Main project features: Feasibility study suitable for ADB financing, covering three sections (i) Balykchi to kilometer marker (Km) 43 (Km 0 to Km 43), approximately 43 kilometer (km), (ii) Kochkor to Dyikan (Km 64 to Km 159), approximately 93 km, and (iii) Aral to Too-Ashuu pass (Km 145 to Km 195), approximately 80 km.
Position held: Lead Environmental Specialist
Activities performed:Led in planning the work and organizing the environmental team to: (i) Finalize the Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) checklist for ADB to assign Environmental categorization for the project. The REA will be submitted as part of the Interim report; (ii) Prepare the IEE of the project in accordance with the requirements of the ADB's Safeguard Policy Statement (2009); and also the relevant legislation of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. A sample Outline for the IEE will be given to the team during mobilization. Each environmental study should cover the following: (a) Provide information about the environmental setting of the project areas and the location of sensitive receptors as baseline data. The consultant must provide quantitative data for the key environmental issues relating to the project; (b) Provide information on potential impacts of the project and the characteristics of the impacts, magnitude, distribution, sensitive receptors and affected groups, and their duration. Key environmental impacts associated with each project must be assessed quantitatively; including impacts on atmospheric carbon emissions (c) Provide information on potential mitigation measures to minimize the impact including mitigation costs; and (d) Assess alternatives for the project considering costs and benefits in terms of financial, social, and environmental issues. (iii) Prepare a fully costed environmental management plan (EMP) as part of the IEE, in accordance with the SPS 2009 requirements. The issues to be covered in the EMP will be provided during PPTA inception. (iv) Assess key environmental issues, which include: (a) Topographical maps. Topographical maps of the alignment should be large scale at least 1:100,000 showing the alignment, location of quarries and borrow pits, asphalt plants, construction camps (if known or being suggested); (b) Environmental setting. The project area of influence should be identified clearly. Maps (could be schematic with indicative distance to the project sites) and information related to sensitive receptors of project impacts should be provided; (c) Project information. The report should include quantities of cut and fill, and traffic projections; (d) Flora and fauna. The report should include the survey of trees to be felled and detailed description of any protected areas existing within the project area of influence, with their biodiversity value; (e) Physical and cultural resources. The report should include the results of archaeological survey prepared by the government; all physical and cultural premises should be identified as sensitive receptors, with their historic, cultural and spiritual value. Chance finds procedures should be proposed for possible unidentified underground relics; (f) Water quality data. The report should include a description of the hydrological network within the project area and water quality data in major rivers crossed by the road; (g) Air quality data. The report should provide air quality, noise and vibration data at the main road intersections and the locations near residential areas; (h) Socio-economic data. Local committee on statistics can be a source of socio-economic data; (i) Environmental potential impacts of proposed location of borrow pits, rock quarries and asphalt plants; and (j) Assist MOTC in conducting public consultation on potential environmental impacts during construction and operation phases as soon as the draft IEE is available to avoid possible complaints in the residential areas located closely to the road alignments. This consultation process will be consolidated with the discussion on land impacts and provision of road safety measures e.g., provision of traffic light and sidewalk. (v) Based on the IEE, provide inputs to the draft bid documents, project administration manual (PAM) and Final feasibility study report (Task 1).