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Adv. by a side wind; sub silentio[Lat]; in the background; behind the scenes, behind one's back; on the tip of one's tongue; secretly &c. 528; between the lines.

Phr. "thereby hangs a tale" [As You Like It]; tacitum vivit sub pectore vulnus [Lat][Vergil]; where there's smoke, there's fire.
<-- note that information, here is the ACT of informing (communication). The subject of the informing process (also called information) is listed under Knowledge, R490. -->
#527. Information.-- N. information, enlightenment, acquaintance, knowledge &c. 490; publicity &c. 531; data &c. 467.

communication, intimation; notice, notification; enunciation, annunciation; announcement; communique; representation, round robin, presentment.

case, estimate, specification, report, advice, monition; news &c. 532; return &c. (record) 551; account &c. (description) 594; statement &c. (affirmation) 535.

mention; acquainting &c. v; instruction &c. (teaching) 537; outpouring; intercommunication, communicativeness.

{{performed_by: informant, teller, informer, P2.}}.

hint, suggestion, innuendo, inkling, whisper, passing word, word in the ear, subaudition[obs3], cue, byplay; gesture &c. (indication) 550; gentle hint, broad hint; verbum sapienti [Latin: a word to the wise]; insinuation &c. (latency) 526.


{{function_of}}{{has_subtype(writing)}} guidebook, handbook; manual; valet de place, cicerone, pilot, guide; vade mecum[Latin]; map, plan, chart, gazetteer; itinerary &c. (journey) 266.

V. tell; inform, inform of; acquaint, acquaint with; impart, impart to; make acquaintance with, apprise, advise, enlighten, awaken; transmit.

communicate, make known, let fall, mention, express, intimate, represent; publish &c. 531; notify, signify, specify, convey the knowledge of.

let one know, have one to know; give one to understand; give notice; set before, lay before, put before; point out, put into one's head; put one in possession of; instruct &c. (teach) 537; direct the attention to &c. 457.

announce, annunciate; report, report progress; bringword[obs3], send word, leave word, write word; telegraph, telephone; wire; retail, render an account; give an account &c. (describe) 594); state &c (affirm) 535.

[disclose inadvertently or reluctantly] let slip, blurt out, spill the beans, unburden oneself of, let off one's chest; disclose &c. 529.

show cause; explain &c. (interpret) 522.

hint; given an inkling of; give a hint, drop a hint, throw out a hint; insinuate; allude to, make allusion to; glance at; tip the wink &c. (indicate) 550; suggest, prompt, give the cue, breathe; whisper, whisper in the ear.

give a bit of one's mind; tell one plainly, tell once for all; speak volumes.

undeceive[obs3], unbeguile[obs3]; set right, correct, open the eyes of, disabuse, disillusion one of.

be informed of &c.; know &c 490; learn &c. 539; get scent of, get wind of, gather from; awaken to, open one's eyes to; become alive, become awake to; hear, overhear, understand.

come to one's ears, come to one's knowledge; reach one's ears.

{{has_commencement}} contact, get in touch, reach, get, get through to.

Adj. informed &c. v.; communique; reported &c. v.; published &c. 531.

expressive &c. 516; explicit &c. (open) 525, (clear) 518; plain spoken &c, (artless) 703.

nuncupative, nuncupatory[obs1]; declaratory, expository; enunciative[obs3]; communicative, communicatory[obs3].

Adv. from information received.

Phr. a little bird told me; I heard it through the grapevine.

#527a. Correction. [Correct an error of information; distinguish from correcting a flaw or misbehavior] -- N. correction.

disillusionment &c. 616.

V. correct, set right, set straight, put straight; undeceive[obs3]; enlighten.

show one one's error; point out an error, point out a fallacy; pick out an error, pick out the fallacy; open one's eyes.

pick apart an argument, confutation &c. 479; reasoning &c. 476.

Adj. corrective.

Phr. I stand corrected.

#528. Concealment.-- N. concealment; hiding &c. v.; occultation, mystification.

seal of secrecy; screen &c. 530; disguise &c. 530; masquerade; masked battery; hiding place &c. 530; cryptography, steganography[obs3]; freemasonry.

stealth, stealthiness, sneakiness; obreption[obs1]; slyness &c. (cunning) 702.

latitancy[obs3], latitation[obs3]; seclusion &c. 893; privacy, secrecy, secretness[obs3]; incognita.

reticence; reserve; mental reserve, reservation; arriere pensee[Fr], suppression, evasion, white lie, misprision; silence &c. (taciturnity) 585; suppression of truth &c. 544; underhand dealing; closeness, secretiveness &c. adj.; mystery.

latency &c. 526; snake in the grass; secret &c. 533; stowaway.

V. conceal, hide, secrete, put out of sight; lock up, seal up, bottle up.

encrypt, encode, cipher.

cover, screen, cloak, veil, shroud; cover up one's tracks; screen from sight, screen from observation; drawing the veil; draw the curtain, close the curtain; curtain, shade, eclipse, throw a view over; be cloud, be mask; mask, disguise; ensconce, muffle, smother; befog; whisper.

keep from; keep back, keep to oneself; keep snug, keep close, keep secret, keep dark; bury; sink, suppress; keep from, keep from out of view, keep from out of sight; keep in the shade, throw into the shade, throw into background; stifle, hush up, smother, withhold, reserve; fence with a question; ignore &c. 460.

keep a secret, keep one's own counsel; hold one's tongue &c. (silence) 585; make no sign, not let it go further; not breathe a word, not breathe a syllable about; not let the right hand know what the left is doing; hide one's light under a bushel, bury one's talent in a napkin.

keep in the dark, leave in the dark, keep in the ignorance; blind, blind the eyes; blindfold, hoodwink, mystify; puzzle &c. (render uncertain) 475; bamboozle &c. (deceive) 545.

be concealed &c. v.; suffer an eclipse; retire from sight, couch; hide oneself; lie hid, lie in perdu[Fr], lie in close; lie in ambush (ambush) 530; seclude oneself &c. 893; lurk, sneak, skulk, slink, prowl; steal into, steal out of, steal by, steal along; play at bopeep[obs3], play at hide and seek; hide in holes and corners; still hunt.

Adj. concealed &c. v.; hidden; secret, recondite, mystic, cabalistic, occult, dark; cryptic, cryptical[obs3]; private, privy, in petto, auricular, clandestine, close, inviolate; tortuous.

behind a screen &c. 530; undercover, under an eclipse; in ambush, in hiding, in disguise; in a cloud, in a fog, in a mist, in a haze, in a dark corner; in the shade, in the dark; clouded, wrapped in clouds, wrapt in clouds[obs3]; invisible &c.447; buried, underground, perdu[Fr]; secluded &c. 893.

undisclosed &c. 529, untold &c. 527; covert &c. (latent) 526; untraceable; mysterious &c. (unintelligible) 519.

irrevealable[obs3], inviolable; confidential; esoteric; not to be spoken of; unmentionable.

obreptitious[obs3], furtive, stealthy, feline; skulking &c. v.; surreptitious, underhand, hole and corner; sly &c. (cunning). 702; secretive, evasive; reserved, reticent, uncommunicative, buttoned up; close, close as wax; taciturn &c. 585.

Adv. secretly &c. adj.; in secret, in private, in one's sleeve, in holes and corners; in the dark &c. adj.

januis clausis[Lat], with closed doors, a huis clos[Fr]; hugger mugger, a la derobee[Fr]; under the cloak of, under the rose, under the table; sub rosa[Lat], en tapinois[Fr], in the background, aside, on the sly, with bated breath, sotto voce[Lat], in a whisper, without beat of drum, a la sourdine[obs3].

behind the veil; beyond mortal ken, beyond the grave, beyond the veil; hid from mortal vision; into the eternal secret, into the realms supersensible[obs3], into the supreme mystery.

in confidence, in strict confidence, in strictest confidence; confidentially &c. adj.; between ourselves, between you and me; between you and me and the bedpost; entre nous[Fr], inter nos, under the seal of secrecy; a couvert[Fr].

underhand, by stealth, like a thief in the night; stealthily &c. adj.; behind the scenes, behind the curtain, behind one's back, behind a screen &c. 530; incognito; in camera.

Phr. it must go no further, it will go no further; don't tell a soul;"tell it not in Gath," nobody the wiser; alitur vitium vivitque tegendo[Lat][obs3]; "let it be tenable in your silence still"[Hamlet].

[confidential disclosure to news reporters] background information, deep background information, deep background; background session, backgrounder; not for attribution

#529. Disclosure -- N. disclosure; retection[obs1]; unveiling &c. v.; deterration[obs3], revealment, revelation; exposition, exposure; expose; whole truth; telltale &c. (news) 532.

acknowledgment, avowal; confession, confessional; shrift.

bursting of a bubble; denouement.

[ref: person who discloses a secret = P2. tattletale]

V. disclose, discover, dismask[obs1]; draw the veil, draw aside the veil, lift the veil, raise the veil, lift up the veil, remove the veil, tear aside the veil, tear the curtain; unmask, unveil, unfold, uncover, unseal, unkennel; take off the seal, break the seal; lay open, lay bare; expose; open, open up; bare, bring to light.

divulge, reveal, break; squeal, tattle, sing, rat, snitch [all coll.]; let into the secret; reveal the secrets of the prison house; tell &c. (inform) 527; breathe, utter; blurt out, blab, peach; let out, let fall, let drop, let slip, spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag; betray; tell tales, come out of school; come out with; give vent, give utterance to; open the lips, vent, whisper about, spread; speak out &c. (make manifest) 525; make public &c. 531; unriddle &c. (find out) 480a; split.

acknowledge, allow, concede, grant, admit, own, own up to, confess, avow, throw off all disguise, turn inside out, make a clean breast; show one's hand, show one's cards; unburden one's mind, disburden one's mind, disburden one's conscience, disburden one's heart; open one's mind, lay bare one's mind, tell a piece of one's mind[Fr]; unbosom oneself, own to the soft impeachment; say the truth, speak the truth; turn King's (or Queen's) evidence; acknowledge the corn* [U.S.].

raise the mask, drop the mask, lift the mask, remove the mask, throw off the mask; expose; lay open; undeceive[obs3], unbeguile[obs3]; disabuse, set right, correct, open the eyes of; desillusionner.

be disclosed &c.; transpire, come to light; come in sight &c. (be visible) 446; become known, escape the lips; come out, ooze out, creep out, leak out, peep out, crop-out; show its face, show its colors; discover &c. itself; break through the clouds, flash on the mind.

Adj. disclosed &c. v.; open, public &c. 525.

Int.out with it!

Phr. the murder is out; a light breaks in upon one; the scales fall from one's eyes; the eyes are opened.
#530. Ambush [Means of concealment]. -- N. camouflage; mimicry; hiding place; secret place, secret drawer; recess, hold, holes and corners; closet, crypt, adytum[obs3], abditory[obs3], oubliette.

ambush, ambuscade; stalking horse; lurking hole, lurking place; secret path, back stairs; retreat &c. (refuge) 666.

{{has_metaphor}} screen, cover, shade, blinker; veil, curtain, blind, cloak, cloud.

{{has_metaphor}} mask, visor, vizor[obs3], disguise, masquerade dress, domino.

pitfall &c. (source of danger) 667; trap &c. (snare) 545.

V. blend in, blend into the background.

lie in ambush &c. (hide oneself) 528; lie in wait for, lurk; set a trap for &c. (deceive) 545; ambuscade, ambush.

[transitive] camouflage.

Adj. camouflaged, hidden, concealed.

Adv. aux aguets[obs3].
#531. Publication.-- N. publication; public announcement &c. 527; promulgation, propagation, proclamation, pronunziamento [Italian]; circulation, indiction[obs3], edition; hue and cry.

publicity, notoriety, currency, flagrancy, cry, bruit, hype; vox populi; report &c. (news) 532.

the Press, public press, newspaper, journal, gazette, daily; telegraphy; publisher &c. v.; imprint.

circular, circular letter; manifesto, advertisement, ad., placard, bill, affiche[obs3], broadside, poster; notice &c. 527.

V. publish; make public, make known &c. (information) 527; speak of, talk of; broach, utter; put forward; circulate, propagate, promulgate; spread, spread abroad; rumor, diffuse, disseminate, evulugate; put forth, give forth, send forth; emit, edit, get out; issue; bring before the public, lay before the public, drag before the public; give out, give to the world; put about, bandy about, hawk about, buzz about, whisper about, bruit about, blaze about; drag into the open day; voice.

proclaim, herald, blazon; blaze abroad, noise abroad; sound a trumpet; trumpet forth, thunder forth; give tongue; announce with beat of drum, announce with flourish of trumpets; proclaim from the housetops, proclaim at Charing Cross.

advertise, placard; post, post up afficher[obs3], publish in the Gazette, send round the crier.

raise a cry, raise a hue and cry, raise a report; set news afloat.

be published &c; be public, become public &c. adj.; come out; go about, fly about, buzz about, blow about; get about, get abroad, get afloat, get wind; find vent; see the light; go forth, take air, acquire currency, pass current; go the rounds, go the round of the newspapers, go through the length and breadth of the land; virum volitare per ora[Lat]; pass from mouth to mouth; spread; run like wildfire, spread like wildfire.

Adj. published &c. v.; current &c. (news) 532; in circulation, public; notorious; flagrant, arrant; open &c. 525; trumpet-tongued; encyclical, encyclic[obs3], promulgatory[obs3]; exoteric.

Adv. publicly &c. adj.; in open court, with open doors.

Int. Oyez! O yes! notice!

Phr. notice is hereby given; this is to give, these are to give notice; nomina stultorum parietibus haerent[Lat]; semel emissum volat irrevocabile verbum[Lat]..
#532. News.-- N. news; information &c. 527; piece of news[Fr], budget of news, budget of information; intelligence, tidings.

word, advice, aviso[Sp], message; dispatch, despatch; telegram, cable, marconigram[obs3], wire, communication, errand, embassy.

report, rumor, hearsay, on dit[Fr], flying rumor, news stirring, cry, buzz, bruit, fame; talk, oui dire[Fr], scandal, eavesdropping; town tattle, table talk; tittle tattle; canard, topic of the day, idea afloat.

bulletin, fresh news, stirring news; glad tidings; flash, news just in; on-the-spot coverage; live coverage.

old story, old news, stale news, stale story; chestnut*.

narrator &c. (describe) 594; newsmonger, scandalmonger; talebearer, telltale, gossip, tattler.

[study of news reporting] journalism.

[methods of conveying news] media, news media, the press, the information industry; newspaper, magazine, tract, journal, gazette, publication &c. 531; radio, television, ticker (electronic information transmission).

<-- persons reporting news to HROLE - Newscaster -->

V. transpire &c. (be disclosed) 529; rumor &c. (publish) 531.

Adj. many-tongued; rumored; publicly rumored, currently rumored, currently reported; rife, current, floating, afloat, going about, in circulation, in every one's mouth, all over the town.

in progress; live; on the spot; in person.

Adv. as the story goes, as the story runs; as they say, it is said; by telegraph, by wireless.

Phr. "airy tongues that syllable men's names" [Milton]; what's up?; what's the latest?; what's new?; what's the latest poop?.
#533. Secret.-- N. secret; dead secret, profound secret; arcanum[obs3], mystery; latency &c. 526; Asian mystery[obs3]; sealed book, secrets of the prison house; le desous des cartes [Fr].

enigma, riddle, puzzle, nut to crack, conundrum, charade, rebus, logogriph[obs3]; monogram, anagram; Sphinx; crux criticorum[Lat].

maze, labyrinth, Hyrcynian wood; intricacy, meander.

problem &c. (question) 461; paradox &c. (difficulty) 704; unintelligibility &c. 519; terra incognita &c. (ignorance) 491.

Adj. secret &c. (concealed) 528; involved &c, 248; labyrinthine, labyrinthian[obs3], mazy.

confidential; top secret.

<-- 534. Messenger to HROLE.
[[assertion]] -->
#535. Assertion.

N. {{has_subtype(sentence, R566)}} assertion, predication, statement, allegation, declaration, word, averment.

affirmance, affirmation.

{{has_subtype(affirmation)}} reaffirmation; confirmation.

{{antonym_of(affirmation): negation, R536}}.

{{has_subtype: negation, R536}}.

asseveration, adjuration, swearing, oath, affidavit; deposition &c. (record) 551; avouchment; assurance; protest, protestation; profession; acknowledgment &c. (assent) 488; legal pledge, pronouncement; solemn averment, solemn avowal, solemn declaration.

remark, observation; position &c. (proposition) 514, saying, dictum, sentence, ipse dixit[Lat].

emphasis; weight; dogmatism &c. (certainty) 474; dogmatics &c. 887.

V. assert; make an assertion &c. n.; have one's say; say, affirm, predicate, declare, state; protest, profess.

put forth, put forward; advance, allege, propose, propound, enunciate, broach, set forth, hold out, maintain, contend, pronounce, pretend.

depose, depone, aver, avow, avouch, asseverate, swear; make oath, take one's oath; make an affidavit, swear an affidavit, put in an affidavit; take one's Bible oath, kiss the book, vow, vitam impendere vero[Lat]; swear till one is black in the face, swear till one is blue in the face, swear till all's blue; be sworn, call Heaven to witness; vouch, warrant, certify, assure, swear by bell book and candle.

swear by &c. (believe) 484; insist upon, take one's stand upon; emphasize, lay stress on; assert roundly, assert positively; lay down, lay down the law; raise one's voice, dogmatize, have the last word; rap out; repeat; reassert, reaffirm.

announce &c. (information) 527; acknowledge &c. (assent) 488; attest &c. (evidence) 467; adjure &c (put to one's oath) 768.

Adj. asserting &c. v.; declaratory, predicatory[obs3], pronunciative[obs3], affirmative, soi-disant[Fr]; positive; certain &c. 474; express, explicit &c. (patent) 525; absolute, emphatic, flat, broad, round, pointed, marked, distinct, decided, confident, trenchant, dogmatic, definitive, formal, solemn, categorical, peremptory; unretracted[obs3]; predicable.

Adv. affirmatively &c. adj.; in the affirmative.

with emphasis, ex-cathedra, without fear of contradiction.

as God is my witness, I must say, indeed, i' faith, let me tell you, why, give me leave to say, marry, you may be sure, I'd have you to know; upon my word, upon my honor; by my troth, egad, I assure you; by jingo, by Jove, by George, &c.; troth, seriously, sadly; in sadness, in sober sadness, in truth, in earnest; of a truth, truly, perdy[obs3], in all conscience, upon oath; be assured &c. (belief) 484; yes &c. (assent) 488; I'll warrant, I'll warrant you, I'll engage, I'll answer for it, I'll be bound, I'll venture to say, I'll take my oath; in fact, forsooth, joking apart; so help me God; not to mince the matter.

Phr. quoth he; dixi[Lat].

#536. Negation. -- N. negation, abnegation; denial; disavowal, disclaimer; abjuration; contradiction, contravention; recusation[obs3][Law], protest; recusancy &c. (dissent) 489; flat contradiction, emphatic contradiction, emphatic denial, dementi[Lat].

qualification &c. 469; repudiation &c. 610; retraction &c. 607; confutation &c. 479; refusal &c. 764; prohibition &c. 761.

V. deny; contradict, contravene; controvert, give denial to, gainsay, negative, shake the head.

disown, disaffirm, disclaim, disavow; recant &c. 607; revoke &c. (abrogate) 756.

dispute; impugn, traverse, rebut, join issue upon; bring in question, call in question &c. (doubt) 485; give (one) the lie in his throat.

deny flatly, deny peremptorily, deny emphatically, deny absolutely, deny wholly, deny entirely; give the lie to, belie.

repudiate &c. 610; set aside, ignore &c. 460; rebut &c. (confute) 479; qualify &c. 469; refuse &c. 764.


Adj. negative, negatory; no; not, anything but; everything but.

denying &c. v.; denied &c. v.; contradictory; recusant &c. (dissenting) 489; at issue upon.

Adv. no, nay, not, nowise; not a bit, not a whit, not a jot; not at all, nohow, not in the least, not so; negative, negatory.

{{has_high_intensity}} no way [coll.]; no such thing; nothing of the kind, nothing of the sort; quite the contrary, tout au contraire[Fr], far from it; tant s'en faut[Fr]; on no account, in no respect; by no, by no manner of means; not on your life.


[negative with respect to time] never, never in a million years; at no time.

Phr. there never was a greater mistake; I know better; non haec in faedera[Lat]; a thousand times no.
<-- we need to distinguish teaching (objectively) and persuasion (to R537a) , because of the different goals and motives -->

<-- note here that knowledge is the result of teaching, but it is also the result of learning. The recipient of knowledge is the subject in one case, object in the other. How to distinguish? -->

#537. Teaching.-- N. {{result_of(knowledge)}} teaching &c. v.; instruction; edification; education; tuition; tutorage, tutelage; direction, guidance; opsimathy[obs3].

qualification, preparation; training, schooling &c. v.; discipline; excitation.

drill, practice; book exercise.

{{has_subtype: persuasion, proselytism, propagandism[obs3], propaganda; indoctrination, inculcation, inoculation, R537a}}.

{{has_subtype: advise &c. 695}}.

explanation &c. (interpretation) 522; lesson, lecture, sermon; apologue[obs3], parable; discourse, prolection[obs3], preachment; chalk talk; Chautauqua [U.S.].

exercise, task; curriculum; course, course of study; grammar, three R's, initiation, A.B.C. &c. (beginning) 66.

elementary education, primary education, secondary education, technical education, college education, collegiate education, military education, university education, liberal education, classical education, religious education, denominational education, moral education, secular education; propaedeutics[obs3], moral tuition.

[muscular training] {{has_subtype(training)}} gymnastics, calisthenics; physical drill, physical education; sloyd[obs3].

[methods of teaching] phonics; rote, rote memorization, brute memory; cooperative learning; Montessori method, ungraded classes.

[measuring degree of learning of pupils] {{assessed_by}} test, examination, exam; final exam, mid-term exam grade[result of measurement of learning], score, marks; A,B,C,D,E,F; gentleman's C; pass, fail, incomplete.

homework; take-home lesson; exercise for the student; theme, project.

{{performed_by: teacher, R540, P2.}}.

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