Happy new year 2014-01-01 11: 03

The Impending Wreck - 2014-07-10 12:36

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The Impending Wreck - 2014-07-10 12:36

One by one he connected the couplings.  Moving forward then backing up.  By the length of his day, 200 loaded cars stretched out behind.  To rest and prepare, he bid his eyes sleep.

Just before dawn the engine roared again.  This time not for idle speed.   Black smoke billowed toward 70 miles an hour.  His mind focused on what must be done.

It is too expensive to waste time fretting; what loss may come along the way.  Evening, and he will reach his destination.  He sets his mind like steel.

Doing all he can, the wheels pounding, whining, whirling.  A blast of noise pierces the air:  "I'm coming through and you can't stop me!  Let all who bleed beware!"

Heed is taken normally.  But this time life's awry.  There's someone stuck upon the tracks.  This someone's about to die.

What happens next is not worthy of words.  The judgement has come for one.  And in his wake great tears will flow.  What justice can be done, with words written here?


O' man, you are like that train.  You couple your days together with sin.  All day long you do what you think is best.  You have believed the lie that every man does as is right for himself.  Come morning you push the throttle full, mindless of what comes next.

"There is danger.  Yes.  But I am here, and I will do the best I can.  Competition demands my excellence.  And I will give it to them in spades!"

You do not let God guide you.  You do not submit to His Holy way.  Therefore you speed, with all intensity, toward the gates of hell.

Who will stop you now.  And how long does it take to stop the train?  Would it not be wise to stop as soon as you can?  Would it not be wise to slow down and consider?

"I do not have time for your nonsense!  I have babes to feed and clothe!  Away with you!  You distract me from my goal."

What do you think the engineer would give to allow his prey to live?  What precious thing might he own that will dry up the wells of tears?  What repair can he make to put salve upon regret; that his ruptured heart may heal?  All the while you believe it will not come to you.

Empty - 2014-07-11 06:40

I sat to write.  I opened my bag of things to say.  Behold!  Nothing's there!

Oh my!  What shall I do?

I came to inspire.  I came to share.  But I am void of something new for you.

I know what I'll do.  It's what I do for you every time I sit here to share.

When things are empty among men, it is time to:

"Seek the face of God."

Waiting - 2014-07-11 08:00

God IS.

Everything that He desires to give to man, IS.

Sorrow "IS" from "waiting".

Everything that we fail to desire, from the things He is willing to give, remains "waiting".

And so, the Holy Will of God among men, remains "waiting".

Who is "waiting" to receive?

Who is busy "waiting"?

The former are a well spring of "Pure rain".

The latter stop the "Pure rain" from reaching the crop.

His desire withers in the field.

All the while, the withered consider their condition "life".

Who will fill their container with Living Water that they might water God's crop?



Is Logic Truth? - 2014-07-12 06:27

Men love logic.  It is the foundation of their wisdom.  It is the tool used to create this computer.  It is what has created the automobile, air conditioning, nuclear science, and every other modern convenience known.  But is logic the same as truth?

Truth remains untouched by decay.  That must be so, for it is true.  What is true must, by definition, be faultless.  So is logic faultless?

Logic works.  If you apply 1+ 1, you get two.  If something that is not is compared to another which is, they are, by necessity, different.  This is logic.

But is logic faultless?  The answer must be a categorical "no".

There are anomalies which logic cannot explain.  The very nature of things is too big for logic to comprehend.  Let us put aside the nature of physics, which nature seems to bend at will.  Logic does not reside with consistency in the mind of man.  He does as he pleases, whenever it pleases him to do something.

This was the primary subject of John Nash; the study of economics for the very purpose of logically quantifying the activity of randomness.  For the sake of predicting random behavior among men, he set out to provide formulas of reliable character.  Had he been able to succeed, this world would now be an entirely different place.  But all he was able to accomplish was to provide a more closely refined guess.

Marketing uses his ideas to compel sales.  Governments use it to get one step ahead of the populace.  Men use it liberally, whether they are aware of his work or not, to compete with that "slight edge".  But is this spawn of logic truth?

Logic tries to quantify the nature of things while they are in decline, advancement, temporary stability, or promised by observable action to appear.  But this place where we live is constantly switching direction.  A man dies, yet a baby is born.  Sickness comes, regardless the intent toward health.  Accidents happen.  Bodies rot in the ground.  Trees fall.  Storms appear, do what they will, and dissipate.

There is a ruse of stability.  It is sufficient to compel belief in the reliability of logic.  But there is enough randomness to betray the elevated place to which men have lifted up logic.

Truth is like a restrained body of water which lay above a valley.  It is.  It is restrained for now.  But once let loose, all that appeared stable among the people of the valley is ripped away in a moment.

God alone is truth.  Logic is the "truth" of the foolish works of man's hands, which he worships with great delight.

For now, God restrains His truth for the sake of testing souls.  But, like the body of water, once He unleashes pure truth, it will wipe away every possible contrivance of man.

You do not believe in God?  What is to be said?  You must worship something; that is the nature of man.  Do you worship yourself then?  Perhaps you worship logic, and what it can accomplish for man.  What is it to me what you believe?  I am here to testify that God is.  And to testify that He respects nothing but purity, humility and truth.

Those who looking the perfect nature of God with a humble heart, will certainly find release from the "things of this world".  Those who continue to contrive their own nature of truth, will continue on the path of decay and destruction.

When God unleashes His Holy Flood of Truth, it will be far too late to make amends.  He who loves the works of man's hands will worship those works.  Those who love the Holy work of God, will find humility, truth, love and life.  All men will make their own choice.

To the humble, God shows Himself.  But to the proud, God remains shrewd.

In the likeness - 2014-07-12 08:06

He who continues in a life of rebellion against the Holy God can be likened to wild animals.  Such creatures do as pleases them, regardless where their feet take them.  They pursue ambition blindly, and ignorant of a certain and present danger.

There is the land and presence of man.  If a creature proves that he will not stop molesting what the man treasures, death or inevitable and permanent restraint  approaches quickly.

Imagine that a few animals were able to conspire against man as man does against God.  Would the animals understand the deadly instruments the man may wield?  Quite likely, not.

Once a bullet has found flesh, it does what bullets do.  Whether death or serious injury, change is made in the conspiracy.  But until the confrontation the conspiracy continues.

Man can be likened to God, in that he has patience.  Is there not an end to the patience of man?  How is it man assumes there is no end to the patience of God?  And yet they conspire with confidence.

Who is wise among men but that he ceases his activity of conspiracy?  Who is wise among men but that he that appeals to the "Most High" for truce?

Who is foolish among men but he who does not consider these things?  Who is foolish among men but he who continues in his rebellion thinking their are no consequences?

Pursuit of Desire - 2014-07-13 07:46

A man chases after the things he thinks are good.  If he is cold his entire mind, body and heart desire warm clothing.  If he is parched and overheated he will desire water, shade and cool.

The desire of man is a beautiful and useful tool.  And desire is provoked by perception.

Who perceives his own death?  Who perceives his heart is cold before the living God?   Who perceives that he is dying of thirst?  Such a man will desire the water of life God offers.

Warm clothing of eternity and living water for his parched soul.  If he does not desire these things but finds himself lacking, what wisdom can be said he owns?

Who perceives that he is parched and about to die for over exposure to the things of hell?  Such a man will greatly desire to live in the shadow of the Most High.

Men pursue what they desire.  What they desire defines what they pursue.

Young men pursue lust.  Old men live in their habits of lust! Who is wise among men to pursue eternal life with desire born of God?  Such a man will live!

Necessities - 2014-07-14 08:10

The call to arms in my soul this morning was this: "Minimize regret".

Take care of the things, in Christ, that are given you!  At the time of our appearance before his throne, what is lacking will be violently blatant.

If we fulfill the expectation of Christ today, then becomes fulfilled all the other things.  The dishes get done.  The bed is made.  Our work becomes a joy instead of labor.  Our joys become far more complete.  Our hope becomes more radiant.

Already there are many things that were not done.  If we look back, with intensity, the mountain of regret will consume us.  If that is so now what of our moment of appearance? 

There is no need to continue in that habit!

Minimize regret!

Poor Sinner - 2014-07-14 08:50

Poor sinner.  Pathetic wanderer in utter darkness.  Why do you choose to walk alone?

Do you know where you are headed?  Do you know what is to come?  You will surely appear before His Holy Throne.

Why do you make fun of righteousness?  Why such a sport do you play?

When tears and anguish will be your food, and hopelessness on that day.

Why not rise up.  He calls your name.  He offers you joy and peace.

"Tis too much work.  My body's tired.  I'll take this present release."

Then add to your food, that of a fool.  For the fool desires slumber.

Yet on that day your mind will clear.  Your folly you're sure to remember.

Steps - 2014-07-14 12:56

1. Speak to man about the things of men.

2.  Speak to God about the things of God in regard to judgment .

3.  Speak to God about the things in which we struggle.

4.  Speak to God in the language of God about the things that please God.

The glowing cross - 2014-07-14 16:20

Bob:  "That's a great saying!  I'll have to practice that one."

Nancy:  "Oh I adore it!  We'll have to use it in our evangelism  push this year."

Drew:  "Absolutely!  Nobody in the world would take offense at that.  We start saying things like that and the entire world will realize we love them."

Ben:  "Well I hate to be a stick in the mud, but I have to disagree with all of you.  Its sayings like that that turn the offense of the bloody cross into a pink warm fuzzy one.  A cross that glows at night so nobody gets scared of the dark.

We ought to be so different that we scare the socks off of people.  They hated our Lord why are we trying to make them love us? 

I just don't get it.  I realize I don't fit in here."

I wonder - 2014-07-14 21:46

I wonder how it would be in America, if Elijah walked through all its cities; speaking vehemently against the sins he witnessed.

I wonder how many followers Jesus would actually see everyday if he walked through the cities of America; bringing the Holy and Living Word of God to the ears of those who will not hear.

I wonder how long any city town or village would put up with the Apostle Paul; at least in his day men believed in a god or two.

I wonder if Jeremiah would continue to cry; seeing and hearing clearly the judgment of God against our stiff necked people.

I wonder if Jonah would have chosen America as the country to which he would flee; later being vomited up on some distant shore, because the people of the distant shore would repent and believe.

I wonder how many preachers would lose their position if they taught the full nature of the gospel;  "Unless you repent and believe to holiness You Too Shall Perish!"

I wonder how many Christians would be banished from their church if they let their love for God be fully known; as it was in the days of Jesus when they kicked the believers out of the congregation.

I wonder what will become of America.

Rise Up! - 2014-07-15 07:55

In the hand of God most high, through the never ending strength of Christ, there are blessings.  His perfect will is laid out before him and he knows the extent.

To the salvation of men his will is bent.  The blood of his Son has sealed it.

He has called to men by the work of the cross.  Yet who has believed his words?

Who will rise up and use what has been given?  Who is willing to receive the fullness of God's wise gift of faith?

Who we will be, at the revealing of his Holy Son, is yet to be seen.  But there is testimony among men as to what we can be now.

Who then will take what God offers?  Who will reach to his Holy hand to become?

We say we believe the message of the gospel.  But the weakness within us stops our feet at a certain place.  The darkness before us looms with ominous trouble.  So we cease our search for his will.

We say, "I dare not go further for I do not know the way."  But has God not promised to lead us?

Each man stands where he does by the sum of what he has been.  But God calls us to be his desire.

This challenge goes out to all.  Who will take what God offers, by Holy wisdom, to all his servants?

Do you fear he will ask too much?  Do you fear he will not provide once you begin?  Of course you don't.

That was the accusation against God by he who accuses, and you know you are not of his house.

Then be encouraged!  Be greatly encouraged!  For every drop of Holy Blood was the sealed promise of the Most High God!  We have been told, and come to believe, God cannot lie.

You will answer me - 2014-07-15 08:42

"Answer me." God says. "Show me what is in your heart.  Confess what you have done.  Confess what you are. Confess what you desire.

I clearly see all these things, but I demand an accounting from you.  Confess now, that grace may abound and cause you to become a godly man.  Or wait until you appear before me where your confession will do you no good."

Each man will choose what he will do in response to these commands.  The word of his lips, uttered to another man, will do him no good.  God demands the response of action.

The cross of Christ has opened the door to freedom from sin.  Who has guts enough to take it?

False Sdvertising - 2014-07-15 10:20

Sin will say to you, "Come and take from me I am delightful and endless variety.  See how my wares fit your desire. 

You may say to me, 'But God has said no.'  I will provoke your faith.  Is God not full of grace and mercy, compassionate understanding and patience?  With God, you may have both he and I."

Sin says yes to all.  But God says yes, only to himself.  God is law eternally.  My friends, you cannot have both.

Foster Child - 2014-07-16 06:24

In the language of men there are the words, "Foster Children".  The meaning of the phrase is to embrace, teach. love and include. 

Ideally such children are brought into a family because they have been considered as human trash.  Their prior value was nothing more then to be disposed of on a heap of hatred and abuse. 

With all hope, they are included into a new family and caused to prosper.  With all hope, in time they will forget that they were hated by the very ones who ignored their obligation to love them.

So it should be with our love and craving for God. 

"Nain", the Pleasant Land - 2014-07-16 07:33

You think you are dead.  You look back with horror at the things you have done.  You take stock of the sum of your life, and find no beauty in it.

You are rightly afraid of the sin you have loved so much.  It will indeed consume you, even unto the second death.  But I tell you there is hope.

There is one approaching this land of what men call pleasant.  In your recognition of failure you are the dead and only son of a widow.

The life of men is like a wife whose husband is dead.  They are widows of righteousness; helpless to provide for themselves.  The mercy of God is hidden from them, for they have loved all things that are not God's.

He has compassion on her, as she cries with unquenchable tears.  Let Him come close.  Let Him touch the coffin of your folly.  He will speek to you, "Child of demise, I say to you, awake."

You will wake and be revived.  Not by your own strength, but by the will of God to be compassionate.  And you will not wake to return to a life of demise.  You will be purchased for the sake of life eternal.

Does your hollow heart think these words are useless dribble?  Do the tears you cry cloud these words to obscurity?

Read for yourself the compassion of God in Christ Jesus His Holy Son.  You will find the story in Luke chapter 7 verses 11 through 17.

I testify to you as one who was dead.  I tell you these things are true because I now live.

I was once like you; lost in horror at the sum of my life; dead to hope.  I now live in comparatively blazing difference.  All of this because the Lord had mercy on a dead man.

The hope I have is living and active.  It is impossible for God to lie.  I have received his promise and it does not disappoint.

Call out to him with what belief you can render.  Reach deep inside, and continue to call out with what strength you can find.  In due time, according to his excellent wisdom, he will lift you up.  Only dare to believe.

The Salve - 2014-07-16 08:23

I am always amazed when it appears.  For the greater part of my life I never even knew it was.

It is a pain that does not have words, even from the one who has it.  Instead it is audibly expressed in sighs and moans.  There are no words given to men to describe its origin.

The heart aches, and there is no medicinal cure.  The pain remains, though there is short lived relief.

Doors are barred shut!  Pride takes his stance against humility.  Wounded and hardened hearts refuse the salve that can heal them.

This remedy I carry.  Yet who will even ask?  And when it is offered it is refused without thought.  An up right palm says ";No".

If even one asks and receives there are billions more waiting.  So it was with the Lord, so it is with him now, so it is with me.

From near miss to victory - 2014-07-16 10:29

You nearly consumed my day with sorrow.

I prepared for you.  I dressed myself in the most beautiful of things.  I allowed myself to imagine how you would receive me. Thus I presented myself to see your willing face.

To my sorrow, you would have nothing of what I offered.  And in my extended leaving I sought wisdom for my compassion.

The Holy Lord has shown me what is true.  And though compassion remains toward you, it is tempered by a hatred for your stone cold heart.

"Ignorance is bliss!"  Is this not a saying of men?  You consider me a threat because I threatened your perceived peace; a peace that will surely evaporate in a puff as you stand before the Most High God.

Foolishly I considered you innocent!  But among men there is no such thing before God.

Whereas before I felt sorrow, now my soul is incensed at the hardness of your heart.

But you have done me a great service.  For as I was about to side with the plight of men, you have inadvertently shoved me toward the love of God.

Compassion remains, for it is the will of God to save.  But kin to his compassion, is righteous judgement.

None will escape by virtue of ignorance!  None will escape by blaming others.  God has spoken and it will not be taken out off the way, "All men are without excuse."

Compassion tells you the only way out is readily available now.  His name is Jesus, the Excellent and Holy Son of God.

In him you live and move and have your being.  As the nature of God is displayed openly in all creation.

You can easily read his Holy words in a book they call the Bible.  They are living words that can transform your soul.

Add to these the testimony of his people among you.  That testimony you spurn by the hardness of your heart.

So be it Lord Jesus, come quickly!

Winter - 2014-07-17 06:39

Holy Father I thank you for your majestic wisdom.  You tell us truly, that we are all without excuse before you.  For the things you have made, and the place where we live, testifies brilliantly of your Holiness.

You have caused all men to consider these things.  Not one man lives, but that he considers the nature of the place you have caused him to live.

You have written this way in unmovable stone, and it will not be taken out of the way.

Sovereign Father, by the mercy of your Holy Son, I come to you for explanation.  In your righteous expectation we are to understand and to obey.  So I am right to expect an answer.

In all that you have done, creating this place. you have made all things as they appear.  You are righteous Holy Father.  Therefore what you have done is what must be done.  But I have failed to grasp the meaning of Winter.

I understand that you are pure and pure light; the Light of righteousness, life, holiness and eternity.  And so you have made the snow to fall pure and white, virgin and innocent.

Your righteousness is deadly to all that stands against you.  For sin cannot appear before your Holy Throne.

In my imagination I perceive that the heat of our judgment to be burning and endlessly hot.  Yet with all that could be we find things as they are.

My mind is betrayed by a lack of understanding.  How is purity that appears in the coldest and deadliest of times?  Yet it does not appear in the time of heat.

It is not possible that this can make no sense.  It is therefore the weakness of my mind to fail to understand.


In the purity of winter man is forced to rest on the previous days of labor.  It is a time of extensive difficulty.

If he has prepared well, survival is guaranteed, but for the weakness of flesh in disease and sickness.  But if he has failed to provide, during the time if necessary labor, difficulty will increase even unto death.

To venture into the purity provided, a man must be properly clothed.  Anything less then what is appropriate will surely demand too much.

It is a time of forced rest.  The time of preparation is past.  It is the severest season of testing.  And brilliant purity will force it on all.


You are Holy and true.  You have set a place which is unavoidable to all men.  You will command and we will appear before you.  The labors of our days will be tested.

If we have prepared in your Holy Son, we are dressed in his pure clothing to protect us from the onslaught of your judgement.  But who can stand that day without your loving compassion?

It is a time of abject horror for those who have not considered its demands.  And no man can provide for himself the things that are necessary.


Hide me in your majestic shadow Sovereign Father.  Dress me with the strength of your Holy Word, even Jesus your Holy Son.  Have mercy for my weakness.  I appeal to you by your promises. 

You are True, Holy, Righteous, Pure, Eternal, and your compassion is endless.  I run to you, that you may burn away to things that are displeasing.  That what remains may live.

All my letters are signed, "By His Grace".  You taught me to do this many years ago.  May my soul appear before you with that signature.  For salvation belongs exclusively to God the Father and God the Holy Son.

The Little Boy - 2014-07-17 06:59

In his striving to understand, man finds himself woefully lacking in wisdom.  By this perceiving, a man is forced to humility.  Pride grows tall on ignorance; a fertilized garden for weeds.

Shall we then make no attempt to understand?  Shall we close our lips lest our ignorance be revealed?  How should such a thing be, when all men are of the same stock?

The folly of men will judge other men.  By all means then, judge me.  Read my words and point your finger.  What is that to me?


I am but a little boy. 

My understanding is so small.

So I gladly display my severe lack. 

That my God maybe great in all.

Conspicuous Places - 2014-07-17 15:57

Dear Christians:

Are you aware of your place in eternity even now?  I speak to those who struggle, through violence, to attain those things which Christ holds in his hand.  For we know about a violence that does not leave marks on the body.

You have heard about the great cloud of witnesses.  Are you aware that their number is not fully comprised of holy servants of God?

These unholy witnesses were present at the crucifixion of our Lord.  They incited the crowd to riot at the burning and torture of our brothers and sisters.  And they have caused a maligning of the way throughout history.

You may be sure they watch us even now.  Every Christian's weakness is well known.  But so is the strength of our Holy Lord.  And now is our day to bring him glory.

As we have been encouraged before, I bring it again to the forefront.  As we serve our Lord with all the faithfulness we can muster, it is good to remember that we walk in highly conspicuous places.

The Sum of Life - 2014-07-18 05:10

All men are earnest in the things they believe are true.  Left alone, they will defend their beliefs to the grave.

To the man who rises in the morning to compete and to overtake his fellow man; this man believes his way is the sum of life.

To the woman who wakes with pains of utter depression; this woman believes that her way is the sum of life.

To all the men and women who wake to false religion; these believe their way is the sum of life.

The majority of people are earnestly wrong.  But I testify to you, in truth, that I know the True Sum of life.

The proud will say I think too highly of myself.  The downtrodden will consider me as if I am delusional.  To all of you I will say this, "What if I am right?"

If you were to examine your ways closely, and with truth, you would find them full of fault and unable to take you any farther than the grave.  But I stand firmly entrenched in confidence that I know the way to life.

I have not stumbled across this great wealth of understanding, as if a man may stumble across a 300 pound nugget of gold in an open field.  No.

This understanding, and life I now live, was granted to me by the Holy Lord of life through his Beautifully Holy Son Jesus.  What I know has been received from he who freely gives.  And he offers these things to all men who will humble themselves before his Holy Throne.

Do you want me to say more?  Do you want me to just shut up?  My friend I can not care what you want.

The wisdom of God within me says I have said enough.  The wisdom of God within me has compelled me to say what is sufficient.  If I said more, those who hate God would not care.  If I said more, I would take the place of God for those who would seek.  I have said sufficiently enough.

Two cats - 2014-07-18 07:23

Two cats lay dead on the road this morning.  They were squished by something far larger than themselves.

They came to that place to argue, fight and kill.  So which one is the victor?  I suppose one may say, "The one to die last."

They could not conceive there was something greater than their greed.  So they held their worthless ground until judgement was passed.

Is this is what you want?  Are you determined to be the last one to die?  Why do you approach your brother with a callous heart?  Will you stand your worthless ground until all is done?

Do you really think you will escape the greater judgement?  For now you think your judgment is righteous.  But there is one who is waiting to lay low.

If the cats could have understood, they would have made fast friends of one another.  They would have watched each other's back.  They would have died in peace together under a tree.

Check your foolish wisdom at the door.  The only right you have is to obey the commands of the living God in Christ Jesus His Holy Son.

Think about it.  That light approaching is the largest semi you have ever seen!

The Mist of Dawn - 2014-07-18 08:28

The Morning Sun is coming.  How do I know?  I know it by the faithful promise of repetition.  I know it by watching the morning mist escape it lowly bounds.

Soon the Sun will rise and burn it from its hiding place.  What it thought it did in secret will be openly proclaimed.  "This land is mine!"  Says the Sun.  "I have come to claim what is rightfully mine.  Away with you before my presence."

The Morning Son is coming.  How do I know it?  By watching his faithful promise of repetition.  I know it by watching rebellion escape its lowly bounds and creep across the land.

Soon the Son will rise and burn it from its hiding place.  What it thought it did in secret will be openly proclaimed.  "This land is mine!"  Says the Son.  "I have come to claim what is rightfully mine.  Away with you before my presence."

Wanna Be a George? - 2014-07-19 06:58

George was summoned into the office.  Was this to be his last day?  Was poverty about to become his best friend?  A cloud of anxiety formed within him as each step took him closer.  Yet he did not know what to expect.

His boss was a fair man.  He knew that whatever would come must be fairly given.  In his anxiety he thought, "Surely I've missed something necessary.  Surely he will drive me out for something I have done but did not realize."

He knocked.  "Come in George", the steady and highly intelligent voice said.  George made his way across the spacious carpeted office.  The leather chair gladly received his anxious frame.

"George, I've watched you closely; closer than you know."  A chill went up George's spine.  "I've seen things about you and your life that I know you thought were hidden.  I'm about to change your life sir."

How should George's lips freeze shut now?  What defense could he make to such an obscure remark?  "Yep, I'm about to go home to give seriously bad news."

"George, I know how your family struggles.  I see how tattered your clothing is.  And I know it has to do with things you can't control.  Money's tight.  And life demands too much, rather often."

George just nodded his head on an unstable neck.  Without asking, his eyes began to drop their gaze to the floor.

"George, I want to give you the rest of the day off."  George's eyes shot up to look intently into the eyes of the man who held such horrible things in his hand.

"I want you to go down to 'Fair Deal Motors'.  When you get there, I want you to pick out a car that meets your fancy.  Have David call me, and I'll pay for it."

George just stared.

"George, did you hear me?"  A tiny nod was the response.

"Well, away with you then!  Get on your way.  I'll see you in the morning."


That was it.  That was the extent of the meeting.  After thanking his boss, George was numb as he walked to "Fair Deal Motors".

When he got to the lot, he asked for David.  David came out with a giant smile pasted on his mouth.  "You're a very lucky man George!  Come on.  Let's go out and get your new car picked out."

It was true!  Now his face brightened.  Shiny colors of shaped steel filled eyes that, just a moment before, had only been able to see gloomy mist.

He walked through the lot.  He saw the luxury.  But he passed it by.  He knew what fit his desire.  And find it, he did.

"Are you sure George?"  Asked David with a twinge of surprise he couldn't hide.  "Absolutely!  George's smile said it all.

They went to the office.  Paper work was done.  Keys were given.  And handshake was made.  "Off ya go, friend!  Have a great day!  I'll call your boss and finalize the deal."

George drove off in his "new" car.


The next day, he went to his boss's office first thing.  He had in mind to thank him and summon all the gratitude he could muster.  His wife and children had been ecstatic.  The evening was filled with waxing and admiration of both the gift and the giver.  He came in to give all the thanks such an evening deserved.

His boss was glad to see the joy.  But as they sat together, a frown came on the boss's face.

"George, I am really confused.  With all the beautiful and dependable cars David has there, why did you choose that rust bucket?  You could have had that Lincoln.  It's only two years old!  It would have lasted you for years.  As it is, I'm not sure how long that can of bolts will skip down the road.  Maybe David didn't explain clearly enough.  Maybe you just didn't understand.  But a deal's a deal.  That's the car you've got."

Surprise lit up George's mind.  He hadn't thought the receiving had no limit.  He had missed the point of the gift entirely.  But a deal's a deal.  "I chose what I thought I deserved, Sir."


"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."  Yet how many choose only what they think they are worth?  What a horrible waste of faith.

Line of Sight - 2014-07-20 07:02

We try to perceive what is.  And if one will carefully follow his lines of thought there is a progression in our perceptions.  Finally we reach fullness of our perception.  "Thus far will come and no farther."  Says the Lord.

How then can a man say that he knows what is true?  At best, he can only say he knows he who is true; and this to severe limitation.  For the wisdom of God and His glorious nature are hidden from man by his excellent will.

We are forced, by the constraints of his creation, to wear humility instead of pride.  So it is for us, so it was for the Holy Lord Jesus; who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God as something to be grasped.

Where is the pride among men that divides and destroys?  Not only among the men of the world but of the children of God.

But men compare themselves to other men, thus pride lives among them.  What would relationships look like if our comparison were exclusively between ourselves and the living God in Christ Jesus?

Humility would be the rule.  Pride would be the anomaly.  But as we look at the nature of people's interactions that is not what we find.

Truth is truth.  Who dares to live the promise of eternity today?

This Day, the Trembling Rabbit - 2014-07-21 07:37

This day has never been.  And wicked men wake with fear.  Yesterday is now a testimony both for and against all men who lived it.  It is written in stone; unmovable and sure.

As men slept. their testimony of yesterday was rolled up as a scroll.  It was set in a place unreachable by the desire and hands of men.  It was set among the scrolls of all their yesterdays.  And the living God, himself alone. knows the place.

Men may remember small elements of yesterday.  But they are powerless to affect the testimony, either for good or for bad.  What remains in the hand of men is either regret or joy.

Left alone, regret is quickly covered up.  Perhaps a man drinks himself to oblivion to forget.  Perhaps he dresses his mind with the things he has learned to enjoy.  He says,  "I will cover my regret.  It is too much for me to bear."

But regret is like a hungry wolf who walks beside you in the woods.  You hear the leaves rustle, just beyond your ability to see through the brush.  The snap of a tiny twig.  The brush of a branch against heavy fir.  The sound of heavy breathing as desire looks your way.  And if you could hear it, your ears would hear a drop of salivation strike the ground beneath his gaping mouth.  So it is with your regret which you hurry to mask as you wake from sleep.

If this is the case of yesterday, what will be today.  You will sleep tonight.  Will the morning see you scramble to cover today's crop of regret?  Will you spend tomorrow trembling as you walk its path?

WHY?  Why do you live this way?  Why do you allow all your days to hunt you in the darkness?  Is it that you don't know how to be released?  Is it that you have so well learned wickedness that you think it is normal?  Have you even come to the point where you attribute your own wicked ways to the living God and His holy son?  Do you say with confidence, "There is no way out!"

By this testimony you have no joy!  It is ripped away from the reach of your hand.  And you have ripped it away of your own volition.

How pathetic that men cover their regret with such trivial joy.  How sad that men should even know the word eternity.  How horrible the men should speak the word "joy".

Black and dark are your days.  Hunted like some terror filled rabbit, you spend your day in useless trivia.  Ignoring the wolf does not quench his hunger for your blood.

Would you be free of this hideous cycle of hopeless behavior?  Or have you come to love the thrill of death?  Do you take joy in your useless life?

Have you heard of the gospel of Christ Jesus, the Holy Son of the living God?  I tell you a truth.  He can release you from your days as a victim of regret.  But the choice remains yours.

You may read the Bible.  You may listen to sermons.  You may witness people who live free of regret.  You may ask them and receive their answer.  But if you would join them you must do the things of God.

It is not enough to hear.  A blade of grass may shiver in its place from the sound waves of truth that shake its form.  Never the less, it is cut down by the gardener.  So it is with those who hear and do not do.

What is the urgency in your heart to be free of this cycle of death?  Go!  Go visit the holy and living words that can transform your very soul.  Force your blind eyes to read.  Then ask the living God for release.  And continue for the rest of your days doing these things.  This is the life that will bring you freedom.

Do you think he does not love you?  Is not this thought a product of your own wicked and unloving heart?  If God did not love you, would he have sent His Son to be murdered in your place?  Why would the Holy living God do such a foolish and wicked thing?

Release is!  The transformation from pathetic  rabbit to a godly joyous man is real!  Do not let your eyes look at others.  Many will testify that they have looked and found nothing.  How then can this man write these words?  Pay no attention to them.  They lie from the wickedness that is stored up in their own heart.

Regret comes to you because there are words describing joy.  People are clean and are free and you have seen them.  What will you give to join them?

Fantasy is Fallacy - 2014-07-21 08:33

If we want butter we are forced to go to the cow for its milk.

If we want metal we are forced to dig at the ground.

If we want rain we are forced to wait for the clouds.

If we yearn for day, in the darkness of night, we are forced to wait for the rising Sun.

If we want to learn we are forced to observe the things that are.

Fantasy gives birth to fantasy.  Lies give birth to lies.  Truth gives birth to truth.  And only God can give birth to what is godly.

Why do you look for godly righteousness in places where he is not?  Why do you search in your own heart for the things that God demands?

God is forever, never fails, and will never cease.  This is the nature of the righteousness you seek.  You do not possess it, nor can you create it.  It belongs exclusively to the Most High God in his Holy Son Christ Jesus.

Pride lies to itself and says,  "I will create what I do not have.  Then I will be perfectly acceptable and glorified."

To the proud I say this:

"Make your own milk that you may have butter. 

Create your own ground that you may make metal. 

Go make your own sky and produce the clouds for rain.

Speak to the black universe and create your own Sun. 

Do these things, and vastly more, and it will be granted that you are righteous; able to save and sustain yourself.

But you observe what God has done and call it your own.  Let foolishness be what foolishness is.

Fantasy gives birth to fantasy. 

Lies give birth to lies. 

Truth gives birth to truth. 

And only God can grant what is God.

Metamorphosis - 2014-07-21 08:45

From dirt to white glory

Once I was brown with the filth of my own life.  Curled in on myself, I had no hope of promise.

But God has come, and now majestic has appeared.  He has done this and it is marvelous in my eyes.

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