and troubleshooting2Download the appropriate UNIStim Firmware file to your TFTP
3Create an 1140eSIP.cfg file containing the following information:
FILENAME yyy.bin where xxx is the UNIStim version number appropriate for the hardware
release of your IP Phone E, for example, 0625C23,
and yyy.bin is the filename
containing the version number, for example, 0625C23.bin.
4Power the IP Phone E off and on. The IP Phone E reboots and contacts the TFTP server upon
bootup and downloads the newUNIStim Firmware.
—End—IP Phone E diagnosticsNetwork-related issues can be debugged using
Network Diagnostic Utility(NDU) built into the IP Phone 1140E.
Another way to diagnose a problem on an IP Phone E is to capture a message trace using any appropriate software.
The IP Phone E has Problem Determination Tools (PDT. These can be accessed through a Telnet session using the IP address of the IP Phone
1140E (for
login and password, contact Nortel).
Problem: Server unreachable after the IP Phone E is powered up.If the display indicates that the server is unreachable and it continuously resets, some parameters must be configured. Things to consider when setting parameters:
•Enter requested information in the menu fields by pressing the number keys on the dialpad. Press the asterisk (*) key to enter a period (.) when entering an IP address.
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