Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Weapons, Armor, and Equipment are referred to as Attachments.

Meks are small, medium, or large.

Attachments are small, medium, or large.

Small Meks can hold 2 small attachments

Medium Meks can hold 4 small attachments

Large Meks can hold 6 small attachments

A medium sized attachment = 2 small attachments

A large sized attachment = 3 small attachments


Flip face up the top 3 cards of the Mission deck.

You may choose to go on one of these missions or

Not go on any mission at all.

Discard unused Missions.

If you go on a mission decide which of Meks are going and what

Pilot & Attachments each Mek will have.

Each Mek must have exactly one pilot.

Green Pilots cannot pilot large Meks.

There are 3 types of Missions: Assault, Defense, and Patrol.

Certain Event cards may affect certain Mission types.


The Mission will have a Threat Level = X.

Flip face up the top X cards of the Foe deck.

These are the enemies your squad must defeat in battle.


The engagement ends when one side is destroyed, or you retreat your squad.

The engagement is resolved after one or more Rounds.

Each round has 4 Steps:

1. Long Range: Weapons/ Foes with LR capability may attack.

2. Medium Range: Weapons/ Foes with MR capability may attack.

3. Short Range: Weapons/ Foes with SR capability may attack.

4. Point Blank Range: Weapons/ Foes with PB capability may attack.

All attacks within a Step are simultaneous except for

Indirect attacks which occur before other attacks.

To make an attack, pick a target & roll 1D10 (The To-Hit roll):

Each Foe will attack one of your Meks at random.

To hit, your roll must be equal to or greater than 5.

Certain conditions will modify the To hit Roll:

Targets at LR are –1 To Hit

Targets at SR are +1 To Hit

Targets at PB are +2 To Hit

Your Small Meks are –1 To be Hit

Your Large Meks are +1 To be Hit

Each Foe will have an Evade value (+2 to –2) To be Hit

Missiles are +1 To Hit

Area Weapons are +1 To Hit

Indirect Weapons are –1 To Hit

Missiles vs Target with Jammer –2 To Hit

If a target is hit, it will take 1D6 Damage (The Damage roll).

Certain conditions will modify the Damage Roll:

Small Weapon –1

Large Weapon +1

Missiles + 1D6

Area Weapons –1

Area Weapons are +2 vs Infantry

PB (HTH) Weapons +2

SR Weapons +1

LR Weapons –1

Ballistic Weapon vs Target with Inertia Field –1

Energy Weapon vs Target with Absorption Field –1

Missiles are one shot weapons: They can only be used in the first round.

A unit reduced to zero hits is destroyed (and cannot be repaired).

Use dice to mark damage.


If you destroyed all the Foes, you get paid for the Mission.

If your Squad retreated, or was destroyed, you do not get paid.

Payment in MC = 10 x Mission Threat Level.

Discard the Mission card.

Roll 1D6 for each pilot that was on the (Successful) Mission:

Green: roll 1D6 for each pilot: on a roll of 1-2 the pilot became Regular

and the player can select a specific skill for the pilot

Regular: roll 1D6 for each pilot: on a roll of 1 the pilot became Veteran

and gains 1 random skill

Veteran: roll 1D6 for each pilot: on a roll of 1 the pilot became Elite and

gains 1 random skill

Elite: roll 1D6 for each pilot: on a roll of 1 the player can select a

specific skill for the pilot

Use The Pilot Skill table for determining skills.


You may fix your damaged Meks.

It costs 1 MC to repair 1 point of damage.

Small Meks have 10 Hits

Medium Meks have 20 Hits

Large Meks have 30 Hits

Armor attachments add 5 Hits each.

Max Event hand card size = 8 cards. Discard excess cards.


Mission: Threat

Defend Base 7

Defend HQ 8

Defend Colony 7

Defend Transport 4

Assault Outpost 3

Assault Power Plant 6

Assault Convoy 5

Assault Fort 8

Patrol Warzone 6

Patrol Jungle 5

Patrol Arctic 4

Patrol Wastelands 3


Card Name: Notes:

Corporate Convention Flip +4 cards in Build Phase

Black Market Draw any 1 card from Build Deck in Build Phase

Battle Scarred Target Foe/Mek starts battle with 1D6 Damage

On Shore Leave Discard 1 random Foe

Head Hit Target Hit on Mek destroys it

Salvage Mission earns extra 30 MC

Artillery Support 1 LR Attack +1D6 Damage

Orbital Bombardment 1 LR Attack +1D6 Damage

Cruise Missiles 1 LR Attack +1D6 Damage

Air Support 1 LR Attack +1D6 Damage

Out of Ammo Target Foe/Weapon cannot attack

Immobilized Target Damaged Foe/Mek +2 To be Hit

Gyros Damaged Target Damaged Mek has –2 To Hit

Ambush Patrol Mission: All your units +2 To Hit first Round

Surprise Assault Mission: All your units +2 To Hit first Round

Allied Units Defense Mission: Draw 2 Foe cards: Use as Allies

Investors Get 10 MC

Detailed Plans Draw 2 Event Cards

Active Front Flip +2 cards in Mission Phase

Field Maintenance Repair 1D6 Damage for Free at end of Engagement


Unit Name: Hits Range Dam Evade Notes:

Infantry 6 SR -2 -

Power Infantry 8 SR -1 -2

Light Mek 10 MR -1 -1

Medium Mek 20 LR - -

Heavy Mek 30 LR +2 +1 2nd Attack at MR

Hover Tank 15 MR - -

Gyrocoptor 6 MR -1 -2

Artillery 4 LR +2 +2

SP Artillery 8 LR +1 -

Heavy Infantry 5 MR -1 +1

Entrenched Infantry 9 MR -1 +2

Scout Mek 10 SR -1 -2

Battle Mek 20 MR +1 -

Assault Mek 30 MR +3 +1 2nd Attack at PB

Jump Troops 5 SR -2 -2

Support Mek 10 LR -1 -1 Missiles

MMLS 5 LR - - Missiles

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