Project on Standards and Regulation regarding a Bird Strike

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3.8 Landscape Management:

Landscape management is an option that would be implemented over a long period of time. Managing the landscape surrounding the airport limits or removes the attractiveness of the airport to birds, thereby reducing the hazard of bird strikes. For example, the FAA suggests keeping landfills at least 5 miles away from airports to keep mammals and birds away. These measures will reduce the attractions present in the airport, discouraging birds from going to that area [20]. One of the first steps of landscape management is a wildlife risk assessment. A risk assessment determines the current risk of strike which can be used as a starting point for wildlife control. Next, an analysis determines what features the birds find attractive. Careful planning is necessary to minimize harm to wildlife residing in areas surrounding the airport.

3.9 A border collie:

It called Sky has been chasing birds for five years at Fort Myers, Florida. Since 1999, when dogs were first used, there has been a 17% drop in bird strikes. While the egrets, herons and moorhens can get used to pyrotechnics, they never adapt to the presence of a natural predator like Sky, says Ellen Lind lad, director of planning and environmental compliance at Southwest Florida International Airport [21].

3.10 Lights on aircrafts:

The idea is to manipulate the traits of the light by varying the pulse rates and wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum and music these changes to specific bird species. The lighting fixtures could offer an in advance warning so the birds can discover and avoid the aircraft [22].


4.1 The Airport And Surroundings

The airports assume a noteworthy part in the in minimizing the harm because of bird strike since just about 90% of the bird strike happens in the region of the airports. In this way, the natural life administration is more centred on minimizing the calamity in the airport zone by modifying the biological procedure close to the airport zones. Notwithstanding these, the airport power additionally assumes a critical part in keeping the harms due to the FOD [23].

Roles and responsibilities

The obligations and duties of the air administrator is to keep up the security of airport by creating and executing certain strategies and projects that will deduce the issues with respect to the natural life. Some of the programs are:

  • Site specific wildlife management solution.

  • Passive and active wildlife management: habitat management.

Habitat Management Techniques

There have been couple of strategies that has been utilized by the powers throughout the decades to minimize and keep the exercises in regards to the untamed life in the airport and its environment. While each of the airports have their own particular untamed life administration challenges, these methods are turned out to be powerful when utilized as a part of the arrangement [23]. The techniques employed are:

  • Food source habitat management.

  • Shelter habitat management.

  • Water source management.

  • Grass management.

Airport Zoning and Regulation

The Aeronautics Act, section 5.4(2) clearly states the rules and regulation that are implied on an airport land and the activities that are prone to be hazardous to aircraft operation. The TP1247 from Transport Canada, Land use in the Vicinity of Airports also deals with the zoning regulation and responsibilities to be followed regarding the waste disposal clauses. The Transport Canada have identified certain activity that are extremely hazardous to aircrafts, and they should be prohibited within eight kilometre of airport reference point [23].

  • Food& waste landfill sites

  • Garbage dumps

  • Commercial fish processing plants

  • Agricultural activities

They also include some moderately hazardous activities that shouldn’t be indulged around 3.2 km of airport reference points. They include,

  • Feedlots

  • Outdoor theatres

  • Natural habitat

  • Feeding stations

  • Asylum of designated mammals.

  • Sewage lagoons

  • Food waste and plowed soil.

Transport (TP312) clearly mentions the provisions of garbage fills and any food source location to be away at a distance of 15 km radius from the airport reference points [23].

General Solution to Airport and Its Surrounding:

The Wildlife Control Procedures Manual TP11500 of Transport Canada and the Wildlife Hazard Management at Airports of the FAA gives us the brief thought regarding the accessible wildlife administration items and their application. In light of their belongings to the wildlife and nature, they can be arranged into exceedingly suggested, somewhat prescribed and not prescribed.

4.2 Air Traffic Service Providers:

The Air Traffic benefit suppliers assume a critical part in dealing with the wildlife assaults and minimizing the impacts of the bird strike. By always reaching the workers, they identify the bird action on Terminal Control Unit and pass on the basic wildlife exercises to the wildlife staff, airport power and the pilots [2].

Roles and Responsibilities:

The general obligations that an air traffic controllers do is helping the pilots by giving the present wildlife movement around the airports, exhorting the pilots about the conceivable wildlife action by utilizing AITS and NATOM framework, reporting wildlife issues by Canadian Aviation Damage Occurrence reporting frameworks and by different method for reporting systems. The parts and obligations of an Air Traffic Control Operators are specified in the Manuals of Operation for Air Traffic Controllers [2].

  • Provide the correct points of interest of the winged animals that are in the specific area, for example, the name of the species, the size and its correct area and the heading of flight and the elevation at which it flies. Section 164.1 "Manuals of Operation for Air Traffic Controllers".

  • Propose the winged creature movement on the data assembled from visual perception and from the pilot's depiction furthermore radar compliance in light of the visual and the pilots report. Section 164.2" Manuals of Operation for Air Traffic Controllers".

Must assume the liability to caution the aircraft when there has been perception on the exercises of flying creatures in a gathering. Section 164.3" Manuals of Operation for Air Traffic Controllers”. In U.S by the order of 7110.652-1-22 of The Air Traffic Controllers Handbook, the air traffic controller share the sole responsibility to inform the pilots of the situation in his flight paths such as:

  • Presence and location of bird activity.

  • The nature of hazard such as the type of bird

  • The directional motion of these hazards weather in the direction of the flight path and

  • They have to warn the pilots and give them the updates regarding location and the movement until the hazard crosses the flight path [2].

General Solution:

For this situation the air traffic controllers have a successful part to play. Yet, keeping in mind the end goal to do that they require the support from the power thus some come to presence, for example, the terminal controllers, tower and the ground controller and the flight benefit expert. They are utilized to play out an indistinguishable action from empowering the pilots to know the insights with respect to the rundown of transient birds accessible in those district and their movement in those area and the way that takes in the flight heading [2].

Flight Service Specialist (FSS):

The flight benefit expert is another kind of the air traffic controllers that give administration to pilots while working at the uncontrolled airports. Like the air traffic controllers, they too play out a similar arrangement of direction, for example, distinguish the risky wildlife in the air traffic area, evaluate their populace and their development, exhortation the administration and the airport power, and give the watched data to the pilots and consequently adequately minimizing the way of peril. They additionally illuminate the pilots with respect to the sunset and first light of bird flight and their settling points of interest as well.

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