Directions: For each part of the Olympic Torch used in the Beijing Olympics, describe the materials used as well as the physical and chemical properties.
Directions: As you will find while reading the article, the body’s source of energy varies during a marathon. By completing the chart below, you will gain a better understanding of each type of compound and its importance in supplying energy.
Directions: The materials used by athletes undergo constant improvement. In the chart below, describe the different materials used over the years for various sports.
Description, including chemicals
Artificial turf
LZR Pulse
LZR Racer
Tracer Rise
Aqua Shift
Tennis rackets
Late 1960s
The Many Looks of the Periodic Table
Directions: As you read the article, complete the table below to compare the different forms of the periodic table discussed in the article.
Natural, Braided, Bleached, Colored, and Curly Hair . . . Thanks to Chemistry
Directions: As you read the article, you will learn that different hair products have different purposes, formulas, and properties. Please complete the chart below to compare these products.