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V. prosper, thrive, flourish; be prosperous &c. adj.; drive a roaring trade, do a booming business; go on well, go on smoothly, go on swimmingly; sail before the wind, swim with the tide; run smooth, run smoothly, run on all fours.

rise in the world, get on in the world; work one's way, make one's way; look up; lift one's head, raise one's head, make one's fortune, feather one's nest, make one's pile.

flower, blow, blossom, bloom, fructify, bear fruit, fatten.

keep oneself afloat; keep one's head above water, hold one's head above water; land on one's feet, light on one's feet, light on one's legs, fall on one's legs, fall on one's feet; drop into a good thing; bear a charmed life; bask in the sunshine; have a good time of it, have a fine time of it; have a run of luck; have the good fortune &c. n. to; take a favorable turn; live on the fat of the land, live off the fat of the land, live in clover.

Adj. prosperous; thriving &c. v.; in a fair way, buoyant; well off, well to do, well to do in the world; set up, at one's ease; rich &c. 803; in good case; in full, in high feather; fortunate, lucky, in luck; born with a silver spoon in one's mouth, born under a lucky star; on the sunny side of the hedge.

auspicious, propitious, providential.

palmy, halcyon; agreeable &c. 829; couleur de rose[Fr].

Adv. prosperously &c. adj.; swimmingly; as good luck would have it; beyond all hope.

Phr. one's star in the ascendant, all for the best, one's course runs smooth.

chacun est l'artisan de sa fortune[Fr]; donec eris felix multos numerabis amicos [Lat][Ovid]; felicitas multos habet amicos[Lat]; felix se nescit amari [Lat][Lucan]; 'good luck go with thee' [Henry V]; nulli est homini perpetuum bonum [Lat][Plautus].
#735. Adversity. -- N. adversity, evil &c. 619; failure &c. 732; bad luck, ill luck, evil luck, adverse luck, hard fortune, hard hap, hard luck, hard lot; frowns of fortune; evil dispensation, evil star, evil genius[obs1]; vicissitudes of life, ups and downs of life, broken fortunes; hard case, hard lines, hard life; sea of troubles; peck of troubles; hell upon earth; slough of despond.

trouble, hardship, curse, blight, blast, load, pressure.

pressure of the times, iron age, evil day, time out of joint; hard times, bad times, sad times; rainy day, cloud, dark cloud, gathering clouds, ill wind; visitation, infliction; affliction &c. (painfulness) 830; bitter pill; care, trial; the sport of fortune.

mishap, mischance, misadventure, misfortune; disaster, calamity, catastrophe; accident, casualty, cross, reverse, check, contretemps, rub; backset[obs3], comedown, setback [U.S.].

losing game; falling &c. v.; fall, downfall; ruination, ruinousness; undoing; extremity; ruin &c. (destruction) 162.

V. be ill off &c. adj.; go hard with; fall on evil, fall on evil days; go on ill; not prosper &c. 734.

go downhill, go to rack and ruin &c. (destruction) 162, go to the dogs; fall, fall from one's high estate; decay, sink, decline, go down in the world; have seen better days; bring down one's gray hairs with sorrow to the grave; come to grief; be all over, be up with; bring a wasp's nest about one's ears, bring a hornet's nest about one's ears.

Adj. unfortunate, unblest[obs3], unhappy, unlucky; improsperous[obs3], unprosperous; hoodooed [U.S.]; luckless, hapless; out of luck; in trouble, in a bad way, in an evil plight; under a cloud; clouded; ill off, badly off; in adverse circumstances; poor &c. 804; behindhand, down in the world, decayed, undone; on the road to ruin, on its last legs, on the wane; in one's utmost need.

planet-struck, devoted; born under an evil star, born with a wooden ladle in one's mouth; ill-fated, ill-starred, ill-omened.

adverse, untoward; disastrous, calamitous, ruinous, dire, deplorable.
#736. Mediocrity. -- N. moderate circumstances, average circumstances; respectability; middle classes; mediocrity; golden mean &c. (mid-course) 628, (moderation) 174.

V. jog on; go fairly, go quietly, go peaceably, go tolerably, go respectably, get on fairly, get on quietly, get on peaceably, get on tolerably, get on respectably.

M8 Mind-Mind Interactions

M8.1 Communication of Ideas (R516 to R599)

M8.1.1 Nature of ideas communicated (R516 to R524)


these are generally properties of a communication

(except for human roles)

516. Meaning 517. Unmeaningness

518. Intelligibility 519. Unintelligibility

520. Equivocalness

521. Metaphor

522. Interpretation 523. Misinterpretatioa

524. Interpreter


#516. [Idea to be conveyed.] Meaning. [Thing signified.] -- N. meaning; signification, significance; sense, expression; import, purport; force; drift, tenor, spirit, bearing, coloring; scope.

[important part of the meaning] substance; gist, point, main point, essence;[ref: spirit &c. 5].

matter; subject, subject matter; argument, text, sum and substance.

general meaning, broad meaning, substantial meaning, colloquial meaning, literal meaning, plain meaning, simple meaning, natural meaning, unstrained meaning, true &c. (exact) 494 meaning, honest &c. 543 meaning, prima facie &c. (manifest) 525 meaning[Lat]; letter of the law.

literally; after acceptation.

synonym; implication, allusion &c. (latency) 526; suggestion &c. (information) 527; figure of speech &c. 521; acceptation &c. (interpretation) 522.

V. mean, signify, express; import, purport; convey, imply, breathe, indicate, bespeak, bear a sense; tell of, speak of; touch on; point to, allude to; drive at; involve &c. (latency) 526; declare &c. (affirm) 535.

understand by &c. (interpret) 522.

Adj. meaning &c. v.; expressive, suggestive, allusive; significant, significative[obs3], significatory[obs3]; pithy; full of meaning, pregnant with meaning.

declaratory &c. 535; intelligible &c. 518; literal; synonymous; tantamount &c. (equivalent) 27; implied &c. (latent) 526; explicit &c. 525.

Adv. to that effect; that is to say &c. (being interpreted) 522.
#517. [Absence of meaning.] Unmeaningness. -- N. meaninglessness, unmeaningness &c. adj[obs3].; scrabble[obs2].

empty sound, dead letter, vox et praeterea nihil[Lat]; "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"; "sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal."

nonsense, utter nonsense, gibberish; jargon, jabber, mere words, hocus-pocus, fustian, rant, bombast, balderdash, palaver, flummery, verbiage, babble, baverdage, baragouin[obs3], platitude, niaiserie[obs3]; inanity; flap-doodle; rigmarole, rodomontade; truism; nugae canorae[Lat]; twaddle, twattle, fudge, trash, garbage, humbug; poppy-cock [U.S.]; stuff, stuff and nonsense; bosh, rubbish, moonshine, wish-wash, fiddle-faddle; absurdity &c. 497; vagueness &c. (unintelligibility) 519.

[routine or reflexive statements without substantive thought, esp. legal] boilerplate.

V. mean nothing; be unmeaning &c. adj.; twaddle, quibble, scrabble.

Adj. unmeaning; meaningless, senseless; nonsensical; void of sense &c. 516.

inexpressive, unexpressive; vacant; not significant &c. 516; insignificant.

trashy, washy, trumpery, trivial, fiddle-faddle, twaddling, quibbling.

unmeant, not expressed; tacit &c. (latent) 526.

inexpressible, undefinable, incommunicable.
#518. Intelligibility. -- N. intelligibility; clearness, explicitness &c. adj.; lucidity, comprehensibility, perspicuity; legibility, plain speaking &c. (manifestation) 525; precision &c. 494; phonanta synetoisy/gr>; a word to the wise.

V. be intelligible &c. adj.; speak for itself, speak volumes; tell its own tale, lie on the surface.

render intelligible &c. adj.; popularize, simplify, clear up; elucidate &c. (explain) 522.

understand, comprehend, take, take in; catch, grasp, follow, collect, master, make out; see with half an eye, see daylight, see one's way; enter into the ideas of; come to an understanding.

Adj. intelligible; clear, clear as day, clear as noonday; lucid; perspicuous, transpicuous[obs3]; luminous, transparent.

easily understood, easy to understand, for the million, intelligible to the meanest capacity, popularized.

plain, distinct, explicit; positive; definite &c. (precise) 494.

graphic; expressive &c. (meaning) 516; illustrative &c. (explanatory) 522.

unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable &c. (manifest) 525; unconfused; legible, recognizable; obvious &c. 525.

Adv. in plain terms, in plain words, in plain English.

Phr. he that runs may read &c. (manifest) 525.

#519. Unintelligibility.-- N. unintelligibility; incomprehensibility, imperspicuity[obs3]; inconceivableness, vagueness &c. adj.; obscurity; ambiguity &c. 520; doubtful meaning; uncertainty &c. 475; perplexity &c. (confusion) 59; spinosity[obs3]; obscurum per obscurius[Lat]; mystification &c. (concealment) 528; latency &c. 526; transcendentalism.

[ref: R14, contrary] contradiction, paradox, oxymoron, contradiction in terms.

riddle, enigma, puzzle &c. (secret) 533; diagnus vindice nodus[Lat]; sealed book; steganography[obs3], freemasonry[obs2].

pons asinorum[Lat], asses' bridge; high Dutch, Greek, Hebrew[obs2]; jargon &c. (unmeaning) 517.

V. be unintelligible &c. adj.; require explanation &c. 522; have a doubtful meaning, pass comprehension.

render unintelligible &c. adj.; conceal &c. 528; darken &c. 421; confuse &c. (derange) 61; perplex &c. (bewilder)


not understand &c. 518; lose, lose the clue; miss; not know what to make of, be able to make nothing of, give it up; not be able to account for, not be able to make either head or tail of; be at sea &c. (uncertain) 475; wonder &c. 870; see through a glass darkly &c. (ignorance) 491.

not understand one another; play at cross purposes &c. (misinterpret) 523.

Adj. unintelligible, unaccountable, undecipherable, undiscoverable, unknowable, unfathomable; incognizable[obs3], inexplicable, inscrutable; inapprehensible[obs3], incomprehensible; insolvable[obs3], insoluble; impenetrable.

illegible, as Greek to one, unexplained, paradoxical; enigmatic, enigmatical, puzzling (secret) 533; indecipherable.

obscure, dark, muddy, clear as mud, seen through a mist, dim, nebulous, shrouded in mystery; ; opaque, dense; undiscernible &c. (invisible) 447[obs3]; misty &c. (opaque) 426; hidden &c. 528; latent &c. 526.

indefinite, garbled &c. (indistinct) 447; perplexed &c. (confused) 59; undetermined, vague, loose, ambiguous; mysterious; mystic, mystical; acroamatic[obs3], acroamatical[obs3]; metempirical; transcendental; occult, recondite, abstruse, crabbed.

inconceivable, inconceptible[obs3]; searchless[obs3]; above comprehension, beyond comprehension, past comprehension; beyond one's depth; unconceived.

inexpressible, undefinable, incommunicable.

unpredictable, unforeseeable.

Phr. it's Greek to me.
#520. [Having a double sense] Ambiguity. Equivocalness.-- N. equivocalness &c. adj.; double meaning &c. 516; ambiguity, double entente, double entendre[Fr], pun, paragram[obs3], calembour[obs3], quibble, equivoque[Fr], anagram; conundrum &c. (riddle) 533; play on words, word play &c. (wit) 842; homonym, homonymy[Gram]; amphiboly[obs3], amphibology[obs3]; ambilogy[obs3], ambiloquy[obs1].

Sphinx, Delphic oracle.

equivocation &c. (duplicity) 544; white lie, mental reservation &c. (concealment) 528; paltering.

V. be -equivocal &c. adj.; have two meanings &c. 516; equivocate &c. (alter) 544.

Adj. equivocal, ambiguous, amphibolous[obs3], homonymous[obs3]; double-tongued &c. (lying) 544; enigmatical, indeterminate.

Phr. on the one hand, on the other hand.
#521. Metaphor.-- N. [non-literal meaning] {{is_a: substitution}}.

metaphor, figure, trope, enallage[obs3], catachresis[obs3]; figure of speech; facon de parler [French], manner of speaking, way of speaking, colloquialism.

metonym, metonymy[Gram], synecdoche[Semant].

autonomasia[obs2], irony, figurativeness &c. adj.

image, imagery.

metalepsis[obs3], type.


anthropomorphism; personification, prosopopoeia[obs3].

{{has_subtype(tale)}} allegory, apologue[obs3], parable, fable.

allusion, adumbration; application.

{{has_subtype: exaggeration , hyperbole &c. 549}}.

{{similar_to: association, association of ideas (analogy) 514a, M5.7 (creative thought)}}.

{{similar_to: satire, parody, irony, caricature @R856}}.

{{similar_to: sarcasm, mockery @R929, @M9.3.2 Moral Sentiments}}.

{ref: phrase, turn of phrase &c. 566}.

V. employ -metaphor &c. n.; personify, allegorize, adumbrate, shadow forth, apply, allude to.

anthropomorphize, personify.

Adj. metaphorical, figurative; catachrestical[obs3], typical, tralatitious[obs3], parabolic.

allegorical, allusive.


{{similar_to: satirical, ironic, ironical, @R856}}.

colloquial; tropical.


Adv. figuratively, so to speak, so to say, so to express oneself; as it were, in a manner of speaking.

Phr. mutato nomine de te fabula narratur [Lat][Horace].
#522. Interpretation. -- N. {{hperforms(interpreter, R524, P2.}} interpretation, definition; explanation, explication.

sense, light, reading, lection, construction, version; acception[obs3], acceptation, acceptance.

translation; rendering, rendition; redition[obs3]; literal translation; free translation, loose translation.

{{carries_out(computer)}} machine translation, automatic translation.

solution, answer; rationale; plain interpretation, simple interpretation, strict interpretation, literal interpretation; meaning &c. 516.

key; secret; clew &c. (indication) 550.

{{has_subtype(translation)}} {{uses(studying/learning)}} crib, pony, trot [U.S.], clavis[obs3].

{{uses(mysticism)}} anagoge, anagogy.

exegesis; expounding, exposition; hermeneutics; comment, commentary; inference &c. (deduction) 480; illustration, exemplification.

{{has_subtype(addition)}} annotation, notation, note.

gloss, scholium[obs3]; elucidation, dilucidation[obs1]; eclaircissement[Fr], mot d'enigme[Fr].

{{property_of(conciseness, R572)}} [interpretation using fewer words] paraphrase, metaphrase[obs3], synopsis, summary, executive summary, digest, outline; restatement; abridgement.

[methods of interpreting - list] symptomatology[Med]; semiology, semeiology[obs3], semiotics; metoposcopy[obs3]; physiognomy; paleography &c. (philology) 560; [of dreams] oneirology.

equivalent, equivalent meaning &c. 516.

{{has_subtype(equivalent meaning): synonym; convertible terms}}.

{[in_frame(grammar)]} {{has_subtype(equivalent meaning)}} apposition; polyglot[obs2].

[ref: dictionary &c. 562].

V. interpret, explain, define, construe, translate, render; do into, turn into; transfuse the sense of.

find out &c. 480a the meaning &c. 516 of; read; spell out, make out; decipher, unravel, disentangle; find the key of, enucleate, resolve, solve; read between the lines.

account for; find the cause, tell the cause &c. 153 of;

throw light upon, shed light upon, shed new light upon, shed fresh light upon; clear up, clarify, elucidate.

illustrate, exemplify; unfold, expound, comment upon, annotate; popularize &c. (render intelligible) 518.

take in a particular sense, understand in a particular sense, receive in a particular sense, accept in a particular sense; understand by, put a construction on, be given to understand.

Adj. explanatory, expository; explicative, explicatory; exegetical[obs3]; construable.

polyglot; literal; paraphrastic, metaphrastic[obs3]; consignificative[obs3], synonymous; equivalent &c. 27.

Adv. in explanation &c. n.; that is to say, id est, videlicet, to wit, namely, in other words.

literally, strictly speaking; in plain, in plainer terms, in plainer words, in plainer English; more simply.

#523. Misinterpretation. -- N. misinterpretation, misapprehension, misunderstanding, misacceptation[obs1], misconstruction, misapplication; catachresis[obs3]; eisegesis[obs3]; cross-reading, cross-purposes; mistake &c. 495.

misrepresentation, perversion, exaggeration &c. 549; false coloring, false construction; abuse of terms; parody, travesty; falsification &c. (lying) 544.

V. misinterpret, misapprehend, misunderstand, misconceive, misspell, mistranslate, misconstrue, misapply; mistake &c. 495.

misrepresent, pervert; explain wrongly, misstate; garble &c. (falsify) 544; distort, detort[obs1]; travesty, play upon words; stretch the sense, strain the sense, stretch the meaning, strain the meaning, wrest the sense, wrest the meaning; explain away; put a bad construction on, put a false construction on; give a false coloring.

be at cross purposes, play at cross purposes.

Adj. misinterpreted &c. v.; untranslated, untranslatable.
<-- interpreter, R524 to P2. -->
M8.1.2 Modes of Communication R525 to R539, R549 [[communication]]

<-- (generally adverbs)

525. Manifestation 526. Latency

527. Information 528. Concealment

529. Disclosure 530. Ambush

531. Publication

532. News 533. Secret

- 534. Messenger to HROLE -

535. Affirmation 536. Negation

537. Teaching 538. Misteaching

539. Learning

549. Exaggeration

- 540 teacher and 541 learner to HROLE -

- 542. School to M9.5 Voluntary Institutions -->

<-- to properties of ideas: 543. Veracity.. 544. Falsehood

ref M8.1.2 Modes of communication 545. Deception 546. Untruth

(properties of a communication? or properties of the ideas communicated?) -->

<-- 547. dupe and 548. deceiver to HROLE -->
#525. Manifestation.-- N. {ant. 527} manifestation; plainness &c. adj.; plain speaking; expression; showing &c. v.; exposition, demonstration; exhibition, production; display, show; showing off; premonstration[obs1]. exhibit[Thing shown].

indication &c. (calling attention to) 457. publicity &c. 531; disclosure &c. 529; openness &c. (honesty) 543, (artlessness) 703; epanchement.

evidence &c. 467.

V. make manifest, render manifest &c. adj.; bring forth, bring forward, bring to the front, bring into view; give notice; express; represent, set forth, exhibit; show, show up ; expose; produce; hold up to view, expose to view; set before one, place before one, lay before one, one's eyes; tell to one's face; trot out, put through one's paces, bring to light, display, demonstrate, unroll; lay open; draw out, bring out; bring out in strong relief; call into notice, bring into notice; hold up the mirror; wear one's heart upon his sleeve; show one's face, show one's colors; manifest oneself; speak out; make no mystery, make no secret of; unfurl the flag; proclaim &c. (publish) 531.

indicate &c. (direct attention to) 457; disclose &c. 529; elicit &c. 480a.

be manifest &c. adj.; appear &c. (be visible) 446; transpire &c. (be disclosed) 529; speak for itself, stand to reason; stare one in the face, rear its head; give token, give sign, give indication of; tell its own tale &c. (intelligible) 518.

Adj. manifest, apparent; salient, striking, demonstrative, prominent, in the foreground, notable, pronounced.

flagrant; notorious &c. (public) 531; arrant; stark s; screen from sight, screen from observation; drawing the veil; draw the curtain, close the curtain; curtain, shade, eclipse, throw a view over; be cloud, be mask; mask, disguise; ensconce, mufft3]; intelligible &c. 518.

plain, clear, clear as day, clear as daylight, clear as noonday; plain as a pike staff, plain as the sun at noon-day, plain as the nose on one's face, plain as the way to parish church.

explicit, overt, patent, express; ostensible; open, open as day; naked, bare, literal, downright, undisguised, exoteric.

unreserved, frank, plain-spoken &c. (artless) 703; candid (veracious) 543; barefaced.

manifested &c. v.; disclosed &c. 529; capable of being shown, producible; inconcealable[obs3], unconcealable; no secret.

Adv. manifestly, openly &c. adj.; before one's eyes, under one's nose, to one's face, face to face, above board, cartes sur table, on the stage, in open court, in the open streets; in market overt; in the face of day, face of heaven; in broad daylight, in open daylight; without reserve; at first blush, prima facie[Lat], on the face of; in set terms.

Phr. cela saute aux yeux[French]; he that runs may read; you can see it with half an eye; it needs no ghost to tell us [Hamlet]; the meaning lies on the surface; cela va sans dire[Fr]; res ipsa loquitur[Lat]; "clothing the palpable and familiar" [Coleridge]; fari quae sentiat[Lat]; volto sciolto i pensieri stretti [It]; "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows" [Bob Dylan].
#526. Latency. Implication. -- N. {ant. 526} latency, inexpression[obs3]; hidden meaning, occult meaning; occultness, mystery, cabala[obs3], anagoge[obs3]; silence &c. (taciturnity) 585; concealment &c. 528; more than meets the eye, more than meets the ear; Delphic oracle; le dessous des cartes[Fr] [Hamlet].

snake in the grass &c. (pitfall) 667; secret &c. 533.

darkness, invisibility, imperceptibility.


implication, logical implication.

allusion, insinuation; innuendo &c. 527; adumbration; "something rotten in the state of Denmark"

V. be latent &c. adj.; lurk, smolder, underlie, make no sign; escape observation, escape detection, escape recognition; lie hid &c. 528.

laugh in one's sleeve; keep back &c. (conceal) 528.

involve, imply, understand, allude to, infer, leave an inference; whisper &c. (conceal) 528.

[understand the implication] read between the lines.

Adj. latent; lurking &c. v.; secret &c. 528; occult; implied &c. v.; dormant; abeyant.

unapparent, unknown, unseen &c. 441; in the background; invisible &c. 447; indiscoverable[obs3], dark; impenetrable &c. (unintelligible) 519; unspied[obs3], unsuspected.

unsaid, unwritten, unpublished, unbreathed[obs3], untalked of[obs3], untold &c. 527, unsung, unexposed, unproclaimed[obs3], undisclosed &c. 529, unexpressed; not expressed, tacit.

undeveloped, solved, unexplained, untraced[obs3], undiscovered &c. R480a, untracked, unexplored, uninvented[obs3].

indirect, crooked, inferential; by inference, by implication; implicit; constructive; allusive, covert, muffled; steganographic[obs3]; understood, underhand, underground; delitescent[obs3], concealed &c. 528.

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