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Answers To: Clean Up Efforts Kill Plankton

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Answers To: Clean Up Efforts Kill Plankton


[___] Downward current of skirt system will minimize bycatch of plankton.

Slat et al, founder and lead designer The Ocean Cleanup Project, 2014

(Boyan, “A Feasibility Study”, http://www.theoceancleanup.com/fileadmin/media-archive/theoceancleanup/press/downloads/TOC_Feasibility_study_lowres.pdf, p. 316)

Because the boom skirts are designed to generate a downward current, most phytoplankton is expected to escape capture by the booms. The fraction of phytoplankton captured in front of the booms might also be consumed by zooplankton, leading to a (partial) recycling of nutrients within the ecosystem. However, the phytoplankton that is drawn directly into the platform by the slurry pump is assumed to be removed from the ecosystem entirely.

[___] Plankton won’t get caught in the system.

Slat, founder and lead designer The Ocean Cleanup Project, 2014

(Boyan, “Responding to Critics”, The Ocean Cleanup, http://www.theoceancleanup.com/blog/show/item/responding-to-critics.html)

“The definition of plankton is an organism that can’t swim against a current; plankton have no control where they go and the assumption that they’ll somehow avoid the current that is taking the plastic into the processing thinga-ma-jiggy is a bad one.”

Boyan: Plankton indeed comes from the Greek word Planktos, meaning ‘wanderer’ or ‘drifter’. This is exactly why they won’t get caught. The ocean current passes underneath the floating barriers, taking all neutrally buoyant sea life (including both phytoplankton and zooplankton) with it, while positively buoyant plastics remain in front of it. Down to a certain particle size of course, where the force downward (the current) equals out the force upwards (the buoyancy force of the plastic). In collaboration with the Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies, we simulated this hypothesis using Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations (CFD software and code used were LEMMA ANANAS, Comsol Multiphysics, and ANSYS CFX, if you’re interested), which confirmed our expectations; plastic gets caught, neutrally buoyant organisms do not. (feasibility study, chapters 3.3 and 3.4). So there is no centrifuging needed; plankton does not accumulate, while plastic does. But in the hypothetical case that all plankton that passes underneath these barriers would be damaged, the time it would take to restore that biomass is less than 7 seconds in a year. And that’s the worst-case scenario. (feasibility study, chapter 6)

Answers to: Plastics Don’t Kill of Species


[___] Floating plastic islands can introduce invasive species that wreck the local ecosystem and destroy biodiversity.

California Coastal Commission, 2014

(“Plastic in the Ocean is bad. The Problem With Marine Debris” http://www.coastal.ca.gov/publiced/marinedebris.htm)

Floating marine debris can provide a new and increased method of transport for species across vast ocean distances, which may cause trouble for biodiversity if the introduced species prove to be invasive. A 2002 study of 30 remote islands throughout the world showed that marine debris more than doubled the "rafting" opportunities for species. In 2005 and 2006, surveys of marine debris in the Seychelles Islands showed that on some beaches more than 60% of debris items carried non-native species.

Answers to: Food Chain is not protected by clean up


[___] Our technology would remove microplastics. Passive collection booms will extend 3 meters down to catch most particles and microplastics make up a very small amount of the pollution.

Slat, founder and lead designer The Ocean Cleanup Project, 2014

(Boyan, “Responding to Critics”, The Ocean Cleanup, http://www.theoceancleanup.com/blog/show/item/responding-to-critics.html)

“Perhaps one of the worst assumptions evident in this design is that the plastic will be on the sea surface. Researchers have shown that plastic suspends in the water column at 100-150 meters due to wave action and sea state.”

Boyan: This is misleading. It is true that the mixed layer can stretch to these depths during winter months, and it’s true that very small amounts of plastic can be found throughout the water column, but as our past 3 expeditions to the gyres have shown, the vast majority of plastics can be found in the top 1-3 m (depending on wind and sea state). This explains why researchers (as well as 5Gyres themselves) sample the surface layer of the oceans to measure plastic pollution. When we conservatively look at the data taken in winter months only, the surface layer contained 10x more microplastics than the layer at 4.5 m of depth. Hence our barriers stretch down to 3 meters, to capture the most of plastic. And in fact, here I am only addressing the small particles. The large plastics (that make up over 80% of the plastic in the gyres) are all at the sea surface. (feasibility study, chapter 2.2, 2.3)

[___] Harmful chemicals enter the food chain and can disrupt the endocrine systems of humans.

Matthews, consultant, eco-entrepreneur, green investor, 2014

(Richard, “Plastic Waste in Our Oceans: Problems and Solutions”, April 10, http://globalwarmingisreal.com/2014/04/10/ocean-garbage-problems-solutions/)

According to UNEP, at least 267 species worldwide are impacted by plastic debris in the oceans. As the plastic disintegrates, it ultimately becomes small enough to be ingested by a wide range of life forms. Plastics are deadly to a number of species including marine birds and sea turtles. Various investigations including research by Charles Moore found that in some places the overall concentration of plastics was seven times greater than the concentration of zooplankton. Plastics enter the food chain when ingested by aquatic organisms and the impacts go all the way up the chain to humans.
Researchers have discovered that floating debris can also absorb organic pollutants from seawater, including PCBs, DDT, and PAHs. When consumed, plastic has both toxic effects and disruptive impacts on the endocrine system.
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