Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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You may attack with your Characters.

Assign each of your Characters to attack 1 target opposing Character.

Each of your Characters can only make 1 attack.

Each target opposing Character can only be attacked by 1 of your Characters.

(If you have more characters, some will not be able to attack.)

Your Character does damage equal to the characters Strength.

An attached Weapon will increase a Character’s Strength.

You may play up to 1 Attack card on a Character to increase his Strength for this turn.

Your opponent may play a Defense card to completely negate an Attack.

Record damage on Character cards with coins (1 cent = 1 point of damage).

If (& only if) all of you opponent’s Characters have been attacked, your remaining

Non-attacking Characters may drink 1 Bottle of Beer off the Wall.

Your opponent loses 1 Beer for each drinking Character.

If your opponent is reduced to zero beers (start total = 10) he loses the game.

Stunned Characters cannot Attack or use Defense cards.

At the end of the phase, Discard Attack & Defense cards that were played during the phase.

Employees may not attack each other.

Instead of attacking, or Drinking Beer, a Character may eat Food (Discard Food card)

Instead of attacking, drinking, or eating, a Mage may cast a spell (Discard Spell card)

When attacking a base 1/10 Character, flip a coin. If Tails the attack is negated.


Str/Hits = Strength & Hits

C = Character

W = Weapon

O = Modifier

A = Attack

D = Defense

XI = Special card played in your own "I’ll get you for that Phase"

XR = Special card played in response to an opponent's attack

XA = Special card played in your own attack phase

XQ = Special card played in Quaff phase

G = Girl

E = Employee

S = Strong

F = Fighter

T = Thief

M = Mage

Z = Spell

N = Opponent is Stunned for 2 turns by this attack

Y = Food


Card Name: Str Hits Type Notes:

Old Red the Bartender 3 30 CES

Trish the Tavern Wench 2 20 CEG

Boris the Bouncer 4 40 CES

Ed the Stable Boy 1 10 CET

Fun Gus the Cook 2 20 CE

Dolly the Barmaid 2 20 CEGS

Cluso the Constable 2 20 CFES

Gimpy the Mercenary 3 30 CFS

Karloff the Blacksmith 4 40 CS

Hammy the Half Ogre 4 40 CFS

Nanook the Half Orc 3 30 CTFS

Freddy Fingers the Rogue 2 20 CT

Ludite the Dwarf 4 40 CFS

Little Nicky the Halfling 1 10 CT

Tuck the Cleric 3 30 CMF

Atroshus the Magician 1 10 CM

Keebler the Elf 2 20 CM

Snodgrass the Goblin 1 10 CT

Woody the Ranger 3 30 CS

The Warrior Princess 4 40 CFGS

The Mysterious Stranger 3 30 CMF

Hide - - D Thief only

Backstab +3 - A Thief only

Mighty Blow +3 - A Strong only

Throw Opponent +3 - A Strong only

Slide Down Counter +1 - AN Strong only

Slippery - - D Thief only

Burning Torch +1 - W Discard to negate an attack

Live Bird Soup - - Y Heal 5 Damage

Grit Cake - - Y Heal 5 Damage

Dragon Steak - - Y Heal 10 Damage

Bowl +1 - W Discard to negate an attack

Heal Spell - - Z Heal 20 Damage

Paralyze Spell - - Z Target is stunned for 3 turns

Charm Spell - - Z Take control of target Character

Bar Stool +1 - W Discard to negate an attack

Wooden Chair +1 - W Discard to negate an attack

Hurl Table +3 - A Strong only

Beer Mug +1 - W

Chain Mail - +10 O Armor

Ring Mail - +5 O Armor

Splint Mail - +15 O Armor

Plate Mail - +20 O Armor

Fling Plates +2 - A Any Character

Tankard of Ale +1 - W Discard to negate an attack

Swing on Chandelier +3 - A Any Character

Jump from Rafters +3 - A Any Non-Strong Character

Wine Bottle +1 - W Discard to negate an attack

Breaks - - XI Discard target weapon card

Slip & Fall - - XI Target stunned for 2 turns

Fireberry Wine +1 - O

Tipsy -1 - O

Drunk as a Skunk -1 - O

Thrown out of Window - - XI Target Character discarded

Uppercut +2 - A Any Character

Knee to the Groin +3 - A vs Male Character

Backhand +2 - A Any Character

Elbow to the Gut +3 - A Any Character

Knock the Wind Out +3 - A Any Character

Hit Wrong Guy - - XR Choose any new Target for Attack

Head Lock +1 - AN Any Character

Arm Lock +1 - AN Any Character

Head Butt +3 - A Any Character

Dark & Frothy Mead - +5 O

Shake it Off - - D Strong only

Business Elsewhere - - XI Target Character discarded

Hard Head - - D Fighter only

Switch Sides - - XI Take control of target Character

Tug of War - - XI Steal target Weapon

Gang Up - - XA 2nd Character may attack target

Look Behind You +3 - A Any Character

Knock Down +2 - AN Strong only

Bite +2 - A Any Character

Box Ears +3 - A Any Character

Trip +1 - AN Any Character

Bang Heads +3 - A Divide damage among 2 targets

Body Slam +3 - A Any Character

Thigh Press +3 - A Girl only

Show some Skin - - D Girl only

Wouldn’t hit a Girl - - D Girl only

Beg for Mercy - - D Thief only

Shocking Grasp +4 - AZ Mage only

Mailed Fist +1 - O Fighter only

Gauntlet +1 - O Fighter only

Berserker +3 - A Fighter only

Bear Hug +3 - A Strong only

Throw Barrel +3 - A Strong only

Choke Hold +3 - AN Any Character

Duck - - D Any Character

2 Lefts & a Right +3 - A Any Character

Chug - - XQ Character drinks 2 Beers



Each player controls an A-10 Thunderbolt II (The Warthog) on Close Air Support Duty.

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