign trade. The main trade partners are other developed countries – Germany, the United States, Japan, France, etc.

Ex.1. Match the English words with the appropriate Russian equivalents:

1. semi-finished goods

зерно, хлебные злаки

2. sugar beets

быть занятым

3. grain

процветание, благосостояние

4. dairy cattle

сахарная свекла

5. to be engaged in

специальные знания

6. prosperity


7. expertise

горная промышленность

8. mining

молочный скот

Ex.2. Give English equivalents from the text:

Ведущее промышленное государство, промышленные товары, сырьё, торговля, горная промышленность, каменный уголь, нефть, железнодорожное оборудование, машинное оборудование, финансовые знания, свинья, урожай зерновых, железная руда, олово, глина, полуфабрикаты, шерсть, зависеть, сельское хозяйство, содержать в себе, коммунальные предприятия, невидимый экспорт, перевозка грузов морем, домашний скот.

Ex3. Say whether these statements are right or false:

  1. Great Britain is one of the world’s leading industrialized nations.

  2. Great Britain also must import about 60% of its food supplies.

  3. The country’s prosperity is not dependent upon the export of manufactured goods in exchange for raw materials and foodstuffs.

  4. Some years ago, manufacturing industries accounted for about a quarter of GDP.

  5. Service industries employed about 25% of the workforce, while manufacturing accounted for just over 60%.

  6. The country’s chief exports are manufactured goods, machinery, fuels, chemicals, semi-finished goods and transport equipment.

  7. The chief imports are manufactured goods, machinery, semi-finished and consumer goods, and foodstuffs.

  8. A little over 8 per cent of Britain’s working population is engaged in agriculture.

  9. Of great importance is the “invisible export” – the provision of services such as banking, shipping, aviation and tourism.

Ex.4. Answer the questions:

  1. What is the country's prosperity dependent on?

  2. What do the largest industries include?

  3. What are the country’s chief exports?

  4. What are the chief imports?

  5. What can you say about mineral resources in Great Britain?

  6. What do British farmers raise?

  7. What is “invisible export”?

  8. What are the main trade partners of Great Britain?

Ex.5.Complete the sentences:

  1. Great Britain is one of the world’s …

  2. Great Britain also must import …

  3. Within the manufacturing sector itself, the largest industries include …

  4. The country’s chief exports are …

  5. The chief imports are …

  6. Great Britain has abundant supplies …

  7. British farmers raise …

  8. Of great importance is the “invisible export” – the provision of services …

  9. The main trade partners are …

Ex.6.Make up a plan of the text and retell it.


Look through the list of English words and their Russian equivalents before reading the text:

1.insuarance (n)


2.complexity (n)


3.taxation (n)


4.promotion (n)

повышение, содействие

5.accuracy (n)


6.to outline (v)

обрисовать, наметить в общих чертах тах

7.jurisprudence (n)


8.statement (n)


Choosing the right profession is very important. Most of us spend a great part of our lives at our jobs. When young people finish school they always think about their life. There were many professions opened to each of us, but we decided to become economists.

Now we are students of the Belarus State Economic University. We study at the Economic School of Finance and Banking and are going to be specialists in different branches of our economy.

There’s a surprisingly wide range to choose from – for example, I could work for a high-street bank. Now people have realized that having a bank account is a greater help in organizing their financial affairs. There are a lot of financial services provided by the banks – from simple things like cashing cheques and looking after saving to the complexities of insurance, taxation and investment. It takes a lot of people to run one of the biggest financial organizations in the world and needs various professions. We believe in a system of progressive promotion, so everyone starts from the first line. You will probably be preparing customers’ statements, sorting cheques and learning to use accounting machines. Then you will be able to have more personal contact with the customers. You can help the customers to solve any problems they may have with their accounts, answer their questions, outline the bank’s services. You will meet many different people, will be dealing with many thousands of pounds every day so accuracy is vital. So your work’s becoming more complex and each job carries a greater degree of responsibility. For example you may be a foreign clerk. It means that you will be dealing with customers’ travel requirements, supplying foreign currencies and travel cheques and assisting with passport applications and travel insurance. In some years you may become the Manager of the Bank. It is Manager’s Clerk who acts as a Personal Assistant providing all the information needed for day to day control of accounts.

It isn’t important what part of the work you do in your bank but banking combines the Science and Art of Business with many other disciplines, such as economics, geography, history, language, jurisprudence, statistics, demography.

Banking does not just affect the financial life of the country, it also plays a vital role in the total world economy.

Ex.1. Match the English words with the appropriate Russian equivalents:

1.to believe in


2.to run


3.to realize


4.to provide

иметь дело

5.cashing cheques



понимать, осознавать

7.to assist


8.to deal with

обналичивание чеков

Ex.2. Give English equivalents from the text:

Факультет финансов и банковского дела, решать, различные отрасли экономики, банковский счёт, финансовые дела, сбережения, страхование, налогообложение, инвестирование, управлять, играть важную роль, становиться более сложным, иностранная валюта, встречаться с разными людьми, степень ответственности, клиент, отвечать на вопросы, иметь дело, обналичивание чеков, влиять, престижный, требования, заявление, юриспруденция, статистика, дисциплина.

Ex3. Say whether these statements are right or false:

  1. Choosing the right profession is very important.

  2. There were many professions opened to each of us, but we decided to become engineers.

  3. There are a few financial services provided by the banks.

  4. We believe in a system of progressive promotion, so everyone starts from the first line.

  5. You will probably be preparing customers’ statements, sorting cheques and learning to use accounting machines.

  6. You can help the customers to solve any problems they may have with their accounts, answer their questions, outline the bank’s services

  7. You will meet many different people, will be dealing with many thousands of pounds every day so accuracy is not vital.

  8. So your work’s becoming more complex and each job doesn’t carry a greater degree of responsibility.

  9. It isn’t important what part of the work you do in your bank but banking combines the Science and Art of Business with many other disciplines, such as economics, geography, history, language, jurisprudence, statistics, demography.

  10. Banking does not just affect the financial life of the country and it doesn’t play a vital role in the total world economy.

Ex.4. Answer the questions:

  1. Why is it so important to choose a right profession?

  2. Why did you choose the Economic School of Finance and Banking?

  3. Why is it very useful to have a bank account?

  4. What financial services provided by the banks do you know?

  5. Do you believe in a system of progressive promotion?

  6. What will you probably begin your work with?

  7. What kinds of disciplines does banking combine?

  8. What role does banking play in the total world economy?

Ex.5. Complete the sentences:

  1. When young people finish school … .

  2. There were many professions opened to each of us, but … .

  3. We study at the Economic School of Finance and Banking and … .

  4. Now people have realized that … .

  5. There are a lot of financial services provided by the banks … .

  6. We believe in a system of progressive promotion … .

  7. You will probably be preparing customers’ statements, … .

  8. You can help the customers to solve any problems … .

  9. It isn’t important what part of the work you do in your bank but … .

10.Banking does not just affect the financial life of the country … .
Ex.6. Make up a plan of the text and retell it.


Л.М.Ушакова, Е.Н.Зезюльчик



Учебное пособие

для студентов 1-2 курсов факультетов ФФБД, ФВШТ, ФЭУТ И ФП

Минск: БГЭУ, 2011

Рекомендовано кафедрой профессионально ориентированной английской речи УО «Белорусский государственный экономический университет»

Л.М.Ушакова, Е.Н.Зезюльчик.

Тренировочные тесты для подготовки к выполнению компьютерного теста №1 для студентов заочной формы обучения/ Л.М.Ушакова, Е.Н.Зезюльчик.

. - БГЭУ, 2011. – 26c.

Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов заочной формы обучения факультетов ФФБД, ФВШТ, ФЭУТ И ФП и может быть использовано при подготовке к сдаче теста №1 по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)».


Choose the correct form.

    1. His advice … useful to me.

A were

B was

    1. Their progress in … was good.

A mathematics

B mathematic

    1. The police here … helpful.

A are

B is

    1. There were a lot of … in the field.

A sheeps

B sheep

    1. Where … my clothes?

A are

B is

    1. What … the news?

A is

B are

    1. My trousers … torn.

A is

B are

    1. There … money on the table.

A is

B are

    1. .… is power.

A knowledge

B knowledges

    1. The furniture … rather old.

A are

B is

    1. Did you catch many …?

A fish

B fishes

    1. Where .. my glasses?

A is

B are

    1. My sister’s hair … fair.

A is

B are

    1. The scissors … on the table.

A is

B are

    1. He knows well the … at the Black Sea.

A fish

B fishes

    1. There … sand in my shoes.

A is

B are

    1. My cat catches a lot of … .

A mouse

B mice

    1. Do you know the … who lives next door?

A men

B man

    1. Travellers saw two … in distance.

A oases

B oasis

    1. There is … in American agriculture.

A crises

B crisis

    1. His family … at the table.

A is

B are

    1. The team … tomorrow morning.

A is playing

B are playing

    1. Politics … me.

A interest

B interests

    1. A group of students … on a tour to Italy.

A is going

B are going

    1. Close by, a group of men … .

A was sitting

B were sitting

    1. There are many … in our schools.

A women-teachers

B woman-teachers

    1. I like … .

A forgets-me not

B forget-me-nots

    1. This crossroads … very dangerous.

A are

B is

Choose the correct form.

  1. My … hair is fair.

A sister

B sister’s

C sisters

  1. It is about three … drive to Minsk from my house.

A hour

B hour’s

C hours’

  1. He’d never forget his … kindness.

A friend

B friend’s

C friends

  1. There was a … silence.

A moment’s

B moment

C moments

  1. He made his way to a … .

A chemists’

B chemist

C chemist’s

  1. … parks are dangerous at night.

A New-York’s

B New-York

C New-Yorks’

  1. I have got two … holiday.

A weeks

B weeks’

C week’s

  1. She taught for a year in a good … school in the north of England.

A girl

B girls’

C girl’s

  1. I am afraid we are going to be lot at … .

A John’s

B John

C Johns

  1. I need eight … sleep at night.

A hour

B hour’s

C hours’

  1. She stayed at … flat.

A Ann and Mary

B Ann’s and Mary’s

C Ann and Mary’s

  1. Her … face showed her irritation.

A doll

B doll’s

C dolls’

  1. I went to sleep very late. So I only had … .

A an hour’s sleep

B an hour sleep

C an hours’ sleep

  1. She was surprised by young … reply to her question.

A men

B men’s

C man

  1. He used to refer to his profession as a … life.

A dog

B dogs’

C dog’s

  1. On his way home he usually buys something at the … .

A baker

B baker’s

C bakers

  1. His … eyes expressed an astonishment.

A sister’s

B sisters

C sister

  1. My … … car is new.

A sister’s-in-law

B sister-in-laws

C sister-in-law’s

  1. They are going to the … office.

A lawyer

B lawyers

C lawyer’s

  1. He told me nothing about the … functions.

A clerk’s

B clerk

C clerks

  1. There is an article about this place in the … paper.

A evening

B evening’s

C evenings’

  1. The … toys are everywhere.

A children’s

B childrens

C childrens’

  1. I spent Christmas at my aunt … .

A Emily’s

B Emily

C Emilys’

  1. Mike’s … cottage is posh.

A parent’s

B parents’

C parents

  1. The … environment is in danger.

A earth

B earth’s

C earths’

  1. It’s only … far from here.

A 5 minutes walk

B 5 minute walk

C 5 minutes’ walk

  1. A … voice behind me softly spoke my name.

A woman’s

B women’s

C womans

  1. She went through the … without looking at her.

A secretaries

B secretarys’

C secretary’s


Choose the correct form.

  1. You can do … you want, but don’t bother me now.

A anything

B something

C nothing

  1. You are always quarreling! Stop it … of you.

A everybody

B some

C both

  1. Excuse me, could you move. I can’t see … .

A something

B anything

C nothing

  1. There are … things that money can’t buy.

A something

B any

C some

  1. They say that in future the officials will demand a fine if … breaks the law.

A someone

B everyone

C everybody

  1. He has earned so … money that he has decided to help the poor.

A many

B much

C few

  1. My friends tell me that the professors are people who think a lot, but say … .

A little

B few

C some

  1. Sorry, but I can’t hear … of your property.

A neither

B none

C either

  1. Excuse me, there is … I’d like to ask you.

A anything

B something

C everything

  1. … is at home and no one knows where they are.

A Anybody

B Somebody

C Nobody

  1. Why have you done it? Oh, there are … reasons for it.

A many

B much

C little

  1. … is wrong with the car and it won’t start.

A Anything

B Something

C Nothing

  1. Are you going … today?

A somewhere

B nowhere

C anywhere

  1. … has used this room for ages.

A Anybody

B Nobody

C Everyone

  1. I haven’t got … money.

A some

B any

C no

  1. They didn’t want to tell us … .

A something

B nothing

C anything

  1. Are you going … ?

A somewhere

B anywhere

C nowhere

  1. Ca n you lend me … money?

A some

B any

C a few

  1. Do you hear … ? Yes, I hear soft music.

A something
B everything

C anything

  1. I couldn’t open the door, because it was locked by … .

A someone

B anyone

C everyone

  1. … is at the door. – I’ll go to see who it is.

A Anyone

B Somebody

C No one

  1. I know … of them.

A either

B nothing

C neither

  1. I have … time left.

A little

B many

C few

  1. He left the house without … money.

A no

B some

C any

  1. A cook is … who prepares meals.

A someone

B everyone

C anyone

  1. … of the guests have arrived yet.

A None

B Neither

C Either

  1. … nowadays thinks that women should just stay at home and look after the children.

A Anyone

B Everyone

C Nobody

  1. I have something to say. May I have … words with you?

A few

B a few

C little

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