History 2600 Spring 2009 Notes

Moral - basically Race and Religion - Americans saw their part in the world as the White man’s Burden. it is whites job to civilize and christianize the globe

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Moral - basically Race and Religion - Americans saw their part in the world as the White man’s Burden. it is whites job to civilize and christianize the globe

Economics and Money - probably the most important. America needed markets for its goods. Many Americans saw China as the ideal place to start their export markets. the gov of China was unable to stop foreign intervention. Americans pushed for an “open door policy” asking other european powers to open their ports to American goods. pushed for by Sec State John Hay. He argued for Laissez-faire imperialism or an informal empire. Under Pres. Taft Dollar Diplomacy was strived for. it put American industrial expansion and trade as the most important part of american foreign policy
Spanish American War - began over a crisis in Cuba - the sinking of the Maine in 1898. Yellow Journalism fueled American support for the Cuban’s and pushed the nation closer and closer to War.

TR and the Rough Riders - to TR a willingness to fight was a mark of manhood. In Cuba TR lead the Rough Riders, a volunteer force, in the capture of San Juan Hill

Admiral Dewey Steamed into Manila Bay and Destroyed the Spanish fleet. Spanish gave America Puerto Rico Guam and the Philippines.
it was soon found to be harder to manage an empire than to conquer one.

Americans only left Cuba after the Platt Amendment was forced on the Cuba. it severely restricted the rights of Cubans.

In the Philippines Emilio Aguinaldo lead a resistance against the American’s. He drafted a democratic constitution but he failed to receive American support for it, so he started fighting them.

it took the US 4 years to crush the Philippine independence movement at the cost 4300 americans and 57,000 Philippine lives

most of the area’s of America’s new empire were governed by influenced and not directly controlled.

Mar, 17 2009

the rise of populism
difficulties faced by farmers - farmers began to feel threatened as a major and important part of american society as more people and importance moved to urban areas

pests - grass hopper infestations wiped out midwest wheat crops

drought -

falling prices and raising transportations costs

and a tight money supply - helped people with money but meant that farmers had to pay very high interest rates on borrowed money used to purchase seed and equipment

the grange - at first it was a social and educational organization but eventually morphed into co-ops used to ease economic burdens by establishing co-op stores and elevators.

they protested against the unfair railroad rates.

eventually became a political organization that lobbied state laws. The interstate Commerce commission was set up to investigate the inequalities farmers faced.

the grange didn’t have enough capital to sustain its ventures but it was the vanguard of the agrarian movement

The Farmers’ Alliance - advocated farmer co-ops and became a marketer of farmers crops.

in 1889 Charles Macune successfully joined several regional farmers’ alliance into the National Farmers’ Alliance. because of its larger size it was able to help farmers get out of the debt cycle. It had a counterpart called the National colored farmers alliance although there were movements to join the two movements to work towards common interests.

The great plains farmers formed the Northwestern alliance. they had been plagued by droughts in the late 1880s and early 1890s.

farmers recognized the political potential of these farmers’ alliances
the Peoples party of the United States it was a populist backed party started by the farmers alliances that started to win elections in the 1890s

the populist party platform

tariff reduction - tariffs were helping manufacturers but hurt farmers

called for a graduated income tax

public ownership of railroads

“Free Silver” the free and unlimited coinage of silver

election reform. they wanted the direct election of senators

the populist offered a critic of big business and they wanted economic democracy. they framed their argument as a moral fight.

in the 1892 presidential election the populist candidate received over a million votes. but the election revealed some of the weaknesses of the party. they received no votes in the east or urban areas. voter fraud and intimidation and racism were rampant in the south.
the election of 1896 and the demise of the populist party

during the depression of 1893 there was massive unemployment and grain prices plummeted.

the call for free silver became a central issue for all parties in this climate. there was a debate b/w free silver vs the gold standard. this debate obscures all other populist platforms.

people believe that free silver would lead to rampant inflation and its proponents said it would make money easier to borrow.

republicans were in favor of the gold standard and the democrats were for free silver.

William Bryan - democratic candidate was strongly in favour of free silver

the populist decided to throw their support behind the democrats so as to not to split the vote but the Republicans win the election and the party dies away.
the Progressive era
trend towards professionalism, bureaucracy and efficiency that started in and around the Civil war. the shift of professionalism was personified by Clara Barton by systematizing an efficient way of getting medical supplies to the army she also founded the Red Cross.

many social institutions became regulated by the gov and run by professionals.

Jane Addams - the most famous woman in the US in early 20th C and was a first generation female collage grad.

during a trip of europe she was inspired by a visit to a charity workers house in the middle of the east London slums. it was part of the Settlement house movement. aid workers lived with the people they were helping

Jane Addams bought a house in the slums in Chicago called Hull House.

the residents of Hull house investigated urban problems like truancy, infections diseases, infant mortality, and poor sanitation. they also set up a number of programs to help the poor the women were studying. things like day care, ESL classes, public baths citizen prep classes and a public kitchen, community theatre etc. etc. etc.

there were about 50 Settlement houses across the US in the early 20th C

much of the published research had a strong effect on public policy and hull house alumni became leaders of public protection groups.

residents of Hull House have been criticized for not taking into account what the poor wanted and for using their time at Hull House as an outlet for their own ambitions and trying to assimilate their clients.

the progressive movement was a middle-class, urban movement but they had no organized political movement. they were not a radical movement they want to preserve and make capitalism work better.

the progressive ear is sometimes called the age of the expert Dr, lawyers and engineers and become important powerful part of society and the progressives supported them. they embraced efficiency

organizational progressives

Frederick Taylor - taylorism - used scientific management to make more factories and business more efficient. time became extremely important.

Taylorism became the standard in manufacturing. business owners liked taylorism and workers did not.
Government and progressivism

looked to gov involvement into society to make it better.
Roosevelt took a leading role in gov progressivism. he was president in 1801

he skillfully made the White house a center of many progressive movements and ideas

he first focused his efforts on business reforms and consumer protection. TR tried to balance and labor and their relationship. As he came from a wealthy family he wasn’t intimidated by the captains of industry. TR became knows as a Trust buster by breaking up large companies for the public good

1904 the gov under TR direction broke up of the Northern Securities Co. and then 40 other companies.

in 1906 the Hepburn Act was passed that gave more power to the ICC.

TR also tripled the size of National parks and wildlife preserves. he advocated the efficient use of natural resources

his most important reforms came in the area of consumer protections.

muck rakers were journalists who exposed corporate wrong doings. TR put his support behind many consumer reforms that are brought about by muckraking.
TR formed his own political party for the 1912 elections called the progressive party called the bull moose party.

all he succeeded in doing was splitting the conservative vote and this let Woodrow Wilson become president

Wilson was a southern democrat and a historian but he was also a progressive

his early reforms were reforms of gov control of economics and banking.

the Federal reserve act created the federal reserve and the 12 federal banks across the nations

the federal trade commission act created the FTC which investigated trade issues and unfair business actions.

clayton anti-trust act - filed anti-trust suits against over 100 companies

Keating-Owne Act - bared the interstate trade of goods made by children illegal
Wilson also made changes to the constitution

16th - national income tax

17th - election of senators

18th - prohibition

19th - women's suffrage
many of the reform movements of the progressive movement were social reforms

progressives sought to ensure that govs had the power to create good schools, parks, fire departments and many other public works - came to be know as the city beautiful movement

Prohibition - progressives finally achieved a national prohibition of the production and consumption of alcohol although it didn’t work

Women’s issues - progressives argued for women’s suffrage. Margaret Sanger pushed for birth control. in 1916 she opened the first birth control clinic in 1916. she published pamphlets on birth control but this was illegal. her clinic was open only 9 days before police shut it down and in that time over 400 women attempted to visit the clinic

Sangers campaign was aimed at poor immigrant women

progressives supported restrictive immigration policies as they believed that it was these immigrants who were one of the causes of problems in the US

progressives were often racists particularly in the south

progressives supported eugenics - the forced sterilization of social undesirables and advocated that blacks and immigrants should also not reproduce.
progressivism seeped into almost every aspect of American life and then around the first world war it disappear.
Mar 19, 2009
american neutrality to the first world war - neutral in thought as well as action

Objection of Progressives - William jennings Bryan resigned as sec state in 1925. and Jane Addams who formed the Women’s peace party

america was also a ethnically diverse nation with ties to Britain, germany and Ireland.

when war broke out the americans remain neutral because of the ethnic diversity of their own nation
reasons for entry into the war
U-Boat warfare - challenged the neutrality of the high seas. German u-boat attacks on american shipping is seen as a cause for american entry to war

the Sinking of the Lusitania - a British passenger ship that was sunk by a german u-boat. americans had been warned to not travel on British ships but 1200 people and 120 americans die. Wilson demanded that Germans end the unrestricted warfare on the high seas saying that if further attacks happen america may enter the war.

Wilson broke diplomatic ties in Jan 1917 over the u-boat affair.

The Zimmerman Telegram. German foreign sec. sent a telegram to german ambassador in mexico. proposes an military alliance b/w the mexicans and the germans. America intercepted the telegram and published it in newspapers. after this the US is clearly on the side of the British

Business Interests - The National Security League - a group of industrialists who joined together to encourage preparedness for war. By april 1917 american bankers lent 2.3 billion to the allies and only 27 million to the central powers.

Wilson was a know Anglophil and it is thought was that he was only waiting for an opportunity to convince the american people that it was the right thing to do.

Wilson wanted to join war to make the world a safer place for Democracy. Wilson also realized that if the US wanted to be part of the peace process they would have to be part of the war.

Wilson went to congress and asked them to declare war on April 2 1917.

America fielded their own distinct and separate force (American Expeditionary force) that would work with the Allies but not for them was lead by Gen. John J Pershing

America discovered that they were unprepared for war when they started. they didn’t have enough men of ammunition.

The Selective Services Act passed in may 1917 - was a draft bill. 24 million men registered to the draft and 3 million men were drafted although only 2 million were sent

men were encouraged to volunteer so they wouldn’t be branded as cowards.

the american economy accelerated the process of mass production and the War Ind Board was made by the gov to help with the production of military goods. nearly 5000 gov agencies were created to supervise the production of military goods.
by march of 1918 american troops covered only 4.5 miles of the front but by mid 1918 american troops proved a decisive advantage to the allied forces. in may 1918 there were a million american troops on the ground

American forces took Cantingy, Belleau Wood and Chateau-Thierry. this were huge morale boosts to the allied

the Argonne Offensive, fall of 1918 the largest offensive of the war and a stunning although costly victory for the allies by the time it was over the Germans were clearly in retreat.
propaganda - selling the war at home - propaganda was the chief weapon used in forging of support and also the purchase of Liberty Bonds in the US

Liberty Bonds raised 21 billion dollars for the war.

america became growingly anti-germanic and people who weren’t 100% american were considered inferior. German named towns were renamed and hamburgers and sauerkraut was removed from many menus.
controlling dissent at home - the gov itself was intolerant of any opposition to american entrance to the war

the Espionage Act and Sedition Amendment were gov attempts to stamp out opposition to the war. allowed the gov to arrest and imprison people for either what they did OR what they said if the gov thought that you were condemning the war.

Eugene Debs - leader of the American Socialists Party he was arrested and sentenced to ten years in jail for a speech about how america joined the war for economic reasons.

Armistice was declared on Nov 11 1918, and america escaped relatively unscathed (only about 112,000 casualties out of 7.2 million)
Wilson’s 14 points

self-determination in dividing territories

free navigation of the seas

lowered trade barriers

reduced armaments

openly negotiated treaties

the creation of the league of Nations

9 of Wilson’s point dealt with the breaking up of the Austria-Hungarian and Ottoman empire and the self determination of people groups w/i them. the other 5 dealt with his general world view.

allied leaders were cynical of Wilson. Wilson couldn’t negotiate his principles and couldn’t compromise with other allied leaders

eventually the Treaty of Versailles was signed and it was very hard on germany. it was not the peace that the thought that the germans thought they would be getting when they surrendered as they thought they would get Wilson’s peace
Wilson sees his creation of the league of nations as his greatest accomplishment and he focused on it.

when Wilson introduced the treaty of V to Congress it was voted down.

Lead by Henry Lodge and the irreconcilables they argued that article 10 (mutual defense) infringed on the congresses rights.

Lodge put in several amendments which he called “reservations” and then took these to the public.

this was the beginning of the debate on what America’s position in the world should be.


Argue a thesis - only one single thesis

after arguing this one single thesis through the essay should result in, at the end of the essay the theses is proven or answered.

intro - should contain the thesis and a road map of where you are going.

argue the thesis in the body paragraphs

provide adequate evidence/citations to support your argument - 1 citation per body paragraphs.

use direct quotations only when necessary; introduce your quotations; and mix up your sources

use reliable sources

Mar 24, 2009
in 1924 Robert and Helen Lynd pioneered the use of social surveys in Muncie Indiana.

they conducted a study of the social life and fabric in 1924 and compared it to previous data from 1890. they found that the material goods people owned had massively changed. they found that peoples leisure activities had also changed significantly. The car was changing mobility and social behaviour.

when “Middletown” was published in 1929 it became an instant best seller

The Red scare - anti-communist sentiment - spurred by the demand for loyalty to the american war effort at home and the success of the russian revolution abroad.

b/w 1919 and 1920 there was an increasingly hysterical anti-radical sentiment known as the red scare. it was a reaction against the bolshevik revolution and the 100% americanism that was required during the war

the Attorney Gen. of the day lead an assault on all perceived radicals and their thoughts and actions. to enforce this the justice department forms the anti-subversive department headed by J Edgar hoover. he arrested hundreds of suspected communists and deported many immigrant russians,

the raids of january 20 1920 saw 6000 people were arrested all done w/o warrants. they failed to find any real evidence lead to the disappearance of the red scare although 500 non citizens were deported

although the red scare disappeared quickly the anti-radicalism sentiments of americans remained.

political Conservatism - americans voted for a number of conservative republican presidents in their strive for the reduction of reform.

Warren G Harding won an election on his phrase “the return to normalcy” this was a clear sign of rejection of the progressive era. Harding promised to do almost nothing.

Harding did have close ties to business, he dismantled gov control over ind and increased tariffs.

Calvin Coolidge became Pres after Hardings death. he embraced old fashioned yankee morality. Coolidge also supported business “the business of america is business” he sees business as the foundation of america. Coolidge reduced gov control over the economy even more.

Herbert Hoover became the third republican president of the decade.
social conservatism

many of the social policies of the day did encourage activism

the 1920 Census revealed that more people now lived in urban areas than in rural areas. in response to this many people pushed for the protection of rural social values

Prohibition - 18th Amendment in 1920 made the production and sale of alcohol illegal

conservatives and progressives were very happy with prohibition

“drys” were often native born americans and protestants while the “wets” were often immigrants and liberals.

by the late 20s alcohol consumption was higher than in 1920 and organized crime controlled it. prohibition was repealed in 1933
Nativism - an anti immigrant sentiment

national origins Act of 1924 - codified the sentiments of anti-immigrants. keeping america for americans. it set tight quotas for eastern european immigrants and does not allow the immigration of asians.

Klu Klux Klan Revival - by the mid 20s, membership ranged from 2-5 million. the KKK of the 20s was treated as a social club and lacked much of the secrecy of later KKK’s. they frequently have large social gatherings

the KKK became popular in many areas of the country. and many of these areas were not in the south and had no black population

The revived clan is not just anti-black it is also anti-catholic, anti-jewish, and anti-immigrant. this appealed to the ill educated and deeply religious members.

the decline of the KKK started when the grand dragon of Indiana David Stephenson raped a young women who later took poison to commit Suicide and was jailed for manslaughter. he went on to expose the great political web of the KKK.
Scopes “Monkey” trial

religious fundamentalists objected to the increasing teaching of evolution in public schools and in 1925 it was made illegal in Tennessee.

this was challenged by John T Scopes and he was arrested as the ACLU which told him to do this had hoped for.

Clarence Darrow was the defense lawyer and William Jennings Bryan was the lawyer for the prosecution. While Bryan was considered backwards by the national media Scopes was found guilty.
the roaring decade

america is set apart from europe b/c of their immense prosperity and consumption in the 20s. the american economy grew quickly in the 20s fueled by easy credit, mass production, electricity, and automobiles.

the success of mass production fueled corporate profits, the costs of living remained stable and unemployment was low.

many average people had much more money to spend and leisure time.

easy credit lead to a borrowing and buying frenzy in america. part of this was b/c there were so many new products to purchase.

by the mid 20s 60% of american homes had electricity.

the automobile changed the way people lived their lives car ownership increased to the point where 60% of american families owned vehicles. it allowed people to live farther away from their homes and travel farther in their leisure time.

Advertising became big business during this time and appearance became more important than thrift. advertisers promised social success if their products were purchased. and social embarrassment if they were not.

advertisers connected the ownership of goods with social status as well as religious experience.

Mass media also became important during this time. with the advent of the radio and motion pictures a whole new medium for advertisers.

Hollywood’s influence

the movies shaped and changed what american culture was becoming.

sex appeal became extremely prevalent in motion pictures
Ballyhoo - a term used to describe the spirit of the 20s. it describes the fads and fashions of the era. people got very excited about trivial issues. it was related to the new mass media

upper and middle class youth of the 20s didn’t have to work and thus they used their free time to become involved in many fads.

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