Kursk state medical university

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Variant I Variant II

1. round ligament 1. simple gland

2. the broadest muscle of the back 2. greater round muscle

3. simple alveolar gland 3. groove of the

smallest tubercle

III. Make Grammar analysis of the terms. Translate them into English:

Caput longum musculi tricipitis Caput breve musculi bicipitis

IV. Answer the questions:

  1. What is the sign of the Superlative degree of adjectives?

  2. In what way are adjectives in the Superlative degree declined?

  3. What adjectives are called compound?

  4. What is the result of substantivation of adjectives?

  5. Why are the names of intestines related to the neuter gender?

  6. What gender are the names of membranes?



1. Define the declension of nouns:

Area, ae f; canalis, is m; eminentia, ae f; tuberositas, atis f; carpus, i m; acetabulum, i n; superficies, ei f; ganglion, i n; pectus ,oris n; auditus,us m; vomer, eris m; fonticulus, i m; cornu, us n; recessus, us m; chorda, ae f.
2. Write the dictionary form of the nouns:

Orbita, periosteum, colon, genu, ostium, vagina, encephalon, bursa, stratum, junctura, tympanum, os, corpus, foramen, pars, caput, crus, dens; ganglion.

3. Write the dictionary forms of the adjectives:

Anatomicus, arteriosus, facialis, cavus, spinalis, transversus, transversalis, costarius, costalis, tenuis, gastricus, ulnaris, palatinum, canina, molare, dentale, communis, teres, biceps, triceps, simplex, duplex.

4. Form Genitive singular of each generic form of the adjectives;

Rectus, a, um; tympanicus, a, um; incisivus, a, um; superficialis, e; mentalis, e; pyramidalis, e; sphenoidalis, e; major, jus; minor, us; anterior, ius; posterior, ius; superior, ius; inferior,ius.

Latin Adjective Singular




m f n


m f n

Dictionary Form:

Nom. m,f,n



-us -a -um

-er -a -um

-i –ae -i





-is -is -e

-is -is -is

brevis, e

The Comparative Degree


Base of the

-ior -ior -ius

Positive Degree +

ioris -ioris -ioris

superior, ius

The Superlative Degree


Base of

+ suffix
-us -a -um

Positive Degree +

-issim- +

-i -ae -i

longissimus, a,um

5. Make agreement between nouns and adjectives in brackets;

Vertebra ( cervical, thoracic, sacral, dorsal)

Bone (frontal, palatine, nasal, ethmoid, occipital, hyoid, zygomatic,


Process (transverse, articular, ethmoid, palatine, frontal, temporal,


Foramen (round, occipital, spinous, vertebral, ethmoidal, frontal,

greater, palatine);

Crest (transverse, tympanic, sphenoid, nasal, iliac, ethmoid);

Depression (oval) (iliac, jugular, lesser, supraclavicular, mandibular,

mastoid, petrosal, pterygoid);

Fovea (superior, anterior,articular,ethmoid,temporal)

Surface (lateral, medial, dorsal of scapula, cerebral, inferior,

articular, temporal)

Spine (anterior, nasal, posterior iliac)

Muscle (teres major, teres minor, articular, biceps, brachioradial,

brachial,cephalopharyngeal, the longest)

Ligament (gastrocolic, iliofemoral, thyrohyoid, posterior,

sacrococcygeal, round, transverse)

Horn ( anterior, sacral, superior)

Groove (aortic, ethmoidal, superior, frontal, mediane, frontal,

palatine, temporal, transverse, occipital)

6. Make agreement between nouns in brackets and adjectives:

Greater (wing, tubercle, foramen)

Inferior (sinus, notch, foramen)

Lesser (nerve, artery, body)

Anterior (plate, ligament, part)

Superior ( passage, surface, foramen, shell, line)

7. Analyze the structure of the terms. Translate them into English:

Facies maxillaris, tuber maxillae, tunica mucosa tracheae, sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris, foramen palatinum minus, facies temporalis alae majoris, processus maxillaris conchae nasalis inferioris, caput superius musculi pterygoidei lateralis, meatus nasi inferior, ligamentum longitudinale anterius columnae vertebralis, linea nuchae superior, flexura sacralis recti, sulcus lacrimalis processus frontalis maxillae, fovea articularis processus superioris, skeleton membri inferioris liberi, crista tuberculi minoris, spina ossis sphenodalis,ostium venae cavae inferioris.

8. Write the Dictionary form of each word. Translate the terms into Latin:

Temporal bone, greater round muscle, body of thoracic vertebra, frontal bone, lesser round muscle, zygomatic process of the frontal bone, palatine bone, petrosal sinus, groove of the petrosal sinus, lateral pterygoid muscle, anterior spinal artery, venous plexus, a greater straight muscle of the head, a broad ligament of the uterus, a superior cervical neural knot, muscular plate of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, right jugular trunk, sciatic bag of the gluteus maximus muscle, greater sciatic foramen, a lesser tubercle of the humerus, a lateral horn of the spinal cord, superior and middle nasal shell, alar process of the ethmoid bone, mandibular notch (non-agreed attr.), ethmoid crest of the frontal process of the upper jaw.


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