Note: there are errors in the addition on several pages of Accounts. Presumably these are errors made by the Clerk copying them from the Cash Book into this Book

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At Dundee the Eighth day of October 1958

At the Annual General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Queen’s Hotel Dundee at 6.30 p.m.

Present: Deacon Robert S May, Boxmaster Ralph Pride, Mr Frank Hay Clerk


Fifty eight Members of the Craft

Apologies for absence were intimated from the Revd T R S Campbell, Messers D W Gray, C J Lang, David Reid, E H Leslie Shepherd, Edward R Simpson. Alexander Simpson and Ian D Stuart
I. Minutes

The following Minutes were read and approved:

(a) Annual General Meeting - 9th October 1957

(b) Special General Meeting - 9th October 1957

(c) –do- 7th - March 1958

The Clerk reported that Committee Meetings were held on 5th November 1957, 16th January 1958, 6th February 1958, 10th September 1958 and 17th September 1958.

II Accounts.

The Boxmasters cash Account for the year ended 15th September 1958 was submitted along with the relative Vouchers and these were approved on the motion of Ex-convene A S Drummond seconded by Mr A B Bowman. He Deacon reported that next year it was hoped to circularise to the Members an Abstract of the Accounts with the Notices calling the Annual General Meeting.

III. Election of Office Bearers

(a) Deacon.

On the motion of Ex-Deacon John M Robb seconded by Ex-Deacon J A Davidson, Deacon Robert S May was unanimously re-elected Deacon for the ensuing year.

(b) Boxmaster.

On the motion of Mr Cecil G Black seconded by Ex-Convener A S Drummond Mr Ralph Pride was re-elected Boxmaster for the ensuing year.

)c) Committee.

It was intimated that Messers Cecil G Black, A B Bowman and Douglas G Dryden were due to retire and were not eligible for re-election. The following Members were elected to he Committee and to hold office for two years namely: Messers Richard Fenton, John Johnston Jr and J Greig Sibbald.

(d) Clerk.

Mr Frank Hay was unanimously re-elected as Clerk to the Craft.
IV Annual Dinner

The Deacon intimated that the Annual dinner had been arranged to take place on 28th November 1958.

Kirking of the Trades

The Deacon intimated that the Krking of the Trades would be held in St Andrew’s Church on Sunday 12th October and invited as many of the Members of the Craft to attend as possible.

This being all the business the Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the chairman.

Robert S May deacon

At Dundee the Eighth day of October 1958

At a Special General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Queen’s Hotel Dundee at 7 p.m.

Present: Deacon Robert S May, Boxmaster Ralph Pride

Also attending

Fifty eight Members of the craft and Frank Hay Clerk
Deacon Robert S May proposed and Boxmaster seconded that following gentlemen for admission to the Craft namely:

David William Baxter, Architect 8 Hill Road Broughty Ferry

Oswald Taylor Brown, Consultant Physician 48 Campbell Road Broughty ferry.

William R R Bruce Company Director 69 Panmure Street Broughty Ferry.

David Goodfellow Baker 81 Gray Street Broughty Ferry.

Ronald S B Grieve Accountant and Auditor 6 Kelso Street Dundee.

Charles Rankine Kelly Solicitor 13 Albert Square Dundee.

Peter S Low Jute Merchant Four Walls Albany Road Broughty Ferry

These gentlemen having severally emitted the customary declaration were accordingly admitted Members with all the rights, privileges and immunities appertaining to Members conform to minute of Admission in the Lockit Book. The Clerk was instructed to have Certificates of membership issued on payment of entry money and dues.

S May Deacon

Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Office of the Clerk 148 Nethergate Dundee on 24th November 1958 at 5.15 p.m.

Present: Deacon Robert S May, Boxmaster Ralph Pride, Ex-Deacon john M Robb, Messers Richard Fenton, Alan Lemon, David Shepherd and the Clerk

The Deacon occupied the Chair

Apologies for absence were intimated from Mr Smith and Dr George H Smith

I. Minutes

The Minute of Meeting of the Committee held on 17th September 1958 was read and approved.

II. Initiation Supper

A Statement of Receipts and Payments in connection with the Initiation Supper was submitted and showed that here was a profit on that function of £5.14.11. It was agreed that this was satisfactory.

III. Annual Dinner

The Deacon hen reported on the arrangements made for the Annual Dinner and the Draft Toast List was approved. The Deacon expressed his thanks to the Boxmaster Mr Pride for being successful in securing our principal guest The Right Honourable Lord Forbes Minister of State for Scotland. The vote of Thanks was to be given by Mr Andrew Scott. Certain Members of the Committee undertook to assist in the eating arrangements.

The returns from the Members of Committee of the Tickets sold were handed to the Clerk. The Clerk reported that from the number it would appear that his year that there should be a record attendance.

R S May Deacon

At Dundee the 4th day of February 1959

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Office of the Clerk 148 Nethergate 148 at 5.15 p.m.

Present: Deacon Robert S May, Ex-Deacon John M Robb, Messers Cecil G Black, Richard Fenton, John Johnston, Alan Lemon, Dr Smith and the Clerk

The Deacon occupied the Chair

Apologies for absence were intimated from Boxmaster Ralph Pride, and Mr J Greig Sibbald
I Minutes

The Minute of Meeting held on 24th November 1958 was read and approved.

II. Annual Dinner

The Statement of the Annual Dinner was then submitted which showed a profit of £12. 5/-

III. Initiation Supper

The Clerk reported that he had arranged for the Initiation supper to be held on 20th March. After discussion it was decided that his date was not suitable as it clashed with the Hammerman Dinner. After the Clerk had telephoned the Queen’s Hotel it was arranged that the Initiation supper would take place on Wednesday 1st April in the Queen’s Hotel. A draft Menu was submitted and approved.

It was arranged that the Toasts should be:

The Nine Incorporated Trades

The City and Trades of Dundee

The New Members

Names were suggested of Members to propose these Toasts and it was arranged that Lord Provost Hughes should be asked to reply to the Toast of The City and Trade of Dundee. the vote of Thanks to be undertaken by by Mr J Greig Sibblald. The Deacon also reported that he had been in correspondence with the Duke of Atholl and that he appeared to be willing to allow his name to go forward as an Honorary Member of the Craft. the Deacon undertook to make the necessary arrangements in this connection.
At Dundee the Eleventh day of March 1959

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Office of the Clerk 148 Nethergate 148 at 5.15 p.m.

Present: Boxmaster Ralph Pride, Ex-Deacon John M Robb, Messers Cecil G Black, John Johnston, Alan Lemon, David Shepherd and the Clerk

The Boxmaster in the absence of the Deacon occupied the Chair

Mr Pride made reference to the great loss the Craft has sustained through the death of Ex-Lord Provost Fenton who at the time of his death was a serving Member of the Committee. It was agreed to minute the appreciation of Lord Provost Fenton’s services to the Craft in the minute and to record the great loss which the Craft has sustained. The Clerk was instructed to send an Excerpt from the Minute to Mrs Fenton.
I Minutes

The Minute of Meeting held on 4th February 1959 was read and approved

II. Arrangements for Initiation Supper

The final arrangements for the Initiation Supper were then discussed and the Toast List was submitted and approved. Mr David Shepherd undertook to propose the necessary Votes of Thanks.

Boxmaster Ralph Pride proposed and Ex-Convener John M Robb seconded ha following gentlemen for admission to he Craft namely:

1. Robert Douglas Bruce Jute Spinner and Manufacturer Garmhor 34 Panmure Terrace Barnhill Broughty Ferry.

2 George Arthur Crabb Head Master 29 Hillside Road Dundee.

3 Robert Robertson Douglas Solicitor 13 Albert Square Dundee

4 James Francis Johnston Solicitor Firbank Carnoustie

5 John Johnston Farmer Cairmont Kingennie

6 David Anderson Lawson Fruit & Potato Merchant and farmer Hillhead Kirriemuir

7 Ronald Brodie MacKenzie Bank Manager 43 Dundee Road Broughty Ferry

8 Archibald Currie McNab Inerrancy Manager 282 Strathmartine Road Dundee

9 Thomas Pate Farmer Emmock Tealing

10 Kenneth William Pritchard Solicitor 89 Nesbitt Street Dundee

11 David Rein Farmer Balmossie Broughty Ferry

12 Alastair James Lindsay Robertson Solicitor 2 Union Street Dundee

13 David Simpson Medical Practitioner 2 Chalmers Street Dundee

14 David Smith Managing Director (Motor Factor) 14 West Queen Street Broughty Ferry

15 John George Thornton Solicitor Brinkburn Dalhousie Street Carnoustie

16 David Wishart Chartered Quantity Surveyor 89 Dalhousie Road Barnhill Broughty Ferry
It was intimated that His Grace the Duke of Atholl had agreed to be admitted in Honorary Member of the Craft. The question of the procedure at the Making was then discussed and Mr Allan Lemon undertook to arrange for the loan of the necessary Bonnets so that the whole Applicants could be initiated at the same time. It was felt that it would be an advantage to the Members if the designation of each Applicant could be inserted.

Robert S May Deacon

At Dundee the First day of April 1959

At a Special General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Queen’s Hotel Dundee at 6.40 p.m.

Present: Deacon Robert S May, Boxmaster Ralph Pride

Also attending: Seventy eight Members of the Craft and Mr Frank Hay Clerk

Deacon Robert S May proposed and Boxmaster Ralph Pride seconded the following gentlemen for admission to the Craft namely:

Robert Douglas Bruce Jute Spinner and Manufacturer Garmhor 34 Panmure Terrace Barnhill Broughty Ferry.

George Arthur Crabb Head Master 29 Hillside Road Dundee.

Robert Robertson Douglas Solicitor 13 Albert Square Dundee

James Francis Johnston Solicitor Firbank Carnoustie

John Johnston Farmer Cairmont Kingennie

David Anderson Lawson Fruit & Potato Merchant and farmer Hillhead Kirriemuir

Ronald Brodie MacKenzie Bank Manager 43 Dundee Road Broughty Ferry

Archibald Currie McNab Inerrancy Manager 282 Strathmartine Road Dundee

Thomas Pate Farmer Emmock Tealing

Kenneth William Pritchard Solicitor 89 Nesbitt Street Dundee

David Rein Farmer Balmossie Broughty Ferry

Alastair James Lindsay Robertson Solicitor 2 Union Street Dundee

David Simpson Medical Practitioner 2 Chalmers Street Dundee

David Smith Managing Director (Motor Factor) 14 West Queen Street Broughty Ferry

John George Thornton Solicitor Brinkburn Dalhousie Street Carnoustie

David Wishart Chartered Quantity Surveyor 89 Dalhousie Road Barnhill Broughty Ferry

The Rt Hon George Iain Murray Tenth Duke of Atholl.

These Gentlemen having severally emitted the customary declaration were accordingly admitted Members with all he rights, privileges and immunities appertaining to Membership conform to Minute of Admission in the Lockit Book.

The Clerk was instructed to have Certificates of Membership issued on payment of entry money and dues.

Robert S May Deacon
At Dundee the Twenty fifth day of May 1959

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Office of the Clerk 148 Nethergate 148 at 5.15 p.m.

Present: Deacon Robert S May, Boxmaster Ralph Pride, Ex-Deacon John M Robb, Messers J Johnston, Alan Lemon, David Shepherd, Dr George H Smith and the Clerk

Apologies for absence were intimated from Mr Walter Smith and Mr J Greig Sibbald

The Minute of Meeting held on 11th March 1959 was read and approved.

The Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Initiation Supper held on 1st April 1959 was submitted showing a profit of £9. 0. 9d. The Statement was considered satisfactory and approved.

It was decided to hold the Annual General Meeting on Friday 9th October and if that date was not available Wednesday 7th October.

The March Making was fixed for 25th or 23rd March 1960.

The Deacon reported that Andrew G Kidd’s Rooms had been engaged for Friday 27th November for the Annual Dinner. A discussion followed regarding a change to Invercarse Hotel but it was felt that for this year we should continue to hold the Annual Dinner at Kidd’s Rooms.

The Deacon produced to the Meeting a Bonnet which had been donated by Mr John Anderson of Hurley Hawkin Liff. The committee expressed their appreciation of this handsome gift and the Clerk was instructed to write to Mr Anderson formally thanking him. The Deacon then referred to correspondence regarding the possibility of His Highness The Duke of Kent accepting Honorary Membership of the Craft.

It appeared that His Royal Highness was willing to be admitted a Member of the Craft but had asked that his initiation be postponed until His Highness returns to the country.

The Deacon referred to the dilapidated state of the Banner and the Clerk reported that he had been in touch with Justice & Sons Ltd who were to have a look at the Banner and report if they could repair it in a satisfactory manner. It was left to the Deacon, Boxmaster and the Clerk to have repairs executed if this could be done in a satisfactory manner.

Robert S May Deacon
At Dundee the Eleventh day of September 1959

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Office of the Clerk 148 Nethergate 148 at 5.15 p.m.

Present: Deacon Robert S May, Dr George H Smith, Mr Alan Lemon, and Mr Walter Smith

Apologies for absence were intimated Boxmaster Ralph Pride, Ex-Deacon John M Robb and Messers J Johnston, David Shepherd and J Greig Sibbald

The Minute of Meeting held on 23rd May 1959 was read and approved.

Arising out of the Minutes the condition of the Banner was discussed and the Clerk reported that Messers This Justice & Sons had intimated that the Banner was beyond repair. The Committee suggested that this matter should be discussed at the Annual General Meeting and that an Estimate of the cost of a new Banner should be obtained. To obtain such an Estimate it would be necessary to send the existing Banner to the Manufacturer. The Committee that some sort of Fund should be started to meet the cost of the new Banner but this matter should be left for the decision of the Members at the Annual General meeting.

It was confirmed that the Annual General Meeting and Making was to be held in the Queen’s Hotel on Wednesday 7th October 1959.

The Toast List would be:

The Nine Incorporated Trades

The Deacon, Boxmaster and Clerk

The New Members

The Clerk was instructed to ask Dr Oswald T Brown to propose the Toast of The Nine Incorporated Trades and to ask the Reverend T r S Campbell to propose the Toast of “The Deacon, Boxmaster and Clerk.

The Clerk reported that there were only three Applications for Membership but that it was anticipated that there would be one or two more Applicants and it was arranged to hold another Meeting of the Committee and to approve of the Applications for Membership.

Robert S May

At Dundee the Eighteenth day of September 1959

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Office of the Clerk 148 Nethergate 148 at 5 p.m.

Present: Deacon Robert S May, Boxmaster Ralph Pride, Ex-Deacon John M Robb, Messers Alan Lemon, J Greig Sibbald, Walter Smith, and Dr George H Smith and the Clerk

An Apology for absence was intimated and Mr J Johnston

I. The Minute of Meeting held on 4th September 1959 was read and approved.

Arising out of the Minute the question of repairs to the Banner was fully discussed. The Deacon reported that Thomas Justice & Sons Ltd had stated that the Banner was beyond repair. It was felt that some further enquiries Locally might be made and the Clerk was instructed to contact Mr Crawford Head of the Art College to see if he could suggest anyone who would repair the Banner.

II. Annual General Meeting

The Deacon reported that it had been found necessary to change the date of the Annual General meeting from 7th October to 13th October. The clerk reported that he ha written to Dr Brown to propose the Toast of “The Deacon, Boxmaster and Clerk”

III. Applications for Membership:

1. Richard Alford finance House Branch Manager 59 Dalkeith Road Dundee.

2. Dennis Ferguson Collins Solicitor Rockfield East 299 Perth Road Dundee.

3. Alexander S Farquhar Potato Merchant 301 Strathmartine Road Dundee

4. Jack Wilfred Mort Bank Manager “Woodside” 86 Campbell Road Broughty Ferry

5. Duncan W H McKerchar Insurance Inspector “Heathbank” 17 Panmure Terrace Barnhill Dundee.

The Committee having considered these Applications unanimously recommended the admission of the Applicants.

An Application by David Addison Lawson which had already been assed by he Committee will also be considered at the Meeting.

IV. Arrangements for Annual Dinner to be held on 27th November 1959

It was agreed that the Toast should be:

“The Imperial Forces”.

“The City and Trade of Dundee”

“The Nine Incorporated Trades”

It was left to the Deacon and the Boxmaster and Dr George H Smith to arrange suitable speakers.

Ralph Pride Deacon
Abstract of Account of Charge and Discharge referred to in the foregoing Minute



Funds as at 15th September 1958

536.19. 2


Income collected

1 From General Fund

224. 0. 0

2 From Trades Fund

10.18. 4

3 Entrance Fees

230. 0. 0

4 Proceeds of Sale of Tickets

318.1. 6



Bank Transactions

Clydesdale & North of Scotland Bank Ltd Drawn from Current a/c

739. 8. 2


Special Appeal

7. 0. 0


Benevolent Fund



1.10. 0

Dundee Savings bank Interest

1. 6. 7

Gain on Re-Valuation

5. 5.11

1332. 4.11



Pensions paid

224. 0. 0


Over Feuduty

11. 9


Entrance Fees paid to Nine Incorporated Trades

160. 0. 0


Income Tax

1. 5. 6


Administration and Sundries

376. 0. 7


Bank Transactions

Clydesdale & North of Scotland Bank Ltd

Paid in to Current Account

777.17. 5

Dundee Savings Bank

Paid in to Ordinary Account

13 .0

Pai into SID Account



Benevolent Fund


5. 5 .0

Dundee Savings Bank

Paid in to Ordinary Account

2.16. 7


Funds at Close of account

570. 7. 1

1332. 4.11

1332. 4.11

Revenue Account

10.18. 6

Income from Trades Funds

224. 0. 0

Pensions paid

224. 0. 0

Proceeds from Sale of Tickets

318. 1. 6

Hotel Accounts &c incurred during year

295.19. 6

22. 2 .0

Entrance Fees

230. 0. 0

Paid to Nine Trades

160. 0. 0

70. 0. 0

Over feuduty

11. 9

Income Tax

1. 5. 6


Clerk’s Salary

31.10. 0


33. 1. 1


Ex-Deacons Badge

15.10. 0

30. 1. 1

81.18. 4

103. 0. 4

81.18. 4

Balance of over Expenditure

21. 2. 0

Benevolent Fund

Balance in Dundee Savings Bank at 15th September 1958

54.19. 0

Interest received on Ordinary Account

1. 6. 7

Grants paid out

5. 5. 0

Balance in Dundee Savings Bank at 15th September 1959

52.10. 7


557.15. 7

57.15. 7

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