The ToR will include the description and the location of the services, the objectives and the duration of the training, the number of trainees, as well as the conditions of the bidding and subcontracting processes. The subcontract and bidding process will follow the contract and procurement criteria established by the UNDP, including receiving at least three proposals; exceptions and of waivers should follow UNDP procedures and be justified by to the Steering Committee e.g. when it is recognized that only one or two providers are in conditions to deliver the required training (for example, in rural areas or provinces where the training offer is scarce).
The criteria for the approval of training proposals to be ratified by the Steering Committee will respect the following guidelines:
The component will support the establishment of a Management Information System (MIS) that will enable the Steering Committee and the relevant implementation partners to react and take decisions based on the relevancy of the training for the development and diversification of the private sector. It will also provide adequate information on the use of resources, by collecting basic data on training sub-projects, by monitoring the progress of operations and by assessing the impact on beneficiaries and enterprises.
This project shall be the instrument referred to as such in article 1 of the Standard Basic Assistance Agreement between the Government of Angola and the United Nations Development Programme, signed by the parties on 18 February 1977. The host country’s implementing agency shall, for the purpose of the Standard Basic Assistance Agreement, refer to the Government co-operating agency described in that Agreement.
ANNEX VI – Results Framework – Vocational Training Component
Intended Outcome:
Development of a diverse and robust micro, small and medium enterprise sector in Angola as contribution to the National Poverty Reduction Strategy.
Outcome indicator:
Relevancy and effectiveness of the training delivered by public and private training operators.
Partnership Strategy:
The component will be implemented through a close public-public and public-private partnership. The Angola Enterprise Steering Committee bring together representatives of the Government of Angola and of the private sector, including women and youth entrepreneurs. Through regular meetings, the partnership will generate debate that aims to build a common vision of the training sector administration and the need to improve market linkage and to diversify contents and geographical coverage. Consensus will be built regarding the investment in supplier strengthening and concrete training sub-projects aiming the development of the private sector in selected areas.
Project Title:
Angola Enterprise Programme - Vocational Training Component
Project Number:
Intended Outputs
Output Target
Description | Years |
1.1. Capacity of the training providers increased to deliver market oriented training using diversified ways of delivering training.
1.1.1. A capacity building plan based on the assessment of the sector weaknesses and the private sector development prospects designed and implemented.
| Conduct market studies in selected areas to identify the most promising sectors of private sector development.
Short-term International Consultant (1)
| Assess the national vocational training offer in terms of assets, quality and relevancy of the training offered to support the private sector development.
Internal travel &National Consultants (2)
| Draw up a set of performance indicators for suppliers and a list of courses to be organized within the framework of the component, reflecting the needs of the private sector and the identified weaknesses of the existing training offer.
National Consultants (2)
| Develop training methodologies aiming geographical and sectoral diversification of training supply through the promotion of mobile training, on-the-job training and traditional apprenticeships.
Short-term International Consultant + National Consultants (2)
Intended Outputs
Output Target
Description | Years |
| Develop training methodologies aiming geographical and sectoral diversification of training supply through the promotion of mobile training, on-the-job training and traditional apprenticeships.
Short-term International Consultant + National Consultants (2)
| Identify investments in fixed assets and working capital required to develop new offer responding to the identified needs of the private sector and expansion of outreach.
National Consultants (2)
| Design a training program addressed to vocational training managers and trainers of the key professions identified through the previous activities and including the use of the agreed performance indicators.
Short-term International Consultant + National Consultants (2)
| Organize training workshops and in-service training addressed to the VTC managers and trainers identified above.
National Consultants (2) & Internal travel
| Prepare a report on the training offer, including location, courses offered, training capacity, evaluation of the quality of the training provided and training assets available on private and public operators, including a set of targets for development of the vocational training sector.
National Consultants (2)
1.2. Market linkages of the training offer promoted by the provision of information service through the Employment Centers
1.2.1. Employment Centers providing information on the existing training supply, counseling and orientation to job seekers, feedback on quality and relevance of training and information on the profile of trainees.
| Review the existing network of Employment Centers (ECs), including their needs on fixed assets, technical upgrade and staff training.
National Consultant & Travel costs
| Prepare an investment program to improve the quality of the services delivered by the ECs to job seekers and employers.
National Consultant (*)
| Design a Management Information System (MIS) to be used by the ECs and providing automatic relevant data on job seekers' registration, training courses and suppliers, trainees profile and employability, feedback on quality and relevance of training.
Short-term International Consultant
| Conceive a staff training program (supported by appropriate manuals) addressed to the identified training and to be implemented through in-service training and workshops.
Short-term International Consultant & National Consultant
| Implement the training program designed and identify additional staff training needs in using the new working methodologies.
National Consultant & travel costs
| Evaluate in close cooperation with the private sector representatives the functioning of the ECs and their effectiveness in promoting market-oriented training.
Short-term International Consultant & National Consultant
Intended Outputs
Output Target
Description | Years |
1.3. Market-oriented skills training courses conducted for 3,000 citizens in line with the market opportunities identified by the studies and confirmed by the Employment Offices and Employers' Associations.
1.3.1. Vocational training fund established and financing training activities in accordance with training (business) plans presented by the training providers and responding to the needs of the private sector.
| Support the Steering Committee of the Angola Enterprise Program in the issues related with the funding of training proposals.
National Consultant
| Prepare the regulations related with the vocational training component, including the criteria for the approval of training development programs and the definitive criteria for the approval of training proposals.
National Consultant
| Train the implementation partners in designing training proposals and implementing them effectively.
National Consultant
| Promote the approval and issuance of subcontracts to selected training providers by the Steering Committee.
Financial resources ($450 per trainee)
| Monitor implementation of training through visits and active use of the training indicators.
National Consultant & travel costs
| Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the training activities in terms of relevancy for the private sector, numbers of trainees economically active, costs per beneficiary, self-sufficiency, etc.
National Consultant
| Prepare regular progress reports and submit them for approval by the Steering Committee.
National Consultant