Note: there are errors in the addition on several pages of Accounts. Presumably these are errors made by the Clerk copying them from the Cash Book into this Book

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Mr Millar suggested that an Annual subscription might be raised but no decision was taken in regard to this matter.

The Clerk stated that he thought the time had cone for him to resign office and make way for a younger Member as with the new projects proposed he felt that it would be to the benefit of the Craft for a younger man to be appointed. It was left to the Deacon the Boxmaster and the Clerk to discuss the matter.

O Taylor Brown Chairman
At Dundee the Twenty seventh day of March 1968

At a Special Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Queen’s Hotel Dundee at 7.30 p.m.

Present Deacon Dr O Taylor Brown, Boxmaster D K Black

Also attending

(blank) Member of the Craft and Mr Frank Hay Clerk

Deacon O Taylor Brown proposed and Boxmaster D K Black seconded the following gentlemen for admission to the Craft namely:

Alexander Binnie Pharmacist 15 Dalfield Road Dundee.

Arthur B Brown Director 32 Blackness Road Dundee.

Alistair Campbell Clark Solicitor 4 Montague Street Barnhill Dundee.

Dr James Shearer Frew 8 Richmond Terrace Dundee.

John Jackson Firemaster One Ash 7a Camphill Road Broughty Ferry Dundee.

Lord Provost Alexander Mackenzie OBE. JP 18 Whitehall Crescent Dundee.

Frederick F Palmer Work Study Manager 507 Brook Street Broughty Ferry Dundee.

Robert N M Robertson Secretary at Dundee University 34 Middlebank Crescent Dundee.

James Y F White Fishmonger 2 Seaforth Crescent Broughty Ferry Dundee.

Matthew Timmons Heating Engineer 14 Marchfield Crescent Dundee.

These gentlemen having severally emitted the customary declaration were accordingly admitted Members with all the rights, privileges and immunities appertaining to Membership conform to Minute of admission in the Lockit Book. The Clerk was instructed to have Certificates of Admission issued on payment of entry money and dues.

O Taylor Brown Chairman

Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held at 148 Nethergate Dundee on Thursday 5th September 1968 at 5.15. p.m.

Present: Deacon O Taylor Brown, Ex-Deacon J Greig Sibbald, Arthur J Millar, Ian P Murray, A C Mikal, Ian R Lamont and Lyall Bowie

Apologies for absence were intimated from the Boxmaster, and James B Devlin
I. Minutes

The Minute of Meeting of the Committee held on 22nd February 1968 was read and approved.

Business Arising

The Deacon stated that he Reverend T R S Campbell had prepared a short history of the Craft based on the talk he gave at our Making last March and it was considered that it would be very appropriate to make up a booklet for distribution to Members of the Craft. Mr Millar suggested that this booklet should be handed out to prospective Members but the Committee considered that such a booklet should only be given when the Applicants were made members. It was decided that the booklet should be printed and Ex-Deacon Sibbald and the Deacon undertook to look into the matter.

With regard to the Bonnet which was to be presented by the Craft to Dundee University Ex-Deacon Sibbald reported that Mrs Sibbald was in course of making such a Bonnet and it would be ready within three months.

With regard to the proposed Theatre Outing to The Dundee Reparatory Theatre a final decision on this was left to a later Meeting of the Committee.

II. Arrangements for Annual General Meeting and Making

The Clerk submitted an Application from Dr Southgate which had already been passed and the only new Application was from the Earl of Dundee.

The Members of Committee intimated that they thought they could obtain new Applications and it was left to the Deacon, Boxmaster and Ex-Deacons to approve of these Applications. The Members of Committee were requested to return the forms to the Clerk as early as possible.
III. Toast List

It was decided that the Toasts should be “The Nine Incorporated Trades”, “The Bonnetmaker craft” and the “New Members”. The Clerk was instructed to approach Mr Alistair C Clark Solicitor, to propose the toast to The None Incorporated Trades and to ask Ex-Deacon Davidson to propose the Toast to the Bonnetmaker Craft.

IV Resignation of Boxmaster

The Clerk read a letter which he had received from the Boxmaster W K Black asking to be relieved of the office of Boxmaster owing to his many commitments.

The Deacon reported that he had had a Meeting with Mr Black and in view of what Mr Black told him he did not think we should press this matter. The question of the new Boxmaster was left to the Deacon to consult Ex-Deacon as to s suitable nominee.

O Taylor Brown Chairman

At Dundee the Second day of October 1968

At the Annual General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Queen’s Hotel Dundee at 6.45 p.m.

Present: Deacon O Taylor Brown

Boxmaster W K Back

Aldo attending:

59 Members of he Craft as per Lockit Book and Mr Frank Hay Clerk

Apologies for absence were intimated from: J Bowman, David Cruickshank, R H May, W R R Brice, James A Carr, Alistair Goodfellow, Alan R P Ramsay, Ex-Convener Waddell, Elson Gamble, D H Mitchell, R W M Roberson, Ex-Deacon Carlton
I. Minutes

The following minutes were read and approved:

(a) Annual General Meeting – 4th October 1967

(b) Special General Meeting – 7th October 1967

(c) –do- 27th March 1968

The Clerk reported that Committee Meetings were held on 17th

October 1967, 22nd February 1968 and 5th September 1968.
II Accounts

The Clerk submitted the Boxmasters Accounts for the year ended 30th June 1968. Abstracts of said Accounts had been circulated to the Members. As the Members would see from the Abstract the income exceeded the Expenditure by £51 7. 8d. the net income from the lat Ralph Pride’s Bequest amounted to approximately £40. The Accounts were approved on the motion of Ex-Deacon J M Davidson seconded by Convener Dr George H Suttie.

III Election of Office Bearers

On the motion of W K Black Dr O Taylor Brown was unanimously re-elected Deacon for the ensuing year. Dr Brown thanked the Members for their continued Confidence in him and also expressed thanks to his Boxmaster and Members of Committee and the whole Members of the Craft for their support throughout the year.

The Deacon stated that it was with regret that he had in intimate that owing to business commitments Mr W K Black had been forced to resign office. After consultation with the Ex-Deacons and other Members of the Craft. It was unanimously agreed to recommend Mr A C McNab as the new Boxmaster. He therefore had much pleasure in proposing that Mr A C McNab be appointed Boxmaster. This Nomination was seconded by Mr W K black and unanimously agreed to.

Mr McNab in accepting office stated how honoured he was at being appointed to this high office and would endeavour to uphold he high tradition set by previous Boxmasters.

IV Committee

It was intimated that Arthur J Millar, Leslie f Mitchell, Ian P Murray, James B Devlin and also A C Mickal retired from office and were not eligible for re-election.

The following were appointed as Members of Committee to hold office for two years: John Allardyce proposed by the Deacon and seconded by Mr Cecil W Black,

H M Adams proposed by A C NcNab and seconded by Cecil W Black

W K Black proposed by the Deacon and seconded by Brandon Watson.

W D Gauldie proposed by Dr Smith and seconded by T Lindsay Craig

Malcolm Currie proposed by Lyall Bowie and seconded by John Allardyce was elected to hold office for one year.
V Clerk

In the motion of he Deacon Mr Frank Hay was unanimously re-elected Clerk to the Craft.

The Clerk thanked the members for their confidence in re-electing him and he intimated that as this was the last year he would act as Clerk at the Annual General meeting he would like to thank all the past Deacons and Members for their support throughout the years. The Deacon said he was reluctant to accept Mr Hay’s resignation but Mr Hay had now written formally in this matter and the Craft must accede to his request.

The Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.

O Taylor Brown Chairman
At Dundee the Second day of October 1968

At a Special General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within Queen’s Hotel at 6.45 p.m.

Present: Deacon Dr O Taylor Brown, Boxmaster A C McNab

Also attending:

Fifty five Members of the Craft as per Lockit Book and Mr Frank Hay Clerk
Deacon Dr O Taylor Brown proposed and Boxmaster A C McNab seconded the following gentlemen for Admission to the Craft namely:

Muir G Cherry Dyer Greenbourne Hill Street Monifieth

James Earl of Dundee Privy Councillor Birkhall Cupar Fife.

James Alexander Garden Hospital Secretary 101 Forfar Road Dundee

Dr Robert THomas Smith Henderson Medical Practitioner 2 East Navarre Street Monifieth

Peter Edward Gordon Mitchell Chemical Pathologist 11 Fonstane Street Monifieth

Michael James Murray Property and Estate Agent Kinordy Auchterhouse

David Greig Sibbald Architect Student 7 Hillcrest Road Dundee

Brian G C Stenson Electrical Engineer and Contractor 8 Ethiebeaton Terrace Monifieth

Dr Donald J Southgate University Lecturer 15 Duntrune Terrace Broughty Ferry Dundee

These gentlemen having severally emitted the customary declaration were accordingly admitted Members with all the rights, privileges and immunities appertaining to Membership conform to Minute of admission in the Lockit Book. The Clerk was instructed to have Certificates of Admission issued on payment of entry money and dues.

O Taylor Brown Chairman

Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held at 148 Nethergate Dundee on Thursday 5th September 1968 at 5.15. p.m.

Present: Deacon O Taylor Brown, Boxmaster A C McNab, Mr Currie Mr W S Gauldie, Lyle Bowie, H M Adams J Allardyce and Iain R L Lamont

Apologies for absence were intimated from the Ex-Deacon J Greig Sibbald and W K Black
I. Minutes

The Minute of Meeting of the Committee held on 5th September 1968 was read and approved.

II. Arrangements for Annual Dinner

The Deacon reported that the complete Toast List was as follows:

Toast to “The City and Trade of Dundee” to be proposed by Lord Provost D K Thomson of Perth. The reply to be in the hands of Lord Provost Alexander Mackenzie. Toast to “The Nine Incorporated Trades” to be proposed by Sheriff Christie and Leslie Mitchell to reply

Toast to “Our Guests” to be proposed by The Deacon and reply to be in the hands of Deacon A Ronald MacLeod of the Incorporation of Bonnetmakers and Dyers of Glasgow.

Specimen Menus were discussed and the Deacon undertook to finally fix a Menu with the Invercarse Hotel.

The list of Guests to be invited was gone over and this was approved.

It was decided that the price of the tickets should be 25/-.
III. Ladies Night

The Deacon stated that there had been difficulty in arranging for a theatre evening and he was considering having a Medieval banquet in April. It was left to the Deacon and the Boxmaster to discuss this matter fully and to report to the next Meeting of the Committee.

IV Pensions

The Clerk submitted a list of the poor and intimated to the Meeting that he had written to the present Pensioners asking if they were again to apply and if so if there had been any changes in their financial circumstances.

V. Resignation of Clerk

The Deacon read to the Meeting the formal letter of resignation from the Clerk and stated that it would appear that Mr Hay had now made a definite decision. Mr Allardyce made certain suggestions but it was felt that the Appointment of the Clerk could not be made by the Committee but would require to be made by the whole Members at the March Making. A recommendation as to a suitable nomination could of course be made by the Committee. It was left to the Deacon in consultation with the Boxmaster to discuss this matter with certain Ex-Deacons and older Members of the Craft.

The Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman

O Taylor Brown Chairman

Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held at 148 Nethergate Dundee on Thursday 12th February 1969 at 5.15. p.m.

Present: Deacon O Taylor Brown, Boxmaster A C McNab, John Allardyce, W K Black,

W S Gauldie, Iain R L Lamont and Lyle Bowie,

Apologies for absence were intimated from Mr Malcolm Carrie

I. Minutes

The Minute of Meeting of the Committee held on 10th October 1969 was read and approved.

II. Applications for Membership

The Clerk submitted Applications for Membership from T D Duncan Jr. David Melville Henderson Mitchell and Dr John Scot Innes.

These Applications were approved by the Committee

A farther list of prospective Applicants was submitted and these were approved on the understanding that the Sponsors would lodge the necessary forms with the Clerk within one week from this date and authority was given to the Deacon Boxmaster and Clerk to fully approve of these Applications.

III. Toast List

The Toasts will be The Nine Incorporated Trades, The Bonnetmaker Craft and the new Members. It was suggested that Dr Southgate be asked to propose the Toast to The Nine Incorporated Trades and the Reply would be in the hands of Convener Mitchell. It was suggested than the Toast to The Bonnetmaker Craft would be proposed by Dr Frew and the Deacon undertook to contact Dr Frew. The Deacon would reply to this Toast. The Boxmaster would propose the Toast of The New Members.

Specimen Menus were submitted and the Clerk was instructed to finally arrange a suitable Menu.
IV Resignation of Clerk

The Deacon stated that the Clerk had definitely decided to resign and his successor would require to be appointed at the March Making. He informed the Committee that he had, after consultation with the Boxmaster interviewed Mr Iain Lamont who was willing to accept office and it was arranged that a Meeting with Mr Lamont and the Deacon Boxmaster and present Clerk would beheld. The Clerk stated that as the Accounts of the Craft closed on 30th June he would be responsible for any administration up to that date and the new Clerk would then take over all documents, securities etc and be responsible for arranging the Annual General Meeting and the Annual Dinner.

O Taylor Brown Chairman
Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held at 2 Union Street Dundee on Thursday 12th February 1969 at 5.15. p.m.

Present: Deacon O Taylor Brown, Boxmaster A C McNab, Messers H N Adams, John Allardyce, Lyall Bowie, Malcolm Bennet and I R L Lamont

Apologies for absence were intimated from W K Black,

W S Gauldie,

I. Minutes

The Minute of Meeting of the Committee held on 12th February 1969 was read and approved.

Arising out of the Minutes

It was intimated that Messers D W Guillon and N G T Long whose Applications had been approved would be admitted Members at the October Making.

II Annual General Meeting

It was intimated that the Annual General Meeting and the Making of new Craftsmen would be held on 8th October 1969 and it was agreed that there (would) be a Meeting of the Committee early in September to make the final arrangements. The Deacon suggested that the Principal of the University Professor James Drever would be invited to become an honorary Member of the Craft and after full discussion it was agreed that the Deacon would invite the Principal to accept this honour.

III. Annual Dinner

It was intimated that the Annual Dinner would be held on 28th November 1969 and there was appointed to organise this Sub-Committee consisting of the Deacon the Boxmaster and the Clerk under the Convenership of Mr John P ALlardyce. Various persons were suggested as Speakers for the Dinner and it was remitted to the Boxmaster to arrange as to this.

IV Retiral of Mr Frank Hay as Clerk

It was agreed that recognition should be made to Mr Frank Hay’s services as Clerk to the Craft and that this should take some tangible form. To this end a letter would be sent out by the Deacon to all Craftsmen asking for contributions for a presentation to Mr Hay which would be made at the Annual General Meeting in October. It was further agreed that there be presented to Mr Hay a Badge similar to the Ex-Deacons Badge nut with a Bar stating “Clerk” and his years in office at future Suppers Mr Hay would be invited to the Top Table with all the privileges of an Ex-Deacon.

A C McNab
At Dundee the Twentieth day of March 1969

At a Special General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Queen’s Hotel Dundee at 6.45 p.m.

Present: Deacon Dr O Taylor Brown, Boxmaster A C McNab

Also attending

Members of the Craft as per Lockit Book and Mr Frank Hay Clerk
Deacon O Taylor Brown proposed and Boxmaster A C McNab seconded the following gentlemen for admission to the Craft namely.

Frederick Taylor Gow Conacher Architect 61 Dundee Road West Ferry Dundee

T D Duncan Junior Master Baker Earlston Hotel Carnoustie.

Robert Hamilton Gilbert Insurance Broker 27 Hazel Avenue Dundee

John Scott Innes Medical Practitioner 48 Forfar Road Dundee

John McLaren Langlands Medical Practitioner 6 Dudhope Street Dundee

Norman Aitken

Crombie Leys Assistant Building Society Manager 248 Arbroath road Dundee

David Melville Henderson Mitchell Director Fairacre 22 Albany Road West Ferry Dundee

Alastair S Nicoll Stockbroker Riverlea 15 Glamis Road Dundee

Frank Smith Teacher 29 Blackness Avenues Dundee

Ian Broch Loudon Weir Medical Officer of Health 4 Victoria Road West Ferry Dundee.

These gentlemen having severally emitted the customary declaration were accordingly admitted Members with all the rights, privileges and immunities appertaining to Membership conform to Minute of admission in the Lockit Book. The Clerk was instructed to have Certificates of Admission issued on payment of entry money and dues.
Resignation of the Clerk Mr Frank Hay as Clerk

The Deacon intimated that Mr Frank Hay had tendered his resignation as Clerk to the Craft with regret as Mr Hay had arduously and honourably held office for the past 18 years recognition of his services to the Craft would be made at a later date.

Appointment of New Clerk

The Deacon intimated that the Committee had recommended that Mr Iain R L Lamont be appointed Clerk as successor to Mr Hay and this was agreed unanimously. Mr Hay would continue as Clerk until the end of the Financial Year on 30th June and thereafter hand over to his successor.

O Taylor Brown Chairman
Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held at 2 Union Street Dundee on Thursday 4th September 1969 at 5.30. p.m.

Present:, Boxmaster A C McNab, Messers H M Adams, John Allardyce, and W K Black Lyall Bowie, Malcolm Bennet and I R L Lamont

Apologies for absence were intimated from Deacon O Taylor Brown, Ex-Deacon J Greig Sibbald, and Messers Malcolm Currie and Lyall Bowie
I. Minutes

The Minute of Meeting of the Committee held on 22nd April 1969 was read and approved.

II. Arising from the Minutes

The Clerk intimated that the contribution to the Frank Hay Presentation Fund at the present time amounted to £126. 1. 0d. It was agreed that Boxmaster McNab and the Clerk meet Mr Hay and discuss with him the form of present he would like with the Funds available.

III. Arrangements for Annual General Meeting
The Boxmaster intimated that Principal Drever of the University of Dundee would be pleased to accept Honorary Membership of the Craft and his installation would take place at the Making on 8th October. This would be in addition to the usual business carried out at an Annual General Meeting and there would also be the presentation of the Badge to Mr Hay. At the present time there were no new Applications for Membership to place before the Committee but several were expected very shortly and it was left to the Boxmaster and Mr Black to approve of these Applications.

The Boxmaster asked that each Member of the Committee try to obtain one new Member and also requested that the completed Forms of Application be handed to the Clerk as soon as possible.

IV Toast List

It was decided that the Toasts should be “The University of Dundee coupled with the name of Professor Drever” and “The New Members”. It was agreed that the Toasts of “The Nine Incorporated Trades” be proposed by one of the Members made in March 1968, the actual person to be at the discretion of the Boxmaster and to ask Ex-Deacon J Greig Sibbald to propose the Toast to “The University of Dundee and Professor Drever”

At the Dinner there would also be the presentation of the Gift to Mr Hay by Deacon O Taylor Brown.
V. Accounts

The Boxmaster’s Accounts for the year ending 30th June 1969 were presented and Mr Black stated that he had audited these and found them in order.

VI. Arrangements for the Annual Dinner – 29th November 1969

It was decided that the Toast List should be “The City and Trade of Dundee”“, The Nine Incorporated Trades” and “The Guests”. The Boxmaster undertook to arrange speakers for these Toasts and the Replies.

Archibald McNab
On the Eighth day of October Nineteen Hundred and Sixty Nine

At the Annual General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Queen’s Hotel at 6.45 p.m.

Present: Deacon O Taylor Brown, Boxmaster A C McNab

Also attending:

Members of the Craft as per Lockit Book and Mr Iain R Lamont Clerk

Apologies for absence were intimated from Ex-Deacon David D S Moyes, Reverend T R S Campbell and Messers R B Miller, J H Cant, L Bowie and W R R Bruce.


The following minutes were read and approved.

(a) Annual General Meeting – 2nd October 1968

(b) Special General Meeting - 2nd October 1968

(c) –do- 20th March 1969

The Clerk reported that Committee Meetings had been held on 10th October 1968, 12th February 1969, 22nd April 1969 and 4th September 1969.


The Clerk read over the Boxmaster’s Cash Accounts for the year ending 30th June 1969 an Abstract of which had been already circulated to Members.

The Clerk reported that the Income exceeded the Expenditure by £69. 3. 6d and the fact that 19 Members had been admitted during the past year had contributed to this.

The Accounts were approved on the motion of Ex-Deacon Carlton seconded by Cecil Black.

Presentation to Mr Hay

The Deacon referred to the retiral of Mr Frank Hay as Clerk to the Craft and paid tribute to the great care and attention which he had given to the affairs of the Craft since his appointment in 1957. In recognition of his services the Deacon presented to Mr Hay a Badge similar to an Ex-Deacons Badge and it had been agreed that Mr Hay would be entitled to all the privileges of the craft. A further presentation would be made to Mr Hay at the Supper following the Meeting and he was pleased to state that Members of the Craft had shown their appreciation of Mr Hay by contributing £138. 3. 0d to the presentation. Mr Hay replied suitably and thanked the Deacon and the Members of the Craft for the honour which they had bestowed upon him,

Admission of New Members

Deacon O Taylor Brown proposed and Boxmaster A C McNab seconded that James Drever Principal of the University of Dundee be admitted a Free Member of the Craft and this was unanimously agreed. Principal Drever was then introduced by Deacon O Taylor Brown and having emitted the usual declaration was admitted a Member accordingly with all the rights, privileges and immunities pertaining to Membership conform to Minute of Admission in the Lockit Book which was signed by Principal Drever and the Members present.

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