Happy new year 2014-01-01 11: 03

The Wayward Daughter - 2014-07-30 15:38

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The Wayward Daughter - 2014-07-30 15:38

O world!  You are void of righteousness.  You desire what you should not.  And you take, with abandon, those things which do not belong to you.

Impatience and greed are your gods.  You serve them with excellent zeal, for they agree with the endless gluttony of your desire.

You consider the Holy One as of no account.  'I will do as I please, for I do not see his judgment against me."  So you say with what you do.

You are blind, and willingly so.  You fill the righteous with sadness as they perceive your willfull plight.  You live as if it brings you delight to see them cry for your sake.

You are like the daughter who has despises her righteous mother.  You are like the daughter who willingly murders her father's joy.

You are like the daughter of righteous parents, who gives her body to the will of men.  She comes home and laughs in her parent's face, while they mourn the marks of abuse that lay up on her.  She comes home to despise the love of her parents; to make a mockery of their sorrow.

What will you say on that day you are called to give account?  Will you find your best friend, ignorance, able to assist you against an onslaught of truth?  You are not willing to hear truth now.  How would you stand on that day?

See how the warning is stark and unwavering.  See how the judgment reaches even where you lay. 

God is not cruel; not as you call righteousness.  He has provided a way of escape for every man who heeds these things.  He has provided the sacrifice of his Holy Son, Christ Jesus.  And willingly poured out His Holy Spirit on those with contrite heart.

Do not continue in your way to remain in death.  For as you have come to live, so you will surely die.

Choice - 2014-07-30 22:57

You think it´s a choice to love God or not;

As if buying shoes for your cute little tots.

That's a choice.

Should the fly choose the horse, or the pile in the pasture?

The pile will not squat, that's the end of the matter.

Thats a choice.

Perhaps one would bite on a sweet candy apple.

Or swallow a bullet, his pea brain to rattle.

That's a choice.

But you love to breathe His provision of air.

How could you possibly come to not care?

Where's the choice?

And you love your body; you can feel, and that's cool!

So how can you hate him?  You weren't born a fool.

Where's the choice?

Enduring Consistency - 2014-07-31 10:32

"Raw raw sis boom ba!
I belong! I belong!"

The proper exaltation for one who formerly was cast out.  It is not proper that this one should hate the inclusion.  But does that joy last?

The beaming smile of a young man as he gets his first car.  "I'm free!  I can go where I please!  Finally, I am a man!"  Not really, but don't tell him yet.

Which is stronger, inclusion or the responsibilities that will surely come?

The joy of a child is dear, and held in high esteem by all who are mature.  If this is not so, then someone needs to explain to me why grandmas talk about babies incessantly.

The beaming smile of a middle aged woman; her face constantly glowing.  Though trials, terrors and difficulties have strewn across her path, she endures with excellent consistency. 

Such things are even marketable among men.  "There's a lot of money in that there attitude."   (properly voiced with cigar in mouth and scowl on face)

But wrongful pride in a young girl, who has been granted inclusion, is ugly.  And the rebellion of a young man stacks up in the courts of the land.  Our joy in them is dashed. 

And the beaming face of a middle aged woman, which is only apparent by means of cosmetic surgery, is no beauty at all; the cheap imitation of truth.  Kinda like some knock off version of Kool Aid; sour to the taste and despised by all.  "Back to the real stuff we go!"

If Christian joy is not sincere, it cannot be joy at all.  that special kind of hypocrisy that non-believers post prominently in neon signs.

We read the accounts of those who sang with boldness at the prospect torture and death.  No fictitious apparel can produce that kind of joy.  No provisional joy will endure in those circumstances.  "Ya either got it or you don't."

How do the exceptional remain exceptional?  How is it that they have kept their joy pure; unadulterated by pride and difficulty?

We find the answer in their perception.  The answer lay squarely in their expectations.  Those who endure to the end do not consider themselves as belonging because of any special trait they own.  They keep first in mind that they are included in something vastly larger and more desirable than themselves.

The young girl becomes the appealing woman mentioned above.  And the young man contributes greatly to the society that granted him his beloved freedom.  And the division between beauty and ridiculously ugly glares brilliantly.

With this answer something astounding appears.  Correction in our attitude is simply a matter of changing perspective.  "Becoming" is only a matter of being willing to understand the value of our place.  And never to allow that understanding to dissipate, or to become poluted with pride.

The engine of truth is relentless.  It drives through humanity without respect to the desires of any.  A man will either jump on board or get squished.

But if we embrace truth we retain the things that are beautiful.  We "become".  We desire.  We learn to "do" with excellent consistency.


Please don't allow stupidity to interpret this message.  This is not a "how to" message.  It is not the preface to an impossibly thick manual on "becoming".  It is more like a directional sign.  "Caution detour ahead".

The true answer for any man is within him.  It is God Himself who directs.  If we don't point to him, then we join with liars. 

"If the Lord does not build the house the builder builds in vain."  If you want to be excellent, you have to go get it from him.  Therefore this message is far more a description than a "How to".

If that disappoints you, then you're the very reason I wrote this.

Unchained Desire - 2014-07-31 13:06

Today we will encounter

What is vastly marked with "Good".

What we will do, accordingly,

Is rarely what we should.

To become the man intended,

Let desire rage and burn.

The good to be accomplished

Is given to those who yearn.

Is it wrong; is there a limit

To the promise of God for me?

"Good" demands a doing,

Its retreat will never be.

Aspiration closes in;

Refines my very name.

Let then rage within me:

Desire to Holy flame!

2014 - 08

Alive in Christ - 2014-08-01 04:48

We speak the words of condemnation.

Do you listen?

Can you do what you know is right?

We speak the words of Purest Hope.

Can you perceive?

Can you imagine a life without sin?


Man is not flesh.

He is soul dressed in flesh.

The world knows this.

The soul has understood what the body denies.

Do they not avert their eyes from one another?

The eye is the window to the soul.

And by these tiny balls, one soul can see another.


What if you could live your life without sin?

What if you could drive your flesh according to the will of the soul?

This is not what man does, on his own.

Man allows the things of flesh to direct his soul.

But there is a life, in Christ Jesus, where we learn the inverse.


Mysticism teaches about such things.

They call it an "out-of-body" experience.

They perceive the key, but fail to accomplish.

They know that living in the body cannot produce true life.

They speak of leaving this place to experience "more".

And they will tell you that man can do this himself.


Christians will tell you that is a lie.

Christians will speak of living an "in body" experience.

Christians will tell you that there is a place,

Where God will grant a man's soul to be driven by the Holy Spirit of God.

Christians learn to drive the flesh into obedience to what is Holy.

Christians will testify that the body can become slave to the soul's holy desire.


And Christians will willingly testify that this ability does not come from their own ability.

It is a gift of God in Christ Jesus, the Holy Son of God.

Transformation comes, in time, and the believer becomes the intent of God for man.

All the while Christians learn to obey the Holy Laws of God.

I am not speaking of those who call themselves Christian and go no farther.

I am speaking of those who believe to the "doing of the will of God".


Can you hear what I am saying?

Is there understanding emerging from your soul?

I am not speaking down to you.

I'm trying to wake you to the truth of our life here.

Men go about providing for the flesh all day long.

But what about the, more important, soul?


Do you yearn to be free from the wicked things you find yourself doing?

You will not be free if you continue to allow your flesh to dictate the day's doings.

Condemnation abounds against us for such things.

For your flesh desires only the things of this world.

It knows nothing of heavenly things, nor desires it.

And we all, all men, know better.

For we ARE soul.


"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me." (Revelation 3:20)

7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.   8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

9  “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone?   10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?   11  If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" (Matthew 7)

OPEN! - 2014-08-01 05:38

Open, O' will of mine.  Open to the Will of God!  Sleep no more.  Wake and open.

Receive those things He is so desirous to grant.  Open and receive.


Leave these things of abomination!  Seek the face of He who Lives Forever!

Stop!  Turn.  He calls your name.

Will you listen, O' soul of mine?  Will you hear His Holy words and do them?

If not, answer me!  Tell me why you refuse.  What restrains you?

He offers life!  Why do you balk?

Open, O' will of mine!  Open to the Holy Will of God!

Have it Your Way - 2014-08-01 07:57

"Now, you're really beginning to get on my nerves!  All you talk about is "god stuff".  What possible use is that to me?  And how do you have the guts to poke it in my face 24/7?

Does it supply the paycheck?  NO!  I do that, and with all my might and will.  Does it fix the car?  Does this "god stuff" of yours help me compete against a ruthless horde?  NO!  I do that!

I'm sick of hearing about all this "heavenly, wonderful, useless crap"!  Get away from me!  I've had it with your filthy garbage."


I paraphrase.  But isn't that the essence of your wordless thoughts?  You have all the answers.  Or you're just jabbing at the air, in hopes that something will stick.

Look at your pathetic life.  How many more "things" does it take to satisfy you?  The answer is "endless stuff".  You live by the rule of selfish greed.  Why, you won't even give God His rightful place.

You take and take.  For what purpose?  There is no purposeful end in sight.  If you got more money and more time to enjoy it, you'd fill up your filthy heart with more longing.  There is no satisfaction to the life you claim is more important that the things of God.  None!

Sit down and listen, while the day is still finding you clothed in skin.

You say, "I will do god things when I get to where God is."  You foolish man.  In God, you live and move and have the being you praise so highly.


I wrote this to jar you up.  I wrote this to shame your proclamation that you "Know" where God should remain.  You post signs all over your soul:  "God stay away!"  "Keep out!  Life in progress."

He will stay out.  But so will you!  Now you bar Him from His rightful place as first among all your things.  You will be barred from entry into the things of His Kingdom.

You will not do "god things" when you get to where God is!  You will certainly be rejected and die alone, poverty-stricken, hopeless, abandoned and forever rejected from eternal life.  A man gets what he wants in this life.  What he wants dictates what he does.  Those who desire God will do His Holy will HERE.

The Chasm of Difference - 2014-08-01 08:30

John the Baptist (poverty-stricken, feared and faithful) :

"Repent from your sinful ways or die!  Seek God's kingdom and live."

Silk tongued preachers  (wealthy in the things of this world, beloved and accepted, and full of abomination):

"Jesus loves you.  Do as you will.  He will save you in the end."

Notice any difference?  Take note of the kind of people they are, who pay attention to the message of each.

The kingdom of God is real, so is hell.  What God's people say to the world matters.

The Nearing Night - 2014-08-02 18:39

Deep, dark shadows on the land,

Cut their swath cross the mass of men.

Those with blazing faces stand,

To worship Christ the Lord.

Night is nearing; shadows long.

Invisible to the wicked throng.

The righteous stand and sing their song:

"All glory to God and the lamb!"

Will be a dreadful day, I'm told,

When the world will loose its gripping hold.

Sending righteous souls to  their new home,

To reverence Christ the King.

(2014-11-10 18:30:10)

Faith in the midst of unbelief is so beautiful.

(2014-08-02 18:57:38)

The Nearing Truth,
I am humbled by your words. Moved I am with “All glory to God and the lamb” and “to reverence Christ the King” May God make your words be a powerful way to move people’s hearts.

(2014-08-02 19:04:25)

Glory to God for His blessings in all his servants!

Call to War - 2014-08-02 22:25

Many pawns, millions and billions, call them up to war.  The blind, the lame. the Deaf, the mute, call them just the same. 

Supply them all with black uniforms, and cover for their face.  Pass out the weapons, and be generous.  Quicken your steady pace.  Arm them freely, as even you have received.  Overload them with the royalty of their king.

Even now you approach the sound of battle.  The ranks are drunk with feverish loyalty.  They have been well fed on the things they love to ingest.

Two men will appear.  Two men will die.  You will praise the one who has kept you slave; sending gifts to one another with great thanks.

Soon, men of the world, you will be visited by your foes.  They will speak with great authority.  You will be tormented and hate them with vicious hatred.

They will unleash horrible torment upon you.  And you will all agree their death is warranted.  They disturb your peaceful sleep.  They rob you of the pride of life. 

They speak against your ways with venomous tongues.  Your men and women and children will fear what is next to come.  "Yes!"  You will say.  "These two must die!"

Prepare for war!  Then be prepared to be astonished.

You will give them no honor, even in their death.  But the Living God will honor them with life.

Demise of The Faith - 2014-08-03 09:14

The Spirit of God moves among men with great strength and determination; holy and pure.  One he raises up, another he lowers to the depths.  The will of God has been and will be forever.

One man lets evil consume him.  While another is driven to what is good.  Evil rests upon the mass of men, still the man who desires what is good presses on.  The grace of God has gripped him.  He will do and become.  Holy desire is granted to him.

Be encouraged.  Be greatly encouraged that you may stand fast in the holy places granted you to stand.

It is like a man to do so, but it is not good that a man shall say to himself, "I will serve the Lord with great willingness as prosperity comes upon me".  God Himself endures the wickedness of this place in his creation.  Yet with excellent patience and wisdom he waits.  How is wickedness in his creation prosperity?

With the mind of Christ within us, we perceive.  We endure as we are willing to receive.  Let poverty or even abuse assail us, the willing embrace what is.  

Shall we leave the great endurance to our Lord, and the holy men of before?  Shall we escape unscathed?  Isn't it proper that we should take our place among the hated of this world.

Let the natural things come against us.  Let the Evil One and his minions attack for purpose of destruction.  We are called to stand firm.

Let us not say, by our doings, that God is unjust.  Let us not testify that he asks too much and provides too little for us to overcome. 

Strength to my brothers and sisters: let your soul look up.  We are not victims or pawns in a great horrible war.  We are called to be holy and kings in the beautiful kingdom of our God. 

Donning the patience of the Holy One we will stand.  Those who do not stand well will find their desire corrupt, should they even find desire to look.

Look to what is.  Understand the holy desire of God for all his people.  Count the things you have; those things of uncorruptible nature.  Embrace them as treasure and polish them to shining.

Let today become the beginning of becoming.  As our Superior Lord has done, let us set our face as flint toward overcoming.  As we look back we lose.  But as we purposefully strive forward, God is pleased and his bounty grows.  To he who has, more will be given.  And he will have in abundance.

I cannot help myself.  It is within me and I will speak it:

How desire rages within me to see God's people full of fruit and maturity.  How I desire to find many wise men.  But they are few and difficult to locate.

When there is to be decisive division between the world and the people of God, I find a glass mixed with dung and pure water.  If a man would not drink such a thing, how is it we expect the Holy One to ingest our service?

No one has but that he has received.  Let us not think that God is not willing to give.  Those who lack, lack because of their unwillingness to ask.  They have loved this world more than the Holy One.  And their ways are known even now!

By this letter I am not asking too much.  God is willing to give!  Should we think his desire is less than holy and perfect?   Is it as many testify, "Salvation is but an evil trick among men".  If the answer is no, how then should we remain as the Church is found today?

Where is The Faith?  Where is the power of God to save?  Where is the blazing testimony that is willing to die?  Sadly it has been siphoned off by the will of man in his evil intent. 

The form of religion has overtaken this people.  They have spurned The Faith and continued on in diluted fashion.  Their way is known.  And their appearance before the Holy throne of God is expected and demanded!

The work of man's hands has attracted the attention of God's people; all the glistening to the eye, all the enticement of the ear, and the aroma of all sins that lead away to death.  They have forsaken him for the pleasures of the day.

Is this truly the end of The Faith?  If so, we are very near the end of the day of grace. 

Let your heart understand.  Let fear race through your blood.  Cause understanding to consume you!  The time of death is at hand. 

If those first ones had said, "The day has appeared and the night is quickly vanishing.   Therefore let us walk as sober minded men.  Let us live as if in the daylight".  How much more is that today?

May the will of the Holy One be done forever!  Those who desire to live, will live in righteous patience now.  Those who desire to serve, will serve with great faithfulness and endurance.  Let all else falter and fail. 

Even so, Lord Jesus come quickly.

Writing for The Purpose - 2014-08-03 10:18

A man writes for a purpose.  I say this with a happy tone.  Who writes anything and just throws it away?  There was something needing said.  The words were formed on purpose.

All of us poor bloggers write for a purpose.  We all want to be heard.  We all want to be counted as valuable.

Ask any marketing guru and he will tell you, "Say what the people want to hear and they will fly to your words".  Audience, then, is of prime concern.

The people I want to write to already know the Bible is.  What's contained there is far more than I can contrive to write.  So then why do I write?

Do I write for all the purposes that are good?  Surely I do.  But few read them.

Should I allow that to depress my heart into sadness?  Absolutely not!

For though I write that men may be saved, the reality is I am but one man.  How can I write in obscurity with joy?  I write for the great cloud of witnesses.

I write that I may understand.  I write that I may do.  The writing is learning.

And the writing is the testimony, before the living God, that Jesus his Son is making a serious difference.  God is pleased.  And the great cloud of witnesses says "Amen".

There is a place I will be received with great joy.  Here reception is debatable item.  Therefore I will live and write according to the place I will be assigned.

Only let the fever of the gospel consume me.

Climb With Confident Faith - 2014-08-03 16:12

Do not be deceived.  He who practices righteousness, that man is righteous.  And he who practices sin and wickedness, that man is a sinner and wicked.

Do not hang your heart to death in a deadly tangle of those three words: righteousness, sin and wickedness.  Rather be merciful to yourself, and see the point.

Practice!  Practice!  Practice! 

Grace abounds for those who do "practice".  Just as a doctor is given a certificate of training, that he may go and practice his work.

How many have fallen away because they see the mountain is too high to climb?  They will never know to what rock, or outcropping they may have been able to ascend.  The glittering hope of those who gave up, litter the foothills of the mountain of God.

Consider perfection.  But you have no right to wear it.  If you let the expectation of perfection ruin you, then the fault is exclusively yours.  Perfection belongs to God.  The practice of it belongs to man in Christ.

It is highly likely that even the master musicians will occasionally make a misstep with their fingers.  When their shock dissipates, you will find them practicing that unexpected failure over and over and over again.

A dear brother in Christ once put it this way: "You have heard people say practice makes perfect.  I tell you that's not true.  Rather, perfect practice makes perfect."

He who mixes sin and righteousness in what he practices, cannot possibly accomplish the latter.  Yet he who is found practicing to the best of his utmost, is rewarded.

This is the reason for grace.  Climb with confidence!

The Math Man - 2014-08-04 06:09

The child is taught,

"1 + 1 is 2;

2 Plus 2 is 4."

And as "one" proceeds,

One multiplies the more.

And as he grows

The teaching throws

Confusion upon him.

The lie is born,

and he becomes:

A man.

"Many is greater than less.

Strength is found in mass.

'United we stand!'

And thus we are blessed!"

Yet God will single him out.

The millions drop,

Along the "Way".

And few are found,

In this very day,

To stand with strength;

The weak betrayed.

God's wisdom:

Will single you out!

Spiritual Fashion - 2014-08-04 06:39

The old man sits on his porch dressed, and covered with a white blanket draped around his body.  While it was yet dark he appeared.  No one saw him emerge. 

It is his habit to go to God early.  And the blanket has become this spiritual fashion of choice.

Cigar in hand, he ponders the things that man, rarely knows or senses.  So on the front porch, he sits as light begins to dawn.

Lost in a world invisible to men, he is not aware of approach.  Feet carry another; perceptions cross as two paths conjoin. 

One sees truth.  The other is lost in lie.  Nothing is spoken, yet God hears:

"Teach me 'Great Sovereign One' what is true, that I might serve You with faithfulness.  I beg You, let me become your desire."

"What an odd excuse for a man.  May my future have mercy on me, that I may not become as he."

As time moves quickly, they part present company.  Never again opportunity.  One has won.  The other has loss.

Righteous Anger - 2014-08-04 07:34

In the Spirit of God, I find myself incensed.  I dare not bring accusation, for no good can come of it and it is forbidden.  But the desire to share is upon me.  May God grant what is good.

In Jeremiah 33, God speaks of his promise.  To give meat to his promise he speaks, if you will, as a man to a man.

20 "If you can break my covenant with the day and my covenant with the night, so that day and night no longer come at their appointed time, 21 then my covenant with David my servant—and my covenant with the Levites who are priests ministering before me—can be broken and David will no longer have a descendant to reign on his throne."

In my feeble mind, a righteous anger appears.  How is it right that God should say such a thing: "If you can break my covenant. . ."?

How is it that the Righteous Sovereign God has been betrayed?  Yet this is as it is.  Such words are given as if to an enemy.  How is it that the Holy One should have an enemy?

Glory belongs to God, all Wisdom and righteousness too.  Who am I that indignency should appear on my soul?  I do not desire to give counsel to the Most High.  Nor do I desire to cast accusation, as if I hand full of stones into the raging sea.

But death has come among the things of God.  We testify by our very life and death.  There was a place where this was not so.  And by his great promise that place will be revived.

By this revelation I am impressed with the Holiness of God; his excellent patience and mercy.  But consternation at his plight consumes me.

Is this a whisper from the things that are?  Let the reader ponder.

Curious and Curious - 2014-08-04 12:56

I find it curious, this attraction sin.  People strive so hard to live at peace.  They do not necessarily try to live at peace with one another.  But everyone wants what they want.  And they don't want to be bothered about keeping it.

What is curious to me is: Peace is only found in making peace with God.  Peace of any other sort is just a temporary bandage on a gaping wound.  So why do people choose to remain his enemy?

I assume they not only want peace, they want the freedom to do as they please. 


This Day - 2014-08-05 06:40

What is this day?  What name shall we give it?  Shall we call it Tuesday?  Shall we make a gold plaque and hang it on the wall ascribing numbers to the day; a month a day and a year?

Shall we call it our birthday?  Shall we use it to count down to celebration?  Is it a day to prosper in the things of our desire?  Shall we name the day according to the desire of someone else?  Shall we observe the day as a socially acceptable holiday?  (Understanding that the word "holiday" was originally set to mean holy day.)

This day has no number.  This day has no name that man can pronounce.  This day is void of specific celebration.  This day does not exist separate from all other times. 

Man has said these things are false.  Man has divided time into day and night by compulsion of the nature of things around him.  But before the Holy Lord God Almighty everyday comes without break between.

Name the day as you will, each according to his weakness of understanding.  But let us also strive to give glory to the Most High.  For the Holy One IS.

As we walk in the Spirit, the things that denote this place fade.  We begin to see more clearly, that the labels and understanding of man are insufficient to describe eternity.  Eternity must be lived.

Strive to see.  Strive to desire.  The flesh and this world captivate.  But the Lord has come to set us free. 

God alone can grant what is God's.  No man has on his own.  May God grant understanding, in the beautiful strength of Jesus his Christ and our Lord.  Amen.

Earnest Heart - 2014-08-05 08:01

What man has an earnest heart?  No man is fully earnest.  When the Lord Jesus prayed in the garden, his sweat became as drops of blood.  Holy and full earnestness filled him!  What man has shed his blood in such a manner?  There is not one fully ernest man in all of men.

You have.  But God, in his wise mercy, divides between what is and what is not.  He sees with perfect eyes, and grants with perfect wisdom. 

None will ever rise above his Holy Son.  It is enough for the student to be like his teacher.  Yet who has aspired to such a place?  Who has attained to the measure he will grant? Their names fill such a short list.

This list is written by the Holy Lord Himself, kept securely in his Most Holy Temple.  He alone knows the true definition of "earnest". 

A man can only do what he knows.  Beyond that, he seeks for help; that he may be taught by the one who is greater.

Many have taught, that we are to "become" by our own volition.  "If you can read you can do.  If you can hear you can accomplish.  All you lack is the doing." 

Such words are akin to asking someone to make a beam of steel by using only his hands.  Where is the furnace and the forge; those indispensable helpers who are vastly more than we?

"To perfection there is a limit."  For God has placed things as they are.  If we would reach the summit of his Holy expectation, it will be done only by the strength of God himself.  Even the Holy One has overcome by this same help.

Let us reach in prayer, earnest as we can.  Then let us believe, to receive, that we may do.

Unwillingly and unwittingly, the world awaits the testimony of those who "become".  They say, "Come and teach us what we do not desire.  Come and teach us what we do not know."

Even now the world waits.  Even now it is still waiting.  How long must it endure waiting?

The Search - 2014-08-05 09:04

I am not an accomplished professor of all things.  There are vastly more things I do not know than what I do possess.  I am not a smart man, as men would call one smart.  I am vastly more a fool, than wise and elderly.

The time I have left, to be among the things of this world, is far less than the years I have already seen.  And my time to become what men speak of a "special" is passing quickly.  If it has not passed already.

But I will impart what I have learned.  Perhaps there is benefit to some.

I have examined the world from the perspective of sin, and found it utterly lacking.  In the way of sin, I have walked more vigorously than most.  And so I can testify with surety.  Life is not there.

I have examined other religions from a distance, as I sought release from my pathetic state.  I did not have time, nor inclination to immerse myself in their teachings.  To do so would have required pledging myself.  I did not possess such earnest intent.  Nor would time allow.

But every religion established by man is full of fault and worthless tripe.  None of them held sufficient truth to remedy my plight.  They said "do", but I could not.  Therefore life is not found among them.

I examined the law of God and found it true.  I speak of the law of God as found in the Holy Bible, not as men say is the law of God.

I found the law of God in the Holy Scriptures to be founded on eternity.  But one does not need read far, to realize the Holy Law of the Living God is more than man can accomplish.

In the law of God I found life.  But by the law I found I was put to death.  At last my struggle is over.  But what should I do, am I to die?  Is that the summation of this struggle?  I still had desire to live.  So though law of God is life, I found myself dead in its reading.

Now I will testify of what I have found. 

There is one who has fulfilled the law of God on behalf of all men.  He is willing to enter a man's sin and drive it out.

Now this is life!  All he asks is that I am willing.  Having searched what is, of course I am willing.

I have proof in my soul that he has come and made drastic change.  I have proof in this testimony that he is true and able to save.  I find that I believe.  So I proudly wear that name.  I find myself doing the things I thought were too hard for a man.

If I had last words, these would be it.  Search for all you will, you will not find anything greater than Christ Jesus.  He is Life!

So Be It! - 2014-08-06 07:12

I have said it before.  But it is worthy of repeat.

The world legalizes and enforces a "love" that is no form of love at all.


"You will embrace every man regardless his doings or beliefs.  You will coddle every lie; that it might find a place to live among us. 

If you do not, there will be penalty.  You will become a subject of a "One World Perspective", or you will pay the price. 

This is our formal and authoritatively legalized command.  All who reject this will live outside our protective "love".  You will be set aside and put on display."


Then, Sir, put me on display.  Make an example of me.  For I announce to you, that your definition of love is false.  It is full of error and destined to fail before the Living God.  On the day He calls all men before Him to give account, your way will be found wanting.  I will not bend to your command to lie.

I do not accuse you before the Holy Father.  I simply stand in His Glorious Shadow of Righteousness and proclaim to you what is true and faultless.  There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is death.

There is a Love from the Living God that makes a difference between Righteousness and Lie.  This love will take its stance between God and man; between man and man.  There is a difference between those who love Him, and those who do not.

You have made your own laws.  You have defined the validity of words, according to the pleasure of your own wicked hearts!  God's people listen to His definition of the very same words you use to express the lie of man.  There will be a distinct difference!

Righteousness is violent against what is wicked; by its very nature Righteousness cannot reside with lie.  There is no fault in Righteousness.  But you will fear it, for it threatens your "firm" foundation.

Let all who will, come to God.  Let understanding flow among men like living water.

You will certainly take this as a threat.  You fear everything you do not understand.  Your wicked heart is set to disregard everything Holy.  You define all men according to the darkness of your own hearts.

So be it.  You set yourselves as enemies to the Most High God.  Therefore, you separate the people of God as enemies to your cause.  So it is.  So it must be.

Holy Squalor - 2014-08-06 08:48

It is no shame for a man to live in the squalor of this world.  Let bugs and dust cover what he owns, it does not decrease his value.  Poverty is, and it takes its toll upon the prosperity of men.

But if a man is ashamed of the Living God and His holy Christ, what squalor surrounds him?  Though he lives in the greatest of splendor here, he is eternally impoverished, and filled to overflowing with shame.  Though he is forced to live as less, while he is here, the one who is ashamed of God while he lives in the shame of this world is impoverished for eternity.

Every man has the possessions he has.  And he has according to the place he has been assigned.  Yet how few reach to the things of promise.  How many accept their position of shame and think highly of themselves?

To this very day shame is harvested in abundance!   Where, among our things, is the prosperity of God?  Where is the strength that gives life?

There are holy kings who live among the bugs and dirt.  There are holy kings who live in rich abundance here.  These will not be ashamed as they stand before the Most High, for they have not been ashamed of him while they lived among their things.

"Hoggedy Piggidy" - 2014-08-06 18:11

I observe that people go hog wild over the idea that God loves them.

But most folks are a bit piggish when it comes to believing his expectations.

If you ever hung out around pigs, you would know what I mean.

Warning Experimental ... - 2014-08-06 23:09

At the risk of being considered naive, I want to offer an opportunity as an experiment.

I know that most Christians believe what the Lord says.  The rub comes when they try to do it.  Fear takes over, and they just cave.

Here's a couple of examples:

*Don't lie.

*Obey the civil authorities.

I chose these two because they appear to be the most difficult.  They are the least likely to be taken seriously.


Given the right circumstances nearly any man will choose to lie.  And let's tell the truth, every day has an anthill of opportunity.

Here's my suggestion:

Try not to tell one single lie, all day, for 24 hours.  Now be honest about the experiment.  Don't hide in the bathroom for a full day.  And don't fain laryngitis.  You can play dead If you want to.  But you're not allowed to breathe.

Alright.  With one day down, now the experiment takes some guts.  Now that you know what you're up against, it's time to put your skills to the test.

(You might want to tell a few friends you're going to do this.  You may have to tell the lady why she doesn't look good in that dress.  Someone will have to drive you to the ERAnd you might want to revamp your resume.  Just sayin.)

Go get a t-shirt made that says something like this, "Warning: Christian Experiment in Progress!" Someone is sure to ask you about it.  Simply tell them the truth.  ...duh


The next experiment may be a little more risky.  In this experiment, you will not be able to tell people what the sign means.  You may well end up at their mercy.  Therefore proceed with caution.  But by all means, please do, proceed!

We start this one as we did the first; give it a shot to see if you have a fearless soul.  Do the best you can so that you will know what you are up against.

Day two:  Go have two or three bumper stickers made that say something like this: "Warning Experimental Christian Vehicle! "

Now, for an entire day, go shopping.  Run through a full tank of gas.  I know times are hard.  But what does it cost to take the family to a movie?  And shopping doesn't mean you have to buy anything.

And let's keep the spirit of the experiment in mind.  Staying in the mall too long does nothing.  And running over several bags of nails is not fair.

Obey every speed limit.  Use your turn signal profusely.  Stop on yellow lights.  Be courteous and let the other guy go first.  Come to a complete stop at every stop sign (Even the ones in the mall parking lot).


I would urge prayer before you begin either of these experiments.  It would be good to ask the Lord for two things.

Ask him for the strength to do it.  I can assure you he is willing to give it to the earnest heart.

You should also ask Him to show you when you fail.  The heart of man is deceitful above all things made.  You are likely to confuse your own justification for truth.  God can take care of that and is willing.

What I have posted is a little bit of tongue in cheek.  Everyone knows how hard these two things are.

With the lying, we will more recognize the grace given to us than our victories.  Accept your failings.  Remember what the Prophet said?  "Woe is me!  For I am a man of unclean lips, and I come from a people of unclean lips!"  and in the mercy of God, this righteous man's lips were touched by a coal an angel head retrieved from the altar.

As for obeying civil traffic laws, I personally know the difficulties.  I have been practicing that specific scenario for well over a year.  And still I am intimidated by how many disobey.  And I recently had an altercation with a fellow driver because of this. 

I know the stakes are high.  What do you realize that every law you break teaches someone else to do the same?  And we know that those who teach wickedness are very likely to receive a strong beating.

Now here's something rather pathetic.  There are 190 people who subscribe to this blog.  And it's impossible to know how many might read this on the WordPress reader board.  But I don't expect any to follow through.

I don't mean that as a slam.  I am more a realist than an optimist.  I encourage all of you to do this then to send me a reply.  Prove my pessimism a lie.

It must be noted here, that neither of these experiments are a suggestion of God.  We are commanded to be holy, even as he is holy.  And he says elsewhere, that's all who call upon the name of the Lord must turn away from evil.

And I will not fail to mention, that his calling is a calling to death.  For he who desires to save his life will lose it.  And all who lose their own life for the sake of the Lord Jesus and the gospel will save it.

So while these experiments are a bit fun, they have deadly connotation.

And I will dare to say this:  that if enough of my brothers and sisters in Christ will do these experiments (particularly the second one), we will turn America on its ear.

I was about to publish this and fell on one more item.

It seems good to me, and I believe the Lord agrees, that we should offer an opportunity to share these things, understanding the weakness of many.  (I say "we", because I don't want to present this without him.)

Do you remember the place in the Gospel, where the Lord challenged the doings of man.  I was hungry or thirsty or in need of clothing and you did nothing to help me.  When the people asked, when were you this way and we did not help, his answer was that as you did to the least of these, my brothers, you did unto me.

So if you are not willing to partake in the experiments themselves, at least be willing to grant my request.  For I am hungry to see this come to fruit.  And I have often professed to be the least in his kingdom.

Send this idea to as many of your brothers and sisters as you dare.  I am one man.  But you are so many.  In this I am poor, while, as a body, you are greatly wealthy.

May God grant success.  May he enliven our souls.  And may we indeed turn America on this ear.  Why not? 

Remember the sixties and seventies?  A few long-haired young people decided it was time to change America.  It has never been the same since.  If you ridicule me for being a pessimist, prove that optimism is better.


Wisdom - 2014-08-07 04:55

Wisdom is the application of achieving our desire.  The Fox is called wise.  It is not because of his knowledge of the things of men.  Rather it is because he likes to eat and to survive.  He is exceedingly stealthy and skittish.  For he perceives that there is no one else to provide for him.  So with all his strength, he applies himself to the things of himself.

The wisdom of this world and the wisdom of God are utterly different.  The wisdom of this world is stealthy and skittish.  It is designed to protect against loss.  And in this pathetic way, men call it gain.

But the wisdom of God is gain with no loss.  It is not defensive in nature.  For there is nothing to lose.  God is pure gain, unto eternal stability.

The things of men rust and dissipate quickly.  So, to the extent that a man desires these things, he will join with the world's definition of wisdom.

The Holy Lord is, and will never cease to be.  All that is his, and that which he offers, can not fade or dissipate.  Therefore, those who desire His things define themselves by the wisdom of God.

The world will kill to attain and retain.  They are wise in defending their noxious desire.  But God freely gives from his endless Reserve.  What he gives is pure life. Those who receive his things fully, find themselves free of the greedy wisdom of this world.

This is central to the reason why men hate the gospel of Jesus Christ.  This is also central in understanding Christians.  To the extent of their belief, you will never move them from their place.

The wisdom of God goes directly against the wisdom of loss.  Worldly people are "hardwired", if you will, to remain defensive.  So a man of this world can never receive the gospel.

To desire the things of God, a man must find fault with his own way.  Only then does he desire to find what is sure.  God comes to him and shows him the folly of man's desire.  Now the choice belongs to that man.

Will he abandon, or embrace, what he knows to be folly.  See how his heart is laid bare.  God knows the man's every thought. 

And so it is with all men.  For the Holy Lord has promised, there will be no excuse.  The wisdom of God still cries out in the very streets men walk to protect against loss.

Wisdom from God is offered to men freely and without judgment.  A man need only to believe that there is a difference between the wisdom of men and the wisdom of God.  Men lie in their wisdom.  God does not.

Double Mindedness - 2014-08-07 05:46

My Christian Brothers & Sisters.  Why did you waste your time loving the world and desiring to serve God?  Why do you leave yourself double minded?  Why do you pledge your allegiance to the world and to God at the same time?  How can you think this is pleasing to either one of them?

The world will despise you, for you say you love the Living God.  And you present yourself unpresentable to He who lives forever.  For you love the world which hates Him.

How is it you think you can serve where man has been told it cannot be done? 

The world plainly says it will hate God even unto murder.  And God has plainly said, he has hated the ways of this world even unto annihilation. 

So how can you stand with one foot in the world and one foot in the temple of God?  You will be ripped in two, and fall, irreparably, into the endless chasm of destruction.  You will not be received by God.  And hell will not love you.

What is loss can be called loss, even while it remains.  What is gain, can be called gain, even while it remains a promise.

See these things, and decide for yourself whom you will serve.  Either abandon God and love the world, or abandon the ways of this world and love your God.

Grace is given to those who repent.  Do not think it belongs to the double minded.  The Lord has called us to death; that we may gain eternal life! 

He is not some sweet little cuddly teddy bear.  He is the Holy Lord!  His words are true and faultless, and he will do as he has promised! 

Destruction will come to all that hate him.  And eternal life will come to all those who despise his enemy; to the doing of his commands.

Do not be deceived.  Every man reaps what he sows.

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