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Mid-term Performance Dashboard (2014)
The dashboard below provides a summary of the progress towards the achievement of the Results in 2014 as measured by the indicators under the Programs contributing to this Strategic Goal.

Expected Results

Performance Indicators

Responsible Program(s)


V.1 Wider and better use of WIPO IP statistical information

No. of downloads of four main statistical reports (WIPI and PCT, Hague, Madrid Yearly Reviews)

Program 16

No. of visitors using IP Statistics data Center

Program 16

V.2 Wider and better use of WIPO economic analysis in policy formulation

Use of WIPO economic studies on copyright by governments and NGOs in decision-making

Program 3

National initiatives to develop further statistics on the creative industries based upon WIPO’s work in the field

Program 3

No. of downloads of main economic publications

Program 16

No. and number of downloads of studies

Program 16

No. and number of downloads of seminars

Program 16


Program Manager Director General


  1. The statistical work fully achieved its objective in promoting the availability of accurate, comprehensive, and timely statistical information on the performance of the IP system worldwide. As in previous years, the Program conducted a statistical survey of national and regional IP offices. Responses covered more than 90 countries, including the largest IP-using jurisdictions. For many IP Offices from small and less developed economies, resource limitations continued to pose an obstacle towards responding to the statistics survey. However, through outreach programs and targeted assistance, the Program has been able to gradually improve coverage over the years.

  1. The Program also fulfilled its statistical reporting function, notably through the timely release of the World IP Indicators, the WIPO IP Facts and Figures report, the Yearly Reviews for the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), Madrid, and Hague Systems, as well as through the IP Statistics Data Center and IP statistical country profiles available on WIPO’s statistics webpage. One major achievement in 2014 was the upgrade of the functionality of the Data Center, including the development of user interfaces in French and Spanish. Another achievement was the re-design of the World Intellectual Property Indicators (WIPI) report, with a view to making it easier for readers to find the desired information. Overall, the Program’s statistical offerings served the data and statistical analysis needs of a wide range of users – from specialists in IP Offices and academia to more general users outside of the IP community.

  1. The Program’s economic analysis work also made good progress on the promotion of high quality empirical analysis in support of evidence-based policymaking. As in previous years, WIPO co-published the Global Innovation Index (GII), in partnership with INSEAD and Cornell University. The 2014 GII covered 143 economies and was launched in Sydney, Australia at a gathering of international business leaders known as the B20. It was subsequently presented at national and international conferences across the world. The publication of the GII also continued to attract significant media attention. In addition, national governments, international organizations and other stakeholders in the innovation system regularly employed the GII as a reference source for analyzing innovation performance, as captured by numerous citations, data inquiries, and requests for advisory services.

  1. Notable achievements were made on other fronts as well. Good progress was made towards the development of a new World IP Report, which will be published in the second half of 2015. The Program also directly supported the work of WIPO committees – notably through a study on PCT fee elasticity for the PCT Working Group and a seminar on exceptions and limitations to patent rights during the SCP. In addition, assisting WIPO Member States with country studies continued to be an important pillar of the Program’s economic analysis work and took place under the umbrella of the DA project on IP and Socio-Economic Development. In 2014, the first phase of this project (CDIP/5/7) came to an end and underwent an external evaluation (CDIP/14/3), which was presented at the fourteenth session of the CDIP. WIPO Member States approved a second phase of the project (CDIP/14/7), which will be implemented in 2015 through 2017. The studies under the DA project continued to respond to relevant DA Recommendations, in particular Recommendations 35 and 37.

  1. Finally, the Program continued to coordinate a network of IP office economists – open to all IP Offices with an economic research capacity – to help foster and facilitate empirical and scientifically rigorous economic research on IP.


Expected Result: V.1 Wider and better use of WIPO IP statistical information

Performance Indicators



Performance Data


No. of downloads of four main statistical reports (WIPI and PCT, Hague, Madrid Yearly Reviews)

Updated Baseline end 2013: In 2013, the latest available editions (2012 and 2013 editions) of the World Intellectual Property Indicators (publication n°941) and WIPO IP Facts and Figures (n°943) were downloaded, altogether, 52,670 times.

Original Baseline P&B 2014/15: tbd end 2013

10% increase in number of downloads and users over 2012/13

New web-based statistical tools and methodologies are being developed and tested. Data to be available end 2015.

Not Assessable

No. of visitors using IP Statistics Data Center

Updated Baseline end 2013:

In 2013, the WIPO Statistics Data Center was used by 23,496 unique visitors (1,958 per month) who viewed 162,463 pages

Original Baseline P&B 2014/15: tbd end 2013

10% increase in number of users, over 2012/13

2,999 sessions per month on average46

On track

Expected Result: V.2 Wider and better use of WIPO economic analysis in policy formulation

Performance Indicators



Performance Data


No. of downloads of main economic publications

Tbd end 2013

20% increase over 2012/13

New web-based statistical tools and methodologies are being developed and tested. Data to be available end 2015.

Not Assessable

No. of downloads of studies

Updated Baseline end 2013:

7 working papers published in 2013

Original Baseline P&B 2014/15: tbd end of 2013

Eight new working papers

11 working papers published in 2014

On track

No. of downloads of seminars

Updated Baseline end 2013:

Original Baseline P&B 2014/15: tbd end of 2013

Maintain performance as in previous biennium

Data are not available.


Budget and Actual Expenditure (by result)

(in thousands of Swiss francs)

Budget and Actual Expenditure (personnel and non-personnel)

(in thousands of Swiss francs)

NOTE: The 2014/15 Budget after Transfers reflects transfers as of March 31, 2015 to address needs during the 2014/15 biennium in line with Financial Regulation 5.5.

A. Budget after Transfers 2014/15

  1. The overall net decrease in non-personnel resources is primarily due to: (i) the adjustment in the allocation for the DA Project on IP and Socio-Economic Development following the approval of the second phase of the project at the fourteenth session of the CDIP (CDIP/14/7); and (ii) the transfer of non-personnel resources for an intern to support the work of the Program.

B. Budget utilization 2014

  1. Budget utilization is within the expected range of 40-60 per cent for the first year of the biennium and is on track.

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