Agreement Numbers: 624-A-00-09-0037-00 and 624-A-12-00007-00 (WASP)
Region /Countries: West Africa (WA): Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Sierra Leone
Program Area: 4.5 Agriculture
Program Element: 4.5.1 Agricultural Enabling Environment
PERSUAP Expiration Date: 12/31/17
Other Relevant Environmental Compliance Documentation: This PERSUAP builds on the following USAID/WA environmental compliance documentation that is already in effect.
WA Umbrella Initial Environmental Examination (IEE), September 24, 2009, covering all WA activities within the Agriculture and Trade Promotion portfolio.
EGAT biosafety review and approval of CORAF/WECARD GMO activities (BT-cowpea)
CLEARANCE: USAID/West Africa /signed/ Date: __1/23/2014__
Mission Director: Bradley Wallach
CONCURRENCE: Bureau Environmental Officer: /WI Knausenberger for/ Date: __3/17/2014__
AFR/SD Brian Hirsch
CORAF/WECARD activities are driven and implemented by the constituent National Agricultural Research System (NARS) of the 22 member countries in West and Central Africa and guided by CORAF headquarters in Dakar, Senegal. CORAF/WECARD currently has USAID-committed projects under the Feed the Future (FtF) Initiative of the USAID aimed at assisting countries in WCA to achieve objective one (Eradicating Hunger and Extreme Poverty) of the Millennium Development Goal. A major thrust of this programme will focus on institutional strengthening of CORAF/WECARD and its constituent National Agricultural Research System (NARS) for coordinating sub-regional agricultural research for development, while promoting agricultural productivity enhancing technologies and innovations for adoption under Program Support (PS). The CORAF/WECARD FtF strategic objective is productivity and competitiveness of Cereal (Rice, Sorghum and Maize), Livestock and Milk Value Chains sustainably improved in West Africa (WA). In addition the West Africa Seed Project (WASP) has been initiated to build on the work of the West Africa Seed Alliance (WASA) supported by USAID/West Africa and, like WASA, implement activities to promote a commercial seed industry in the West Africa region.
Feed the Future (FTF)
CORAF/WECARD FTF’s main goal is to increase food security and decrease hunger through agriculture-led growth and inclusive market access by smallholder farmers. The project will improve smallholder productivity, expand markets and trade, and increase private sector investment in agriculture-related activities. Applying both “push” and “pull” interventions to create a pathway out of poverty for smallholders, CORAF/WECARD FTF will increase productivity and efficiency, promote private enterprise and investment, and ensure that women and vulnerable groups benefit equitably.
The project will pursue a facilitative approach that emphasizes partnering with local and private sector entities so value chain actors can sustainably pursue market opportunities. This will include dedicating an Innovation, Investment and Partnership (IIP) Fund to work with and through local and private sector partners and build their capacity to deliver services well beyond the life of the program (LOP). CORAF/WECARD will employ a learning-by-doing approach with local and international partners working hand-in-hand under the guidance of CORAF/WECARD staff.
To achieve it targets, CORAF/WECARD will rely partly on private sector investment in target value chains and the expansion of value-added processing. It will target smallholder and vulnerable (i.e., female-headed or HIV/AIDS-affected) households through maize, oilseed, legume and horticulture value chains. It will work on improved agricultural productivity, expanding markets and trade and increased private investment in agriculture-related activities.
Specifically, the following programs/projects are covered by this PERSUAP:
CORAF/WECARD-Implemented Feed the Future (FTF) activities in: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Sénégal, Sierra Leone and Togo
CORAF/WECARD-Implemented West Africa Seed Project (WASP) activities in: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal
WASP’s purpose is to implement activities to promote a commercial seed industry in the West Africa region. Expected activities of WASP include policy development, strengthening the competitiveness of local seed companies and agrodealers/stockists; seed multiplication; improving access from the private sector of improved inputs including seed, fertilizers and pesticides; development of seed production training modules, media campaigns and advocacy efforts; facilitating bank loans, raising social venture capital, and leveraging additional funding; demonstration plots and field days; agrodealer/stockist identification and training in business management, fertilizer use and safe handling and use of pesticides; seed demand creation activities; linking smallholders to inputs and outputs markets through agrodealers/stockists, seed marketing information.
The CORAF/WECARD-led WASP project brings together a diverse group of organizations that share the ultimate goal of developing a viable commercial seed industry in West Africa, using seed industry best management practices (BMPs), standards and certification for human safety, environmental protection, and conservation of energy, water, soil, and biodiversity.