Hithes doc Version 14

Adj. essaying &c. v.; experimental &c. 463; tentative, empirical, probationary. Adv

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Adj. essaying &c. v.; experimental &c. 463; tentative, empirical, probationary.

Adv. experimentally &c. adj.; on trial, at a venture; by rule of thumb. if one may be so bold.

Phr. aut non tentaris aut perfice [Lat][Ovid]; chi non s'arrischia non guadagna[Fr].
#676. Undertaking. -- N. undertaking; compact &c. 769; adventure, venture; engagement &c. (promise) 768; enterprise, emprise[obs3]; pilgrimage; matter in hand &c. (business ) 625; move; first move &c. (beginning) 66.

V. undertake; engage in, embark in; launch into, plunge into; volunteer; apprentice oneself to; engage &c. (promise) 768; contract &c. 769; take upon oneself, take upon one's shoulders; devote oneself to &c. (determination) 604.

take up, take in hand; tackle; set about, go about; set to, fall to, set to work; launch forth; set up shop; put in hand, put in execution; set forward; break the neck of a business, be in, for; put one's hand to, put one's foot in; betake oneself to, turn one's hand to, go to do; begin &c. 66; broach, institute &c. one's (originate) 153; put one's hand to the plow, lay one's hand to the plow, put one's shoulder to the wheel.

have in hand &c. (business) 625; have many irons in the fire &c. (activity) 682.

Adj. undertaking &c. v.; on the anvil &c. 625.

Int. here goes!
#677. Use. -- N. use; employ, employment; exercise, exercitation[obs3]; application, appliance; adhibition[obs3], disposal; consumption; agency &c. (physical) 170; usufruct; usefulness &c. 644; benefit; recourse, resort, avail.

[Conversion to use] utilization, service, wear.

[Way of using] usage.

V. use,.make use of, employ, put to use; put in action, put in operation, put in practice; set in motion, set to work.

ply, work, wield, handle, manipulate; play, play off; exert, exercise, practice, avail oneself of, profit by, resort to, have recourse to, recur to, take betake oneself to; take up with, take advantage of; lay one's hands on, try.

render useful &c. 644; mold; turn to account, turn to use; convert to use, utilize; work up; call into play, bring into play; put into requisition; call forth, draw forth; press into service, enlist into the service; bring to bear upon, devote, dedicate, consecrate, apply, adhibit[obs3], dispose of; make a handle of, make a cat's-paw of.

fall back upon, make a shift with; make the most of, make the best of.

use up, swallow up; consume, absorb, expend; tax, task, wear, put to task.

{{has_subtype}} reuse.

{{has_subtype(reuse)}} cannibalize.

Adj. in use; used &c. v.; well-worn, well-trodden.

useful &c. 644; subservient &c. (instrumental) 631.

#678. Disuse. -- N. forbearance, abstinence; disuse; relinquishment &c. 782; desuetude &c. (want of habit) 614; disusage[obs3].

V. not use; do without, dispense with, let alone, not touch, forbear, abstain, spare, waive, neglect; keep back, reserve. lay up, lay by, lay on the shelf, keep on the shelf,lay up in ordinary; lay up in a napkin; shelve; set aside, put aside, lay aside; disuse, leave off, have done with; supersede; discard &c. (eject) 297; dismiss, give warning.

throw aside &c. (relinquish) 782; make away with &c. (destroy) 162; cast overboard , heave overboard , throw overboard; cast to the dogs, cast to the winds; dismantle &c. (Render useless) 645.

lie unemployed , remain unemployed &c. adj.

Adj. not used &c. v.; unemployed, unapplied, undisposed of, unspent, unexercised, untouched, untrodden, unessayed[obs3], ungathered[obs3], unculled; uncalled for, not required.

disused &c. v.; done with.

#679. Misuse. -- N. misuse, misusage, misemployment[obs3], misapplication, misappropriation.

abuse, profanation, prostitution, desecration; waste &c. 638.

V. misuse, misemploy, misapply, misappropriate.

desecrate, abuse, profane, prostitute: waste &c. 638; overtask, overtax, overwork: squander &c. 818.

cut blocks with a razor, employ a steam engine to crack a nut; catch at a straw.

Adj. misused &c. v.

Phr. ludere cum sacris[Lat].

M7.3 Action (R680 to R703) [[action]]

N. action.

<-- For this hierarchy, each the below categories (including inaction!) will be considered a subtype of action. (Thus, doing nothing is doing something!) -->

M7.3.1 simple.action R680 to R691

<--- 680. Acting 681. Inaction

682. Activity 683. Inactivity

684. Haste 685. Leisure

686. Exertion 687. Repose

688. Fatigue 689. Refreshment

690. Agent

691. Workshop


N. simple.action.

<-- actions of humans/agents. Distinguish from physical events -->

M7.3.1.1 acting

#680. Acting.

N. {{hperforms(agent, R687, @M7.3.1}} acting, action, performance; doing, &c. v.; perpetration; exercise, excitation; movement, operation, evolution; praxis, execution; procedure &c. (conduct) 692; handicraft; business &c. 625; agency &c. (power at work) 170.

deed, act, overt act, stitch, touch, gest transaction[obs3], job, doings, dealings, proceeding, measure, step, maneuver, bout, passage, move, stroke, blow; coup, coup de main, coup d'etat[Fr]; tour de force &c. (display) 882; feat, exploit; achievement &c. (completion) 729; handiwork, workmanship; manufacture; stroke of policy &c. (plan) 626.

actor &c. (doer) 690.

{{property_of}} human activity.

{{has_subtype(human activity: @R686, work, labor}}.

{{has_subtype(human activity: @R685a, play}}.

{{has_subtype(human activity: learning, studying; idleness}}.

V. do, perform, execute; achieve &c. (complete) 729; transact, enact; commit, perpetrate, inflict; exercise, prosecute, carry on, work, practice, play.

employ oneself, ply one's task; officiate, have in hand &c. (business) 625; labor &c. 686; be at work; pursue a course; shape one's course &c. (conduct) 692.

act, operate; take action, take steps; strike a blow, lift a finger, stretch forth one's hand; take in hand &c. (undertake) 676; put oneself in motion; put in practice; carry into execution &c. (complete) 729; act upon.

be an actor &c. 690; take a part in, act a part in, play a part in, perform a part in; participate in; have a hand in, have a finger in the pie; have to do with; be a party to, be a participator in; bear a hand, lend a hand; pull an oar, run in a race; mix oneself up with &c. (meddle) 682.

be in action; come into operation &c. (power at work) 170.

Adj. doing &c. v.; acting; in action; in harness; on duty; in operation &c. 170.

Adv. in the act, in the midst of, in the thick of; red‑handed, in flagrante delicto[Lat]; while one's hand is in.

Phr. "action is eloquence" [Coriolanus]; actions speak louder than words; actum aiunt ne agas [obs3][Lat][Terence]; "awake, arise, or be forever fall'n" [Paradise Lost]; dii pia facta vident [Lat][Ovid]; faire sans dire[Fr]; fare fac[It]; fronte capillata post est occasio calva[Lat]; " our deeds are sometimes better than our thoughts" [Bailey]; "the great end of life is not knowledge but action " [Huxley]; "thought is the soul of act" [R. Browning]; vivre-ce nest pas respirer c'est agir[Fr][obs3]; "we live in deeds not years" [Bailey].
M7. Ingestion. Eating. Meal. [[eating]]

<-- separate eating from food -->

#298a. Eating. {{consumed_by(food, R298, P2.}} {{has_conceptual_part(tasting)}} ingestion.

eating; deglutition, gulp, epulation[obs3], mastication, manducation[obs3], rumination.

{{property_of(excessive): gluttony &c. 957}}.

{[with_object(horse)]} hippophagy[obs3].

{[with_object(fish)]} ichthyophagy[obs3].

{{caused_by: appetite &c. 865}}

{{uses(eating)}} {{has_subtype(body part): mouth, jaws, mandible, mazard[obs3], chops}}.

drinking; potation, draught, libation.

carousal &c. (amusement) 840; drunkenness &c. 959.

{{performed_by: diner; hippophage; glutton &c. 957}}.

V. eat, feed, fare, devour, swallow, take; gulp, gulp down, bolt, snap, wolf down; fall to; despatch, dispatch; discuss; take down, get down; lay in, tuck in*; lick, pick, peck; gormandize &c. 957; bite, champ, munch, munch on, cranch[obs3], craunch[obs3], crunch, chew, masticate, nibble, gnaw, mumble.

live on; feed upon, batten upon, fatten upon, feast upon; browse, graze, crop, regale; carouse &c. (make merry) 840; eat heartily, do justice to, play a good knife and fork, banquet.

breakfast ,lunch, dine, take tea, sup; break bread, break one's fast.

drink in, drink up, drink one's fill; quaff, sip, sup; suck, suck up; lap; swig; swill*, chugalug[slang], tipple &c. (be drunken) 959; empty one's glass, drain the cup; toss off, toss one's glass; wash down, crack a bottle, wet one's whistle.

purvey &c. 637.

Adj. eatable, edible, esculent[obs3], comestible, alimentary; cereal, cibarious[obs3]; dietetic; culinary; nutritive, nutritious; gastric; succulent; potable, potulent[obs1]; bibulous; {{similar_to: tasty, delicious, appetizing R394}}.

omnivorous, carnivorous, herbivorous, granivorous[obs3], graminivorous, phytivorous[obs3]; ichthyivorous[obs3]; omophagic[obs3], omophagous[obs3]; pantophagous[obs3], phytophagous[obs3], xylophagous[Biol].

Phr. "across the walnuts and the wine" [Tennyson]; "blessed hour of our dinners!" [O. Meredith]; "now good digestion wait on appetite, and health on both!" [Macbeth]; "who can cloy the hungry edge of appetite?"

[Richard II].

M7. Meal [[meal]]

N. {{has_subtype(eating, M7.3.1.1)}} {{&required_for(cooking/preparation)}} {{consumed_by(food, R298, P2.}} meal, repast.

feed, spread, mess, groaning board; regale; regalement[obs3], refreshment, entertainment; refection, collation.

breakfast; brunch; lunch, luncheon; dinner, supper, evening meal, evening repast, dejeuner[Fr], bever[obs3], tiffin[obs3].

{{has_part(meal)}} course, dish, plate; appetizer, hors d'oeuvre[Fr]; main course, entree; dessert.

{{precedes(appetizer): main course}}.

{{precedes(main course): dessert}}.

{{has_subtype(hors d'oeuvre)}} {{origin_of(Italy)}} antipasto.

{{location_of(outdoors)}} cookout, barbecue, picnic.

potluck, table d'hote[Fr], dejeuner a la fourchette[Fr].

{{has_small_quantity}} quick meal, fast food; TV dinner; snack, bite, junk food, whet, nosh, bait.

{{has_subtype(snack)}} midnight snack.

{{has_large_quantity}} hearty meal, square meal, substantial meal, full meal, soup to nuts, seven-course meal; feast, banquet, junket; festival, fete.

blowout; light refreshment; bara[obs3], chotahazri[obs3]; bara khana[obs3].

table, cuisine, bill of fare, menu, table d'hote[Fr], ordinary.

<-- [[parting]] -->

M7. Parting

N. parting, separating, moving apart; detachment, detaching, segregation; moving away.

cutting; divorce, sejunction[obs1], seposition[obs1], diduction[obs3], diremption[obs3], discerption[obs3]; elision; fracture, division, rupture; compartition [obs1]; dismemberment, dislocation; luxation[obs3]; separation, separating, severance, disseverance; scission; rescission, abscission; laceration, circumcision, dilaceration[obs3]; disruption, abruption[obs3]; avulsion[obs3], divulsion[obs3]; section, resection, cleavage; fission.

punching, die cutting, punching out.

partibility[obs3], separability.

{{caused_by: parting &c. v.}}.

{{caused_by}} dissection, anatomy; decomposition &c. 49.

V. part, move apart, move away.

fall apart, come apart; come off, fall off, come to pieces, fall to pieces; peel off; get loose.

cut, slice, slit, lacerate; rend, sunder, divide, subdivide, sever, dissever, abscind[obs3]; circumcise; incide[obs1], incise; saw; snip, nib, nip, cleave, rive, split, splinter.

chip, crack, snap, break, tear, burst; rend asunder, cleave in twain, rend in twain; wrench, rupture, shatter, shiver, cranch[obs3], crunch, craunch[obs3], chop.

{{function_of(punch, @P2.}} punch, punch out.

set free &c. (liberate) 750.

throw out of gear; cut adrift; loose; unloose, undo, unbind, unchain, unlock &c. (fix) 43, unpack.

disassemble, unassemble, take apart.

{{property_of(multiplicity)}} chop up, cut up, slice up; rip up; hack, hew, slash; whittle; haggle, hackle, discind[obs1], scramble, mangle, gash, hash.


dissect, anatomize; dislimb[obs3]; take to pieces, pull to pieces, pick to pieces, tear to pieces; tear to tatters, tear piecemeal, tear limb from limb; divellicate[obs3]; skin &c. 226.

disintegrate, dismember, disbranch[obs3], disband; disperse &c. 73; dislocate, disjoint; break up; mince; comminute &c. (pulverize) 330; apportion &c. 786.

part, part company; separate, leave.

<-- [[acting]] put new actions or relocate actions here -->

M7.3.1.2 Inaction

#681. Inaction. -- N. inaction, passiveness, abstinence from action; noninterference, nonintervention; Fabian policy, conservative policy; neglect &c. 460.

inactivity &c. 683; rest &c. (repose) 687; quiescence &c. 265; want of occupation, inoccupation[obs3]; idle hours, time hanging on one's hands, dolce far niente[It]; sinecure, featherbed, featherbedding, cushy job, no-show job; soft snap, soft thing.

V. not do, not act, not attempt; be inactive &c. 683; abstain from doing, do nothing, hold, spare; not stir, not move, not lift a finger, not lift a foot, not lift a peg; fold one's arms, fold one's hands; leave alone, let alone; let be, let pass, let things take their course, let it have its way, let well alone, let well enough alone; quieta non movere[Lat]; stare super antiquas vias[Lat][obs3]; rest and be thankful, live and let live; lie rest upon one's oars; laisser aller[Fr], faire[Fr]; stand aloof; refrain &c. (avoid) 623 keep oneself from doing; remit one's efforts, relax one's efforts; desist &c. (relinquish) 624; stop &c. (cease) 142; pause &c. (be quiet) 265.

wait, lie in wait, bide one's time, take time, tide it over.

cool one's heels, kick one's heels; while away the time, while away tedious hours; pass the time, fill up the time, beguile the time; talk against time; let the grass grow under one's feet; waste time &c. (inactive) 683.

lie by, lie on the shelf, lie in ordinary, lie idle, lie to, lie fallow; keep quiet, slug; have nothing to do, whistle for want of thought.

undo, do away with; take down, take to pieces; destroy &c. 162.

Adj. not doing &c. v.; not done &c. v.; undone; passive; unoccupied, unemployed; out of employ, out of work; fallow; desaeuvre[Fr].

Adv. re infecta[Lat], at a stand, les bras croisis[Fr], with folded arms; with the hands in the pockets, with the hands behind one's back; pour passer le temps[Fr].

Int. so let it be! stop! &c. 142; hands off!

Phr. cunctando restituit rem "If it ain't broke don't fix it" [Lat][Bert Lance]; stare decisis [Latin: (Law) let the decision stand];.

<-- [[activity]] This entry is for words describing brisk activity. Action generally is under R680. -->

M7.3.1.3 Activity

#682. Activity. -- N. activity, action; movement.

{{has_high_level}} briskness, liveliness &c. adj.; animation, life, vivacity, spirit, dash, energy; snap, vim.

{{has_high_level}} nimbleness, agility; smartness, quickness &c. adj.; velocity, &c. 274; alacrity, promptitude; despatch, dispatch; expedition; haste &c. 684; punctuality &c. (early) 132.

{{has_high_level}} eagerness, zeal, ardor, perfervidum aingenium[Lat][obs3], empressement[Fr], earnestness, intentness; abandon; vigor &c. (physical energy) 171; devotion &c. (resolution) 604; exertion &c. 686.

{{has_high_level}} industry, assiduity; assiduousness &c. adj.; sedulity; laboriousness; drudgery &c. (labor) 686; painstaking, diligence; perseverance &c. 604a; indefatigation[obs1]; habits of business.

{{has_high_level}} vigilance &c. 459; wakefulness; sleeplessness, restlessness; insomnia; pervigilium[obs3], insomnium[obs3]; racketing.

{{has_high_level}} bustle, stir, fuss, ado, bother, pottering, fidget, fidgetiness; flurry &c. (haste) 684.

officiousness; dabbling, meddling; interference, interposition, intermeddling; tampering with, intrigue.

press of business, no sinecure, plenty to do, many irons in the fire, great doings, busy hum of men, battle of life, thick of the action.

{{property_of(assiduousness): @P2., hustler;

housewife, busy bee; young turk, new broom; sharp fellow, sharp blade; devotee, enthusiast, zealot, meddler, intermeddler, intriguer, busybody, pickthank[obs3]; hummer, live man [U.S.], rustler [U. S.]}}.

V. be active &c. adj.; busy oneself in; stir, stir about, stir one's stumps; bestir oneself, rouse oneself; speed, hasten, peg away, lay about one, bustle, fuss; raise up, kick up a dust; push; make a push, make a fuss, make a stir; go ahead, push forward; fight one's way, elbow one's way; make progress &c. 282; toll &c. (labor) 686; plod, persist &c. (persevere) 604a; keep up the ball, keep the pot boiling.

look sharp; have all one's eyes about one &c. (vigilance) 459; rise, arouse oneself, hustle, get up early, be about, keep moving, steal a march, kill two birds with one stone; seize the opportunity &c. 134 lose no time, not lose a moment, make the most of one's time, not suffer the grass to grow under one's feet, improve the shining hour, make short work of; dash off; make haste &c. 684; do one's best take pains &c. (exert oneself)

686; do wonders, work wonders.

have many irons in the fire, have one's hands full, have much on one's hands; have other things to do, have other fish to fry; be busy; not have a moment to spare, not have a moment that one can call one's own.

have one's fling, run the round of; go all lengths, stick at nothing, run riot.

outdo; overdo, overact, overlay, overshoot the mark; make a toil of a pleasure.

have a hand in &c. (act in) 680; take an active part, put in one's oar, have a finger in the pie, mix oneself up with, trouble, one's head about, intrigue; agitate.

tamper with, meddle, moil; intermeddle, interfere, interpose; obtrude; poke one's nose in, thrust one's nose in.

[render active] activate, energize.

Adj. active, brisk, brisk as a lark, brisk as a bee; lively, animated, vivacious; alive, alive and kicking; frisky, spirited, stirring.

nimble, nimble as a squirrel; agile; light-footed, nimble‑footed; featly[obs3], tripping.

quick, prompt, yare[obs3], instant, ready, alert, spry, sharp, smart; fast &c. (swift) 274; quick as a lamplighter, expeditious; awake, broad awake; go-ahead, live wide-awake &c. (intelligent) 498[U.S.].

forward, eager, strenuous, zealous, enterprising, in earnest; resolute &c. 604.

industrious, assiduous, diligent, sedulous, notable, painstaking; intent &c. (attention) 457; indefatigable &c. (persevering) 604a; unwearied; unsleeping[obs3], never tired; plodding, hard-working &c. 686; businesslike, workaday.

bustling; restless, restless as a hyena; fussy, fidgety, pottering; busy, busy as hen with one chicken.

working, at work, on duty, in harness; up in arms; on one's legs, at call; up and doing, up and stirring.

busy, occupied; hard at work, hard at it; up to one's ears in, full of business, busy as a bee, busy as a one-armed paperhanger.

meddling &c. v.; meddlesome, pushing, officious, overofficious[obs3], intrigant[obs3].

astir, stirring; agoing[obs3], afoot; on foot; in full swing; eventful; on the alert, &c. (vigilant) 459.

Adv. actively &c. adj.; with life and spirit, with might and main &c. 686,with haste &c. 684, with wings; full tilt, in mediis rebus[Lat].

Int. be alive, look alive, look sharp! move on, push on! keep moving! go ahead! stir your stumps! age quod agis[Lat]! jaldi[obs3]! karo[obs3]! step lively!

Phr. carpe diem &c. (opportunity) 134[Latin: seize the day]; nulla dies sine linea [Latin][Pliny]; nec mora nec requies [Latin][Vergil]; the plot thickens; No sooner said than done &c. (early) 132; "veni vidi vici" [Lat][Suetonius]; catch a weasel asleep; abends wird der Faule fleissig [German]; dictum ac factum [Lat][Terence]; schwere Arbeit in der Jugend ist sanfte Ruhe im Alter [German: hard work in youth means soft rest in age]; "the busy hum of men " [Milton].
M7.3.1.4 Inactivity

#683. Inactivity. -- N. inactivity; inaction &c. 681; inertness &c. 172; obstinacy &c. 606.

lull &c. (cessation) 142; quiescence &c. 265; rust, rustiness.

idleness, remissness &c. adj.; sloth, indolence, indiligence[obs3]; dawdling &c. v. ergophobia[obs3], otiosity[obs3].

dullness &c. adj.; languor; segnity[obs1], segnitude[obs1]; lentor[obs3]; sluggishness &c. (slowness) 275; procrastination &c. (delay) 133; torpor, torpidity, torpescence[obs3]; stupor &c. (insensibility) 823; somnolence; drowsiness &c. adj.; nodding &c. v.; oscitation[obs3], oscitancy[obs3]; pandiculation[obs3], hypnotism, lethargy; statuvolence heaviness[obs3], heavy eyelids.

sleep, slumber; sound sleep, heavy sleep, balmy sleep; Morpheus; Somnus; coma, trance, ecstasis[obs3], dream, hibernation, nap, doze, snooze, siesta, wink of sleep, forty winks, snore; hypnology[obs3].

dull work; pottering; relaxation &c. (loosening) 47; Castle of Indolence.

[Cause of inactivity] lullaby, sedative, tranquilizer, hypnotic, sleeping pill, relaxant, anaesthetic, general anaesthetic &c. 174; torpedo.

[person who is inactive] idler, drone, droil[obs3], dawdle, mopus[obs3]; do-little faineant[Fr], dummy, sleeping partner; afternoon farmer; truant &c. (runaway) 623: bummer[obs2], loafer, goldbrick, goldbicker, lounger, lazzarone[It]; lubber, lubbard[obs3]; slow coach &c. (slow.) 275; opium eater, lotus eater; slug; lag[obs2], sluggard, slugabed; slumberer, dormouse, marmot; waiter on Providence, fruges consumere natus[Lat].

V. be inactive &c. adj.; do nothing &c. 681; move slowly &c. 275; let the grass grow under one's feet; take one's time, dawdle, drawl, droil[obs3], lag, hang back, slouch; loll, lollop[obs3]; lounge, poke, loaf, loiter; go to sleep over; sleep at one's post, ne battre que d'une aile[Fr][obs3].

take it easy, take things as they come; lead an easy life, vegetate, swim with the stream, eat the bread of idleness; loll in the lap of luxury, loll in the lap of indolence; waste time, consume time, kill time, lose time; burn daylight, waste the precious hours.

idle away time, trifle away time, fritter away time, fool away time; spend time in, take time in; peddle, piddle; potter, pudder[obs3], dabble, faddle fribble[obs3], fiddle-faddle; dally, dilly-dally.

sleep, slumber, be asleep; hibernate; oversleep; sleep like a top, sleep like a log, sleep like a dormouse; sleep soundly, heavily; doze, drowze[obs3], snooze, nap; take a nap &c. n.; dream; snore one's best; settle to sleep, go to sleep, go off to sleep; doze off, drop off; fall asleep; drop asleep; close the eyes, seal up the eyes, seal up eyelids; weigh down the eyelids; get sleep, nod, yawn; go to bed, turn; get some z's, stack z's [coll.].

languish, expend itself, flag, hang fire; relax.

render idle &c. adj.; sluggardize[obs3]; mitigate &c. 174.

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