Maintain hospitality industry knowledge

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TM Maintan hosp ind knowledge 310812
develop-and-update-tg, SITHIND001B R1
Scope of authority
Most staff are given guidelines as to what action they can take in the workplace without having to get special permission from management. This is referred to as their scope of authority. The scope of authority may relate to Their ability to act on behalf of the venue Their authority to spend money on behalf of the venue Their authority to act in given situations
– such as when there is a complaint (as well as in emergencies, accepting bookings, making special deals. It is a standard industry and workplace requirement you only function within your allocated scope of authority.
Examples of how your industry knowledge can be used to enhance workplace
It will be up to you to determine exactly when and how your product and industry knowledge can be applied
– the following are some representative examples To advise customers of upcoming events and specials the venue is planning to offer To make recommendations and suggestions when asked for your opinion To provide additional information which will enhance the customers appreciation of their stay, the product they have bought or the service they have booked To demonstrate the professionalism of the business and your individual level of professionalism and expertise

Element 1: Seek information on the hospitality industry

© ASEAN 2012 Trainee Manual Maintain hospitality industry knowledge To help make sales
– employers want staff to be order makers, not just order takers and the use of relevant, accurate and current product knowledge greatly assists in these efforts To generate repeat business from customers
– these repeat customers are the ones who comeback and spend more money in your establishment simply because of your knowledge and/or the service you have given them To generate referral business
– referral business comes when satisfied customers tell others about how great your service is and recommend they also do business with you To comply with general operational requirements
– which includes meeting all internal policy and procedure requirements as well as all legally imposed statutory obligations To entice the customer/guest to spend an extra day with you
– where your customers are visitors/tourists, your product knowledge about the local area and local attractions can encourage them to extend their stay by an extra day (or two) meaning a substantial increase in revenue from accommodation, food and/or drink as well as flow-on benefits to local communities, jobs and economies To answer routine questions customers and guests expect you to be able to answer.

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