Maintain hospitality industry knowledge

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TM Maintan hosp ind knowledge 310812
develop-and-update-tg, SITHIND001B R1
At a sector level
Product knowledge is an absolute necessity when selling anything or when seeking to make an informed suggestion or recommendation to a customer. Product knowledge embodies knowledge about Products sold Services provided

Element 1: Seek information on the hospitality industry

© ASEAN 2012 Trainee Manual Maintain hospitality industry knowledge
39 Facilities available Operating procedures and conditions of the business. Both employers and customers expect you, as an industry professional, to have a substantial body of product knowledge.
What to do if you do not know the answer to a customer question
Note however no-one can possibly know all there is to know about all products and services however it is vital that when faced with a situation where you do not know the correct information to give to customers that you Never make it up
– always tell the truth legally enforceable penalties apply for misrepresentation and dishonesty in advertising Apologise for not knowing and advise you will find out
– a simple statement such as Sorry, I don‟t know but if you can give me a minute I will find out for you is all that is required Find out the information needed and then pass it onto the customer as quickly as possible - again with another apology for the delay/inconvenience caused. Perhaps supply a hard copy of the information, too. It is never acceptable when faced with a situation where you do not know the answer to a question to simply smile, shrug yours houlders and say Sorry, don‟t know and leave it at that
Aspects of product knowledge
Product information is (obviously) information directly relevant to each individual product or service the company offers/provides. Depending on what is being considered it can include Information about size, colour, smell and taste Details about who made it, where it was made and when Knowing if a food item is fresh or frozen Being able to tell customers how much longer an item/deal will remain available Being able to differentiate between the prices for products, and rates for rooms or services Knowledge about the elements of Special deals as well as their price and conditions. There are numerous other facets of product knowledge
– the above is only an indicative list.

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