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Двоскладові прикметники з закінченням -y з попередньою приголосною

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Двоскладові прикметники з закінченням -y з попередньою приголосною
Утворюють ступені порівняння за допомогою суфіксів -er; -est, причому літера “у” змінюється на “і”, а потім додаємо суфікси -er; -est:

happy - happier - the happiest;

sunny - sunnier - the sunniest;

nasty - nastier - the nastiest.
Трьохскладові прикметники

Утворюють ступені порівння за допомогою слів “more”, “most” + прикметник:

interesting - more interesting - the most interesting;

beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful;

independent - more independent - the most independent;
1 Form comparatives (вищий ступінь порівняння) and superlatives (найвищий ступінь порівняння) of adjectives:
Long, dark, short, comfortable, far, dirty, big, great, good, deep, lazy, sad, practical, happy, bad, dry, cheap. weak, important, large, little, pretty, expensive.
2 Answer the questions. Use “I think”, “of course”:
1. What is easier: English or Ukrainian?

2. Which is warmer: autumn or summer?

3. Which is faster: a plane or a ship?

4. Which is more popular: football or tennis?

5. Which is more comfortable: a chair or a sofa?

6. Which is bigger: Kyiv or Sumy?

7. Which is smaller: Europe or Asia?

8. Who is more practical: a man or a woman?

9. Which is colder: January or February?

10. Which is harder: iron or steel?

3 Answer the questions. Use “In my opinion”, “I think”, “If I am not mistaken”:
1. Which is the longest river in Ukraine?

2. Which is the most expensive car?

3. Which is the most difficult subject for you at university?

4. Who is the most popular footballer in Ukraine?

5. Which is the nearest planet to the Earth?

6. Which is the warmest season of the year?

7. Which is the shortest month of the year?

8. Which is the highest mountain in the word?

9. Who is the best goalkeeper in Ukrainian football?

10. Who is the most well-known Ukrainian poet?

4 Form the comparatives and superlatives from adjectives in brackets:
1. The twenty second of December is (short) day in the year. 2. Silver is (heavy) than copper. 3. His plan is (practical) than yours. 4. This is (short) way to the station. 5. Odessa is one of (big) ports on the Black Sea. 6. Your room is (good) than mine. 7. Iron is (useful) of all metals. 8. London is (large) city in Great Britain. 9. April is (cool) than May. 10. Hockey is (popular) than basketball.
Comparative Structures

Порівняльні конструкції
as + adjective + as
Коли два предмета мають одну й ту саму якість, використовуємо цю конструкцію.
Bread is 5 grivnas. Juice is 5 grivnas.

Bread is as cheap as juice.

Juice is as cheap as bread.
Щоб описати різнию між предметами, можна використовувати:

not as + adjective + as
Bread is 5 grivnas. Meat is 60 grivnas.

Bread is not as expensive as meat.

Meat is not as cheap as bread.
Щоб порівняти два предмети, можна використовувати прикметник у вищому ступені + than:
Kate is 18. Ben is 10.

Ben is younger than Kate.

Kate is older than Ben.
Можна використовувати два прикметники у вищому ступеніб щоб показати зміни, які відбуваються:
The weather is getting hotter and hotter.

Food is becoming more and more expensive.
Вищий ступінь порівняння прикметників утворює ще одну граматичну конструкцію:
The harder you train, the better results will be.

Чим ретельніше тренуєшся, тим кращі будуть результати.

The more we study, the more we know.

Чим більше ми вчимося, тим більше ми знаємо.
5 Answer the questions as in the example:

Ex.: Is it as warm in April as in May? -

No, it's warmer in May than in April.
1. is it as cold in November as in December? 2. Is your bedroom as big as mine? 3. Is a kilometer as long as a mile? 4. Is the Moon as big as the Sun? 5. Is Kuiv as large as Sumy?

6 Choose the correct answer:
1. This news is not … the news we heard last week.

a) as interesting as; b) interesting; c) more interesting.

2. The … trees in the world grow in California.

a) tallest; b) the most tall; c) taller.

3. Asia is … than Australia.

a) the largest; b) as large as; c) larger.

4. The weather is getting … .

a) good; b) better and better; c) the best.

5. The second half of the match was … interesting.

a) the least; b) little; c) less.

6. Gold is … than iron.

a) valuable; b) less valuable; c) more valuable.

7. He speaks English … of all in my group.

a) better; b) good; c) the best.

8. January is … month of the year.

a) colder; b) the coldest; c) the most cold.

9. My house is … as yours.

a) as modern; b) modern; c) more modern.

10. Nokia phones are not … as Motorola ones.

a) same; b) the same; c) more same.

7 Use the words below to write comparative sentences:

Ex.: Canada / big / Britain.

Canada is bigger than Britain.
1. Magazines / interesting / newspapers. 2. My spelling / bad / Lucy's. 3. Paris / beautiful / Berlin. 4. The airport / far / the railway station. 5. This sports car / fast / that one.
8 If you travel by car, by train or by plane, which journey is … ?

- the quickest;

- the cheapest;

- the most comfortable;

- the most convenient.
9 Read and translate the following jokes.
1. The more you study, the more you know,

The more you know, the more you forget,

The more you forget, the less you know,

The less you know, the less you forget,

The less you forget, the more you know.

2. A wise old owl lived in an oak;

The more he saw, the less he spoke,

The less he spoke, the more he heard.

Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?
10 Fill in the blanks with appropriate adjectives:
1. It's noisy here. Let's find a … (quiet) place . 2. This exercise is too difficult. May I do a …(simple) one? 3. Are computer games … (useful) for health than sports? 4. You are even … (careless) than I thought.. 5. This is the … (good) game I have ever seen. 6. The … (nice) the weather, the … (pleasant) to play outdoor games. 7. The … (high) my university marks, the … (happy) I am.


Sports in the USA
I Think and say:

  1. Do you take sport seriously or do you do it just for fun?

  2. What things do you think are important for doing well at a sport?

  3. Have you ever had to give up sport for any reason?

II Read and talk:
1 Read the words and their translation, memorize them:

spactator sports

видовищний спорт


одержимість (бажанням)

to attend sporting events

відвідувати спортивні змагання

game score

рахунок гри



to encourage

підтримувати, заохочувати

to participate in sports

брати участь в спорті



track and field athletics

легка атлетика



to root

підтримувати, заохочувати

to apply for a sports scholarship

претендувати на спортивну стипендію


капітан болільників





to join a team

стати членом команди








фаворит, любима гра

to wear a helmet

одягати каску (шлем)

2 Read and translate words combinations:
to attend sporting events, to listen to sports on the radio, a topic of conversation, children are encouraged to participate in sports, to apply for sports scholarships, football is followed by baseball and basketball, from early spring through early fall, to come from, to join a team (a league).
3 Read the text
Spectator sports in America are an obsession. Many people attend sporting events, listen to sports on the radio, and watch games on television. People of every age, race, and class buy sports magazines; the most widely sold is “Sports Illustrated”. Almost every major newspaper has a sports section.

Sports are often a topic of conversation. People talk about game scores, what happened during the game, or predictions about the strategy and success of specific team and players.

Children are encouraged to participate in sports at an early age. There are children's baseball, soccer, football, and basketball teams in almost every community. The rivalry between high schools goes right through the school year from football in September to track and field in June. Cheerleaders and bands lead the supporters in rooting for their home team.

Sports are important in collage. Students who show talent in a sport like tennis, track and field, swimming, football, or basketball can apply for sports scholarships.

Football is a very popular sport, followed by basketball and baseball. In general, football is played in the fall, basketball in winter, and early spring and baseball from early spring throughout early fall. The first American baseball match was in 1839 in New York but some people think that baseball comes from a much older game played in Europe for many years. Americans start playing baseball young. There are “leagues” which children of eight can join. The top players become big stars.

Americans love winter sports, and ice hockey is a great favourite. This game is very fast and can be dangerous. If you play ice hockey, remember to wear your helmet!

4 Answer the questions:

  1. What sports are American people keen on (fond of, interested in)?

  2. What do American people do except for going in for this or that sports?

  3. What is the topic of conversation when Americans get together?

  4. How are American children taught to love sports?

  5. Who can apply for sports scholarship in American colleges?

  6. What are the most popular sports in America from early spring through early fall and in winter?

III It is interesting to know:
Some facts about US sports
American football
American football is the most popular spectator sport in the United States. It is a combat game where highly trained athletes skillfully and brutally execute strategic plans. Attending a football game often begins with a “tailgate party” in the parking lot of the stadium followed by several hours of rowdy, emotionally charged excitement. Most fans watch football having gathered in a local bar or at a friend's home in front of a big-screen TV.

At hundreds of universities across the USA, they play college football games on Saturday afternoons. Games at the “football schools” with outstanding teams often attract over 100,000 fans. It is difficult to obtain tickets to games at the best football schools but easy to get tickets at the less popular college games.

combat game - бойова гра

to execute strategic plans skillfully and brutally - здійсювати стратегічні плани грубо та жорстко

a “tailgate party” - йти впритул перед автомобілем, що рухається

a parking lot - місце для паркування

rowdy - галасливий

emotionally charged excitement - емоційне збудження

outstanding teams - видатні команди

to attract fans - приваблювати (залучати) вболівальників
Baseball is the second most popular sport in the USA and it has a completely different atmosphere than football. It is a game of intense concentration and the near perfect execution of playing skill. Attending a baseball game might start with a tailgate party that resembles a family picnic followed by several hours of relaxed socializing with friends while watching the game.
perfect execution of playing skill - досконале втілення навичок гри

to resemble - нагадувати

socializing with friends - спілкуватися з друзями
Basketball combines the fast-paced excitement of football with the concentration and athletics prowess of baseball. Basketball games can be intensely exciting but are usually less rowdy than football games. The National basketball Association (NBA) contains 29 teams from major Canadian and US cities. They play about 100 games between October and May. The championship games are in June. Hundreds of universities across the USA play college basketball. At the “basketball schools” with excellent teams ticket might be hard to find.
fast-paced excitement - швидке збудження

athletics prowess - спортивна відвага

less rowdy - менш галасливий

to contain - складатися

championship games - ігри чемпіонату
Hockey is not as popular as football, baseball or basketball, but it has a loyal following of fans in certain cities of the USA and Canada. The game has the fast paced excitement of football and basketball with plenty of violent body contacts. Hockey games have a reputation for attracting loud, beer-drinking, rowdy fans.

The National Hockey League (NHL) has 30 teams in major cities across the USA and Canada. Each team plays about 80 games between October and April. Playoff elimination games are held after the season and the top teams play in the “Stanley Cup” championship. Tickets are available for hockey games in most cities as only most popular games are sold out.

loyal following fans - віддані фанати

violent body contact - силова боротьба

to attract beer-drinking rowdy fans - приваблювати галасливих вболівальників, що п'ють пиво

playoff elimination games - відбіркові ігри

It is the second most viewed professional sport in the US. Enthusiasm for NASCAR auto racing is growing rapidly. Stock car racing was once popular primary with he rural population in the small towns of Southeastern USA. Today, the National Association for Stock car Auto Racing (NASCAR) is one of the fastest growing spectator sports across the USA. About 35 major NASCAR races are held each year plus about 60 minor or specialty races. The racing season begins in February in the southern states and extends throughout the season.
to view - дивитись

to grow rapidly - швидко зростати

stock car racing - гонки серійних автомобілів

rural population - сільське населення

major races - головні заїзди

minor or specialty races - другорядні заїзди

to extend - тривати

annual championships - щорічні чемпіонати

to award - нагороджувати

to accumulate points - набирати бали
Outdoor sports
Hunting and fishing are very popular in the USA, especially in the rural areas. Other popular outdoors activities in the country include hiking, mountain climbing, paintball. In winter, many Americans head to mountainous areas for skiing and snowboarding. Cycling and road bicycle racing have increased in popularity.
outdoor sports - ігри на відкритому повітрі

hunting - полювання

rural areas - сільські місцевості

hiking - спортивна ходьба

mountain climbing - альпінізм

to head - прямувати

skiing - катання на лижах

snowboarding - катання на санях

cycling - велосипедний спорт

road bicycle racing - велосипедні гонки

to increase - зростати
Tennis is a popular sport in the US, in all five categories (Men's and Ladies' Singles; Men's, Ladies' and Mixed Doubles), however, the most popular are the singles. The United States has had a lot of success in tennis for many years.
Men's (Ladies') Singles - чоловічі (жіночі) одиночні змагання

Mixed Doubles - змішані пари
Track & Field
There are many tracks and fields events which involve individual athletes competing, including sprints, middle and long-distance events, and hurdling. Regular jumping events include long jump, triple jump, high jump and pole vault, while the most common throwing events are shot put, javelin, discus and hummer. There are also “combined events”, such as heptathlon and decathlon, in which athletes compete in a number of the above events.
tracks and fields events - змагання з легкої атлетики

to compete - змагатися

middle and long-distance events - забіги на середні та довгі дистанції

hurdling - біг з бар'єрами

long jump - стрибки в довжину

triple jump - потрійний стрибок

high jump - стрибки у висоту

pole vault - стрибки з жердиною

throwing events - змагання з метання

shot put - метання ядра

javelin - метання списа

discus - метання диска

hummer - метання молота

heptathlon - семиборство

decathlon - десятиборство
Professional sports in the United States are big business. Team owners pay football, baseball, and basketball stars salaries in the millions, so the teams will keep winning games and the owners can sell more tickets. Companies that sell sportswear and equipment pay large sums of money to famous players to advertise their products on radio or television, or in magazines and newspapers.

Sports are so important that some cities compete to attract a major professional team away from another city. Many city governments think that having a successful team can make their city important, too. Sometimes, the city offers to build a new stadium. This is expensive, but people can find work at the new stadium, and in restaurants, hotels, and stores in the surrounding community. Some people are against this because they say that money should be used for building schools and roads.

to pay salaries - платити зарплатню

to keep winning - продовжувати вигравати

to sell sportswear and equipment - продавати спортивний одяг та спортивне обладнання

to advertise products - рекламувати продукцію

to compete - змагатись

to offer - пропонувати

expensive - дорогий
IV Check and improve your vocabulary skills
1 What do you do in sports?
Do you do much sports?

I go skiing in the winter.

I play a lot of ice hockey.

I go to the gym (= gymnasium) twice a week, where I do aerobics and a bit of weight training.

Is it expensive to join (= become a member of) a sports club?

I plan to take up (=start) golf when I get older.

I had to give up (= stop) athletics after I injured my back.

Swimming is good for you. (= helps people to stay healthy).

You need to do/take more exercise if you want to get fit. (= to become fit/get in good condition).

A: Which team do you support? (= like and follow?)

B: Real Madrid. I've supported them all my life.
2 Fill in gaps with the correct verb:
1. Do you … much exercise?

2. I only … volleyball in the summer.

3. If possible, I'd like to … a fitness club.

4. A: I love football.

B: Do you? Which team do you … ?

A: Liverpool.

5. My Dad played football but he … last year. He said he was too old.

6. We used to … camping in the mountains.

7. Why don't you … hiking or swimming, or something? You need more exercise.

8. If you want to … fit, you need to run three or four miles every other day.

3 Here are some things students said about sports and exercises. Match the beginnings of the sentences 1-5 with endings a-e:
1. To be good at a sport, you must

2. It's important that you have all

3. Without following a suitable diet, you

4. If you look at successful sport people, you'll

5. You need to have a good trainer to
a. have a high level of physical fitness.

b. won't develop your full potential.

c. help you bring out the best of your ability.

d. see that they're extremely ambitious.

e. the correct equipment.
4 Match these parts of sentences:
1. If you don't keep fit,

2. Team sports help people to develop a good attitude

3. You need to understand that you can achieve more

4. Sport makes people

5. Keeping your body healthy

6. Doing sport is a very sociable and enjoyable

a. to the people they work or study with.

b. helps your mind to be clearer.

c. as part of a team than as an individual.

d. you'll end up in hospital.

e. way to look after yourself.

f. behave in a less selfish way.

V Speaking activities.

1 Speak on the following:

  1. What do you think is more important: to develop professional sports or to pay more attention to the physical culture of all people?

  2. Which sport would you like to learn and why?

  3. Do you support any particular team?Which one?

  4. Some people say it is impossible to achieve high results in sports without strong will-power. What do you think about it?

  5. What do you think about sport activities in your country? How it can be improved?

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