This table illustrates some of the variables I am collecting for the database the more related information in the narratives, the easier it will be to fill out the data matrix.
World Regional Office pages [note that there are some interesting differences in the division of regions, with Kazakhstan, for example, included in MENA, perhaps because it has more Islamic influence? Russia is European, there are a total of six regions]
Association of the European and Mediterranean Police Forces and Gendarmeries with Military Status
International Colleges and Universities by country -
Military branches of the service by country and region -
There is a comparative wiki article on “military academy” with entries for military academies and military colleges of 42 countries (these are probably the most important 42)
Which are the 80 countries with gendarme forces?
Defence Academies and Colleges e-Learning who participated? Who is already networked?
Start by scanning the basic data sources then the country narratives below quickly to see what’s there.
Then dive into the country cases, find what you can about each, insert footnotes to indicate where you found it, and fill in as much detail as you can related to the variables I am collecting. Be brief with the contextual data, and expansive with the information that relates to the variables above.