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Пасивний стан

Passive Voice
Розглянемо два речення:
The team plays about 100 games between October and May.

100 games are played between October and May.

Підмет “the team” сам виконує дію, виражену присудком. В другому реченні підмет “100 games” не сам виконує дію, а над ним виконують дію. Таким чином в першому реченні підмет є “активним” - це активний стан. В другому реченні підмет є “пасивним” - це пасивний стан.

Пасивний стан утворюють за схемою:

to be + III форма дієслова
В цій схемі у кожному з часів змінюється дієслово to be, а третя форма смислового дієслова залишається незмінною. III форма правильних дієслів утворюється за допомогою закінчення -ed. III форма неправильних дієслів знаходиться в третій колонці таблиці неправильних дієслів.
Present Simple Passive

is + III форма дієслова

I am sent to the competition.

He is sent to root our team.

We are sent to weight training.
Past Simple Passive

+ III форма дієслова

This stadium was built last year.

These rules were adopted yesterday.

Future Simple Passive
will be + III форма дієслова
The championship games will be played in June.
Present Continuous Passive

is + being + III форма дієслова

I am being asked at the English class now.

The game is being played at the moment.

The sportsmen are being informed about changes in the timetable now.
Past Continuous Passive

+ being + III форма дієслова

New uniforms were being worn by the sportsmen during the game.

The gym was being repaired when we came to the town.
Present Perfect Passive

+ been + III форма дієслова

We have been invited to take part in the game.

The stadium has just been built.
Past Perfect Passive
had been + III форма дієслова
I thought that you had been told about the results of the game.

We didn't go to the training on Saturday because we hadn't been told.
1 Use the present simple passive of the verbs in the box:

use play destroy speak export make hold

1. Football … all over the world.

2. Millions of cars … from Japan every year.

3. A compass … for showing direction.

4. How many languages … in Switzerland?

5. Millions of trees … by pollution every year.

6. Bread … from wheat.

7. The Olympic Games … every 4 years.

2 Use the past simple passive of the verbs in the box:

discover invent play kill paint build choose

1. President Kennedy … in Dallas in 1963.

2. The 1990 World Cup for soccer … in Italy.

3. When … television … ?

4. The first pyramids of Egypt … around 3000 BC.

5. Penicillin … by Alexander Fleming in 1928.

6. The Mona Lisa … by Leonardo da Vinci.

7. This sprinter … to light the Olympic flame.
3 Choose the correct form: the active or the passive:
1. Walt Disney created/was created the cartoon character Mickey Mouse.

2. This problem discussed/was discussed at the last meeting.

3. Yana Klochkova won/was won a gold medal in swimming.

4. The president arrived/was arrived in Rome yesterday afternoon. Later he interviewed/was interviewed on Italian TV.

5. Teachers have given/have been given a new pay rise by the government. The news announced/was announced earlier today.
4 Translate the sentences with the verbs in the passive voice into Ukrainian:
A. 1. The planets are attracted by the sun. 2. The baton is passed to other athletes during the race. 3. This book can be bought at any bookshop. 4. The new theatre will be built next year. 5. The railway time-table is changed twice this year. 6. He was surprised at my unexpected arrival. 7. They are interested in these problems. 8. We were told the news yesterday. 9. She was promised an invitation card to the party. 10. Some new magazines will be shown to the girls tomorrow.

B. 1. The message is read out by the president at the opening ceremony of the Games. 2. This event is commented upon in today's newspaper. 3. He was laughed at the boys. 4. The football game was watched with great interest. 5. The letter will be answered tomorrow. 6. The lecture was followed by a long discussion. 7. The play was enjoyed by everybody. 8. The doctor will be sent for immediately. 9. He was never interfered with. 10. The crop was influenced by the bad weather.

5 Change the following sentences from the active voice to the passive voice:
Ex.: People speak English all over the world.

English is spoken by people all over the world.
A. They build skateboards to fit each rider.. 2. We listen to the news every morning. 3. One uses milk for making butter and cheese. 4. She takes her little daughter to the kindergarten every day. 5, They make progress every day in the world science. 6. Pupils take examinations in June. 7. They make rings of silver and gold. 8. They close the roads during the race. 9. We keep milk cool in the fridge in summer. 10. We watch films on TV after our working day.
Ex.: I left the dog in the garden.

The dog was left in the garden.
B. 1. They gave a party in his honour yesterday. 2. They sent cards of congratulations to all their friends. 3. He hurt his leg in an accident. 4. They built this bridge last year. 5. Somebody left the light for all the night. 6. She washed all the dishes an hour ago. 7. People used the Tower of London as a prison. 8. Their friend recommended a new doctor to them. 9. They passed the ball in a variety of ways. 10. Mother taught a little girl how to behave.
Ex.: They will stage the new play next month.

The new play will be staged next month.
C. 1. They will play cricket in the club. 2. Kate will clean the rooms after breakfast. 3. People will enjoy this film all over the world. 4. Our friends will meet us at the station. 5. They will allow every child a second plate of ice-cream. 6. Ann will teach Richard to dance. 7. We shall make the room comfortable for you. 8. They will bring the parcel to the office. 9. Parents will send the child to the sport camp in summer. 10. They will bring the mail soon.
6 Choose the verb in the appropriate voice:
1. The lesson … by these boys yesterday.

a) was missed; b) missed.

2. Cotton T-shirts … by our team now.

a) do not wear; b) are not worn.

3. Tomorrow we … of our results at the competition.

a) shall inform; b) shall be informed.

4. Brandon always … such silly questions.

a) asks; b) is asked.

5. Sportsmen … to rest after training.

a) are allowed; b) allow.

6. The dinner … in an hour.

a) will cook; b) will be cooked.

7. Coffee and ice-cream … for desert.

a) served; b) will be served.

8. My father usually … newspapers in the evening after his work.

a) reads; b) is read.

9. This work … today.

a) must do; b) must be done.

10. We … to the basketball match.

a) invited; b) were invited.

7 Fill in the gaps with one of the auxiliary verbs given below:

A - is B - are C - was D - were E - will be
1. Dinner … served soon. 2. Peter … often asked to sing for his guests. he has a nice voice. 3. The lecture … much spoken of last week. 4. These armchairs … made of wood. 5. The table … laid beautifully yesterday. 6. Many guests … invited to my birthday next Sunday. 7. We … given fine presents for the last holidays. 8. Don't worry, the child … taken care of, when you … out. 9. Granny … often asked to make pies. 10. These magazines … illustrated with a lot of pictures.
В пасивному стані, якщо потрібно вказати на особу, яка виконала дію, вживають “by”.
By + агент (той, хто виконав дію).
Активний стан: Americans played the first baseball match in 1839.

Пасивний стан: The first baseball match was played by Americans in 1839.

Якщо в пасивному реченні вказують на інструмент, за допомогою якого виконано дію, вживають “with”:
With + інструмент.
Активний стан: A violent player hit him with a ball.

Пасивний стан: He was hit with a ball by a violent player.
8 Complete the sentences using the past simple passive of the verbs in the box and “by”:

paint compose and sing invent discover direct

1. Radium … Pierre and Marie Curie. 2. The “Goldrush” … Charlie Chaplin. 3. “Imagine” … John Lennon. 4. The safety razor … King Camp Gillette. 5. The “Chair” … Vincent van Gogh.
9 Complete the sentences with “by” or “with”:
1. These photos were taken … a very cheap camera. 2. These photos were taken … my sister. 3. The cake was made … dried fruit. 4. The cake was made … my aunt. 5. The garage was painted … a new kind of paint. 6. The garage was painted … a friend of mine. 7. The safe was blown open … the robbers. 8. The safe was blown open … dynamite.
10 Look at the Active sentences. What tense are they? Change them to the Passive.



1. Sport inspires people to keep fit.

1. People … to keep fit.

2. Valya Semerenko won the gold medal in the World Championship.

2. The gold medal … by Valya Semerenko.

3. The sportsmen are playing football on the pitch now.

3. Football … on the pitch now.

4. The organisational committee will hold the tournament next year.

4. The tournament … next year.

5. Thousands of football fans have visited the match.

5. The match … by thousands of fans.

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Відповідальний за випуск Г. І. Литвиненко

Редактор С.В. Чечоткіна

Комп’ютерне верстання О. В. Шкурат

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Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи ДК № 3062 від 17. 12. 2007.

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