Doom Trooper Theme.
Module for the Warp Empires system.
You must use the Warp Empires system to play this game.
Various races fight for control of the planet Mars.
Doom Trooper, Warzone, and Mutant
Chronicles are copyrighted, licensed properties.
This is merely a Fan site.
Map of Terraformed Mars.
When creating a random Map roll on the Terrain Type Table:
1D10 Type: Notes
1-2 City: Generate Income
3 Desert
4 Jungle
5-6 Plains
7 Mountain: Units except Flyers must stop upon entering
8 Ravine: No unit may enter except Flyers
9 Water: No unit may enter except Flyers & Water Units
10 Polar
Each player picks one Faction:
Dark Legion
Each Faction has a unique Unit Set.
Each Set has 50 chits.
# = Copies of this Chit in the Set
Air = Flying Unit
Assault = Short Range Combat Specialist
Barrage = Long Range Firepower Specialist
Water = Amphibious Unit: Force +2 in or Adjacent to Water Spaces
Desert = Desert Unit: Force +2 in or Adjacent to Desert Spaces
Jungle = Jungle Unit: Force +2 in or Adjacent to Jungle Spaces
Armor = Heavy Body Armor or Armored Vehicles
Core = Basic Soldiers
Infiltration = Stealth Units
Defense = These Units get Force +2 when Defending
Leader = Veteran Personality
Fortification = These Units cannot Move
Poison = Unit specializes in Biological/Chemical Warfare
Unit Name #
Force Speed Notes
Purple Sharks 5 3 FF Air
Free Marines 5 4 S Barrage
Sunset Strikers 5 3 M Infiltration
Banshees 5 3 FF Air, Barrage
Sea Lions 5 4 M Water
Scorpions 5 2 M Desert
Infantry 5 2 S Core
Orcas 5 4 M Armor
Captain 5 4 F Leader
Citadel 5 5 - Fortification
Unit Name # Force Speed Notes
Rams Air Cavalry 5 1 FF Air, Barrage
Trenchers 5 2 S Defense
Blood Berets 5 4 F Infiltration
Young Guard 5 2 M Assault
Clansman 5 3 S Assault
Golden Lions 5 3 M Infiltration
Berserkers 5 3 M Assault
Warhounds 5 3 S Core
Chieftain 5 4 F Leader
Citadel 5 5 - Fortification
Unit Name # Force Speed Notes
Venusian Rangers 5 4 M Assault
Kommandos 5 2 M Jungle
Hussars 5 2 M Core
Dragoon 5 3 F Armor
Jaegers 5 2 M Infiltration
Blitzers 5 3 FF Air, Infiltration
Etoiles Mortant 5 4 S Assault
Vulkans 5 4 S Armor
Kommandant 5 4 F Leader
Citadel 5 5 - Fortification
Unit Name # Force Speed Notes
Samurai 5 3 M Defense
Crimson Devils 5 2 F Infiltration
Bushido 5 2 S Assault
Tiger Dragons 5 3 M Assault
Ronin 5 2 M Infiltration
Ashigaru 5 2 S Core
Meka 5 4 M Armor
Warheads 5 4 FF Air, Barrage
Hero 5 4 F Leader
Citadel 5 5 - Fortification
Unit Name # Force Speed Notes
Deathdroids 5 3 M Armor
Machinators 5 3 FF Air, Barrage
Shock Troopers 5 3 S Assault
Cuirassiers 5 4 M Assault
Chasseurs 5 4 F Barrage
Cybercurity 5 3 M Infiltration
Volunteers 5 2 S Core
Chemimen 5 2 S Poison
Specialist 5 4 F Leader
Citadel 5 5 - Fortification
Unit Name # Force Speed Notes
Death Angels 5 3 FF Air, Barrage
Mortificators 5 3 F Infiltration
Archangels 5 2 S Core
Sacred Warriors 5 3 S Defense
Valkyries 5 2 F Assault
Mystics 5 4 M Assault
Inquisitors 5 4 M Armor
Assassins 5 3 M Infiltration
Keeper of the Art 5 4 F Leader
Citadel 5 5 - Fortification
Unit Name # Force Speed Notes
Nazgaroth 5 3 FF Air
Legionnaires 5 2 S Poison
Heretics 5 2 M Infiltration
Necromutants 5 3 M Core
Unholy Carronade 5 4 S Barrage
Horde Troopers 5 3 S Assault
Behemoth 5 4 M Armor
Karnophages 5 3 M Assault
Nepharite 5 4 F Leader
Citadel 5 5 - Fortification
You win if you control all the Cities on the Map
Each player starts with a City with 5 random units and a hand of 5 cards.
Players share a common Action deck
First discard any cards you don't want.
Each player draws 3 action cards.
Max hand size = 7. Discard excess cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Income is in “Credits”
Every City produces 5 Credits per turn.
Use Action cards to move stacks or units in stacks.
FF = A Flying unit can move 1-4 spaces & may jump over opposing stacks.
F = A Fast unit can move 1-3 spaces.
M = A Medium speed unit can move 1-2 spaces.
S = A Slow unit can move 1 space.
Non-flying Units can move into but not through opposing stacks.
E = Event
B = Battle Event
Card Name # Type Notes
Tactical Maneuver 15 E Move 1 Stack
Operational Maneuver 10 E Move 2 Stacks
Strategic Maneuver 5 E Move 3 Stacks
Scanners 2 E Look at target Stack
Hand-To-Hand 2 B All your Assault Units get Force +3
High Morale 2 B All Units in Stack get Force +1
Surprise Attack 2 B Attacking Stack gets Force +8
Ambush 2 B Defending Stack gets Force +8
Retreat 2 B Negate Target Casualty
Botched Orders 2 E Negate an Event Card Just played
Initiative 2 E Draw 3 cards
Manifest Destiny 2 E Look at next 7 cards in deck
Spy 2 E Look at opponents Hand
Forced March 2 E Move target Stack a Second time this turn
Assassination 2 E Discard target Leader
Freelancers 2 E Hire a Force = 3 Slow Core Unit Cost = 3
Strafe 2 B All your Flying Units get Force +3
Missiles 2 B All your Barrage Units get Force +3
Insertion 2 E Move Infiltration Unit
Sortie 2 E Move Flying Unit
Raiding Party 2 B All your Infiltration Units get Force +3
Deadly Gasses 2 B All your Poison Units get Force +3
Absorb Punishment 2 B All your Armor Units get Force +3
Combat Tactics 2 B All your Core Units get Force +3
Kill Zones 2 B All your Fortification Units get Force +3
Leadership 2 B Leader Unit gets Force +5
Mystic Arts 2 B Brotherhood Unit gets Force +5
Dark Symmetry 2 B Dark Legion Unit gets Force +5
Quality 2 B Bauhaus Unit gets Force +5
Loyalty 2 B Mishima Unit gets Force +5
Efficiency 2 B Cybertronic Unit gets Force +5
Opportunity 2 B Capital Unit gets Force +5
Discipline 2 B Imperial Unit gets Force +5
Mutant Chronicles
Doom Trooper
Card, Board, & Dice game for 2-4+ players.
Each player is an Eskimo (Inuit) Hunter.
At the end of the game, the player with the most Food Points wins.
Food points are gained by collecting (hunting) Animal cards.
The game ends when all Animal cards have been collected.
Get 1 FP for each Special card in your hand at the end of the game.
The Board is a circular track divided into 16 spaces:
Space # Name: Type Notes:
1. Ice I
2. Coast H
3. Ice I
4. Igloo S Snowhouse (Season of Dark)
5. Ice I
6. Thin Ice H
7. Ice I
8. Domoid S Sod & Whalebone
9. Ice I
10. Tundra H
11. Ice I
12. Tent S Skin Covered (Season of Light)
13. Ice I
14. Ice Bergs H
15. Ice I
16. Stonehouse S Stone & Driftwood
S = Shelter
H = Hunting Grounds
I = Ice
Each player has a pawn to represent his Eskimo Hunter
Six sided dice are needed.
There are 2 Decks:
1. The Animal Deck
2. The Hunter Deck
Each Animal card has a Food value from 1 to 4.
Each Animal can only be hunted with certain types of Weapons.
The Hunter deck includes 3 card types:
1. Hunting Weapons
2. Transportation
3. Special
Each player places his Eskimo Pawn in a Shelter Space.
Each player draws to cards from the Hunter Deck.
Roll high on 1D6 to see who goes first.
Each Hunting Ground Space must have an Animal Card on it Face up.
If at any time a Hunting Ground is empty, immediately draw the next
Animal card from the Animal Deck and place it on the Hunting Ground.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 5 Phases
Travel Phase
Ice Phase
Shelter Phase
Hunt Phase
Transport Phase
Roll 1D6 and move that many Spaces clockwise or counterclockwise.
If you land on an “Ice” Space nothing happens.
If you land on a Shelter Space draw one card from the
Hunter deck, Show it to all players & put it in your hand.
If you drew a Special card, you may not move again until after your
Next turn (At home not hunting); However you may search the deck for
A Weapon & a Transport card & put them in your hand.
You may carry a maximum of 4 Hunter cards.
Discard excess cards.
If you land on a Hunting Ground space, you may hunt the Animal there.
To get the Animal, discard an appropriate Weapon card.
Your Eskimo has caught the Animal and must carry it back to any Shelter.
The Eskimo cannot hunt again until after it visits a Shelter.
Keep all Animals you’ve hunted in a pile beside you.
To catch a Walrus or Whale you must also discard a Boat card.
You may discard a Transport card to move again (Go back to Transport Phase).
# = Copies of that card in the Deck
FP = Food Points
H = Hunting Weapons
T = Transportation
S = Special
Animal Name # FP Notes
Seal 4 2 Sea Mammal
Sea Lion 2 2 Sea Mammal
Walrus 1 4 Sea Mammal
Bowhead Whale 1 4 Whale
Bottlenose Whale 1 4 Whale
Narwhal 1 4 Whale
Char 1 2 Fish
Salmon 2 2 Fish
Sea Birds 1 1 Birds
Waterfowl 1 1 Birds
Migrating Birds 1 1 Birds
Bird Eggs 1 1 No Weapon card needed
Caribou 1 3 Hoofed
Reindeer 1 3 Hoofed
Musk Ox 1 3 Hoofed
Small Game 2 1 Wolves, Foxes, Hares
Polar Bear 2 4 Hibernating
Card Name # Type Notes
Harpoon 3 W Sea Mammals & Whales only
Spear 3 W Any
Bow & Arrows 2 W Any
Bait & Snare 2 W Small Game & Birds only
Fish Hooks 2 W Fish only
Sledge 2 T Dogs
Sled Dogs 2 T Dogs
Huskies 2 T Dogs
Kayak 4 T One Seat Boat
Umiak 2 T Deep Rowboat
Clothing 1 S Fur Parka, Mittens, Boots
Sports 1 S Ball, Blanket Toss, Hand Football
Games 1 S Cats Cradle, Bones
Fun 1 S Storyteller, Tongue Twisters, Funny Faces
Music 1 S Tambourine, Singing, Pentatonic Scale
Customs 1 S Ridicule Contest, Hospitality
Food Preservation 1 S Frozen, Air Dried, Decayed
Food Preparation 1 S Eat Raw Flesh or Lightly Boiled
Tools 1 S Seal oil Lamp, Knives, Pots, Ivory Needle
Carvings 1 S Toys, Fetishes, Ivory, Bone, Soapstone
Language 1 S Aleut, Eskimoan, Syllable Language
Religion 1 S Medicine Man, Food Taboos, Ceremonies
Solitaire Card game.
Based on the side Scroller Video game of the same name.
Golden Axe is a copyrighted, licensed, trademarked property.
This is merely a Fan site.
Defeat the Death Adder.
You start with 5 Characters:
Characters: Hits Magic Speed Damage Notes:
Warrior 10 2 2 +1 Bastard Sword
Dwarf 10 1 1 +2 Battle Axe
Woman Warrior 8 3 3 +0 Long Sword
Sprite 6 4 4 -1 Trident
Centaur 12 1 3 +1 Staff
Hits = Damage Character can take before perishing
Magic = Damage done by Magic cards
Speed = Foes avoided by using an Evade card
Damage = Bonus Damage done by Attack cards
Shuffle the Deck.
Place the Death Adder card on the bottom of the deck.
Choose which Character you are starting with.
Flip Phase
Fight Phase
Foe Phase
Fini Phase
Turn over top card of deck.
If it is a Foe card place it face up on the table.
If it is any other type of card put it in your hand.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard & draw from it.
You may play an Attack card to do damage to a Foe in play.
The Damage done by a Attack card must go to a Single Foe.
Use coins to keep track of Damage.
A Foe with damage equal to or greater than its Hits is destroyed.
Discard a used Attack card.
You may use additional Attack cards from your hand vs additional targets.
The Running Charge card does damage equal to the Speed of the Character
You may play a Magic card to do X damage to all Foes in play.
X = Magic Level of Character.
Every Foe in play may Attack.
Foes do damage equal to their Hits minus their Damage.
A Character Reduced to Zero or less Hits is Destroyed.
If a Character is destroyed, you may continue play with one of your remaining Characters.
You may negate damage from X Foes by playing an Evade Card.
X = The Speed of the Character
You may play a Healing Potion Card to Heal X Damage.
X = The Magic of the Character.
Max hand size is 5 cards. Discard excess cards.
Card Name # Type Hits Notes
Jumping Attack 2 A 3
Throw Opponent 2 A 2 Flip
Slash 2 A 1
Thrust 2 A 1
Cut 2 A 1
Beat Down 2 A 2
Dragon Mount 2 A 3 Fire Breathing
Lizard Mount 2 A 2 Tail Swipe
Running Charge 2 A S
Magic Attack 4 A M
Evade 4 D S
Healing Potion 4 H M
Skeleton 5 F 1 Tulwar & Shield
Ork 5 F 2 Club
Barbarian 4 F 3 Spiked Mace
Amazon 4 F 4 Hand Axe
Hill Giant 3 F 5 Large Hammer
Knight 2 F 6 Sword
Death Adder 1 F 7 Big Axe
A = Attack
D = Defend
H = Heal
F = Foe
S = Speed
M = Magic
This is a Role-playing Game, using, as its basis, the worlds of Golden Age SF authors including: Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Robert H. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Frederik Pohl, James Blish, Philip K. Dick, Paul Anderson, Greg Bear, and others. The goal is to incorporate Characters, worlds, situations, and technologies from books written by these authors. For example: Lazarus Long (Heinlein) accompanied by a Sentient Robot (Asimov) may meet an Overlord (Clarke) in orbit around a Ringworld (Niven). The intent is to get a particular Retro feel. Certain SF worlds are to be avoided, specifically Star Wars and Star Trek, not because we don’t love them, but because we want to give these other older sources their due. Game mechanics will be addressed, but are very much secondary to the source material. Some of these SF worlds may seem incompatible, but the universe is a big place, and inconsistent things can be put at opposite ends. For example many of these books feature Earth as a setting. The solution would be to move a setting to another Earth-like planet in a different part of the galaxy. Another goal is to make newer generations of RPG & SF fans aware of these older books. I intend for this to be a lengthy project and hopefully not a solo one. I ask readers to contribute entries about their favorite books describing characters and settings on a RPG level. To start, I am providing a few sample very rudimentary entries that will hopefully soon be (replaced) fleshed out by me or someone with better writing skills.
Main Characters in this geonra are most often scientists, astronauts, government or military agents. They are always tough, practical, resourcefull, independent, intelligent, square jawed, clean living, heroic, decent and honourable. Protagonists are usually normal humans, though you get the occasional telepath, immortal, or android.
In Out Worlds, humanity has settled Tens of thousands of worlds across long stretches of the Galaxy. Humanity is fragmented into numerous empires, federations, foundations, alliances, commonwealths, independent worlds, and forgotten worlds. Technology levels run the gamut.
(From Childhoods End by Arthur C. Clarke)
Large demonic looking Aliens. In all ways stronger & smarter than humans, but without a soul. They are servants of a higher Intelligence.
(From I Robot by Isaac Asimov)
Robots of the future must follow 3 rules:
1. A robot may not harm a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by the human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence, as long as such protection does not conflict the First or Second Law.
(From Ringworld by Larry Niven)
An artificial world in the shape of a ring that circles a star. The side facing the star is inhabitable and has a much larger surface area than a regular planet.
(The Number of the Beast and others by Robert H. Heinlein)
A long-lived rugged individualist.
(Voyage of the Space Beagle by AE Van Vogt)
A large Human exploration space ship containing hundreds of scientists.
(Voyage of the Space Beagle by AE Van Vogt)
Social scientist whose specialty is Nexialism, the science that
fuses the known and the unknown.
(Foundation Series by Asimov)
Developed by Hari Seldon, a branch of mathematics that uses the law of mass action to predict the future on a large scale, such as of planets or empires.
(Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke)
A huge alien vessel complete with large cities and strange mechanical inhabitants.
Ultimate Hard SF
Timeline of the Cosmic Future
Childhood’s End
Quotable Heinlein
Asimov Home Page
Ringworld RPG
Hard SF
By Matthew McCullough and Ross Heintzkill.
The game is called Real-Time Role-Playing Game (RTRPG).
It is a system that can be used for any shoot-em-up game, like UT or BF or CS or what have you.
It is played on graph paper, and requires two six-sided dice.
Okay, so you start out by sketching whatever environment you like on the graph paper.
What's really fun is playing it at a friend's house and then drawing the house and playing there.
It doesn't have to be too detailed a drawing, but you should put in furniture and
doors and poles and what have you.
Then each player picks their weapons.
You arbitrarily pick a point count, and each player gets that many points to spend on weapons.
Now, I have a system set up for counting points that's not perfect, but it'll do.
Each weapon has Damage, ToHit, Refire, Range, Clip and Use stats. More on this later.
The objective of the game is to blow the bajesus out of your enemies.
You take turns moving and shooting. Each turn, you get two actions.
Actions are usually either moving, shooting, aiming or reloading.
Each of these usually cost one action.
Move: Depending on the size of the arena chosen, usually you can move 5 squares.
Running allows you to move twice that, but you get -2 penalty to firing a weapon.
Shoot: Depending on the weapon, a Shoot action fires a certain amount of shots at a target.
If you hit a target, roll for damage.
Note that if you have less bullets in your clip than you are allowed to fire per
Shoot action, that sucks for you.
You can't Reload for free to get the rest of your money's worth.
Now, you generally roll 2d6 to fire a weapon, and it takes a 7 or greater to hit.
Since there are all sorts of interesting things to do with an environment, most
conditions won't be listed here.
The rule of thumb is that a favorable condition is +1 ToHit and an unfavorable condition is -1 ToHit. Cover of varrying degrees prevents damage: if a person is completely behind a wall, no dice.
If a person is half behind a wall, the limbs of that half of the body can be hit.
If a person is standing at a waist-high wall, their torso, arms and head can be hit.
A damage roll indicating a leg hit is no good.
Aim: The Aim action gives you a +2 bonus to firing a weapon (1 shot, the recoil makes your aim go bad).
Reload: Once you run out of bullets, you gotta switch guns or reload.
That's it. Each player is considered to have infinite ammo.
Or you can play with limited amounts, it doesn't matter.
If you're using two weapons, you must reload both of them to continue to use both.
Damage: When you damage an enemy, roll a d6.
1 Left Leg
2 Right Leg
3 Left Arm
4 Right Arm
5 Torso
6 Head
A leg shot decreases your speed to half, rounded down.
Both legs hit decreases your speed to 1 square per move action.
One arm hit gives you a -4 penalty when using a weapon that requires both
hands, and you can't use a one-handed weapon in that hand.
Both arms hit means you're powerless, and out of the game (with your life, at least).
All limbs shot means it's too painful to move, and you're out of the game
(with your life, at least, but crippled completely).
If you get hit in the torso twice, you die.
If you get hit in the head once, you die.
Now, range is generally:
Short (10 squares or less), Medium (20-11 squares), or Long (40-21 squares).
When using a weapon at ranges greater than intended, it's a -2 penalty at one range
increment too many, and a -4 penalty at two range increments too many.
When using a weapon at ranges lesser than intended, if the weapon is
Cumbersome, it's a -2 penalty at one range increment too little and a -4 penalty at
two range increments too little.
Generally, the worst weapon in the game has no Damage or ToHit bonuses, Short
range, a low clip, a normal refire rate, and no Use statistics.
The Damage bonuses/penalties are obvious.
They change your roll for damage.
Now, a damage penalty of -2 means you can't actually kill a person with the gun, but
you can knock them out of the running by hitting all four limbs.
Note that roll totals above 6 still count as 6.
ToHit bonuses/penalties are also obvious.
They change your roll when attempting to hit someone.
So a roll of 6 with a +1 ToHit bonus gives you 7.
Refire is basically how many shots you can fire with a Shoot action.
You roll ToHit (and damage for hits) that many times.
Range is the distance a weapon is best used at.
Clip is the amount of bullets that the gun can fire before you need to reload.
Use is a special category. There a certain Use effects.
Refire Penalty: When using this weapon, there is a subsequent (and stacking) -2 penalty ToHit for
each additional shot fired by the weapon.
This means that the first shot fired has no penalty, the next shot has a -2 penalty and the
third shot has a -4 penalty.
Cumbersome: See Shoot. This normally applies to rifles and such.
Double: You can use two of these, one in each hand.
This normally applies to pistols, and can be mix-and-matched (1 Uzi and 1 Pistol).
Slow Reload: This weapon takes longer to fire than just a slap-in-the-clip action.
It takes two actions to reload this weapon.
Well I think that's it, but if you uncover all the gory rules you get a pretty simple shoot-em-up game.
I've enclosed the stats for a few modern weapons.
Realize that I didn't go to the trouble to label various types of each weapons (M-16, Desert Eagle).
The differences in those weapons are slight.
Name (Damage, ToHit, Refire, Clip, Range, Use, Cost)
Pistol (0, 0, 1, 10, S, Double, 320)
Uzi (0, -1, 5, 20, S, Double & Refire Penalty, 640)
Rifle (+1, +1, 1, 10, L, Cumbersome, 470)
Machine Gun (+1, 0, 5, 20, M, Cumbersome & Refire Penalty, 1500)
Sniper Rifle (+2, +1, 1, 1, L, Cumbersome & Slow Reload, 510)
Shotgun (0, +2, 1, 5, M, Cumbersome, 295)
Sawed-Off Shotgun (-1, +3, 1, 5, S, Double, 330)
Here is the "calculator" I used to come up with the prices.
Start at 100.
Add or subtract (accordingly) 100 for damage bonuses/penalties.
Add or subtract 50 for to hit bonuses/penalties.
Multiply this by the refire.
Multiply this by 1.2 for short range, 1.4 for medium range and 1.6 for long range.
Add 10 for each bullet in the clip minus the refire (for the Machine Gun, you'd add 150).
Subtract 25 for Refire Penalty, Cumbersome of Slow Reload.
Multiply by 1.5 for Double.
Round the number to the nearest tenth.
Card Game with Silver Surfer Theme.
The Silver Surfer is a copyrighted, licensed property.
This is merely a Fan site.
Have the most Plot Points at the end of the game.
The game ends when the deck runs out.
Players share a common deck.
There are 7 cards types:
SK = Surfer Skill
SE = Surfer Energy Attack
SA = Surfer Allies
SS = Surfer Speed
ST = Surfer Toughness
SB = Surfer’s Board
SC = Surfer Action
V = Villains
F = Foes
X = Superpowers (Used by Villains)
L = Locations
P = Plots
Every card has a Plot Point (PP) Value.
The most brooding, cosmic, dramatic player goes first.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 5 phases:
Fate Phase
Action Phase
Resolution Phase
Plot Phase
Recovery Phase
Draw cards from top of deck to Fill Hand to 8 cards.
Discard up to 4 cards and draw replacements.
You may play a Meld.
A Meld is a card combo that must include:
1. Exactly one Foe or one Villain
2. Up to two Surfer cards* with PP >/= to the Foe or Villain
3. Up to one Location card
4. Up to one Superpower card if a Villain was played
5. One or two Plot cards.
* = The Surfer cards cannot be of the same type.
If you played a Meld gain PP = Total PP of the cards you played in the Meld.
You may discard any unwanted cards.
Maximum ending hand size is 4 cards.
Discard excess cards.
Card Name: Type PP
Cosmic Endurance ST 5
Impervious to Elements ST 5
Cosmic Blast SE 8
Flying Board SB 4
Space Born Skill SK 9
Double Back SS 6
Searing Energy SE 8
Sky Rider SK 9
Board Attack SB 4
Summon Board SB 4
Cosmic Thrust SE 8
Healing Energy SC 3
Cosmic Power Bolt SE 8
Melt Weapon SC 3
Cosmic Burst SE 8
Track Any One SC 3
Supersonic Speeds SS 6
Sentinel of the Spaceways SK 9
Herald of Galactus SK 9
The Defenders SA 7
The Avengers SA 7
The Star Masters SA 7
The Fantastic Four SA 7
Cosmic Commandos SA 7
Superhuman Strength ST 5
Indestructible ST 5
Cosmic Energy Powers SE 8
Energy Beams SE 8
Silver Skin ST 5
Hyperspace Travel SS 6
Blinding Speed SS 6
Master of Cosmic Forces SK 9
Silver Board SB 4
Dodge Blows SS 6
Pure Heart ST 5
Cosmic Shock SE 8
Disguise SC 3
Cover Vast Distances SS 6
Sense Aura SC 3
Lightning Speed SS 6
Surprise SS 6
Neutralize Device SC 3
Galactus V 17
Thanos V 16
Loki V 15
The Overlord V 14
The Stranger V 13
Mephisto V 12
Doctor Doom V 11
Quasimodo V 10
Thor F 15
The Monster of Badoon F 9
Robot Monster F 8
Cavemen F 3
Dinosaurs F 5
Naval Warships F 6
Fighter Jets F 6
Yetis F 4
The Hulk F 11
Alien Invasion Fleet F 9
Armed Guards F 3
Mind Control X 7
Magic Powers X 5
Infernal Plot X 4
Ultimatum X 4
All Knowing X 7
Protective Field X 6
Energy Drain X 6
Dematerialize X 5
Pacific Ocean L 2
Zenn-La L 4
The Underworld L 5
Deep Space L 4
Arctic Circle L 3
Modern Metropolis L 2
Asgard L 5
Savage Earth L 3
Catastrophe P 8
Decoy P 6
Hostages P 6
Kidnapping P 6
Misunderstanding P 7
Rescue Innocent P 7
Time Travel P 5
Space Travel P 4
Cataclysm P 8
Love Interest P 7
Spacecraft P 4
Scientist P 5
Meteor Shower P 7
Madness P 5
Competition P 5
Space Scrambler P 4
Null-Life Bomb P 9
Ultimate Nullifier P 10
Silver Surfer
Warpspawn Cast
Lloyd Krassner
Author of hundreds of games. Self Published in the Warpspawn Games Website. Personal Factoids: 2 Sons and an understanding wife. Pharmacist (God help us all). Taught College Biology for 5 years. Used to work in a Pawn shop. Pack Rat: Games, Toys, and Books
Gottardo Zancani (Zak)
Janne Thorne
Jason Newell
Official Warpspawn Cartoonist. Has made cardsets for numerous games. Author of Troll Treasures & Hunt the Wumpus
Peter Cobcroft (Curufea)
Markus Salo
Author of: Norse Odyssey, F-14, Ypres, Winter War, Protecting the Skies, Regular contributor to the Review Page
Web Page
Personal Factoids: He owns the Boat, Has a summer home, Enjoys sauna, beer, "makkara" (=Finnish sausage), barbeque and ice-swimming.
Mike Marinos
Ian Milnes
Tom Higgins
Tom features Warpspawn games in his zine Countermoves. Warpspawn Rules PDF Files
David Ashton
Michael Callahan
Peter Schutze
Brian Train
Peter L. de Rosa
Frederic Moll
Ronald Pehr
Jörg Hansen
Mike Murgatroyd
Emmanuel Delva
Geo Gibson
Jon Parshall
Dana Darby
Wolfhvl (Matt R.)
Joe Nixon
Mike Mifrin
Aaron Dalton
Walt O'Hara
Dave Sanborn
Steven Cranmer
Tryvor J. Phillips
Dave Stattler
Patrick Bunch
C Gerard Luft
Alexander Herklotz
Jörg Hansen
Patrick H. Lewis
Talk about name dropping...
If you're not on the list it doesn't mean I don't like you,
I'm just saving the best for last.
I will only make pages for people who send me pics or links to pics.
If there are any mistakes, omissions, or sensitive material please let me know.
For a real trivia game try to find out what each of these people contributed!