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V. indicate; be the sign &c. n. of; denote, betoken; argue, testify &c. (evidence) 467; bear the impress &c. n. of; connote, connotate[obs3].

represent, stand for; typify &c. (prefigure) 511; symbolize.

put an indication, put a mark &c. n.; note, mark, stamp, earmark; blaze; label, ticket, docket; dot, spot, score, dash, trace, chalk; print; imprint, impress; engrave, stereotype.

make a sign &c. n. signalize; underscore; give a signal, hang out a signal; beckon; nod; wink, glance, leer, nudge, shrug, tip the wink; gesticulate; raise the finger , hold up the finger, raise the hand, hold up the hand; saw the air, "suit the action to the word" [Hamlet].

wave a banner, unfurl a banner, hoist a banner, hang out a banner &c. n.; wave the hand, wave a kerchief; give the cue &c. (inform) 527; show one's colors; give an alarm, sound an alarm; beat the drum, sound the trumpets, raise a cry.

sign, seal, attest &c. (evidence) 467; underline &c. (give importance to) 642; call attention to &c. (attention) 457; give notice &c. (inform) 527.

Adj. indicating &c. v., indicative, indicatory; denotative, connotative; diacritical, representative, typical, symbolic, pantomimic, pathognomonic[obs3], symptomatic, characteristic, demonstrative, diagnostic, exponential, emblematic, armorial; individual &c. (special) 79.

known by, recognizable by; indicated &c. v.; pointed, marked.

[Capable of being denoted] denotable[obs3]; indelible.

Adv. in token of; symbolically &c. adj.; in dumb show.

Phr. ecce signum[Lat]; ex ungue leonem[Lat], ex pede Herculem[Lat]; vide ut supra; vultus ariete fortior[Lat][obs3].
<-- R551, record (the physical object), was moved to P2. Record -->

M8. Recording

N. {{used_in(writing material, P2.}} {{formed_by(record, R551)}} recording, making a permanent record; chronicling.


recording, voice recording; recording on tape.


recording on video.

{{performed_by: recorder, R553, )}}.

V. record; put on record, place on record; chronicle, calendar, hand down to posterity; keep up the memory &c. (remember) 505; commemorate &c. (celebrate) 883; report &c. (inform) 527; write, commit to writing, reduce to writing; put in writing, set down in writing, writing in black and white; put down, jot down, take down, write down, note down, set down; note, minute, put on paper; take note, make a note, take minute, take memorandum; make a return.

mark &c. (indicate) 550; sign &c. (attest) 467.

enter, book; post, post up, insert, make an entry of; mark off, tick off; register, enroll, inscroll[obs3]; file &c. (store) 636.

burn into memory; carve in stone.

Adv. on record.

Phr. exegi monumentum aere perennium [Lat][obs3][Horace]; "read their history in a nation's eyes" [Gray]; " records that defy the tooth of time" [Young].

#552. [Suppression of sign.] Obliteration. -- N. obliteration; erasure, rasure[obs3]; cancel, cancellation; circumduction[obs3]; deletion, blot; tabula rasa[Lat]; effacement, extinction.

V. efface, obliterate, erase, raze[obs2], rase[obs3], expunge, cancel; blot out, take out, rub out, scratch out, strike out, wipe out, wash out, sponge out; wipe off, rub off; wipe away; deface, render illegible; draw the pen through, apply the sponge.

be effaced &c.; leave no trace &c. 550; "leave not a rack behind".

Adj. obliterated &c. v.; out of print; printless[obs3]; leaving no trace; intestate; unrecorded, unregistered, unwritten.

Int. dele; out with it!

Phr. delenda est Carthago [Lat][Cato].
<-- R553, recorder, moved to Person -->
<-- the words here are mostly the nominalizations of actions. We also include the abstract concept of image here. The physical objects are contained under art and its subdivisions, @P2.

[[representation]] -->

#554. Representation. -- N. {{formed_by(visual representation, P2.}} representation, representment[obs3].

visualizing, visualization, illustration, delineation, depictment[obs3]; imagery, picturing, portraiture, iconography; design, designing.

{{has_subtype: imitation &c. R19}}.

{{forms(imagery)}} image, visualization.

{{has_subtype(image): mental image, @M3.1.1.1}}.

{{has_method}} photography, cinematography.

art, fine art, fine arts.

{{creates(fine art)}} beautiful thing.

{{has_subtype(fine art): painting; sculpture; music}}.

{{has_method}} tracing.

{{has_method}} printing.

{{has_method}} stamping, pressing.

{{&forms(stamping): relief; medal; coin}}.

{{has_method}} {{has_subtype(art)}} sculpture; painting; engraving.

{{&forms(painting): painting &c. R556, P2.}}.

{{&forms(sculpture): sculpture &c. R557}}.

{{&forms(engraving): @R558, engraving, etching }}.

{{&forms: graphic, P2.}}.

{{has_subtype(photography)}} {{formed_by(holograph)}} {{used_in(coherent light)}} holography.

radiography, autoradiography[Bioch], fluorography[Chem], sciagraphy[obs3].

{{has_concern(painting)}} preservation.

{{has_method(preservation)}} varnishing.

personation, personification; impersonation; drama &c. 599.

{{has_conceptual_part(photography/painting): @R420, lighting, light, chiaroscuro}}.

{{has_concern(painting)}} school, style; the grand style, high art, genre, portraiture.

{{has_subtype(genre)}} abstractionism, abstract art; cubism; abstract expressionism; impressionism; expressionism; landscape; primitivism; realism; modernism; surrealism; pointilism.

{{uses(painting): @P2., pallet, palette; easel; brush; ink; pencil}}.

{{uses(varnishing): varnish, @R356a}}.

{{uses: paint, ink (coloring matter) R428}}.

{{performed_at(painting/drawing)}} studio, atelier.

{{has_subtype: copying &c. 21}}.

{{forms: @R556, drawing, sketch, drought, draft}}.

{{forms(photography): photograph, P2.}}.

{{has_subtype: @P2., scan; video image}}.

figure , figure head.

{{forms(sculpture): @P2.; puppet, doll, figurine, aglet[obs3], manikin, lay-figure, model, mammet[obs3], marionette, fantoccini[obs3], waxwork, bust; statue, statuette}}.

ideograph, hieroglyphic, anaglyph [obs3]; Chinese character, kanji[Jap]; diagram, monogram.

{{uses(plan, R626)}} map; plan.

ichnography[obs3], cartography; atlas; outline, scheme; view &c. (painting) 556; radiograph, scotograph[obs3], sciagraph[obs3]; spectrogram, heliogram[obs3].

{{has_subtype(illustration, M8.}} slide; overhead projection, overhead, transparency, foil.

sketch, study; diagram; mechanical drawing.

{{has_subtype(sketch)}} design; draft, rough drawing; vignette.

{{has_subtype(diagram)}} schematic, schematic drawing, scheme, graphic, chart; flow chart, flow diagram.

plot, chart, figure, scheme.

plan, plans, architectural plan.

{{has_subtype(architectural plan)}} floor plan; ground plan; elevation; projection.

V. represent, delineate, picture; depict, depicture[obs3]; portray.

design; limn, sketch, pencil; scratch; shade; stipple; hatch; dash off; chalk out, square up; color, color in; wash, varnish; draw in, pencil in; paint in oils; stencil.

take a likeness, catch a likeness &c. n.; hit off; figure, shadow forth, shadow out; adumbrate; body forth; describe &c. 594; trace, copy; mold.

photograph, daguerreotype; snapshot.

dress up; illustrate, symbolize.

{{formed_by(picture, R556)}} paint; draw.

{{formed_by(sculpture, R557)}} carve, sculpt; whittle.

{{formed_by(engravinging, R558)}} engrave.

personate, personify; impersonate; assume a character; pose as; act; play &c. (drama) 599; mimic &c. (imitate) 19; hold the mirror up to nature.

Adj. represent, representing &c. v., representative; *illustrative; represented &c. v.; imitative, figurative; iconic.

like &c. 17; graphic &c. (descriptive) 594; cinquecento quattrocento[Fr][obs3], trecento[obs3].

#555. Misrepresentation. -- N. misrepresentation, distortion; falsification, misstatement.


{{has_subtype: @R856, caricature, burlesque, caricatura[obs1]; parody, lampoon, take-off, travesty}}.

daubing &c. v.; bad likeness, daub, sign painting; scratch; anamorphosis[obs3].

V. misrepresent, distort, overdraw, exaggerate, caricature, daub; burlesque, parody, travesty.

Adj. misrepresented &c. v.
M8.1.3.3 Conventional Means of Communication

M8. non-linguistic symbols

international sign language?(ASL?)

international road signs?

<-- these symbols might be considered linguistic, but since

their intention is to avoid a surface language, they might be

treated as conceptual rather than linguistic.

Chinese characters are also purportedly conceptual, but have

a more direct tie to language. Similarly ASL? -->
M8. non-linguistic symbols generally -- N.

sign, signal.

semaphor, code.

flag, banner, pennant.

M8. signal

N. {{has_subtype}} audible signal; visual signal; electronic signal.

{{has_subtype(visual signal)}} indicator light; pop-up indicator.

{{&emitted_by: alarm, P2.}}.

V. flag, signal.

M8. Audio-Visual Aid

N. {{&part_of(speech/document)}} audio-visual aid.

<-- illustration, here, is a graphical part of a speech or text to assist understanding. We distinguish this type of illustration of text from illumination, at R558, which is considered as art. -->

M8. Illustration [[illustration]]

{{has_subtype(representation, R554)}} {{has_subtype(engraving, R558)}} illustration, visual aid, graphic.

graph; chart.

{{similar_to: illumination, @R558, @P2.}}.

{{has_representation: @R564, caption, title}}.

{[of(speech): @R554, slide; overhead projection, overhead, transparency, foil]}.

{[of(speech)]} {{has_subtype: @R554, movie; video tape; animation; time-lapse video}}.

M8. Audio aid

audio aid.

M8. LINGUISTIC Communication

M8. Language generally R560 to R568 [[language]]

<-- 560. Language

561. Letter

562. Word 563. Neology

564. Nomenclature 565. Misnomer

566. Phrase

567. Grammar 568. Solecism


#560. Language. -- N. language, natural language.

tongue, lingo, vernacular; mother tongue, vulgar tongue, native tongue; household words; King's English, Queen's English; dialect &c. 563.

confusion of tongues, Babel, pasigraphie[obs3]; pantomime &c. (signs) 550; onomatopoeia; betacism[obs3], mimmation, myatism[obs3], nunnation[obs3]; pasigraphy[obs3].

phraseology &c. 569; speech &c. 582.

sign language.

{{has_subtype(sign langugage)}} American sign language, Ameslan.

{{used_in}} linguistic communication.

{{has_part(linguistic communication): @R566, phrase; sentence; paragraph}}.

{{similar_to}} formal language, artificial language.

{{has_subtype(formal language)}} computer language; notation.

{{has_subtype(notation)}} mathematical notation; chemical notation.

lexicology, philology, glossology[obs3], glottology[obs3]; linguistics, chrestomathy[obs3]; paleology[obs3], paleography; comparative grammar.

literature, letters, polite literature, belles lettres[Fr], muses, humanities, literae humaniores[Lat], republic of letters, dead languages, classics; genius of language; scholarship &c. (scholar) 492.

V. express by words &c. 566.

Adj. lingual, linguistic; dialectic; vernacular, current; bilingual; diglot[obs3], hexaglot[obs3], polyglot; literary.

Phr. "syllables govern the world" [Selden].
#561. Letter. -- N. letter; character; hieroglyphic &c. (writing) 590; type &c. (printing) 591; capitals; digraph, trigraph; ideogram, ideograph; majuscule, minuscule; majuscule, minuscule; alphabet, ABC[obs3], abecedary[obs3], christcross-row.

consonant, vowel; diphthong, triphthong[Gram]; mute, liquid, labial, dental, guttural. syllable; monosyllable, dissyllable[obs3], polysyllable; affix, suffix.

spelling, orthograph[obs3]; phonography[obs3], phonetic spelling; anagrammatism[obs3], metagrammatism[obs3]. cipher, monogram, anagram; doubleacrostic[obs3].

V. spell.

Adj. literal; alphabetical, abecedarian; syllabic; majuscular[obs3], minuscular[obs3]; uncial &c. (writing) 590.
#562. Word. -- N. word, term, vocable; name &c. 564; phrase &c. 566; root, etymon; derivative; part of speech &c. (grammar) 567; ideophone[obs3].

dictionary, vocabulary, lexicon, glossary; index, concordance; thesaurus; gradus[Lat], delectus[Lat].

etymology, derivation; glossology[obs3], terminology orismology[obs3]; paleology &c. (philology) 560[obs3].

lexicography; glossographer &c. (scholar) 492; lexicologist, verbarian[obs3].

Adj. verbal, literal; titular, nominal. conjugate[Similarly derived], paronymous[obs3]; derivative.

Adv. verbally &c. adj.; verbatim &c. (exactly) 494.

Phr. " the artillery of words" [Swift].
#563. Neologism. -- N. neology, neologism; newfangled expression, nonce expression; back-formation; caconym[obs3]; barbarism.

archaism, black letter, monkish Latin.

corruption, missaying[obs3], malapropism, antiphrasis[obs3].

pun, paranomasia[obs3], play upon words; word play &c. (wit) 842; double-entendre &c. (ambiguity) 520[Fr]; palindrome, paragram[obs3], anagram, clinch; abuse of language, abuse of terms.

dialect, brogue, idiom, accent, patois; provincialism, regionalism, localism; broken English, lingua franca; Anglicism, Briticism, Gallicism, Scotticism, Hibernicism; Americanism[obs3]; Gypsy lingo, Romany; pidgin, pidgin English, pigeon English; Volapuk, Chinook, Esperanto, Hindustani, kitchen Kaffir.

dog Latin, macaronics[obs3], gibberish; confusion of tongues, Babel; babu English[obs3], chi-chi.

figure of speech &c. (metaphor) 521; byword.

colloquialism, informal speech, informal language.

substandard language, vernacular.

vulgar language, obscene language, obscenity, vulgarity.

jargon, technical terms, technicality, lingo, slang, cant, argot; St. Gile's Greek, thieves' Latin, peddler's French, flash tongue, Billingsgate, Wall Street slang.


pseudonym &c. (misnomer) 565; Mr. So-and-so; wha d'ye call 'em[obs3], whatchacallim, what's his name; thingummy[obs3], thingumbob; je ne sais quoi[Fr].

neologist[obs3], coiner of words.

V. coin words, coin a term; backform; ; Americanize, Anglicize.

Adj. neologic[obs3], neological[obs3]; archaic; obsolete &c. (old) 124; colloquial; Anglice[obs3].
#564. Nomenclature. -- N. nomenclature; naming &c. v.; nuncupation[obs1], nomination, baptism; orismology[obs3]; onomatopoeia; antonomasia[obs3].

name; appelation[obs3], appelative[obs3]; designation, title; heading, rubric; caption; denomination; by-name, epithet.

style, proper name; praenomen[Lat], agnomen[obs3], cognomen; patronymic, surname; cognomination[obs3]; eponym; compellation[obs3], description, antonym; empty title, empty name; handle to one's name; namesake.

term, expression, noun;.byword; convertible terms &c. 522; technical term; cant &c. 563.

synonym, alternate name, second name.

{{has_subtype(second name): @R565, alias; pseudonym}}.

V. name, call, term, denominate designate, style, entitle, clepe[obs3], dub, christen, baptize, characterize, specify, define, distinguish by the name of; label &c. (mark) 550.

be -called &c. v.; take the name of, bear the name of, go by the name of, be known by the name of, go under the name of, pass under the name of, rejoice in the name of.

Adj. named &c. v.; hight[obs3], ycleped, known as; what one may well, call fairly, call properly, call fitly.

nuncupatory[obs3], nuncupative; cognominal[obs3], titular, nominal, orismological[obs3].

Adv. namely, viz; also known as, AKA.

Phr. "beggar'd all description" [Antony and Cleopatra].
#565. Misnomer. -- N. misnomer; lucus a non lucendo[Lat]; Mrs. Malaprop; what d'ye call 'em &c. (neologism) 563[obs3]; Hoosier.

nickname, sobriquet, by-name; assumed name, assumed title; alias; nom de course, nom de theatre, nom de guerre[Fr], nom de plume; pseudonym, pseudonymy.

V. misname, miscall, misterm[obs3]; nickname; assume a name.

Adj. misnamed &c. v.; pseudonymous; soi-disant[Fr]; self called, self styled, self christened; so-called.

nameless, anonymous; without a having no name; innominate, unnamed; unacknowledged.

Adv. in no sense.
<-- [[sentence]] -->

#566. Phrase. -- N. {{has_part(linguistic communication, @R560)}} phrase, expression.

set phrase.

sentence; paragraph.

{{has_part(sentence)}} clause.

{{has_part(sentence)}} subject; predicate; dependent clause.

{{has_subtype(sentence): assertion, R535; question; command}}.

figure of speech &c. 521; idiom, idiotism[obs3]; turn of expression; style.

paraphrase &c. (synonym) 522; periphrase &c. (circumlocution) 573 motto &c. (proverb) 496[obs3].

phraseology &c. 569.

V. express, phrase; word, word it; give words to, give expression to; voice; arrange in words, clothe in words, put into words, express by words; couch in terms; find words to express; speak by the card; call, denominate, designate, dub.

Adj. expressed &c. v.; idiomatic.

Adv. in round terms, in set terms, in good set terms, set terms; in set phrases.
#567. Grammar. -- N. grammar, accidence, syntax, praxis, punctuation; parts of speech; jussive[obs3]; syllabication; inflection, case, declension, conjugation; us et norma loquendi[Lat]; Lindley Murray &c. (schoolbook) 542; correct style, philology &c. (language) 560.

V. parse, punctuate, syllabicate[obs3].
#568. Solecism. -- N. solecism; bad grammar, false grammar, faulty grammar; slip of the pen, slip of the tongue; lapsus linguae[Lat]; slipslop[obs3]; bull; barbarism, impropriety.

V. use bad grammar, faulty grammar; solecize[obs3], commit a solecism; murder the King's English, murder the Queen's English, break Priscian's head.

Adj. ungrammatical; incorrect, inaccurate; faulty; improper, incongruous; solecistic, solecistical[obs3].
M8. Linguistic Style

M8. Style generally R569
#569. Style. -- N. style, diction, phraseology, wording; manner, strain; composition; mode of expression, choice of words; mode of speech, literary power, ready pen, pen of a ready writer; command of language &c. (eloquence) 582; authorship; la morgue litteraire[Fr]..

V. express by words &c. 566; write.

Phr. le style c'est de l'homme [Fr][Buffon]; "style is the dress of thoughts " [Chesterfield].
M8. Qualities of Style R570 to R579

<-- 570. Perspicuity 571. Obscurity

572. Conciseness 573. Diffuseness

574. Vigor 575. Feebleness

576. Plainness 577. Ornament

578. Elegance 579. Inelegance


#570. Perspicuity. -- N. perspicuity, perspicuousness &c. (intelligibility) 518; plain speaking &c. (manifestation) 525; definiteness, definition; exactness &c. 494; explicitness, lucidness.

Adj. lucid &c. (intelligible) 518; explicit &c. (manifest) 525; exact &c. 494.
#571. Obscurity. -- N. obscurity &c. (unintelligibility) 519; involution; hard words; ambiguity &c. 520; unintelligibleness; vagueness &c. 475, inexactness &c. 495; what d'ye call 'em &c. (neologism) 563; darkness of meaning.

Adj. obscure &c. n.; crabbed, involved, confused.
#572. Conciseness. -- N. conciseness &c. adj.; brevity, " the soul of wit", laconism[obs3]; Tacitus; ellipsis; abridgment &c. (shortening) 201; compression &c. 195; epitome &c. 596; monostich[obs3]; brunch word, portmanteau word.

{[in_frame(speech)]} contraction; syncope, elision.

V. be concise &c. adj.; condense &c. 195; abridge &c. 201; abstract &c. 596; come to the point.

Adj. concise, brief, short, terse,close; to the point, exact; neat, compact; compressed, condensed, pointed; laconic, curt, pithy, trenchant, summary; pregnant; compendious &c. (compendium) 596; succinct; elliptical, epigrammatic, quaint, crisp; sententious.

Adv. concisely &c. adj.; briefly, summarily; in brief, in short, in a word, in a few words; for shortness sake; to come to the point, to make a long story short, to cut the matter short, to be brief; it comes to this, the long and the short of it is.

Phr. brevis esse laboro obscurus fio [Lat][Horace].
#573. Diffuseness. -- N. diffuseness &c. adj.; amplification &c. v.; dilating &c. v.; verbosity, verbiage, cloud of words, copia verborum[Lat]; flow of words &c. (loquacity) 584; looseness.

Polylogy[obs3], tautology, battology[obs3], perissology[obs1]; pleonasm, exuberance, redundancy; thrice-told tale; prolixity; circumlocution, ambages [obs3]; periphrase[obs3], periphrasis; roundabout phrases; episode; expletive; penny-a-lining; richness &c. 577.

V. be diffuse &c. adj.; run out on, descant, expatiate, enlarge, dilate, amplify, expand, inflate; launch out, branch out; rant.

maunder, prose; harp upon &c. (repeat) 104; dwell on, insist upon.

digress, ramble, battre la campagne[Fr][obs3], beat about the bush, perorate, spin a long yarn, protract; spin out, swell out, draw out; battologize[obs3].

Adj. diffuse, profuse; wordy, verbose, largiloquent[obs1], copious, exuberant, pleonastic, lengthy; longsome[obs3], long-winded, longspun[obs3], long drawn out; spun out, protracted, prolix, prosing, maundering; circumlocutory, periphrastic, ambagious[obs3], roundabout; digressive; discursive, excursive; loose; rambling episodic; flatulent, frothy.

Adv. diffusely &c. adj.; at large, in extenso[Lat]; about it and about it.

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