Ferry and Bus Fare Increases 2013 – Comments by db residents


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88. 感覺現況是,政府和議員也沒法有效監管愉景灣的交通票價,每次加價居民都只能迫於無奈及氣憤地接受,極有監察及制定愉景灣交通費的基制之必要及迫切性,政府和議員也不應只在加價前才做功夫,而應持續地去爭取有效監管愉景灣的交通票價的政策和事宜,這樣才是急居民之所急。

92. Some fare increase (<5%) may be justified if companies were made transparent of revealed financial statements. This is an outrageous, unjustified cash grab!
93. 加幅應上限為通脹百分比掛勾,不能一下加9.5%
94It is with concern that the ferry and bus fares have gone up yet again.  The last time that we had a ferry fare increase, we were not allowed to see the accounts.  I cannot believe that the transport department will allow another ferry fare hike without transparency in the accounts.  I hope that before the fares are raised, the accounting will be made available to the DB residents.

  • Our ferry fare is among the highest of all ferry services to outlying islands. And we just have a raise not too long ago. Without support of financial reports, a ferry fare increase cannot be justified.

  • Out bus routes are short and yet their fare $4 internal. $9.1 to Tung Chung, are comparable of not way more expensive than same very long-distance routes in HK and Kowloon. Cannot see how an increase is justified.

113. I would like to receive an audited copy of the financial statements each for the ferry and the bus operations.

117. If they wish to have yet another fare increase we should at last be shown proof of their so called loss.

I believe last time they should have produced the financial statements, but did not.

Its about time that HKR and its associated companies become a little more transparent.
118. The proposed increase is higher than CPI. Not only higher than CPI, it is much higher than the average proposed increase of public transport in HK. The proposed is a rip=off and not justified, just a greedy attempt from HKR. Given worsening service level, fee should be reduced instead!
119. This is totally unacceptable in apply for any fare increase on both ferry and bus. The so-called loss reason can be & most probably due to their bad mamagement. Survices have been duimunating instead of improving in last several fare increases. The existing fares are already too high and unreasonable.

125. Bus services at peak times are shocking

Illegally overloaded

Fare increase should come with big improvents in services In present econ climate increase in bus and ferry fares should only be 5 percent max There is some validity in the operators statement of risimg costs Regards Amy

126. Without disclosing the 2 financial reports, nothing can be discussed.
127. I disagree the fare increase rate for both ferry & bus due to it is far too high from the inflation rate. The maximum acceptable rate should be inflation minus 1-2% as ferry & bus providers should have a good management & be responsible to reduce cost to win over the inflation instead of passing through all the cost increase to the customers.
128. I strongly oppose the increase rate of the bus fare & ferry fare at 9.5%. Without the presentation of their books to the DB residents, I could only accept the fare increase at maximum the latest inflation rate minus 2%.
130. We strongly disagree with this increase which only shows the mismanagement choices of DB Transport concerning the ferries, and the total lack of are for DB residents health and confort.
Large expenses have been engaged for:

  1. air conditioning of the waiting area on HK side, all year long, 24 hours, at too cold levels most of the time (especially evenings and night), very annoying for those who do not like temperature changes, and on top of that a real crime in matter of waste of money and climate channge. This is a wastage of our money, that is not desirable and did not fit any request from the residents. It only serves HK RI for trying to market their new developments for top end Fridge style of investors. SO HKRI should bear the cost of this (and the moral liability of increasing pollution and climate change through wastage of energy.

  2. The DB waiting area was revamped, again we guess for attracting more investors. We never were asked whether we wanted it. We actually don’t.

  3. The air conditioning on the ferry is not considerate of people and of legal advice: when we should be at around 23-25 degrees, we constantly enter ferries that are refrigerated at 19 or 20 degrees. That is increasing the fuel consumption, the pollution, and is not confortable. We live in the XXIst century, energy saving IS cool!, clever and considerate.

Lack of care for residents’ health.

Marine fuels are killers, they not only lower IQ, decrease respiratory/lungs functions, low immune systems but are also strong carcinogenic (lung/liver cancers). Our life expectancy, due to your indecent choice for cheap fuel, is in average, cutting our lifespan by 7 years (cf European researchers on Rotterdam’s barbour/impact of marine diesel fuel). We have asked many times for cleaner fuels, or at least the use of auxiliaries of combustion, to lower emissions (and fuel consumption).

HKRI (i.e. your Transport Dpt) replied that an increase in fare would not be tolerated by users: and now you cynically increase fares AND keep cheap fuel.
As the luxury spendings of HKRI through Transport dpt tries to sell the ferry as a top end transportation mode to rich investors, we, DB people, children, still inhale, evet day, from the plaza, the beach, our flats, the pier, the waiting areas (no matter how refrigerated) deadly particulates from the worst marine fuel in the world. We are starting to build files so your company will be made liable for health impacts in the coming years, make sure of that, and HKRI, that refuses improvement now, will have to pay back families in the coming decades. This will apply to the staff that manners ferries and the poor shop keepers around the piers.
Likewise, just decrease the use of AC, get buses that have openable windows, and buy auxiliaries of combustion to lower your costs.
131. They have cut the number of ferry services and also raised the fee last year. The rush hour ferry is almost 100% occupied. If they say they are losing money, how do they justify that Central to Park Island ferry only charges $18.80 whereas DB ferry charges almost double of that.
The bus in DB only runs for the distance of 5km maximum and charges $4, whereas the Citybus from Central pier to Tai Koo Shin only charges $6.80. How do they justify the increase in fare comparing to City Bus? The DB higher car is the same thing. In the commuting time, 5 people pay $15 each from Greens to the pier, which is $75 total. Whereas outside taxi only charges $20 for longer distance with 5 people total.
If they still think they need to increase the fare, they have to provide us with the revenue and profit from the ferry and the bus operations to support their arguments. But no matter what the transport operation is doing, their holding company, DB resort, is making enough money to cover the transportation business. So, we have to see the DB Resort financial report as well, I am a holder of American CPA license. I can analyze their business and cash flows.
132. An(y) increase of bus and ferry fares by DB Transport should be fiercely resisted, unless properly explained and justified by the presentation of transparent (and audited) accounts. Even then, an(y) increase should also be assessed in the wider context of HKRI of which DBT is a wholly owned subsidiary, directly or indirectly. HKRI is a property development company in a monopoly situation and it should not be a given that their subsidiaries are run as individual profit centres.
In the past several years ferry fares have been increased twice, firstly by a prior consulted increase and then by stealth, i.e. the adjustment (i.e.

increase) when the pricing was changed from dollar based to points based

($1,310 beget 46 trips instead of 50 trips under the dollar based arrangement). At best this latter measure was a cowardly deceit by DBT.

Since those increases we have witnessed a huge increase in bus and ferry passenger loads which makes DBT's latest loss claims somewhat doubtful; hardly surprising when there can be so little trust in their motives and actions. I have also been present on board the No. 8 bus when the No. 5 ran into the back of it in the Plaza terminus last November and when the No. 8 broke down half way up Caperidge last month. The latter incident involved an old bus which was in service when my wife moved here 9 years ago. It was readily apparent at the time of the breakdown that the old No. 8 was mechanically unsound as it could barely get up the hill from the Plaza, with a full passenger load. There was no injury to passengers (unlike the incident with bus No. 5) but that seemed more due to good fortune than the consequence of a sound R&M programme.

In short HKRI still tend to treat DB residents more like mushrooms than as intelligent stakeholders.
That said, in the nine years we have been here we have seen a steady improvement in the quality of life, the latest example being the new hotel, Auberge, which we visited yesterday and were given a short tour. It was very impressive and the quality of the interiors, rooms as well, was in the "wow"

category. Most impressed.

HKRI could do so much more for their relationship with residents if they were sincere in their pricing moves on buses and ferries.

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