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Int. no matter! pish! tush! tut! pshaw! pugh! pooh,pooh-pooh! fudge! bosh! humbug! fiddlestick[obs3], fiddlestick end[obs3]! fiddlededee! never mind! n'importe[Fr]! what signifies it, what boots it, what of it, what of that, what matter, what's the odds, a fig for' stuff and nonsense, stuff! nonsense!

Phr. magno conatu magnas nugas[Lat]; le jeu ne vaut pas la chandelle[Fr]; it matters not, it does not signify; it is of no consequence, it is of no importance; elephantus non capit murem[Lat]; tempete dans un verre d'eau[Fr].

#644. Utility. -- N. utility; usefulness &c. adj.; efficacy, efficiency, adequacy; service, use, stead, avail; help &c. (aid) 707; applicability &c. adj.; subservience &c. (instrumentality) 631; function &c. (business) 625; value; worth &c. (goodness) 648; money's worth; productiveness &c. 168; cui bono[Lat] &c. (intention) 620; utilization &c. (use) 677 step in the right direction.

common weal; commonwealth public good, public interest; utilitarianism &c. (philanthropy) 910.

V. be useful &c. adj.; avail, serve; subserve &c. (be instrumental to) 631; conduce &c. (tend) 176; answer , serve one's turn, answer a purpose, serve a purpose.

act a part &c. (action) 680; perform a function, discharge a function &c.; render a service, render good service, render yeoman's service; bestead[obs3], stand one in good stead be the making of; help &c. 707.

bear fruit &c. (produce) 161; bring grist to the mill; profit, remunerate; benefit &c. (do good) 648.

find one's account in, find one's advantage in; reap the benefit of &c. (be better for) 658. render useful &c. (use) 677.

Adj. useful; of use &c. n.; serviceable, proficuous[obs1], good for; subservient &c. (instrumental) 631.; conducive &c. (tending) 176; subsidiary &c. (helping) 707.

advantageous &c. (beneficial) 648; profitable, gainful, remunerative, worth one's salt; valuable; prolific &c. (productive) 168.

adequate; efficient, efficacious; effective, effectual; expedient &c. 646.

applicable, available, ready, handy, at hand, tangible; commodious, adaptable; of all work.

adv. usefully &c. adj.; pro bono publico[Lat].
#645. Inutility. -- N. inutility; uselessness &c. adj.; inefficacy[obs3], futility; ineptitude, inaptitude; unsubservience[obs3]; inadequacy &c. (insufficiency) 640; inefficiency.&c. (incompetence) 158; unskillfulness &c. 699; disservice; unfruitfulness &c.(unproductiveness). 169; labor in vain, labor lost, labor of Sisyphus; lost trouble, lost labor; work of Penelope; sleeveless errand, wild goose chase, mere farce.

tautology &c. (repetition) 104; supererogation &c. (redundancy) 641.

vanitas vanitatum[Lat], vanity, inanity, worthlessness, nugacity[obs3]; triviality &c. (unimportance) 643.

caput mortuum[Lat], waste paper, dead letter; blunt tool.

litter, rubbish, junk, lumber, odds and ends, cast-off clothes; button top; shoddy; rags, orts[obs3], trash, refuse, sweepings, scourings, offscourings[obs3], waste, rubble, debris, detritus; stubble, leavings; broken meat; dregs &c. (dirt) 653; weeds, tares; rubbish heap, dust hole; rudera[obs3], deads[obs3].

fruges consumere natus &c. (drone) 683[Lat][Horace].

V. be useless &c. adj.; go a begging &c. (redundant) 641; fail &c. 732.

seek after impossibilities, strive after impossibilities; use vain efforts, labor in vain, roll the stone of Sisyphus, beat the air, lash the waves, battre l'eau avec un baton[Fr], donner un coup d'epee dans l'eau[Fr], fish in the air, milk the ram, drop a bucket into an empty well, sow the sand; bay the moon; preach to the winds, speak to the winds; whistle jigs to a milestone; kick against the pricks, se battre contre des moulins[Fr]; lock the stable door when the steed is stolen, lock the barn door after the horse is stolen &c. (too late) 135; hold a farthing candle to the sun; cast pearls before swine &c. (waste) 638; carry coals to Newcastle &c. (redundancy) 641; wash a blackamoor white &c. (impossible) 471.

render useless &c. adj.; dismantle, dismast, dismount, disqualify, disable; unrig; cripple, lame &c. (injure) 659; spike guns, clip the wings; put out of gear.

Adj. useless, inutile, inefficacious, futile, unavailing, bootless; inoperative &c. 158; inadequate &c. (insufficient) 640; inservient[obs1], unsubservient; inept, inefficient &c. (impotent) 158; of no avail &c. (use) 644; ineffectual &c. (failure) 732; incompetent &c. (unskillful) 699; "stale, flat and unprofitable"; superfluous &c. (redundant) 641; dispensable; thrown away &c. (wasted) 638; abortive &c. (immature) 674.

worthless, valueless, priceless; unsalable; not worth a straw &c. (trifling) 643 dear at any price.

vain, empty, inane; gainless[obs3], profitless, fruitless; unserviceable, unprofitable; ill-spent; unproductive &c. 169; hors de combat[Fr]; effete, past work &c. (impaired) 659; obsolete &c. (old) 124; fit for the dust hole; good for nothing; of no earthly use; not worth having, not worth powder and shot; leading to no end, uncalled for; unnecessary, unneeded.

Adv. uselessly &c. adj.; to little purpose, to no purpose, to little or no purpose.

Int. cui bono?[Lat]; what's the good!

Phr. actum ne agas[Lat][obs3]; chercher une aiguille dans une botte de foin[obs3][Fr]; tanto buon che val niente[It].
#646. [Specific subservience.] Expedience. -- N. expedience, expediency; desirableness, desirability &c. adj.; fitness &c. (agreement) 23; utility &c. 644; propriety; opportunism; advantage.

high time &c. (occasion) 134.

V. be expedient &c. adj.; suit &c. (agree) 23; befit; suit the time, befit the time, suit the season, befit the season, suit the occasion, befit the occasion.

conform &c. 82.

Adj. expedient; desirable, advisable, acceptable; convenient; worth while, meet; fit, fitting; due, proper, eligible, seemly, becoming; befitting &c. v.; opportune &c. (in season) 134; in loco; suitable &c. (accordant) 23; applicable &c. (useful) 644.

Adv. in the right place; conveniently &c. adj.

Phr. operae pretium est[Lat].

#647. Inexpedience. -- N. inexpedience, inexpediency; undesirableness, undesirability &c. adj.; discommodity[obs3], impropriety; unfitness &c. (disagreement) 24; inutility &c. 645; disadvantage.

V. be inexpedient &c. adj.; come amiss &c. (disagree) 24; embarrass &c. (hinder) 706; put to inconvenience; pay too dear for one's whistle.

Adj. inexpedient, undesirable; unadvisable, inadvisable; objectionable; inapt, ineligible, inadmissible, inconvenient; incommodious, discommodious[obs3]; disadvantageous; inappropriate, unfit &c. (inconsonant) 24.

ill-contrived, ill-advised; unsatisfactory; unprofitable &c., unsubservient &c. (useless) 645; inopportune &c. (unseasonable) 135; out of place, in the wrong place; improper, unseemly.

clumsy, awkward; cumbrous, cumbersome; lumbering, unwieldy, hulky[obs3]; unmanageable &c. (impracticable) 704; impedient &c. (in the way) 706[obs3].

unnecessary &c. (redundant) 641.

Phr. it will never do.

#648. [Capability of producing good. Good qualities.] Goodness. -- N. goodness &c. adj.; excellence, merit; virtue &c. 944; value, worth, price.

super-excellence, supereminence; superiority &c. 33; perfection &c. 650; coup de maitre[Fr]; masterpiece, chef d'ouvre[Fr], prime, flower, cream, elite, pick, A1, nonesuch, nonpareil, creme de la creme, flower of the flock, cock of the roost, salt of the earth; champion; prodigy.

tidbit; gem, gem of the first water; bijou, precious stone, jewel, pearl, diamond, ruby, brilliant, treasure; good thing; rara avis[Lat], one in a thousand.

beneficence &c. 906; good man &c. 948.

V. be beneficial &c. adj.; produce good, do good &c. 618; profit &c. (be of use) 644; benefit; confer a benefit &c. 618.

be the making of, do a world of good, make a man of.

produce a good effect; do a good turn, confer an obligation; improve &c. 658.

do no harm, break no bones.

be good &c. adj.; excel, transcend &c. (be superior) 33; bear away the bell.

stand the proof, stand the test; pass muster, pass an examination.

challenge comparison, vie, emulate, rival.

Adj. harmless, hurtless[obs3]; unobnoxious[obs3], innocuous, innocent, inoffensive, neutral.

tolerable &c. (not very good) 651; up to the mark, unexceptionable, unobjectionable; satisfactory, tidy.

in good condition, in fair condition; fresh; sound &c. (perfect) 650.

beneficial, valuable, of value; serviceable &c. (useful) 644; advantageous, edifying, profitable; salutary &c. (healthful) 656.

favorable; nice, fine; fair.

propitious &c. (hope-giving) 858.

good, good as gold; excellent.

better; superior &c. 33; above par.

[ref: genuine &c. (true) 494].

{{has_superlative}} best, choice, select, superb, superlative, magnificent, outstanding, picked, elect, recherche, rare, priceless; unparagoned[obs3], unparalleled &c. (supreme) 33; superlatively &c. 33; bully* , crackajack*[obs3], gilt-edged; superfine, superexcellent[obs3]; of the first water; first-rate, first-class; high-wrought, exquisite, very best, crack, prime, tip-top, top-notch, top grade, capital, cardinal; gold standard &c. (perfect) 650; inimitable.

admirable, estimable; praiseworthy &c. (approve) 931; pleasing &c. 829; couleur de rose[Fr], precious, of great price; costly &c. (dear) 814; worth its weight in gold, worth a Jew's eye; priceless, invaluable, inestimable, precious as the apple of the eye.

Adv. beneficially &c. adj.; well &c. 618.

Phr. " Jewels five words long " [Tennyson]; " long may such goodness live! " [Rogers]; "the luxury of doing good " [Goldsmith].

#649. [Capability of producing evil. Bad qualities.] Badness. -- N. hurtfulness[obs3] &c. adj.; virulence.

evil doer &c. 913; plague spot &c. (insalubrity) 657; evil star, ill wind; hoodoo; Jonah; snake in the grass, skeleton in the closet; amari aliquid[Lat], thorn in the side.

malignity; malevolence &c. R907; tender mercies [ironically].

ill-treatment, annoyance, molestation, abuse, oppression, persecution, outrage; misusage &c. 679; knockout drops [U. S.].

badness &c. adj.; peccancy[obs3], abomination; painfulness &c. 830; pestilence &c. (disease) 655.

{{&causes: guilt &c. 947}}.

{{has_subtype: depravity &c. 945}}.

{{&causes: injury &c. (damage) 659}}.

{{&causes: pain &c. 830}}.

{{property_of: bane &c. 663}}.

V. be hurtful &c. adj.; cause evil, produce evil, inflict evil, work evil, do evil &c. 619; damnify[obs3], endamage[obs3], hurt, harm.

{{&causes: injure &c. (damage) 659}}.

{{&causes: pain &c. 830}}.

wrong, aggrieve, oppress, persecute; trample upon, tread upon, bear hard upon, put upon; overburden; weigh down, weigh heavy on; victimize; run down; molest &c. 830.

maltreat, abuse; ill-use, ill-treat; buffet, bruise, scratch, maul; smite &c. (scourge) 972; do violence, do harm, do a mischief; stab, pierce, outrage.

do mischief, make mischief; bring into trouble.

destroy &c. 162.

Adj. hurtful, harmful, scathful[obs3], baneful, baleful; injurious, deleterious, detrimental, noxious, pernicious, mischievous, full of mischief, mischief-making, malefic, malignant, nocuous, noisome; prejudicial; disserviceable[obs3], disadvantageous; wide-wasting.

unlucky, sinister; obnoxious; untoward, disastrous.

oppressive, burdensome, onerous; malign &c. (malevolent) 907.

corrupting &c. (corrupt &c. 659); virulent, venomous, envenomed, corrosive; poisonous &c. (morbific) 657[obs3]; deadly &c. (killing) 361; destructive &c. (destroying) 162; inauspicious &c. 859.

bad, ill, arrant, as bad as bad can be, dreadful; horrid, horrible; dire; rank, peccant, foul, fulsome; rotten, rotten at the core.

vile, base, villainous; mean &c. (paltry) 643; injured &c. deteriorated &c. 659; unsatisfactory, exceptionable indifferent; below par &c. (imperfect) 651; ill-contrived, ill-conditioned; wretched, sad, grievous, deplorable, lamentable; pitiful, pitiable, woeful &c. (painful) 830.

evil, wrong; depraved &c. 945; shocking; reprehensible &c. (disapprove) 932. hateful, hateful as a toad; abominable, detestable, execrable, cursed, accursed, confounded; damned, damnable; infernal; diabolic &c. (malevolent) 907.

unadvisable &c. (inexpedient) 647; unprofitable &c. (useless) 645; incompetent &c. (unskillful) 699; irremediable &c. (hopeless) 859.

Adv. badly &c. adj. ; wrong, ill; to one's cost; where the shoe pinches.

Phr. bad is the best: the worst come to the worst; herba mala presto cresco [Lat]; "wrongs unredressed or insults unavenged " [Wordsworth].
#650. Perfection. -- N. perfection; perfectness &c. adj.; indefectibility[obs3]; impeccancy[obs3], impeccability.

pink, beau ideal, phenix, paragon; pink of perfection, acme of perfection; ne plus ultra[Lat]; summit &c. 210.

cygne noir[Fr]; philosopher's stone; chrysolite, Koh-i-noor.

model, standard, pattern, mirror, admirable Crichton; trump, very prince of.

masterpiece, superexcellence &c. (goodness) 648[obs3]; transcendence &c. (superiority) 33.

absence of error, absence of flaw.

V. be perfect &c. adj.; transcend &c. (be supreme) 33.

bring to perfection, perfect, ripen, mature; complete &c. 729; put in trim &c. (prepare) 673; maturate.

Adj. perfect, faultless; indefective[obs3], indeficient[obs3], indefectible; immaculate, spotless, impeccable, flawless.

free from imperfection &c. 651; unblemished, uninjured &c. 659; sound, sound as a roach; in perfect condition; scathless[obs3], intact, harmless; seaworthy &c. (safe) 644; right as a trivet; in seipso totus teres atque rotundus [Lat][Horace]; consummate &c. (complete) 52; finished &c. 729.

best &c. (good) 648; model, standard; inimitable, unparagoned[obs3], unparalleled &c. (supreme) 33; superhuman, divine; beyond all praise &c. (approbation) 931; sans peur et sans reproche[Fr].

Adv. to perfection; perfectly &c. adj.; ad unguem[Lat]; clean, clean as a whistle.

Phr. " let us go on unto perfection " [ Hebrews vi, 1]; " the perfection of art is to conceal art " [Quintilian]; "Why not the best?" [Jimmy Carter]; "Anything less than the best is a felony." [Vanilla Ice].
#651. Imperfection. -- N. imperfection; imperfectness &c. adj.; deficiency; inadequacy &c. (insufficiency) 640; peccancy &c. (badness) 649[obs3]; immaturity &c. 674.

fault, defect, flaw, weak point; screw loose; gap &c. 198; twist &c. 243; taint, attainder; bar sinister, hole in one's coat; blemish &c. 848; weakness &c. 160; half blood; shortcoming &c. 304; drawback; seamy side.

[ref: flaw &c. (break) 70.flaw &c. (break) 70].

mediocrity; no great shakes, no great catch; not much to boast of; one-horse shay.

V. be imperfect &c. adj.; have a defect &c. n.; lie under a disadvantage; spring a leak.

not pass muster, barely pass muster; fall short &c. 304.

Adj. imperfect; not perfect &c. 650; deficient, defective; faulty, flawed, unsound, tainted; out of order, out of tune; cracked, leaky; sprung; warped &c. (distort) 243; lame; injured &c. (deteriorated) 659; peccant &c. (bad) 649; frail &c. (weak) 160; inadequate &c. (insufficient) 640; crude &c. (unprepared) 674; incomplete &c. 53; found wanting,; below par; short-handed; below its full strength, under its full strength, below its full complement.

indifferent, middling, ordinary, mediocre; average &c. 29; so-so; couci-couci, milk and water; tolerable, fair, passable; pretty well, pretty good; rather good, moderately good; good; good enough, well enough, adequate; decent; not bad, not amiss; inobjectionable[obs3], unobjectionable, admissible, bearable, only better than nothing.

secondary, inferior; second-rate, second-best; one-horse [U.S.].

Adv. almost &c.; to a limited extent, rather &c. 32; pretty, moderately, passing; only, considering, all things considered, enough.

Phr. surgit amari aliquid[Lat].

#652. Cleanness. -- N. cleanness, cleanliness &c. adj.; purity; cleaning &c. v.; purification, defecation &c. v.; purgation, lustration[obs3]; detersion[obs3], abstersion[obs3]; epuration[obs3], mundation[obs1]; ablution, lavation[obs3], colature[obs1]; disinfection &c. v.; drainage, sewerage.

lavatory, laundry, washhouse[obs3]; washerwoman, laundress, dhobi[obs3], laundryman, washerman[obs3]; scavenger, dustman[obs3], sweep; white wings

brush[Local U. S.]; broom, besom[obs3], mop, rake, shovel, sieve, riddle, screen, filter; blotter.

napkin, cloth, maukin[obs1], malkin[obs1], handkerchief, towel, sudary[obs3]; doyley[obs3], doily, duster, sponge, mop, swab.

cover, drugget[obs3].

wash, lotion, detergent, cathartic, purgative; purifier &c. v.; disinfectant; aperient[obs3]; benzene, benzine benzol, benolin[obs3]; bleaching powder, chloride of lime, dentifrice, deobstruent[obs3], laxative.

V. be clean, render clean &c. adj.

clean, cleanse; mundify[obs1], rinse, wring, flush, full, wipe, mop, sponge, scour, swab, scrub, brush up.

wash, lave, launder, buck; absterge[obs1], deterge[obs3]; decrassify[obs3]; clear, purify; depurate[obs3], despumate[obs3], defecate; purge, expurgate, elutriate[Chem], lixiviate[obs3], edulcorate[obs3], clarify, refine, rack; filter, filtrate; drain, strain.

disinfect, fumigate, ventilate, deodorize; whitewash; castrate, emasculate.

sift, winnow, pick, weed, comb, rake, brush, sweep.

rout out, clear out, sweep out &c.; make a clean sweep of.

Adj. clean, cleanly; immaculate; spotless, stainless, taintless; trig; without a stain, unstained, unspotted, unsoiled, unsullied, uninfected; sweet, sweet as a nut.

pure, unadulterated, untainted.

utter [ref: complete, unmitigated].

neat, spruce, tidy, trim, gimp, clean as a new penny, like a cat in pattens; cleaned &c. v.; kempt[obs3].

abstergent[obs3], cathartic, cleansing, purifying.

Adv. neatly &c. adj.; clean as a whistle.

#653. Uncleanness. -- N. uncleanness &c. adj.; immundity[obs3], immundicity[obs3]; impurity &c. 961[of mind].

impurity, adulteration; defilement, contamination &c. v..

defoedation[obs1]; soilure[obs3], soiliness[obs1]; abomination; leaven; taint, tainture[obs1]; fetor &c. 401[obs3].

decay; putrescence, putrefaction; corruption; mold, must, mildew, dry rot, mucor, rubigo[obs1].

slovenliness &c. adj., squalor, slovenry[obs3].

{{trait_of: pig, dowdy, drab, slut, slattern, sloven, scrub, draggle-tail, dustman, sweep; beast; (ref: unclean person P2. }}.

dirt, filth, soil, slop; dust, cobweb, flue; smoke, soot, smudge, smut, grit, grime, raff[obs3]; sossle[obs3], sozzle[obs3].

sordes[obs3], dregs, grounds, lees; argol[obs3]; sediment, settlement heeltap[obs3]; dross, drossiness[obs3]; mother[obs1], precipitate, scoriae, ashes, cinders. recrement[obs3], slag; scum, froth.

hogwash; ditchwater[obs3], dishwater, bilgewater[obs3]; rinsings.

cheeseparings; sweepings &c. (useless refuse) 645; offscourings[obs3], outscourings[obs3]; off scum; caput mortuum[Lat][obs3], residuum, sprue, fecula[Lat], clinker, draff[obs3]; scurf, scurfiness[obs3]; exuviae[Lat], morphea; fur, furfur[obs3]; dandruff; tartar.

riffraff; vermin, louse, flea, bug, chinch[obs3].

mud, mire, quagmire, alluvium, silt, sludge, slime, slush, slosh, sposh [obs3][U. S.].

spawn, offal, gurry [obs3][U. S.]; lientery[obs3]; garbage, carrion; excreta &c. 299; slough, peccant humor, pus, matter, suppuration, lienteria[obs3]; faeces, feces, , excrement, ordure, dung, crap[vulgar], shit[vulgar]; sewage, sewerage; muck; coprolite; guano, manure, compost.

dunghill, colluvies[obs3], mixen[obs3], midden, bog, laystall[obs3], sink, privy, jakes; toilet, john, head; cess[obs3], cesspool; sump, sough, cloaca, latrines, drain, sewer, common sewer; Cloacina; dust hole.

sty, pigsty, lair, den, Augean stable[obs3], sink of corruption; slum, rookery.

V. be unclean, become unclean &c. adj.; rot, putrefy, ferment, fester, rankle, reek; stink &c. 401; mold, molder; go bad &c. adj.

render unclean &c. adj.; dirt, dirty; daub, blot, blur, smudge, smutch[obs3], soil, smoke, tarnish, slaver, spot, smear; smirch; begrease[obs3];.dabble, drabble[obs3], draggle, daggle[obs3]; spatter, slubber; besmear &c., bemire, beslime[obs3], begrime, befoul; splash, stain, distain[obs3], maculate, sully, pollute, defile, debase, adulterate, contaminate, taint, leaven;, corrupt &c. (injure) 659; cover with dust &c. n.; drabble in the mud[obs3]; roil.

wallow in the mire; slobber, slabber[obs3].

Adj. dirty, filthy, grimy; unclean, impure; soiled &c. v.; not to be handled with kid gloves; dusty, snuffy[obs3], smutty, sooty, smoky; thick, turbid, dreggy; slimy; mussy [U.S.].

slovenly, untidy, messy, uncleanly.

[of people] unkempt, sluttish, dowdy, draggle-tailed; uncombed.

unscoured[obs3], unswept[obs3], unwiped[obs3], unwashed, unstrained, unpurified[obs3]; squalid; lutose[obs3], slammocky[obs3], slummocky[obs3], sozzly[obs3].

nasty, coarse, foul, offensive, abominable, beastly, reeky, reechy[obs3]; fetid &c. 401.

[of rotting living matter] decayed, moldy, musty, mildewed, rusty, moth-eaten, mucid[obs3], rancid, weak, bad, gone bad, etercoral[obs3], lentiginous[obs3], touched, fusty, effete, reasty[obs3], rotten, corrupt, tainted, high, flyblown, maggoty; putrid, putrefactive, putrescent, putrefied; saprogenic, saprogenous[obs3]; purulent, carious, peccant; fecal, feculent; stercoraceous[obs3], excrementitious[obs3]; scurfy, scurvy, impetiginous[obs3]; gory, bloody; rotting &c. v.; rotten as a pear, rotten as cheese.

crapulous &c. (intemperate) 954[obs3]; gross &c. (impure in mind) 961; fimetarious[obs3], fimicolous[obs3].

Phr. " they that touch pitch will be defiled " [Much Ado About Nothing].
<-- this part of R659, deterioration was broken off from the section under medicine -->

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