Performance Report for Cooperative Agreement No: na06oar4810163 for the Period from September 1, 2006 to August 31, 2012 University of Maryland Eastern Shore

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5. Research on monkfish, Lophius americanus: biology, distribution, temperature preferences, and stock structure. (Appendices IIa, IIb, IIc, IId; 2007-2010). Investigator(s): Dr. Andrea Johnson (UMES); NOAA Collaborator(s): Dr. Anne Richards (NOAA, NEFSC, Woods Hole); LMRCSC Student(s): Dan Cullen (Graduate student, UMES); Abram Townsend (Undergraduate, UMES); Belita Nguluwe (Undergraduate, UMES). Figure: Monkfish, courtesy of Dr. Andrea Johnson.

The American monkfish or goosefish (Lophius americanus) occurs in the northwest Atlantic Ocean from Canada to Florida to over 800 m depth. Once considered ‘trash fish’, they are now the highest valued finfish in the Northwest Atlantic, and are overfished. Monkfish are divided into Northern and Southern Fishery Management Areas, and assessed as if they were unit stocks, with no genetic interchange, but evidence supporting this policy is lacking. Additionally, information on growth and longevity of, and the extent of cannibalism by large monkfish needed for stock assessments is unavailable. These studies were designed to estimate growth rates, cannibalism, reproductive biology, temperature distribution, and stock structure. Study 1 (Appendices IIa & IIb, 2006-2008) estimated ages of 400 female monkfish (69 to 118 cm) at 8 to 13 years, and annual growth rate was 8.8 cm. Mean GSI values peaked during February through April with another peak in June. Stomach content analysis of ~700 fish showed that skate, monkfish, and mackerel were preferred prey and 5.5% of stomachs contained monkfish remains. Study 2 (Appendix IIc, 2006-2007) compared the distribution of monkfish and seawater temperatures using NEFSC annual bottom trawl data from 1963 to 2008. Compared to the distribution of station data, monkfish occupied cooler temperatures in autumn and warmer temperatures in spring. In the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) the areal extent of the preferred springtime temperature range declined by16% from 1968 to 2002, whereas the preferred autumn temperature range expanded by 50% from 1975 to 1981 then returned to 1968 levels in 2001. In the Western Gulf of Maine (W-GOM), springtime temperature preference range was stable from 1968 to 2008 whereas the preferred autumn range decreased by 7%. Monkfish in the S-MAB may experience thermal habitat loss during autumn in response to increasing bottom temperatures. Study 3 (Appendices IIc,IId, 2008-2010) examined genetic variability in monkfish using mitochondrial DNA analysis, and revealed three distinct genetic clades that were spatially distributed and not associated with the two management areas. The results of these studies will be used to improve population assessment and management for monkfish, including estimates of growth rates and cannibalism rates, and potential stock structure. This study has provided training in fish aging, gonadal staging, stomach content, and DNA analysis for several undergraduate and graduate students including Abram Townsend, Belita Nguluwe (UMES), and part of the M.S. thesis of Dan Cullen (UMES) who have spent time working at the NEFSC, Woods Hole, MA. Results formed contributed to the M.S. thesis of Dan Cullen (M.S. 2011, UMES) who is now in a Ph.D. degree program at UMES, and Belita Nguluwe (M.S. student, UMES).


Johnson, A. K., Richards, R. A., Cullen, D.W.*, and S.J. Sutherland (2008). "Growth, reproduction and feeding of large monkfish, Lophius americanus." ICES Journal of Marine Science 65(7): 1306-1315.

6. Taurine – the missing ingredient for development of fish free diets for aquaculture? (Appendix IIe, 2010-2011). Investigator(s): Dr. Allen R. Place (UMCES-IMET). NOAA Collaborator(s): James A. Morris, Jr. NOAA, NOS, NCCOS, Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research, Beaufort, NC; LMRCSC Student: Aaron Watson (Ph.D. student, UMCES-IMET); Vanessa Richards (Undergraduate intern); LMRCSC Collaborator(s): Thomas E. Rippen (UMES).
The largest problem and greatest expense in aquaculture is providing adequate food for cultivated species. Replacing natural wild diets of live food with prepared artificial foods (generally fishmeal-based) would depend on the availability of wild caught fish for making feeds which not only impacts the abundance of wild fish, but also adds to the expense of raising the fish. Using plant derived protein and lipids to replace fish used in feed formulations will help to reduce these impacts, but the effects on fish growth and taste and quality of the fillet have not been well studied. The goal of this study was to develop and evaluate commercially viable artificial feeds using plant-derived Taurine as a substitute for fish-based proteins. Blind taste tests using gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata, and Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis (tested separately) showed that a panel of tasters could not detect the difference between fish raised on fishmeal based diets and those raised on plant protein based diets. Fish raised on plant proteins consistently required less force to shear, corresponding with higher water content. This project meets NMFS Strategic Objectives concerning aquaculture feeds and candidate species. Results of this work are helping to establish the minimum taurine requirements for aquaculture species, and will help replace the use of fishmeal with more sustainable plant proteins, which should lead to increased global fish production. This project provided support and graduate training to Aaron Watson (Ph.D. student) and one undergraduate intern, Vanessa Richards, who gained experience in bomb calorimetry, lipid extraction and fatty acid analysis, RNA extraction, reverse transcription and PCR techniques, and animal husbandry.
7. Research on Striped Bass and their health and PCB accumulations in the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Coastal Waters (Appendices IIb,IIc 2007-2009). Investigator(s): William D. Gardner (Ph.D. student, UMES); Lonnie Gonsalves (Ph.D. Student, UMES), Dr. E.B. May (UMES); Dr. R. Jagus (COMB); NOAA Collaborator: NOAA Collaborators: Dr. Ashok Deshpande (NOAA/NMFS/NEFSC), Dr. John Jacobs (NOAA/NOS/Cooperative Oxford Laboratory); LMRCSC Students: William D. Gardner (Ph.D. student, UMES); Lonnie Gonsalves (Ph.D. Student, UMES); Other Collaborator: Dr. Kyle Hartman (University of West Virginia). Figure: Striped Bass,
Striped bass Morone saxatilis are both a major predator and a recreational resource in the Chesapeake Bay, so have great ecological and economic importance. Furthermore, consumption of striped bass may result in the transfer of contaminants from the Bay into human populations. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are one of the most insidious threats to fish and human health in the Bay. This study compared PCB levels among striped bass of different ages from different tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay to determine if PCB accumulation was related to habitat use by striped bass. This project meets NOAA goals of “stewardship of living marine resources through science-based conservation and management and the promotion of healthy ecosystems”. William Gardner (UMES), who conducted PCB extractions and analysis using HPLC and GC/ECD at the NMFS Sandy Hook Lab completed his doctoral degree in 2012.

In addition to PCBs, mycobacterial infections are serious health threats to striped bass. This study was designed to determine the relationships between polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and immune status in striped bass. In year 1, protocols were developed at UMCES-IMET for use of PCR-RFLP to detect Mycobacterium marinum in striped bass. Experimental studies showed that neither diet (high vs low PUFA) nor injection with M. marinum had a significant effect on in vitro phagocytosis, production of leukotriene B4, number of tissue granulomas, or spleenal bacterial counts suggesting that the strain of bacteria used in this study was not pathological. Later studies with wild fish (2011-2012) showed a relationship between serious infections, reduced immune response, and lower PUFA levels. In concert with declining populations of Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus), these factors suggest that changes in the diet have contributed to declining health in wild striped bass. These results help define the importance of PUFA-rich prey in the diet of striped bass, and provide a link between diet and natural mortality/disease outbreaks among Chesapeake Bay striped bass, one of the leading fisheries in the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S., and are relevant to NOAA NMFS Research Priorities 1 and 2: Research to support fishery conservation and management, and Interdependence of fisheries or stocks of fish. PhD. student Lonnie Gonsalves (UMES) received training in immunology, PCR, microbiology, and fish pathology, and completed his degree in 2012. This project was used to provide training and mentorship for one undergraduate student.

8. Understanding the interaction of probiotic and pathogenic bacteria in oyster larvae hatchery culture. (Appendix IId, 2009-2010). Investigator(s): Dr. Hal Schreier (UMBC-IMET), Dr. Eric Schott (UMCES-IMET); NOAA Collaborator(s): Dr. Gary Wikfors and Ms. Diane Kapareiko (NEFSC, Milford, CT); LMRCSC Collaborator(s): Dr. Dennis McIntosh (DSU); LMRCSC Student(s): Ms. Oluchi Ukaegbu (Undergraduate, DSU).
A major problem in oyster cultivation for commercial use or stock enhancement is larval mortality caused by pathogenic bacteria. Antibiotics can help but have unwanted effects, so studies are examining the role of probiotic bacteria on oyster health and survival. The focus of the project was to use molecular biological tools to identify and quantify the concentration of probiotic and pathogenic bacteria present in oysters. Scientists at the NMFS Milford Lab previously isolated probacteria strains (OY15) that inhibit shellfish pathogen B183, and are related to Vibrio parahemolyticus. The next task was development of molecular tools to characterize the gene sequences from both strains, and design species-specific primers for quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays that could clearly distinguish DNA from B183 and OY15 strains. Two genes, toxR from OY15 and dnaJ from B183, were shown to be effective in identifying and quantifying different Vibrio sp. and allow quantification of both strains in infected oysters. Oyster restoration in the Chesapeake Bay and elsewhere is a NMFS priority. With natural spat falls limiting recruitment in many areas, hatchery technology is relied upon to support both aquaculture and ecological restorations. This study provides additional understanding of probiotic bacterial mechanisms and sets the foundation for developing strategies for inhibiting pathogenic bacterial activity in oyster larval culture. The project provided a DSU undergraduate student, Ms. Oluchi Ukaegbu, enhanced training in oyster spawning and aquaculture technology and in modern microbial molecular ecology techniques, has produced publications.
9. Recruitment and diets of fish in the Maryland Coastal Bays.

Investigator(s): (Appendices IIa,IIb; 2006-2008) Dr. Joseph W. Love; NOAA Collaborator(s): Dr. Gretchen Bath-Martin (NOAA Beaufort Lab); Howard Townsend (NOAA Cooperative Oxford Laboratory, MD); LMRCSC Student(s): Daniel Luers (M.S. Student, UMES); Ryan Corbin (M.S. student); Reginald Black (M.S. student); Additional Collaborator(s): Dr. Kenneth Able (Rutgers Univ.), Dr. Tim Targett (Univ. of Delaware);
Larval fish ingress to Chincoteague Bay was monitored discontinuously in 2004-2005 and continuously from 2006 to 2008 to evaluate spatial and temporal differences in ichthyoplankton densities. Eleven (11) species of larval fish were collected, the most abundant of which was American eel (Anguilla rostrata). Assemblages differed among years, and between spring and winter, but not between northern and southern inlets that provide access between Chincoteague Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Canonical correspondence analysis of ichthyoplankton assemblage data indicated that ingress was best predicted by seasonal or annual demarcations rather than environmental variables (water temperature, moon phase, wind angle, flow rate). Data, images, and specimens have been provided to the NOAA Beaufort Lab to help aid identification and assessment of ichthyoplankton. Materials collected were used to train students in fish taxonomy for Ichthyology (BIOL 488F/688B). The dataset extended a two year dataset and partnership with NOAA (Dr. Gretchen Bath-Martin), Rutgers University Marine Field Station (Dr. Kenneth Able), and University of Delaware (Dr. Timothy Targett). Data were used for the thesis of one MS student, Daniel Luers (UMES) who graduated in 2009.

Benthic macrofauna in the Maryland coastal bays (MCBs) were analyzed from April - October 2007 at 9 sites with three habitat traps: sand S, oyster shell OS, and artificial seagrass ASG. Diversity of benthic macrofauna was significantly lower near urban sites, and lower in S than OS or ASG despite location of the traps. Oyster shell and seagrass habitats support greater abundance and diversity of macroinvertebrate prey species. Modeling using Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) and the Ecospace module showed that proportions of seagrass and oyster shell habitats were strongly correlated with diversity of the coastal lagoon system over 20 yr. Habitat structure promotes high diversity in the MCBs despite environmental conditions, possibly because of enriched macroinvertebrate prey communities and refugia from predation. Principal prey items of spot, Leiostomus xanthurus were polychaetes and crustaceans, and modeling of trophic webs in the MCBs using EwE showed that loss of seagrass habitat has impacts throughout the food web. Higher trophic level species were less influenced by changes in habitat, likely because they tend to be more generalized in diets and habitat preferences. Ecosystem based management is a subject of major interest to NOAA Fisheries scientists, who are developing EwE models for the Chesapeake Bay watershed, and this research supports a similar approach for the MCBs. This project is relevant to the NOAA NMFS Research Priorities 1 and 2: Research to support fishery conservation and management, and Interdependence of fisheries or stocks of fish. The research supported theses for MS students Reginald Black and Ryan Corbin who graduated in 2010 and 2009, respectively.


Love, J. W., Luers, D.F., and B.D. Williams (2009). "Spatiotemporal differences in larval fish ingress to Chincoteague Bay (Maryland) during winter and spring (2004-2007)." Marine Ecology Progress Series 377: 203-212.

Luers, D. F., Love, J.W., and Bath-Martin, G. (2010). "Settlement and pigmentation of glass eels Anguilla rostrata (Lesueur) in a coastal lagoon." Environmental Biology of Fishes 90(1): 19-27.

From September 1, 2006 to August 31, 2012, LMRCSC students and faculty made 601 (mean=120.2/yr) presentations (oral and poster) at scientific meetings (Table 14), published 161 (mean=32.2/yr) articles in refereed journals, and book chapters (Table 15). listed list of the presentations is shown in Appendix III, whereas publications are in Appendix IV.

Table 14. LMRCSC Presentations (Oral and Poster) at Scientific Meetings, September 1, 2006 – August 31, 2011


Oral Presentations (*)

Poster Presentations (*)

Total (*)

Sept. 1, 2006 – Aug. 31, 2007

52 (32*)

76 (55*)

128 (87*)

Sept. 1, 2007 – Aug. 31, 2008

73 (50*)

61 (58*)

134 (108*)

Sept. 1, 2008 – Aug. 31, 2009

35 (20*)

37 (31*)

72 (51*)

Sept. 1, 2009 – Aug. 31, 2010

66 (45*)

64 (58*)

130 (103*)

Sept. 1, 2010 – Aug. 31, 2011

73 (36*)

64 (49)

137 (85*)


299 (183*)

302 (251*)

601 (434*)

*Number presented, authored or co-authored by student
Table 15. LMRCSC Publications (September 1, 2006 – August 31, 2011)


# Published or In Press

# Authored or Coauthored with Students


Sept. 1, 2006 – Aug. 31, 2007




Sept. 1, 2007 – Aug. 31, 2008




Sept. 1, 2008 – Aug. 31, 2009




Sept. 1, 2009 – Aug. 31, 2010




Sept. 1, 2010 – Aug. 31, 2011








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