Ferry and Bus Fare Increases 2013 – Comments by db residents

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40. I feel that the transport business they are running are already at a monopoly state, not only does the residence has no choice on what they can choose to ride, hence they should not be forced to accept all the fare increase that they wish.

With the increase in population, the balance of the transportation is already at the break point. To be fair, the current situation is really a vicious cycle. They increase the ferry cost, people changed to take the land transportation (DB01, DB03). Less people take the ferry, they blame in cost increase to balance it out and increase fare price. Then the cycle loops again.

Looking at the similar Parks island, their ferry is still substantially cheaper then DB. ($22 vs $33.8) They also offer resident discount of $18 per ride. This is nearly equal to the overnight surcharge they are asking us. ($14.5)

Beside the bus service is under heavy stress from both increases in population as well as the increase in ferry fare. I wish that people could look into this situation.

One more thing I would like to point out that DBTL has added a service of DB02A, which is targeted to provide airport service to their new hotel. But has arrange this transportation service into our regular fleet. Which also mean that they would account this new airport shuttle into the P&L, further pushing the vicious cycle.

41. I strongly agree with increasing the bus fares from DB. 

We live in Chianti and it is almost impossible for us to get on the busses to Sunny Bay and Tung Chung. 

Some weekends we have waited 45min to get a standing space on the busses. 

I have asked the drivers to send extra busses but it never happens. The 2 phone numbers that I have to DBTL they don't answer on weekends. 

It is outrageous that they ask for an increase when the buss load factor is extremely high and they can't provide adequate service. 

I don't believe cost has increased at the same rate as passengers. 

They still only pay drivers about 13000 per month. 

Fuel is not that much more expensive than a few years ago. 

Tunnel fee I think the same. So what has changed?
If they would improve the service I think they could ask for a small increase in rates..
When it comes to the ferry I can't comment to much but I think it is an expensive service already. I think the price difference between busses and ferry makes it worse as low income family's and workers in DB seem to take sunny Bay to avoid the ferry. 
I have lived in DB for 13 years and transportation has never been so overcrowded as now. It actually made life in DB to certain degree a bad option. 
43. No increases should be agreed for either the ferry or buses. These are services to residents, not profit centres, nor should they be viewed as such. When the lease for the land was given to HKRI it was on the provision that adequate and affordable transport services to the island (and presumably within DB) be provided. These are not meant to be profit centres.


When HKRI starts to provide proper facilities to residents (e.g.a sports pitch) then they can look at increases prices in other areas. At present we are asked to give and give. We pay very high property management few in DB and get a very poor return and very little or no say in how the type of facilities we want/need.


The ferry costs are already the highest of the island ferry services. Transport should be seen as a service to residents not a profit centre.


No more rises. HKRI must start listening to the community; start to move from their mentality of being just a builder to a community management company.


Rant over!

44. Let them produce the audited accounts/financial statements as evidence; if they are telling the truth, they have everything to gain and nothing to lose. If they refuse, they are obviously lying; it's as simple as that in my view.
Thanks for your continued concern and support for DB residents.
46. The waiting area at Central Pier has been transformed into an advertisement area fx Amalfi, blasting the walls and windows were air was circulated and therefore having for consequences to have the AC working from January to December. The temperature on the ferry and bus is too cold and by adjusting the temperature is a normal level, it will consume less fuel and energy. The marine fuel still used by the ferry is of a poor quality, extremely polluting and alternative solution prepared to DB transport have been ignored. The preservations of the waiting area at DB Pier has not been submitted to the inhabitants of DB.
48. Later they started this bus services, the fare was set such that no standing passengers. And when that did not happen, the company never lowered the fare.
49. Ferry ticket is NOT cheap at all with the current schedule we have.

They never listen to US, just follow what they want to do.

50. 不同意加:

(1) 請給財務報告表

(2) 船費及車資已非常貴!

(3) 9.5%加覆太大!

51.They must produce their audited financial reports to all residents in DB.

The fares have been already the most expensive ones in the whole HKSAR and in particular the buses. It’s outrageous that they propose to increase almost 10percent again!

52I'm not acceptable they are always to increase Ferry and Bus fare.

Basically, Ferry and Bus fare are higher than others.
I'm totally reject for propose Ferry and Bus fare increases 9.5%.
53Nice.  Their arguments hold no water:

  1. Fuel Prices: The cost of oil has actually decreased over the past 12 months.

  2. Manpower: I would need to see how much they have increased the salaries and or the benefits of their drivers, mechanics etc

  3. Maintenance: once again, I need to see the numbers

54.HKG Resort applies a pricing policy so lely BASED ON their monopoly. As a result we are the customers paying the cost in HKG per Km. We, the residents, also have asked to have a sholtle to the enterence of DB for these who wishes toone taxi on bicycle and that REQUEST has always been ignored. It’s too easy to always neise peres while customers have no other choice but to one DB buses AND in many cases without proper standing CAPACITY not in line with demand.

55.  think the DB bus is really expensive.  To cut cost, may be routing of service is the gear.  
Connecting to bus No. 7  & 8 with the Sunny Station should be considered.  I always come back and watch them while I was getting off.  Can you advise the drivers to consider this need.  Not just me, many others also mentioned that and may be no one write to let you know.
For seniors, I would also recommend to consider the service provided in the whole HK.  By doing this I'm sure more seniors will come to DB to visit folks or Grand kids or even stay more in DB.  As for me, I will definately come more often, if it is cheaper for me.
55. I think an increase of 9.5% is outrageous given that the latest inflation rate was only 3%!  Besides I think DB Transport Services should disclose the accounts on the bus & ferry operations so that residents can have a fair judgement on a reasonable % of increase.
57. It’s already very expensive.
58. As a DB resident Im very surprised to hear that ferry prices are proposed to rise.
The prices went up a while ago due to increase in fuel costs and shortly after the price raise the global cost of oil came back down. But prices did not come back down.
Then the change to the ticket system to points instead of number of trip. This makes it harder to understand the cost of each trip without getting out a calculator. During this transition they managed to sneak in a price raise with very little opposition from the community, as many people like myself where caught off guard.
To now try and push a 9.5% increase sound very crazy with out some solid justification.
It would help your cause if you clearly set out in a chart with dates prices increased previously and the percentage increases as it sounds like prices have increased over 20% to 30% in over 2 years which is very crazy. 
59. A 9.5% increase is outrageous in today's economic environment. 

With regard bus increases, the fare is already considerably higher than other bus companies around HK, and if the company cannot or will not provide financial evidence then there is no reason to believe it is an absolute requirement.

60. I saw a new direct airport bus schedule starting on March 17th at bus stops. And I, myself, used the direct bus in any hours of the days from 5:30 to 24:00 because of my work.


I think it is not necessary to run from 7:00-23:00, twice an hour. I don't understand why there is a need for it except the bus's peak hours. Do the bus company wants to attract buyers of Amalfi and the opening of the hotel which did not happen many times? I read that the sales of Amalfi flats were excellent. So, why don't we wait to increase the frequency to the above level when there are more residents in the new development area?


By now, there should be a good statistic of the passenger traffic on the direct bus. I strongly suggest that we only increase the schedule during the hours that passengers have been off-loaded.


Also, we want to see the bus and ferry companies fanantial records which, you wrote, have not been open to us.


Regarding the ferry service, I suggest that we propose option schedules and choose one of them and give opinions/ideas on a survey form. Also, I still see large ferries running with a few passengers. Can we replace them with small ones.

61. Surely no increases can be considered until financial statements are produce to verify the reasons for the increase.
62. dear amy, i suggest they disclose financials, otherwise increase should be declined outright.
63. I thank you for this mail. I am very concerned about the increase, since we are in Discovery Bay it is the 3rd time, therefore every 2 years as an average.
Last increase, I was there to complain in front of the Transportation Department. We were 50 people among the 22’000 inhabitants of DB… we were shouting “shame on you” but really… shame on us ! if nobody makes a loud cry for stopping these people, they will continue it forever.
However, this time I do not feel that I can do anything. Why ? because I have learnt that in Hong Kong, only money and power counts. The people are not heard or listened to. Money talks and I am sure a lot of corruption.
How can you explain that for 30 minutes bus transportation on Kowloon side it costs 2.8 HK$ (half price for children) and that in DB, for 3 stops 5 minutes’ drive, it costs 4.00 HK$ children also paying the same amount ? How can you explain that the Airport bus costs 32 HK$ even for children ?
The ferry has been an non ending story, changing fares, converting money by points, which nobody can count or understand… and increasing all the time. The fumes from the ferry are becoming more and more aggressive and the pollution is going up, this company will not go to green fuel as all ports around the world. It costs too much… but HK is the 9th richest country in the World !
The ferry and buses are always packed with people, how can they lose money ? but no information will be given.
And as always, no financial support is provided to prove that the increase is really needed. Maybe they should change the whole staff to better control the costs and manage it properly.

For sure, if there is a petition to sign I will but I feel helpless

64.1.加價9.5% 是太多及不合理,在5% 左右較合理,或可接受。

3.巴士路缐配套全不合理,尤其城北之各路缐完全多餘,浪廢資源,01p, 03p 等等應考慮改良。


5. 輪船沒理由虧本,是否興業收輪船公司的管理費太高。


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