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AT: US-Kuwait relations: kuwait not key to patriot

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AT: US-Kuwait relations: kuwait not key to patriot

Kuwait doesn’t think Iran is a threat and wants to build relations with it not build a weapons system

BBC 2010 [2/16, BBC Monitoring Middle East – Political, Iran poses no threat to Persian Gulf states - Kuwait envoy, Text of report in English by Iranian conservative news agency Mehr, lexis]
Bushehr, Iran, 16 February: Kuwait's Ambassador to Tehran Majdi al-Zufayri, said that Iran does not present any threat to the Persian Gulf states and other countries in the region, emphasizing this matter is proven for Kuwait. Countries in the region may have differing views in this regard, but all of them have understood that Iran does not present a threat to any country in the region, he said on Tuesday [16 February] at a meeting with provincial officials in Bushehr Province, southern Iran. The remarks by Kuwait's top diplomat in Iran came as the United States is deploying anti-missile systems in the Arab countries of the southern Persian Gulf under the pretext that it wants to protect them from an alleged Iranian missile threat. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was also visiting Qatar and Saudi Arabia to frighten the Persian Gulf Arab countries of Iran's peaceful nuclear programme. Iran-Kuwait ties On the Iran-Kuwait ties, the ambassador said currently the two countries' relations have decreased, but Kuwait is ready to expand ties with Iran especially in commercial and economic areas. He went on to say that the two countries should first strengthen their political relations to pave the way for boosting economic ties. Elsewhere in his remarks, the Kuwaiti diplomat congratulated the 31st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, adding; what really goes on in Iran differs from what is depicted outside of Iran.

Kuwait-Iran relations high

Kuwait-Iran relations are high –Kuwait is making overtures

BBC 2010 [2/16, BBC Monitoring Middle East – Political, Iran poses no threat to Persian Gulf states - Kuwait envoy, lexis]
Bushehr, Iran, 16 February: Kuwait's Ambassador to Tehran Majdi al-Zufayri, said that Iran does not present any threat to the Persian Gulf states and other countries in the region, emphasizing this matter is proven for Kuwait. Countries in the region may have differing views in this regard, but all of them have understood that Iran does not present a threat to any country in the region, he said on Tuesday [16 February] at a meeting with provincial officials in Bushehr Province, southern Iran. The remarks by Kuwait's top diplomat in Iran came as the United States is deploying anti-missile systems in the Arab countries of the southern Persian Gulf under the pretext that it wants to protect them from an alleged Iranian missile threat. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was also visiting Qatar and Saudi Arabia to frighten the Persian Gulf Arab countries of Iran's peaceful nuclear programme. Iran-Kuwait ties On the Iran-Kuwait ties, the ambassador said currently the two countries' relations have decreased, but Kuwait is ready to expand ties with Iran especially in commercial and economic areas. He went on to say that the two countries should first strengthen their political relations to pave the way for boosting economic ties. Elsewhere in his remarks, the Kuwaiti diplomat congratulated the 31st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, adding; what really goes on in Iran differs from what is depicted outside of Iran.

Kuwait- Syria relations high

Kuwait-Syria ties are strong

BBC 4/21 [2010, BBC Monitoring Middle East – Political, Palestinian cause given priority by Kuwait – MP, lexis]
DAMASCUS, April 20 (KUNA) - The Palestinian cause along with restoring the rights of the Palestinian people, Restoration of the Syrian Golan Heights and Lebanese Shebaa Farms are all one Of the priorities of the State of Kuwait, head of the Kuwaiti-Syrian Parliamentary friendship group and Kuwaiti MP Dr Youssef Al-Zalzalah said here Tuesday. This assertion made by Al-Zalzalah came during a joint meeting held here today Between the Kuwaiti-Syrian parliamentary friendship group at the Kuwaiti National Assembly, and the Syrian-Kuwaiti parliamentary fraternity committee And the Arab and foreign affairs committees at the Syrian People's Assembly (parliament). "We in Kuwait in addition to our ties of love and fraternity with our Arab Brothers, there is a cause which combines all of us and without solving it we Will not have the state of stability we wish and this cause is Palestine," Al-Zalzalah added. He also said that "we insist as Kuwaitis on making the Palestinian cause as The pivotal one of all us as Arabs and that must defend Palestine and Golan," Pointing out that the Kuwaiti National Assembly recently devoted a session for Discussing the Palestinian cause. This session ended up with a number of recommendations that stress that all Arab parliaments should stir the Palestinian cause in all Arab, Islamic and International gatherings, Al-Zalzalah added. He also pointed out that Israeli government felt besieged following the latest Pressures put on it as a result of the stances adopted by the Arab peoples in What prompted the US to assert that its interests require to take a stand Towards the Israeli settlement policy. Al-Zalzalah also asserted the importance of coordinating stances among the Arab countries in the international gatherings in order to reach a single Arab Stance, saying that this move is stressed by H.H. the Amir Shaykh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. He went on to say that H.H. the Amir always asserts that if all world Countries agreed to Israel's conditions, the State of Kuwait will not be among Them and this is a principled stance. The State of Kuwait spares no effort on boosting development in Syria, he Said, pointing out that the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) Signed 28 loan agreements with Syria for bankrolling vital projects, the latest Of which was the drinking water project of Damascus. He also revealed that Kuwaiti Minister of Finance Mustafa Al-Shimali will pay A visit soon to Damascus to sign an agreement for constructing a memorial of Late Amir Shaykh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and late Syrian president Hafez Al-Assad. Al-Zalzalah also said said that "we regard Syria not only as a brotherly Arab Country, but as a country which supported Kuwait in the time of tribulation When our country and territories were usurped, hailing the stance adopted by Syria since the very beginning of unjust invastion and its later participation In the liberation war. He also said that this stance will never be forgotten by the people of Kuwait And will remain engraved in their memory. On his part, Syrian parliament speaker Mahmoud Al-Abrash hailed the pioneering And national role played by the State of Kuwait in serving the issues of the Arab nationa and its support to Syria in order to restore the occupied Golan Heights. Al-Abrash spoke highly of the deep-seated ties between Syria and the State of Kuwait in various political, economic and social fields and keenness on Developing such strong ties thanks to the instructions of Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad and H.H. the Amir of Kuwait Shaykh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.

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