Ferry and Bus Fare Increases 2013 – Comments by db residents

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20. Both increases are not justified as the ferry tickets are already the most expensive in Hong Kong and HKR has made no effort to increase revenue as proposed by the residents. With the Public Recreational Facilities, the Hotel and the Amalfi opening and the introduction of the HK$ 2 concessionary fare there are additional vast opportunities to increase ridership. In my case the resident service costs HK$ 4 for less than 1 kilometer and all I get is a standing space packed as sardines on what is operated as a franchised bus when supposed to be a resident service”

I think you should as a matter of urgency start a dialogue with TD on introducing franchised bus services for the external routes

21. Please treat this email as disagreement to both fare hikes in your reply word file, with comments as per below:
This proposed increase is absurd.  Whilst there is call for inflationary adjustment, there has to be a check and balance of whether gross mismanagement exists within DBR.  Moreover, there needs to be verified whether public contributions to DB's transportation infrastructure have been siphoned off to finance DBR's other projects such as the new hotel, the chapel, the ranch for horses, property sales offices, etc.
Until there is an independent audit of DBR's books in verifying said loses are indeed directly attributed by relevant and inflationary costs, and not mismanagement or inter-group company collusions, we as residence cannot accept such unilateral fare increase, especially when the last increase was only in 2011.
An off-hand rough calculation shows in 365 days, based on 18,000 residence and 70% between age 14-65:
Ferry round trips should amount to ~4.41 million trips in total (in and out, workers and students)

Tung Chung and Sunny Bay bus trips amount to  ~2.77 million trips

Internal bus trips ~13.14 million trips
Which comes to the increase of revenue, if based on 9.5%,
Ferry: $14.2 million (4.41 mio x $33.8 x 9.5%)

Outbound buses: $2.3 million (2.77 mio x $9.10 x 9.5%)

Intra-community buses: $5 million (13.14 mio x $4 x 9.5%)
Totaling $21.55 million if the fares were to be increased by 9.5%.  DBR claims it loss $6 million for the year 2012.  To compensate its losses, the appropriate increase should be 2.65% (6 mio / 21.5 mio x 9.5%) providing aforementioned audit is made transparent.
The calculation, although rough and conservative, is a pretty good representation of DB's transportation picture until actual numbers are provided.  From cross checking the numbers, the accuracy is surprisingly close to the Submission to Legislative Council Panel on Transport for Meeting on 2 June, 2011 by you:
"The HKR document released by TD on 6 May, 2011, shows that, in 2010-11, the ferry carried 4.26 million passengers. This is a fall of 9.55%, a dramatic fall in ridership in just three years. This fall cannot be attributed to a simple change of preference; it can only be due to a dramatic swing in the demographic of Discovery Bay brought on by the sharp fare increase introduced in 2009."
The new $2 elderly scheme is subsidized by the government, hence it is not considered in the estimate.  However, even if included, the difference would be insignificant as those over 65 represent a small % of population at DB.
Thank you for your attention.
22. 船:在非繁忙時間,應該使用省油,省人手的小型船。用大船載少量乘客,但把管理不善



車:無理由虧損, 希望公開數據。

23. I strongly support the idea that a business needs to profitable to run effectively and efficiently and to generate a added value. However, the argumentation used for yet another increase of the fares for busses and ferry are not sufficient.

  • HKR claims the transportation business are loss making: they need to open the audited books to display and defend this argument

  • Contrary to the argument by HKR, I strongly believe that the bus services are highly profitable!

  • HKR’s argumentation that they loose customers to the bus and MTR services should not be matched with a fare increase but rather with increased customer service to prevent people from choosing the less expansive but also longer route to Central

  • Apart from that, HKD 33 for a (for many people) daily ferry ride and return (HKD 66) is a great deal of money! The discount offered for residents is marginal and hardly recognizable. On top, with the new and governmentally subsidized ‘elderly’ tariff, I expect more passengers use the ferry.

On top, there are a great deal of environmental issues that are caused by the ferry and the busses by the large number of busses and ferry traffic right next to the main and most crowded area in DB: The Plaza! If I am correct, this is a ‘recreational’ area but exposed to (what I suspect) a rather severe toxic environment due to fumes and exhausts. This should be a separate topic addressed.
24. Simple reply for me is objection but how much we can do? this is typical case how HK government fails and controlled by property bosses. God bless.
29. Same as always to Ferry Company If you want us to agree we need to see !!!
For starters . What is the the % increase in fuel, manpower costs and maintainance

Not 9,5 % probably

30. i think 9.5% increased in ferry fares is too high at this moment.
31. Live with to query the efficiency and effectiveness of the management as the fare increase has become an annual about!

32. The bus services are poor, absolutely poor because the number of buses are insufficient, the frequency of buses is unsatisfactory, and the over-crowdy situation of the buses has often made buses unsafe. There was no checks and balances on both the bus and ferry services. The ferry fares are too expensive and fails to provide reasonable fares to residents. I strongly object to the proposed increases in the fares of both buses and ferry services.


  1. 應合併考慮 愉景灣航運服務有限公司及愉景灣交通服務有限公司營運情況。

  2. 渡輪服務使用T-card後及有時間限制,更減少了非經常乘客。

  3. 渡輪票價昂貴及限制多多,居民多選擇乘巴士,至令巴士經常爆滿,巴士公司應有大量盈餘。

  4. 巴士票價也昂貴,記得初期巴士是沒有企位的,後來曾加了企位,但票價並沒有下調。

36. I don't agree to the fare increase for both bus and ferry. As a public company, the company as a whole is profitable. They can't just look into one business unit as they make money elsewhere already, such as bus. Bus fare is quite expensive and no child fare within the community.

37. Fare increases must be justified with evedence by way of financial statements to show increased costs/loss of earnings.

38. Amy thks why are park island ferries half price of DB ferries.
It's becoming very expensive now.
39. This is totally unacceptable, especially the Ferry fare ! 
We have to ask a question, why there are so much people taking the shuttle bus instead of Ferry in the peak hour ? Because the Ferry fare increased rapidly since 2011 (if I'm correct !). Also they cut down the route and having extra charges after mid night. I'm also wrote down a complaint letter at that time? For cost saving point of view, why don't cut down the staffs ? I think they got too many staffs on the boat ! 
Secondly,  it is super expensive to charge HK9.1 for short distance of shuttle services ! In addition, it should made a huge money, because it always full ! Why still increase the fare then ?
My suggest to the operation:
1. To attract more residents to take the ferry, to establish peak and non peak hours, cut down the  manning or offer more attractive monthly pass ...etc. don't just thinking to increase the fare !
2. If more people taking the ferry, which definitely reduce the pressure of shuttle bus, especially in peak hour !
My conclusion, please try NOT to increase the fare, because many of residents like us will move out to DB or people refuse to move in to DB anymore.

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