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The Matrix: Movie theme.

Card game for 2 players.

One player is the Humans.

The other player is the Machines.


The Matrix is a copyrighted, trademarked, licensed property.

This is merely a fan site.


The Human player wins if he accumulates 20 Mission Points.

(Neo hacks the Mainframe & makes a truce with the Machines)

The Computer player can win in 3 ways:

1. Kill Neo

2. Destroy the Nebuchadnezzer with Extermination Units.

3. Destroy Zion with Robot Army (Accumulate 20 Time Counters)


Players have unique decks.

Decks have 3 types of cards:

Mission cards, Event cards & Character cards.


Discard Event cards after they are played.

Most Event cards are used to modify a designated type of Die roll.


Character cards stay in play (face up on the table) until they are killed.

Characters of the Human player include:

1. Humans born in and escaped from the Matrix (Can be in the Real World or the Matrix)

2. Natural Zion born Humans (They cannot enter the Matrix – No Plug)

3. Rogue (Exiled) Programs (in the Matrix) on the side of the humans

Characters of the Machine player include:

1. Agents (Virtual Reality constructs of the Matrix)

2. Robots (Exist in the Real World)

A neutralized character cannot be used to modify rolls.


Mission cards are only found in the Human Players deck.


10 sided dice (D10’s) are needed to play.


3 types of Counters (Chits, Tokens) are needed:

Matrix Counters (Green) – Used to indicate if a character is in the Matrix

Mission Counters (Blue) – Victory Condition for the Human Player

Time Counters (Red) – Victory Condition for the Machines


The Human Player begins with Morpheus & Trinity in play.

The Machine player starts with Agent Smith & Agent Jones in play.

Both players start with a hand of 8 cards.


Each turn is divided into 6 phases:

Time Phase

Zion Phase

Zero-One Phase

Switch Phase

Matrix Phase

Reality Phase


The Machine player gets 1 Time Counter.

Max hand size is 10 cards. Discard excess cards.


The Human player may either take any 1 card from his deck, or draw the

top 2 cards from his deck.

Shuffle the deck afterwards.

If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard & draw from it.


The Machine player may either take any 1 card from his deck, or draw the

top 2 cards from his deck, or put a Character card in the discard into his hand.

Shuffle the deck afterwards.

If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard & draw from it.


The Human player can place or remove a Matrix counter from any

Human cards.

A Human with a Matrix counter is considered to be plugged into and

Functioning in the Matrix.

A Human without a counter is awake and functioning in the real world.

Note that natural born humans can never be given a Matrix counter.


The Matrix Phase is divided into 4 segments:

Interception Segment

Combat Segment

Mission Segment

Escape Segment

If the Human player does have a character in the Matrix, skip Matrix phase


Both players roll 1D10. This is the Interception Roll Contest.

Players may play (discard) Event cards to add to their Interception Roll Total.

Character cards in the Matrix may also modify Interception Roll Totals.

If the Human players roll was higher, skip combat & escape segments this phase.


Both players roll 1D10. This is the Combat Roll Contest.

Players may play (discard) Event cards to add to their Combat Roll Total.

Character cards in the Matrix may also modify Combat Roll Totals.

The player with the lower total must discard the card of a character in the

Matrix (The Character is killed)


The Human player must play a Mission card or choose the Basic Mission.

The Basic Mission (Find Potential, Information Gathering, Insert Contacts, etc.) will

Award 1 MP (Mission Point) if it is successfully completed.

Both players roll 1D10. This is the Mission Roll Contest.

Players may play (discard) Event cards to add to their Mission Roll Total.

Character cards in the Matrix may also modify Mission Roll Totals.

If the Human players roll was higher, the Mission was a success and

The Human player earns the indicated number of MP’s.

If a Mission card was completed, remove it from play.

If a Mission failed put the card back in the players hand.

Keep track of MP’s with counters.

When playing a Mission card, Neo must go on the mission.


Both players roll 1D10. This is the Escape Roll Contest.

Players may play (discard) Event cards to add to their Escape Roll Total.

Character cards in the Matrix may also modify Escape Roll Totals.

If the Machine players roll was higher, play another Combat

Segment followed by another Escape Segment.

If the Human players roll was higher, the Matrix Phase ends and

the Human player may remove Matrix counters from his Human Characters.


Reality Phase is divided into 3 Segments:

Detection Segment

Pursuit Segment

Battle Segment


Both players roll 1D10. This is the Detection Roll Contest.

Players may play (discard) Event cards to add to their Detection Roll Total.

Character cards not in the Matrix may also modify Detection Roll Totals.

If the Human players roll was higher, Reality Phase ends.

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