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Bodily integrity See also — Civil and political rights (p. 176)

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Bodily integrity

See also —

Civil and political rights (p. 176): Right to life (p. 182), Right to fair trial (due process)(p. 245); Rights of
special groups (p. 310): Children's rights (p. 310): Health and medical care (p. 318); Prisoners' rights (p. 325)

Related issues —

consent to medical treatment; genetic engineering; human experimentation; religious and conscientious objection; sterilisation; transplantation of organs and tissue

ANER, KERSTIN. 'Genetic Manipulation as a Political Issue', in Charles Birch & Paul Abrecht (eds), Genetics and the Quality of Life. Elmsford, N. Y., Pergamon Press, 1975, pp. 62-72.

ANNAS, GEORGE J. & COYNE, BRIAN. "Fitness" for Birth and Reproduction: Legal
Implications of Genetic Screening'. (1975) 9 Family Law Quarterly, 463-89.

AUSTRALIA, NATIONAL HEALTH AND MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. Ethics in Medical Research Involving the Human Fetus and Human Fetal Tissue: Report of the Medical Research Ethics Committee. Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1983. Pp. 42. ISBN 0 644 02999 4.

BARBER, BERNARD. 'The Ethics of Experimentation with Human Subjects'. (Feb. 1976) 234 Scientific American, 25-31.

BARBER, BERNARD et al. Research on Human Subjects: Problems of Social Control in

Medical Experimentation. New York, Russel Sage, 1973. Pp. viii + 263.

BAUDOUIN, J.-L. `L'Experimentation Sur les Humains: un Conflit de Valeurs'. (1981) 26 McGill Law Journal, 809-46.

BEAVEN, D. W. 'Morals and Ethics in Medical Research'. (1975) 81 New Zealand Medical Journal, 519-24.

BEGUAERT HOLMES, H. & PETERSON, S. 'Rights Over One's Own Body: A Woman

Affirming Health Care Policy'. (1981) 3(2) Human Rights Quarterly, 71-87.

BLACK, M. M. & RILEY, C. 'Moral Issues and Priorities in Biomedical Engineering'. (1973) 1 Science, Medicine and Man, 67-74.

Civil and political rights 195
BLACKSTONE, WILLIAM T. 'The American Psychological Association's Code of Ethics for Research Involving Human Participants: An Appraisal'. (1975) 13 Southern Journal of Philosophy, 407-18.

BLOOM, MICHAEL J. Non-Therapeutic Medical Research Involving Human Subjects'. (1973) 24 Syracuse Law Review, 1067-99.

BOWKER, W. F. 'Minors and Mental Incompetents: Consent to Experimentation, Gifts of Tissue and Sterilization'. (1981) 26 McGill Law journal, 951-78.

CALLAHAN, DANIEL. 'Human Rights: Biogenetic Frontier and Beyond'. (1973) 59 Hospital Progress, 80-4.

CANADA, LAW REFORM COMMISSION. Medical Treatment and Criminal Law. Ottawa, Law Reform Commission, 1980. Pp. 136. ISBN 0 662 50670 7.

In this working paper the commission examines the criminal law and its implications for medical practitioners — particularly the principle that patients must consent to treatment. The position in Canada closely parallels that in Australia and U. K. The commission suggests that the criminal law should be changed to include a specific offence of wrongful administration of treatment. Copius notes with good reference material to law in Canada and the U. K.

COWAN, DALE H. 'Human Experimentation: The Review Process in Practice'. (1975) 25 Case Western Reserve Law Review, 533-64.

CRIPPS, Y. 'A Legal Perspective on the Control of the Technology of Genetic Engineering'. (1981) 44 Modern Law Review, 369-87.

DICKENS, BERNARD M. 'Contractual Aspects of Human Medical Experimentation'. (1975) 25 University of Toronto Law journal, 406-38.

DICKENS, BERNARD M. 'Information for Consent in Human Experimentation'. (1974) 24 University of Toronto Law Journal, 381-410.

DONAGAN, ALAN. 'Informed Consent in Therapy and Experimentation'. (1977) 2 Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 307-29.

DWORKIN, GERALD. 'Autonomy and Behaviour Control'. (Feb. 1976) 6 Hastings Center Report, 23-8.

FELLEENES, GEORGE. 'Sterilization and the Law', in H. K. Becker et al. (eds), New Dimensions in Criminal justice. Metuchen, N. J., Scarecrow Press, 1968.

FLETCHER, JOHN C. 'Human Experimentation: Ethics in the Consent Situation'. (1967) 32 Law and Contemporary Problems, 620-49.

FRANKEL, MARK S. 'The Development of Policy Guidelines Governing Human Experimentation in the United States: A Case Study of Public Policy-Making for Science and Technology'. (May 1975) 2 Ethics in Science and Medicine, 43-59.

FRIED, CHARLES. 'The Legal Context of Medical Experimentation', in C. Fried, Medical

Experimentation: Personal Integrity and Social Policy.
New York, Elsevier, 1974,

pp. 13-43.

GOLDING, MARTIN. 'Ethical Issues in Biological Engineering'. (1968) 15 University of California Los Angeles Law Review, 443-79.

GRANT, C. K. 'Experiments on Human Beings'. (1973) 48 Philosophy, 284-7.

GREEN, HAROLD P. & CAPRON, ALEXANDER M. 'Issues Of Law and Public Policy in Genetic Screening', in Daniel Bergsma (ed.), Ethical, Social and Legal Dimensions of Screening for Human Genetic Disease. Miami, Symposia Specialists, 1974, pp. 57-84.

196 Bibliography

GUSTAFSON, JAMES M. 'Genetic Counseling and the Uses of Genetic Knowledge — An Ethical Overview', in Bruce Hilton et al. (eds), Ethical Issues in Human Genetics: Genetic Counseling and the Use of Genetic Knowledge. New York, Plenum Press, 1973, Pp. 101-19.

GUSTAFSON, JAMES M. 'Genetic Engineering and the Normative View of the Human', in Preston N. Williams (ed.), Ethical Issues in Biology and Medicine. Cambridge, Mass., Schenkman, 1973, pp. 46-58.

GUSTAFSON, jAMES M. 'Genetic Screening and Human Values: An Analysis', in Daniel Bergsma (ed.), Ethical, Social and Legal Dimensions of Screening for Human Genetic Disease. Miami, Symposia Specialists, 1974, pp. 201-23.

GUSTAFSON, JAMES M. 'Mongolism, Parental Desires and the Right to Life'. (1973) 16 Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 529-57.

GUTTENTAG, O. E. 'Ethical Problems in Human Experimentation', in Fuller E. Torrey (ed.), Ethical Issues in Medicine. Boston, Little, Brown, 1968, pp. 195-226.

HIMSWORTH, HAROLD. 'The Human Right to Life: Its Nature and Origin', in Bruce Hilton et al. (eds), Ethical Issues in Human Genetics: Genetic Counseling and the Use of Genetic Knowledge. New York, Plenum Press, 1973, pp. 169-72.

IsAAcs, S. L. 'The Law of Fertility Regulation in the United States: A 1980 Review'. (1980-1981) journa/ of iamily Law, 65-96.

JoYcE, J. A. The New Politics of Human Rights. London, Macmillan, 1978, pp. 190-8. ISBN 0 333 24291 2.

LACKLAND, THEODORE H. 'Toward Creating a Philosophy of Fundamental Human Rights'. (1974-1975) 6 Columbia Human Rights Law Review, 473-503.

LADIMER, IRVING (ed.). 'New Dimensions in Legal and Ethical Concepts for Human

Research'. (1970) 169 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 293-593.

LAPPE, MARC. 'Can Eugenic Policy be Just?', in Aubrey Milunsky (ed.), The Prevention

of Genetic Disease and Mental Retardation. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1975,

pp. 456-75.

LAPPE, MARC & MORISON, ROBERT S. 'Ethical and Scientific Issues Posed by Human Uses of Molecular Genetics'. (1976) 265 Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 1-208.

MABE, ALAN R. 'Coerced Therapy, Social Protection and Moral Autonomy'. (1975) 18 American Behavioural Scientist, 599-616.

MACKLIN, RUTH & SHERWIN, SUSAN. 'Experimenting on Human Subjects: Philosophical Perspectives'. (1975) 25 Case Western Reserve Law Review, 434-71.

MARTIN, MICHAEL M. 'Ethical Standards for Fetal Experimentation'. (1975) 43 Ford ham Law Review, 547-70.

MAY, WILLIAM E. 'Experimenting on Human Subjects'. (1974) 41 Linacre Quarterly, 238-52.

MEYERS, DAVID W. 'Voluntary Sterilization' and 'Compulsory Sterilization and Castration', in D. W. Meyers, The Human Body and the Law. Chicago, Aldine Press, 1970, pp. 1-47.

NOONAN, jOHN T. JR. 'Sterilizing Operations', in J. T. Noonan Jr, Contraception. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1966, pp. 451-60.

Civil and political rights 197

O'SULLIVAN, JOHN. Law for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals in Australia. 3rd edn. Sydney, Law Book Co., 1983. Pp. xi + 279. ISBN 0 455 204 950.

A useful starting point for research on a wide range of legal aspects of medical treatment, including a good chapter on consent to treatment.

PERLMAN, JUDY L. 'Human Experimentation'. (1974) 2Journal of Legal Medicine, 40-50.

POWLEDGE, TABITHA M. 'Fetal Experimentation: Trying to Sort Out the Issues'. (1975) 5 Hastings Center Report, 8-10.

RATNOFF, MARIAN F. 'Who Shall Decide When Doctors Disagree? A Review of the Legal Development of Informed Consent and the Implications of Proposed Lay Review of Human Experimentation'. (1975) 25 Case Western Reserve Law Review, 472-532.

REBACK, GARY. 'Fetal Experimentation: Moral, Legal and Medical Implications'. (1974) 26 Stanford Law Review, 1191-207.

REYNOLDS, PAUL DAVIDSON. 'On the Protection of Human Subjects and Social Science'. (1972) 24 International Social Science Journal, 693-719.

REYNOLDS, PAUL DAVIDSON. 'Value Dilemmas in the Professional Conduct of Social Science'. (1975) 27 International Social Science Journal, 563-612.

RICHARDS, D. A. 'Drug Use and Right of the Person: A Moral Argument for Decriminalization of Certain Forms of Drug Use'. (1981) 33 Rutgers Law Review, 607-86.

ROBERTSON, G. 'Informed Consent to Medical Treatment'. (1981) 97 Law Quarterly Review, 102-26.

ROLLAND, M. `Le Respect de l'Homme et l'Experimentation Medicale', in Rene Cassin. Amicorum Discipulorumque Liber I. Problemes de Protection Internationale des Droits de rHomme. Paris, Pedone, 1969, pp. 247-66.

ROTH, RUSSELL. 'The Dilemmas of Human Experimentation'. (Feb. 1975) 43 Modern Medicine, 56-61.

SABA, H. 'Les Droits de l'Homme et le Probleme de l'Experimentation Biomedicale sur l'Homme', in Melanges offerts a Polys Modinos. Problemes des Droits de rHomme et de r Unification Europeenne. Paris, Pedone, 1968, pp. 260-66.

SADLER, ALFRED M. JR & SADLER, BLAIR L. 'Transplantation and the Law: Progress toward Uniformity'. (March 1970) 282 New England Journal of Medicine, 717-23.

SADLER, ALFRED M. JR, SADLER, BLAIR L. & STASON, E. B. 'Scarce Medical Resources'. (1969) 69 Columbia Law Review, 620-92.

SCOTT, RUSSELL. The Body as Property. London, Allen Lane, 1981. Pp. x + 274. ISBN 0 7139 1321 5.

This book by an Australian, is an important contribution to our understanding of the ethical and legal impact of bio-medical advances in the areas of genetic engineering, transplantation of organs, life support systems and artifical insemination. Scott considers each of these areas and brings out the contours of problems and developments in U. S., U. K. and Australia. He also has a concise discussion of the issue of defining death.

SIMPSON, R. E. 'Informed Consent: From Disclosure to Patient Participation in Medical Decision Making'. (1981) 76 Northwestern University Law Review, 172-207.

198 Bibliography
SOMERVILLE, M. A. Consent to Medical Care. Ottawa, Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1979. Pp. viii + 186. ISBN 0 662 10452 8.

This study surveys most of the critical issues in the area: the doctrine of informed consent and problems of the consent requirement in the case of the incurable, the dying, children, the unborn, mental incompetents and prisoners. It is a legal-philosophical study, and brings to bear a wide knowledge of practice and theory from other countries. Excellent footnotes for reference purposes.

SOMERVILLE, M. A. 'Medical Interventions and the Criminal Law: Lawful or Excusable Wounding?'. (1980) 26 McGill Law Review, 82-96.

SOMERVILLE, M. A. 'Structuring the Issues in Informed Consent'. (1981) 26 McGill Law Journal, 740-808.

WALLWORK, ERNEST. 'Ethical Issues in Research Involving Human Subjects', in Eugene Kennedy (ed.), Human Rights and Psychological Research: A Debate on Psychology and Ethics. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell, 1975, pp. 69-81.

WALTERS, LERoY. 'Fetal Research and Ethical Issues'. (1975) 5 Hastings Center Report, 13-18.

WALTZ, JON R. & THIGPEN, CAROL R. 'Genetic Screening and Counseling: The Legal
and Ethical Issues'. (1973) 68 Northwestern University Law Review, 696-768.

WASHINGTON, JUDITH E. & WASHINGTON, HAROLD R. 'To Treat Or Not to Treat the Child — The Continuing Legal Dilemma: Who can Say "Yes" Who can Say "No" '. (1981)24 Harvard Law journal, 305-24.

WEINSTEIN, MILTON C. 'Allocation of Subjects in Medical Experiments'. (1974) 291 New England journal of Medicine, 1278-85.

WEXLER, DAVID B. 'Behaviour Modification and Legal Developments'. (1975) 18 American Behavioural Scientist, 679-84.

WRIGHT, TANIA A. 'A Minor's Right to Consent to Medical Care'. (1982) 25 Harvard Law journal, 525-44.

Cruel and unusual punishment and torture

See also —

Civil and political rights (p. 176): Right to life (p. 182): Capital punishment (p. 192); Rights of special groups (p. 310): Immigrants' and aliens' rights (p. 320): Deportation and due process (p. 324)

ACKERMAN, S. 'Torture and Other Forms of Cruel and Unusual Punishment in International Law'. (1978) 11 Vanderbilt journal of Transnational Law, 653-707.

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. Report on Torture. New York, Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1975. Pp. 285.

The Report presents the problem of legal definition of torture, medical and psychological aspects of torture, action of international governmental organisations, regional and non-governmental organisations. World survey of torture covers more than 60 countries. In Appendix: Special Report on Chile. Selected Bibliography.

BERKSON, LARRY CHARLES. The Concept of Cruel and Unusual Punishment. Lexington, Mass., D. C. Heath, 1975.

Civil and political rights 199

This is an anlaysis of the Eighth Amendment concept of cruel and unusual punishment from its English origins to Supreme Court interpretation in the 1970s. After a brief overview of judicial interpretation between 1798 to 1910 and 1910 to 1974, Berkson divides punishment into corporeal and uncorporeal categories and examines judicial responses to the challenges to each.

BLum, J. N. & STEINHARDT, R. G. 'Federal Jurisdiction over International Human Rights Claims: The Alien Tort Claims Act after Filartiga v. Pena-Trala' . (1981) 22 Harvard International Law journal, 53-114.

DOLAN, J. A. & VAN DEN Assum, M. L. 'Torture and the 5th UN Congress on Crime
Prevention'. (1975) 14 Review of the International Commission of jurists, 54-64.

DUCHACEK, I. D. Rights and Liberties in the World Today: Constitutional Promise and Reality. Santa Barbara, Calif., ABC Clio, 1973, pp. 148-52. ISBN 0 87436 112 5.

DUGARD, C. Human Rights and the South African Legal Order. Princeton, N. J., Princeton University Press, 1978, pp. 130-5. ISBN 0 691 09236 2.

JACKSON, MICHAEL. 'Cruel and Unusual Treatment or Punishment'. (1982) University of British Columbia Law Review, 189-212.

On the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

JOYCE, J. A. (ed.). Human Rights: International Documents. 3 vols. Alphen aan den Rijn, Sijthoff; Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., Oceana, 1978, pp. 1093-134. ISBN 90 286 0298 4 (Sijthoff). ISBN 0 379 20395 2 (Oceana).

JoYcE, J. A. The New Politics of Human Rights. London, Macmillan, 1978, chapter 3. ISBN 0 333 24291 2.

KLAYMAN, B. M. 'Definition of Torture in International Law'. (1978) 51 Temple Law Quarterly, 449-517.

LARSEN, E. A Flame in Barbed Wire: The Story of Amnesty International. London, F. Muller, 1978, pp. 36-75. ISBN 0 584 10443 X.

LEARY, V. 'A New Role for Non-Governmental Organizations in Human Rights: A Case Study of Non-Governmental Participation in the Development of International Norms on Torture', in A. Cassese (ed.), U.N . LawlFundamental Rights. Two Topics in International Law. Alphen aan den Rijn, Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 1979, pp. 197-210. ISBN 90 286 0828 1.

LIPPMAN, MATTHEW. The Protection of Universal Human Rights: The Problem of Torture'. (1979) 1 Universal Human Rights, 25-56.

MACDERMOT, N. 'How to Enforce the Torture Convention: A Draft Optional Protocol'. (1979) 22 Review of the International Commission of jurists, 31-6.

MELTSNER, MICHAEL. Cruel and Unusual: the Supreme Court and Capital Punishment. New York, Random House, 1973. Pp. xii + 338.

MIDGLEY, JAMES 0. 'Corporal Punishment and Penal Policy: Notes on the Continued Use of Corporal Punishment with Reference to South Africa'. (1982) 73 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 388-403.

MORRIS, HERBERT. 'Persons and Punishment'. (1968) 52 Monist, 475-501.

SARUP, R. 'Torture under the European Convention on Human Rights'. (1979) 73 American journal of International Law, 267-76.

200 Bibliography
SOHN, L. B. 'Torture as a Violation of the Law of Nations'. (1982) 11 Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, 307-10.

D'ZURILLA, W. T. 'Individual Responsibility for Torture under International Law'. (1981)56 Tulane Law Review, 186-226.

Habeas corpus and detention

See also —

Civil and political rights (p. 176): Right to fair trial (due process) (p. 245); Rights of special groups (p. 310): Children's rights (p. 310): Children and the law (p. 314); Immigrants' and aliens' rights (p. 320): Deportation and due process (p. 324)

Related issues —

conditions of prisons and other institutions; emergencies; immigrants; national

security; political prisoners

CASTBERG, FREDE. The European Convention on Human Rights. Leiden, Sijthoff; Dobbs
Ferry, N. Y., Oceana, 1974, pp. 92-106. ISBN 90 286 0503 7 (Sijthoff). ISBN

0 379 00202 7 (Oceana).

COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS, SUB-COMMISSION ON PREVENTION OF DISCRIMINATION AND PROTECTION OF MINORITIES. Draft Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under any Form of Detention or Imprisonment. UN Docs. E/CN.411296; E/Cn.4/Sub.2/417 (1978).

FORSYTHE, DAVID P. 'Political Prisoners: The Law and Politics of Protection'. (1976) 9 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 295-322.

HARBAUGH, J. D. & FAUST, N. L. "Knock on Any Door" — Home Arrests After Payton and Steagald'. (1982) 86 Dickinson Law Review, 191-238.

HARVEY, D. A. CAMERON. The Law of Habeas Corpus in Canada. Toronto, Butterworths, 1974. Pp. xiii + 284. ISBN 0 409 83560 9.

HUMAN RIGHTS TRUST. Detention: Minimum Standards of Treatment. Chichester, Barry Rose, 1975. Pp. xvii + 97. ISBN 85992 018 6.

Report of a conference arranged by British Institute of Human Rights. Looks at detention before, after and during judicial proceedings, and detention under emergency regulations. The contributors include many eminent British jurists.

KUTNER, L. 'The emerging United States of Earth: World Habeas Corpus as the Ligament of Unilaw and Global Justice'. (1978) 12 Valparaiso University Law Review, 289-326.

KUTNER, L. (ed.). The Human Right to Individual Freedom: a Symposium on World Habeas Corpus. Coral Gables Florida, University of Miami Press, 1970. Pp. 249.

LAMBERT, J. L. 'Reasonable Cause to Arrest'. (1973) Public Law, 285-94.

The author analyses the notion of 'having reasonable cause' to arrest. In the light of U. K. and U. S. case law he suggests four rules that should guide police.

LIDSTONE, K. W. & EARLY, T. L. 'Questioning Freedom: Detention for Questioning in France, England and Scotland'. (1982) 31 International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 488-512.

Civil and political rights 201

MAKI, L. J. 'General Principles of Human Rights Law Recognised By All Nations: Freedom From Arbitrary Arrest and Detention'. (1980) 10 California Western International Law Journal, 272-313.

MCGOVERN, E. T. 'Internment and Detention without Trial in the Light of the European Convention on Human Rights', in J. W. Bridge et al. (eds), Fundamental Rights. London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1973, pp. 219-231. ISBN 421 19130 9.

MEADOR, DANIEL JOHN. Habeas Corpus and Magna Carta. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 1966. Pp. 83. LC 65 28634.

An historical analysis of the writ which advances the thesis that in U. S. . . . 'the writ is operating to redistribute governmental power . . . and to alter substantially the federal system as originally designed'.

NEWDICK, G. 'Immigrants and the Decline of Habeas Corpus'. (1982) Public Law, 89-109.

SHARPE, R. J. The Law of Habeas Corpus. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1976. Pp. xxi + 254. ISBN 0 19 825332 X.

A comprehensive description of the law in U. K. Good footnotes on cases and other materials. This is a scholarly work that traces the history of habeas corpus and then deals with the problem of the scope of review of administrative actions that habeas corpus affords. He has some comparative law on Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

TEH, G. L. 'Detention for Interrogation'. (1973) 9 Melbourne University Law Review, 11-41.

WELLS, M. 'Habeas Corpus and Freedom of Speech'. (1978) Duke Law Journal, 1307-51.

Police powers

See also —

Civil and political rights (p. 176): Right to fair trial (due process) (p. 245): Right to silence (p. 254); Freedom of assembly (p. 217), Privacy (p. 205): Surveillance (p. 215); Discrimination (p. 260): Racial discrimination (Aborigines, indigenous peoples and minorities) (p. 269): Criminal process (p. 278); Rights of special groups (p. 310): Prisoners' rights (p. 325)

Related issues —

accountability of police; arrest; assemblies; complaints against police; detention; emergencies; martial law; questioning and right to silence; right of entry; right to counsel; search and seizure; warrants

ALDERSON, JOHN. 'Policing Freedom — the Challenge of the Eighties'. (1982) 13 Cambrian Law Review, 5-13.

AUSTRALIAN LAW REFORM COMMISSION. Complaints Against the Police (Report no. 9). Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1978. Pp. xiii + 131. ISBN 0 642 91027 8.

AUSTRALIAN LAW REFORM COMMISSION. Criminal Investigation (Report no. 2). Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1975. ISBN 0 642 01792 1.

A thorough survey dealing with powers of arrest, interrogation, search and surveillance; also the special problems of minority groups in contact with the police. Includes a draft Criminal Investigation Bill (which has now been revised but is not yet law).

AUSTRALIAN LAW REFORM COMMISSION. Privacy (Report no. 22). Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1983. 3 vols. ISBN 0 644 01298 X.

202 Bibliography
Much of the material in this massive report is relevant to the impact of police powers and practices on human rights. There are specific surveys of powers of entry and search, arrest and detention, and electronic surveillance. Volume 2 contains detailed law reform proposals.

BALDWIN, ROBERT & KINSEY, RICHARD. Police Powers and Politics. London, Quartet Books, 1982. Pp. x + 309. ISBN 0 7043 2333 8.

Presents a case for radical change of policing in U. K. Considers the issues of computerisation, community policing and police powers in the context of the Scarman Report ancrthe Royal Commission on Criminal Procedure.

BARKER, B. 'Police Discretion and the Principle of Legality'. (1965-66) 8 Criminal Law Quarterly, 400-7.

BEVAN, V. T. 'Protest and Public Order'. (1979) Public Law, 163-87.

BIRTLES, W. 'The Common Law Power of the Police to Control Public Meetings'. (1973) 34 Modern Law Review, 587-99.

BOWDEN, Tom. Beyond the Limits of the Law. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1978. Pp. 301. ISBN 0 1402 1970 6.

A comparative study of the role of police in 'crisis politics'. After introducing the functions and discretionary powers of the police the author considers a number of specific cases drawn from U. S. A., France, Ireland, China and Britain.

BOWES, STUART. The Police and Civil Liberties. London, Lawrence & Wishart, 1966. Pp. 238.

This book deals with police activities the author considers to be socially repressive and harmful. In the course of the book the author deals with the police and trade unionists, the obstruction of free political expression, the Special Branch and 'under-cover' police, invasions of privacy, the police relations with government, the press and the magistracy. In concluding there are various areas of reform pointed to involving police selection, surveillance, and organization. But most important is the need for public pressure and interest in police activities.

CARNEY, T. & EPSTEIN, J. 'Police Powers of Criminal Investigation: Principle or Pragmatism'. (1980) 11 Federal Law Review, 283-320.

CARTRIDGE, J. G. 'A Constable's Duty and Freedoms of Person and Property', in J. W. Bridge et al. (eds), Fundamental Rights. London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1973,

pp. 161-74. ISBN 421 19130 9.

CHAPPELL, DUNCAN & WILSON, PAUL. The Australian Criminal justice System. 1st edn. Sydney, Butterworths, 1972. Pp. xv + 854. ISBN 0 409 43470 1.

A collection of over sixty papers dealing with various aspects of the criminal justice system, written by criminal lawyers and criminologists. There are eleven sections: the most important for rights issues are 'Arrest and Interrogation', 'Committal and Trial' and 'Reform'.

CHAPPELL, DUNCAN & WILSON, PAUL (eds). The Australian Criminal justice System. 2nd edn. Sydney, Butterworths, 1977. Pp. xviii + 528. ISBN 0 409 43473 6.

This is an important collection of papers by criminal lawyers and criminologists, most of which have some bearing on rights issues in the criminal law. Of particular importance are the sections 'Minority Groups and the Criminal Justice System' and 'Victims'. There are twenty-five papers in all. Other sections are concerned with juvenile delinquency, trends in crime, police and police powers, sentencing, prison, and reform.

Civil and political rights 203

FLICK, G. A. Civil Liberties in Australia. Sydney, Law Book Company, 1981. Pp. xxxviii + 249. ISBN 0 455 20084 X.

The first three chapters give a detailed exposition of the law of arrest, interrogation, search and seizure.

GIBBONS, THOMAS. 'Obstructing a Constable — The Emergence of a New Duty to Co-operate with the Police'. (1983) Criminal Law Review, 21-8.

Considers developments in U. K.

GOODHART, A. L. 'Public Meetings and Processions'. (1937) 6 Cambridge Law journal, 161-74.

GREAT BRITAIN, ROYAL COMMISSION ON POLICE POWERS AND PROCEDURES. Report (Cmnd 3297). London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1929.

GREAT BRITAIN, ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POLICE. Report (Cmnd 1728). London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1962.

HALL, STUART. Drifting Into a Law and Order Society. London, Cobden Trust, 1979. Delivered as a Human Rights Day Lecture the paper presents an analysis of the political role of the police.

HANNAN, J. 'New Zealand Criminal Law Reform Committee on Bodily Samples and Identification'. (1980) 4 Criminal Law Journal, 210-32.

Discusses the proposal in New Zealand that suspects and accused be subject to having 'bodily samples' of blood, saliva, hair etc. taken by the police.

HILLER, A. 'Proposals on Police-Community Relations and Other Matters — The Scarman Report on the Brixton Disorders and the Home Office Report on Racial Attacks'. (1982) 12 University of Queensland Law Journal, 23-8.

HOLLAND, D. C. 'Police Powers and the Citizen'. (1967) 20 Current Legal Problems, 105-19.

LIDSTONE, K. W. 'Investigating Powers and the Rights of the Citizen'. (1981) Criminal Law Review, 454-68.

LIDSTONE, K. W. 'Obstructing Freedom'. (1983) Criminal Law Review, 29-35.

Considers developments in U. K. on the offence of obstructing a police officer.

MARSHALL, GEOFFREY. 'Police Responsibility'. (1960) 38 Public Administration, 213-26.

MILTE, KERRY L. & WEBER, THOMAS A. (eds). Police in Australia: Development, Functions and Procedures. Sydney, Butterworths, 1977. Pp. xxi + 511. ISBN 0 409 49290 6.

A collection of articles and materials dealing with the following areas: the Role of the Police in the Community; Police Powers; Policing the Police; Duties and Functions of the Police; Implications of Modern Developments in Crime; Organisation, Personnel and Training; Police Sciences.

SCARMAN, LORD. The Scarman Report: The Brixton Disorders 10-12 April, 1981. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1982. Pp. 225. ISBN 0 14 02 2455 6.

This controversial report considers the problems of policing and maintaining order in a multi-racial society.

The Scarman Report and the Police'. (1982) 53 Political Quarterly, 107-80.

204 Bibliography

Seminar on the Role of the Police in the Protection of Human Rights. Canberra, 1963. Pp. iii + 60. Organised by the United Nations in co-operation with the Commonwealth of Australia.

SYMPOSIUM. 'Complaints Against Police'. (1976) 29 University of Sydney Institute of Criminology Proceedings.

SYMPOSIUM. 'Police Discretion in the Criminal Process'. (1980) 43 University of Sydney Institute of Criminology Proceedings.

TEH, G. L. 'An Examination of the Judge's Rules in Australia'. (1972) 46 Australian Law Journal, 489-507.

UNITED NATIONS, COMMITTEE ON CRIME PREVENTION AND CONTROL. Draft Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials. UN Doc.A/32/138 (1977).

WADE, E. C. S. 'Police Powers and Public Meetings'. (1937) 6 Cambridge Law Journal, 175-200.

WHITROD, R. W. 'The Accountability of Police Forces — Who Polices the Police?'. (1976) 9 Australian and New Zealand journal of Criminology, 7-24.

The fourth John Barry memorial lecture. At the time the author was Commissioner of Police, Queensland.

Slavery and forced labour

See also —

Discrimination (p. 260): Racial discrimination (Aborigines, indigenous peoples and minorities) (p. 269)

CASTBERG, FREDE. The European Convention on Human Rights. Leiden, Sijthoff; Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., 1974, pp. 87-91. ISBN 90 286 0503 7 (Sijthoff). ISBN 0 379 00202 7 (Oceana).

JENKS, C. W. Human Rights and International Labour Standards. London, Stevens; New York, Praeger, 1960, pp.25-46.

JovcE, J. A. The New Politics of Human Rights. London, Macmillan, 1978, pp. 12-19. ISBN 0 333 24291 2.

NANDA, V. P. & BASSIOUNI, M. C. 'Slavery and Slave Trade: Steps Towards its Eradication'. (1972) 12 Santa Clara Law Review, 424-42.


See also —

Civil and political rights (p. 176): Right to fair trial (due process) (p. 245)

Related issues —

emergency legislation; hijacking; Northern Ireland; political prisoners

BASSIOUNI, M. C. 'Terrorism, Law Enforcement and the Mass Media: Perspectives, Problems, Proposals'. (1981) 72 Journal of Criminal Law, 1-51.

BONNER, DAVID. 'Combating Terrorism in Great Britain: the Role of Exclusion Orders'. (1982) Public Law, 262-81.

Considers the Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1976 (U. K.) and its abrogation of human rights provisions.

Civil and political rights 205
BOYLE, KEVIN, HADDEN, TOM & HILLYARD, PADDY. Law and State: The Case of Northern
Ireland. London, Martin Robertson, 1975. Pp. ix + 194. ISBN 0 85520 105 3.

A socio-legal study of civil liberties in Northern Ireland, and the complex relationship between law and society. The authors consider the 'failure of law' and the introduction of emergency powers — its rationale and impact.

CHATTERJEE, S. K. 'Terrorism and Certain Legal Aspects of Human Rights'. (1980) 6 International Relations, 749-68.

CRELINSTEN, RONALD D., LABERGE-ALTMEJD, DANIELLE & SZABO, DENTS. Terrorism and Criminal justice. Lexington, Mass., Lexington Books, 1978. Pp. xv + 131.

ISBN 0 669 01983 6.

The first seven chapters of this book look at the difficulties created for conventional

approaches to prevention, judicial process, sentencing by the phenomenon of terrorism — whether terrorists should be treated like ordinary criminals. Part II of the book consists of a series of studies of specific attempts to come to grips with the problems of terrorism — Belgium, Finland, France, Sweden, U. S. A., West Germany, and internment in Northern Ireland.

FALK, R. 'Responding to Severe Violations', in J. I. Dominguez et al., Enhancing Global

Human Rights. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1979, pp. 207-61. ISBN 0 07 017397 4.

GREAT BRITAIN. Report of a Committee to Consider in the Context of Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Measures to Deal With Terrorism in Northern Ireland (Lord Gardiner, Chairman) (Cmnd 5847). London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1975.

GREAT BRITAIN, STANDING ADVISORY COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS. The Protection of Human Rights by Law in Northern Ireland (Cmnd 7009). London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1977.

KIRBY, MICHAEL. The Dilemma of the Law in an Age of Violence. Melbourne, Alfred Deakin Lecture Trust, 1978. Pp. 23. ISBN 0 909888 09 4.

Deals with the problem of how law can cope with the radical violence of terrorism.

Liwcx, R. B. & NEWMAN, F. C. (eds). International Human Rights: Problems of Law and Policy. Boston, Little, Brown, 1979, pp. 804-11.


See also —

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