Soccer articals

Tapering is important, too

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Tapering is important, too
Soccer players should also eat a small meal containing at least 600 calories of carbohydrate about two hours before competition. 600 calories is the approximate amount of carbohydrate in three bananas and four slices of bread (eaten together).Players should also try to 'taper' for a few days before matches, reducing their intensity and quantity of training in order to avoid carbohydrate depletion. During the taper and during all periods of heavy training, soccer players should attempt to ingest 9-10 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight ( 16-18 calories per pound of body weight) each day. 'Grazing' - eating two to four daily high-carbohydrate snacks in addition to three regular meals - can help players carry out this high-carbo plan successfully.However, carbohydrate is not the only nutritional concern for soccer players.Fluid intake is also critically important. Various studies have shown that soccer players lose - through their sweat glands - from two to five litres of fluid per game. Even the lower figure could raise heart rate and body temperature during a match and might reduce running performance by about 4-5 per cent for a typical player. Fortunately, the sports-drink-intake plan described above - coupled with sips of sports drink during injury time-outs - can help to reduce the impact of dehydration.Although water and carbohydrate must be taken onboard, soccer players don't need to worry about replacing electrolytes during play. Sweat is a dilute fluid with low concentrations of electrolytes, and most players can obtain enough electrolytes - including salt - from their normal diets.However, the presence of salt in a sports drink can enhance the absorption of water and glucose. Most commercial drinks have about the right concentration of sodium; if you're making your own beverage, you should be sure to mix about one-third tea spoon of salt and five to six tablespoons of sugar with each quart of water that you're going to be using. After all matches, players should attempt to ingest enough carbohydrate-containing sports drink to replace all the fluid they've lost during competition. After strenuous workouts, water should also be replaced, and soccer athletes need to eat at least 500 calories of carbohydrate during the two hours following practice in order to maximize their rates of glycogen storage.('Carbohydrate, Fluid, and Electrolyte Requirements of the Soccer Player: A Review,' International Journal of Sport Nutrition, vol. 4, pp. 221-236,1994)

Owen Anderson

The eyes: soccer

The Eyes: Soccer: What makes a topnotch football player different from a mediocre performer? One key difference is in the way their eyes move, according to researchers at the University of Liverpool and the University of Manchester.

High-quality players survey the field of play for clues about what their opponents will try to do in a manner which varies strikingly from the visual search patterns used by less-experienced performers.To find out exactly how soccer players become skilled at anticipating events on the field, the English scientists studied 15 experienced and 15 inexperienced male soccer players. The experienced athletes had 13 years of playing experience and had played an average of 640 competitive matches, while the inexperienced subjects had played for five years in an average of 73 matches. The experienced players included eight college first-team players and seven professionals; college third-team and recreational players comprised the inexperienced contingent.

All 30 players watched test films containing 26 soccer action sequences, selected from a sample of college and professional soccer matches. The games had been filmed from a position behind and above the goal, which allowed the entire field of play to be viewed on film. As the players watched the matches, their eye movements were captured with a special recorder. As a pattern of play developed, a black square highlighted a player on the viewing screen; when the ball was passed to this player, the subjects had to verbalise as quickly as possible the player to whom the next pass would go.
Analysis of the athletes' reactions demonstrated that the experienced players were far better at anticipating final-pass destinations and made significantly quicker responses, compared to their less-experienced counterparts. How were they able to do it? The eye-movement recorder showed that the experienced players conducted a more extensive visual search of the field of play as they watched the match. For one thing, they shifted their gaze from one part of the field to another about 25-per cent more often than their inexperienced peers.
Experienced players were also better at discerning relevant portions of the field of play. While inexperienced players fixated on the ball and the player actually passing the ball, experienced players focused on peripheral aspects of play, such as the movements of other players not in close contact with the ball - players who were moving into open areas of the field in which they might eventually receive a strategic pass.
The Liverpool-Manchester scientists recommended that football coaches show game films to their players while stopping the film frequently in order to highlight important 'off-ball' movements. As players learn to stop ball watching' and develop a knack for determining where everyone on the field is going, they will learn to anticipate play development. Then their only task will be to learn to make the right decision about how to stop or assist the ensuing attack on the goal.

('Visual Search Strategies in Experienced and Inexperienced Soccer Players,' Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, vol. 65(2), pp. 127-135, 1994)

Speed parachutes

Speed Parachutes: Displaying their bold maize and blue colors, the chutes billow out behind runners during workouts, attached by cords to the athletes' chests.

As long as there are no gale-force winds, chute-users don't become airborne; in fact, their running velocities slow considerably because of the increased air resistance created by the chute. It's a bit like running uphill, except that instead of working against gravity you're fighting against the air hitting the inside of your trailing parachute.But is it really a good idea to use a speed chute during training? Chute proponents claim that the device strengthens leg muscles and leads to more powerful performances, especially over competitive distances of one mile or less. Even chute critics have to admit that the contraption does provide 'specific' training, which is always a hallmark of wise workouts. After all, you do run when you're wearing the chute, and running well is your ultimate goal. In that regard, chute use is a better form of resistance training than, say, lifting a weight with the leg muscles while the body is in a standing or sitting position.

However, it's easy to criticize the chutes, too. Let's face it: once you have a chute strapped to your chest, you are definitely going to run more slowly during training, compared to running chuteless. As we all know, training more lethargically is definitely not the way to become a better runner, so in this regard, chute training looks stupid.
Realistically, though, you don't have to use the chute every day. Even if you became a chute fanatic, you could still do your regular high-speed work on days when the chute remains in your gym bag. Plus, recent research with the weight vest, another device which, like the speed chute, slows running speeds but increases the stress on leg muscles, found that such training could produce unexpected gains in running prowess.
Although speed chutes have been extolled in various advertisements, no chute research has been published in scientific journals, so runners have been basically clueless about the colorful contrivances. Fortunately, that's all changed now, thanks to the untiring efforts of Matthew Taylor, an exercise physiologist who now works in the Human Performance Laboratory at the William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso, Texas.
While at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota, Taylor began working with 14 school sprinters, aged 15-18. All of the athletes trained four times per week for a period of six weeks, but only half of the runners actually worked out with the speed chute.Two days per week, the groups trained in a very similar manner, using workouts which emphasized stretching, sprint drills, plyometrics, stair climbing, hurdle jumps, table jumps, quick-feet drills on a 'Port-A-Pit', lateral hops, full-court basketball, high-knee drills, and butt flicks. Speed chutes weren't used on these days.
On the other two training days, the speed-chute group completed sprint intervals using a speed chute while the other athletes ran similar sprint intervals without the chute. During early stages of the six-week training period, the speed-chute runners completed 200-metre intervals in a very interesting manner; they ran the first 100 metres of the interval with the chute attached but then released the chute at the 100-metre mark and ran unencumbered over the last half of the interval. Average time per 200 meters was about 26-28 seconds. The no-chute group ran the same 200-metre intervals without chutes, and their times were also in the 26-28 second range. This meant that chute-group members were actually working harder during the interval workouts, since they covered the 200-metre distance in the same time needed by the chuteless athletes, but against increased air resistance.
Toward the end of the six-week period, the intervals were shortened and speeded up, especially for the chuteless runners. After a 10-metre flying start, chute-group athletes ran 50-metre intervals in about 6.5 seconds each, with chutes attached for the whole interval. Meanwhile, after the same running start, chute-free athletes ran 50-metre intervals in six seconds (a pace of 24 seconds per 200 metres), with no chutes to tire their leg muscles. Thus, near the end of the study, the no-chute runners were actually running a little faster during their workouts, compared to the speed-chute trainers. During an average workout, about eight of these 50-metre intervals would be completed per session, with 45-60 seconds of rest between efforts.
Improvements? After six weeks of training, speed-chute runners improved their 55-metre race times by an average of .23 seconds, from 6.26 to 6.03 seconds, a pretty respectable improvement. However, the no-chute trainers fared just as well, lowering 55-metre clockings by .22 seconds from 6.12 to 5.90 seconds. In other words, use of the speed chute provided no special benefits during training; sprint performances improved just as much in the runners who abstained from speed chutes altogether.
The bottom line? Using a speed chute does no harm, as long as the overall quality of training is kept high. However, performance problems may arise if the chute consistently reduces running speeds during interval training. On the positive side, speed-chute use is fun and provides an interesting break from routine training. However, there's still no solid evidence that the utilization of speed chutes will heighten sprint performances, compared to conventional training.

'Effects of Speed Chute Training on Sprint Performance,'Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, vol. 26(5), Supplement, p. S 64, 1994

Soccer Refs

Top flight soccer refs cover 11k-plus per match, says new studyTo compete at the highest level, footballers must be supremely fit. But the next time you are sitting in front of the TV, marvelling at the athleticism of the players, spare a thought for the ref, who has to make split-second decisions while keeping up with the increasingly fast run of play. How hard do these refs actually work? Keen to answer this question, The Italian Football Federation carried out an extensive four-year study examining the work rate profile of their own high-level soccer referees.

More than 30 referees enrolled in the Serie A and B Italian championships took part in the study. Each referee was observed between one and six times for a total of 96 matches, using sophisticated video analysis equipment. The key results were as follows:

1. the referees stood still for 14.6% of the total time played;

2. the total distance covered over an entire match was 11,469m;

3. this distance was covered in a variety of runs (forward, backward, sideways) and at various intensities from walking to high intensity (18.1-24k/h) and maximal intensity (24k/h) runs.

You may still not be too impressed, but remember that football referees are not professionals and hold down quite separate full time jobs. Despite this and the fact that they are usually older than the players they officiate over, they are still expected to keep up with the run of play no matter what the tempo.

The Italians concluded that refereeing top-flight matches is a demanding activity, which is predominantly aerobic, although the anaerobic system plays an important role at certain times. As the players get fitter so must their refs; it's a tough job but somebody has to do it!
The Journal Of Strength and Conditioning Research 15 (2) 167-171

Nick Grantham

Training dietary regimes

Training Dietary Regimes: You can lead a footballer to a proper diet, but can you make him eat it?

While the average distance covered by a top-class outfield player during a 90-minute match is over 10,000m, at an average speed of over 7km per hour, these figures do not accurately represent the full demands placed on a player. In addition to running, a player must jump, change direction, tackle, accelerate and decelerate, etc, and each of these individual tasks requires an energy input over and above that required simply to cover a similar distance at a constant speed. Scientific investigation has shown that the true demands on a player can be approximated at roughly 70%VO2max. This is based on evidence of heart rate, sweat loss, increase in body temperature, and depletion of carbohydrate stores within the muscles (intramuscular glycogen)

The keeper
The specific demands of the different positions within a team are not as clearly defined as in some other team sports, such as rugby union. The obvious exception to this is, of course, the goalkeeper. A keeper relies little on the aerobic system for energy production since all the important phases of play for him last a relatively short time. The key performance quality of the keeper is probably agility, and this can be broken down further to include speed, power, strength and flexibility. If he happens to be tall, it's clearly an added bonus!
Popular training programmes for keepers include repetitions of short sprints performed at maximal speed, with many changes of direction involved. Obviously, an element of skill can be built into this training by having to save a bombardment of shots at goal. This way, another important constituent of training is then automatically introduced, namely, the ability to regain one's feet in order to save a follow-up shot at goal.
However, to gain the edge in physical development, the keeper should also train away from the pitch so that upper and lower body strength and power can be improved in the weights room. In addition, plyometric training lends itself perfectly to improving the qualities necessary for agility around the goal mouth. Plyometric training does need to be conducted correctly (see, for instance, PP 42, March 1994) which includes the provision of generous rest periods between sets of exercises, but if done so can produce some significant improvements in the ability to move one's own body weight at speed

Outfield players
As far as the rest of a soccer team goes, the differing demands are less obvious. However, a systematic analysis of soccer matches on video has shown that midfield players tend to cover the most distance, and other studies have - not surprisingly - shown these players to have the highest VO2max scores, and to show the least fatigue when performing many repeated sprints in succession. Compared to forwards and defenders, midfield players tend to have a more continuous involvement in the game. However, while forwards and defenders usually have more time to recover between sprints, they also need to perform those sprints at a faster speed to be successful in their crucial phases of play

Implications for training should become apparent. Clearly, the midfield players need more of an all-round fitness profile, with an emphasis on both aerobic and anaerobic capacity. Aerobic capacity relates to sustained performance (20-40 minutes), or performance during lengthy repetitions, each of 2-3 minutes in duration. Anaerobic capacity can be related to performance of a repeated nature, but with work/rest intervals of equal length, and not over 30 seconds.

The players regularly involved in attacking/ defending situations will need more training emphasis on speed. Speed training can itself be broken down into at least two phases - an acceleration component and a maximal speed component. For improvements in acceleration, repeated sprints of not less than six seconds in duration, performed from a standing or walking start, will be useful in training. This will help develop the neuromuscular function of the athletes. For development of maximal speed, a gentle increase in speed to about 85 per cent followed by a sustained burst at maximum speed for about six seconds will produce more specific improvements. This will help develop both the metabolic and neuromuscular qualities of the muscles involved. Put simply, to improve acceleration, accelerate as fast as possible in training. To improve maximal speed, the length of time spent running at current maximal speed during training should be increased. A relatively gentle acceleration phase before a sustained burst can best achieve this.
If the coach can accomplish these sorts of training goals by using drills which involve ball skills, then the players will become used to performing the skills under conditions of fatigue. As many will appreciate, it is under conditions of fatigue and mental pressure such as a competitive match that skills often become lost - unless they are both well-drilled for their own sake and practised under simulated conditions of fatigue

Moving away from training methods for a moment but continuing the analysis of the physical demands of the game, there is an interesting form of player behaviour that playing experience seems to encourage. It is a phenomenon that many players will recognise as common without perhaps understanding why. The behaviour in question is the avoidance of prolonged high-intensity activity that would require a corresponding long period of recovery - which can rarely be afforded in a competitive situation.
For instance, if a defender is involved in high-intensity activity as he assists in an attacking phase of play, he often will not attempt to return to his defending position in time for the immediate counter-attack. While this might be perceived as laziness, it may benefit both the individual player and the team in the longer term, providing the rest of the team has sufficient cover to deal with the counter-attack.
Sound physiological reasoning provides the basis for this. It has been shown that short periods of intense exercise (eg, less than 15 seconds), when interspersed with rest periods of similar duration, produce a fairly low build-up of lactic acid in the muscles (a strong indicator of fatigue) even when this activity pattern is continued for some time. However, periods of intense exercise of about 30 seconds or more, even when accompanied by equal rest periods of 30 seconds (such that the work:rest ratio is till 1:1 as in the previous example), produce a far higher concentration of lactic acid in the muscles and also greater fatigue

This situation is exactly what the experienced player is trying to avoid when he decides to return more slowly to his main position on the pitch. However, this obviously requires a large degree of teamwork, with team-mates prepared to cover for the defender concerned. If a team can achieve this sort of cooperation, it helps reduce player fatigue and increases performance capacity throughout the match as a whole. Clearly the role of the coach is paramount in organising this sort of team approach in spreading the workload, especially with inexperienced players. Indeed, some younger players may be almost too enthusiastic for the good of their own and the team's subsequent performance

As already mentioned, the physical demands of the game are sufficiently high so as to require a high rate of energy production. Whatever the sport, this can only be done by the breakdown of carbohydrates, and soccer is no exception. This means that players should pay particular attention to this aspect of their diet - more especially when considering the notorious practices of soccer players when they are given no guidance about what to eat. The heavy training/match schedule that the British game involves only serves to increase the need for carbohydrate intake

When discussing this subject, it is usual to express the form of the energy consumed as percentages (proportions) eaten as carbohydrate, fat and protein. While the typical diet for the general British population is about 40% carbohydrate, 45% fat and 15% protein, the recommended dietary proportions for a soccer player would be roughly 65% carbohydrate, 20% fat and 15% protein. However, the typical diet of the soccer player is actually very similar to that of the general population - too little carbohydrate and too much fat

The work carried out some years ago by Jacobs and colleagues ('Muscle glycogen and diet in elite soccer players', European Journal of Applied Physiology, 1982, vol. 48, pp297-302) illustrates the potential pitfalls of a low-carbohydrate diet. These researchers studied players in the Malmo soccer team in Sweden - the side had finished as runners-up in the European Cup the previous season. The players consumed just 47 per cent of dietary energy as carbohydrates - well below the recommended values. Muscle glycogen stores were assessed immediately after a national league match (Day 1), and again 24 hours later after no training (Day 2), and 48 hours after the match after a very light training session (Day 3)

Normal muscle glycogen stores of the general population are approximately 70-90 wet weight. The average values for the Malmo team were 46, 69 and 73 wet weight on the three days.

There is no reason why the players could not have refilled their muscle glycogen stores to pre-match levels within 24 hours if they had consumed a high-carbohydrate diet. Experiments have shown that, for highly trained athletes, a muscle glycogen level of well over 100 wet weight is quite possible to achieve following two or three days of light training. The reason the soccer players didn't reach this sort of level was undoubtedly due to the lack of carbohydrate in their diet.
The importance of high muscle glycogen stores for performance in events lasting longer than 60 minutes has been demonstrated by numerous researchers. Specifically in relation to soccer, the diets (and hence the muscle glycogen stores) of players involved in an exhibition match have been manipulated, with those players having higher muscle glycogen stores before the match also covering a greater distance at a faster pace during the match. This effect was particularly noticeable towards the end of the match when glycogen always become lowered - and many goals are often scored as the game tends to open up. So a high-carbohydrate diet leads to increased muscle glycogen stores, which in turn leads to a greater distance covered during the final stages of the match, which in turn leads to your team scoring the winning goal in injury time! Well, not always, maybe, but you can increase the chances of it happening by taking a close look at players' diets

Alun Williams

muscle building

Muscle building: Squats, leg press or knee extensions - which exercise is best for the quads?

Training the quadriceps muscles is an integral part of most sports strength programmes. The quadriceps are important for cycling, swimming, running, jumping, sprinting, throwing - in fact, virtually every full-body athletic movement. Three of the most common quadriceps exercises are the squat, the leg press and the knee extension. But although all three exercises target the quads, they all vary in terms of knee joint forces, muscle activity and functionality. There are even variations within an exercise through changes in technique or equipment.

The squat and the leg press are considered to be a different type of exercise from the knee extension. The squat and the leg press are known as closed kinetic chain exercises (CKC), whereas the knee extension is considered an open chain kinetic exercise (OKC). CKC exercises are distinguished by the foot being fixed and the knee joint moving in conjunction with the hip and ankle in a predictable manner. With the squat, for example, the foot is on the floor. and ankle, knee and hip all flex and then extend in sync. OKC exercises, on the other hand, are distinguished by the foot being free to move and the knee joint working independently of any other joints. With the knee extension, the hip joint is fixed and the knee flexes and extends with the foot freely rotating. (Recently, researchers have argued that this classification system of exercises is too simplistic, but for the purposes of this article, the simple distinction is sufficient.)

What the researchers say
Researchers and physiotherapists seem to be agreed that CKC exercises are superior to OKC ones. CKC knee exercises are considered safer and more effective since they place less strain on the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and elicit a hamstrings co-contraction together with the quadriceps. Researchers from the Mayo Clinic (New York) showed that leg press placed no strain on the ACL and elicited significant hamstring co-contraction, whereas the knee extension placed strain on the ACL at 30° of flexion. The decreased ACL strain makes CKC knee exercises important for ACL rehabilitation programmes.

The Mayo Clinic team also argue that CKC exercises are superior because they are more functional than OKC exercises. Walking, jumping and running movements all involve the kinetic chain of ankle, knee and hip. Thus it is advantageous to strengthen the quadriceps in a similar manner to real movements - specificity of training is an accepted principle in sports science. During the squat and leg press, the knee and hip extend together. While the knee extends, the rectus femoris shortens and the hamstrings lengthen, but while the hip extends, the rectus femoris lengthens and the hamstrings shorten. The result is a simultaneous concentric and eccentric contraction at the opposite ends of each muscle. This is known as the 'concurrent shift', and is a specific neuromuscular pattern which occurs during all multi-joint leg movements. This concurrent shift does not take place in OKC exercises. Theoretically, training the quadriceps in isolation, without normal muscular recruitment patterns, could lead to inefficient neuromuscular coordination in athletic movements. Training movements that involve the concurrent shift are very important, so CKC knee exercises are recommended.

Other studies have compared the muscle electromyographic (EMG) activity during the squat, leg press and knee extension exercises. EMG activity is an objective measure of the amount of muscle activity during the exercise. This allows exercises to be compared. Joseph Signorile and a team from the University of Miami investigated the EMG activity of the quadriceps during the squat and knee extension. They used experienced lifters and determined the 10-repetition maximum weight for each exercise. This guaranteed that both exercises required the same relative effort. The team found that the squat elicited significantly more quadriceps EMG activity compared to the knee extension. Signorile et al concluded that because of this the squat should be seen as the superior quadriceps exercise, especially as it is a more functional movement.

More support the squat
Kevin Wilk and a team from the American Sports Medicine Institute investigated the EMG activity of the quadriceps and hamstrings during the squat, leg press and knee extension. They also used experienced lifters and determined the 12-repetition maximum weight for each exercise. Like Signorile, they found that the squat produced the most quadriceps activity, peaking at 60 per cent of maximum activity levels. The leg press produced slightly less, peaking at 52 per cent, with the knee extension less still, peaking at 46 per cent.

Wilk's team also investigated the knee joint forces during the exercises. They confirmed the Mayo Clinic findings regarding ACL strain forces. The CKC exercises, the leg press and squat, placed no strain on the ACL, whereas below 40° of flexion the knee extension did place a strain on the ACL. However, the leg press and squat did place a strain on the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), and should therefore be avoided by PCL injury patients. The leg press and squat also produced significantly greater knee compression forces than the knee extension, with the squat producing the highest. Compression force refers to the vertical force between the surfaces of the femur and tibia, and excessive compressive forces can cause knee injury.

Wilk et al also found that the squat was the only exercise of the three to elicit a significant hamstring co-contraction. During the squat, the hamstring activity peaked at 36 per cent of maximum compared with the leg press and knee extension in which hamstring activity peaked at 12 and 13 per cent respectively. This finding contradicts the Mayo Clinic research which showed a hamstring co-contraction during the leg press. This suggests that just because the leg press is a CKC exercise, it does not guarantee that there will be significant hamstring co-contraction. Other factors, such as body position and angle of force application, affect whether CKC exercises elicit co-contraction of the hamstrings, and are therefore functional to other movements.

The athlete's position is important
In a recent review paper, Wilk and his team summarised findings from research into co-contraction of hamstrings during leg press and squat exercises. The most important factor seems to be the technique used or body position of the athlete when performing the exercise. For example, with the squat performed normally with a bar across the back of the shoulders, as the knee and hip flex, the trunk leans forward. At the bottom of the lowering phase, the bar is positioned in front of the hips. This means that, as well as the quadriceps working to extend the knee, the hamstrings must work to extend the trunk back upright.

By contrast, with the seated leg press, the athlete sits with the body fixed upright and the footplate is level with the hips. Thus when the legs extend, the quadriceps work to extend the knee but the hamstrings need not work, because the trunk is fixed and the weight is in line with the hips. This biomechanical difference explains why Wilk found co-contraction with the squat and not with the leg press.

With a lying leg-press machine, the body position changes once again. The feet are placed above the hips and so the weight is in front of the hips. Thus, when the leg extends, the hamstrings must work to extend the hip along with the quadriceps which are working to extend the knee. So with the lying leg press there is hamstring co-contraction as with the squat. This is the type of leg press the Mayo team used in their study, which showed leg-press hamstrings activity.

Changes in squat technique can reduce the hamstrings co-contraction - for instance, by placing one's back against a support. This change will isolate the quadriceps since the trunk is supported and the hamstrings do not have to work to keep it upright. Other studies have shown that wide-stance squats produce more hamstrings and gluteal activity, and narrow-stance squats more quadriceps activity. Again, changes in technique result in different patterns of muscle activity.

From the research discussed above, we can draw some conclusions about the efficacy of the three quadriceps exercises.

1. The squat
This is probably the best exercise for the quadriceps. Studies have shown that the squat elicits the highest quadriceps EMG activity compared to the leg press and the knee extension. This means that the squat works the quadriceps the hardest. In addition, the squat is a CKC multi-joint exercise which elicits co-contraction of the hamstrings. Researchers have argued that this makes the exercise functional to athletic movements and therefore a sports-specific strength exercise. The co-contraction of the hamstrings means that the squat trains the 'concurrent shift' pattern, which is very important biomechanically. The squat is also safe for ACL patients, although it is not safe for PCL patients.

Variations such as narrowing the stance will concentrate activity on the quadriceps, while widening the stance will allow more gluteal and hamstrings activity. Leaning against a back support will isolate the quadriceps.

The major disadvantage of the squat is that it results in the highest knee-joint compression forces of all the exercises. This may cause problems for those with weak knees because of the extra pressure on the surfaces of the femur and tibia. For this reason, a correct squatting technique is vital to safety. Athletes also need to be strong in the low back and abdominals, because the squat works the low-back muscles hard and a high intra-abdominal pressure is required to support the spine. For heavy squatting, the athlete will need a training partner or a squat frame to train safely.

I conclude from the evidence that the squat is a very effective and sports-specific quadriceps strengthening exercise. However, it is probably best for well-conditioned athletes only.

2. Leg press
This is a good quadriceps exercise. Wilk's research showed that the quadriceps activity was lower than with the squat, but the knee compressive forces are not quite as high. The leg press is also safe from a technique viewpoint as the machine is easy to use. Thus the leg press can be seen as a safer, easy alternative to the squat.

The major disadvantage of the leg press is that it is not necessarily functional simply because it is a CKC multi-joint exercise. Wilk showed that with the seated leg press there was no hamstrings co-contraction. This means the concurrent shift pattern is not trained as it is with the squat. However, hamstring co-contraction is possible with a lying leg-press position with the feet placed higher than the hips. The lying leg press would be a good sport-specific exercise, just like the squat, only a little safer and easier.

The complication with the lying leg press is that the feet should not be placed too high. Ideally, they should be placed so that they are above the hip but level with the knee when the knee is fully extended. In this position, both the quadriceps and the hamstrings will work. If the feet are too high, the knee can go below them, which means the quadriceps stop working.

I conclude that the lying leg press, with the feet placed correctly, is a good alternative to the squat., potentially not quite as effective but safe and easy to use, making it more suitable for weight-training beginners. The seated leg press with feet low is not as good because it lacks the functional relevance.

3. Knee extension
This is shown by research to be the least effective of the three exercises, as it elicits the lowest quadriceps activity. In addition, because it is an OKC single-joint movement, it has no functional relevance for most athletic movements.

The advantage of the knee extension is that compression forces are lower than with the CKC exercises. And, although the knee extension places a strain on the ACL, the level of strain is safe for a healthy knee. The knee extension is therefore a safe quadriceps exercise for athletes without ACL problems, but the fact that it works the quadriceps in isolation makes it much less effective than other exercises. If variation in strength exercises is required, then dumbbell lunges, barbell step ups, and single-leg squats are much better choices since they are CKC multi-joint movements. The only athletic movement the knee extension is functional for is kicking, which requires a powerful isolated quadriceps contraction.

I conclude that the knee extension exercise is the least effective and least functional of the three. However, it is safe (for non-ACL patients) and would be useful for football and rugby players to improve kicking power.

Raphael Brandon

Useful Links
common knee injuries, knee injuries symptoms, runners knee, iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS), knee injuries treatments

aerobic energy system | football

Football: What are the energy demands in this "maximal intermittent exercise"?

Just to remind you, there are three major systems available for the production of energy in the muscles: the ATP-PC system for high-intensity short bursts; the anaerobic glycolysis system for intermediate bursts of relatively high intensity (this system produces the by-products of lactate ions and hydrogen ions, commonly known as lactic acid); and finally, there is the aerobic system for long efforts of low to moderate intensity.

With sporting events such as cycling, swimming and running, where the intensity is constant for the duration of the event, it is possible to estimate the relative contribution of each energy system. For example, the energy for the 100m sprint is split 50 per cent from the ATP-PC system and 50 per cent from the anaerobic glycolysis sytem, whereas the marathon relies entirely on the aerobic system (Newsholme et al, 1992). By contrast, games such as football are characterized by variations in intensity. Short sprints are interspersed with periods of jogging, walking, moderate-paced running and standing still. This kind of activity has been termed 'maximal intermittent exercise'.

It would seem reasonable to assume that during a football game all three energy systems would be required, as intensity varies from low to very high. However, because it is not obvious just how fast, how many and how long the sprints are, and just how easy and how long the intervening periods are, it is difficult to determine which of the energy systems are most important. Thus most of the football-related research has attempted to tackle this problem.

A 15m sprint every 90 seconds
English researchers Reilly and Thomas (1976) investigated the patterns of football play in the old first division. They found that a player would change activity every 5-6 secs, and on average he would sprint for 15m every 90 seconds. They found the total distance covered varied from 8 to 11 km for an outfield player - 25 per cent of the distance was covered walking, 37 per cent jogging, 20 per cent running below top speed, 11 per cent sprinting and 7 per cent running backwards. Ohashi and colleagues, researching football in Japan, confirmed these findings, showing 70 per cent of the distance was covered at low to moderate pace below 4 m/s, with the remaining 30 per cent covered by running or sprinting at above 4 m/s. Thus, for example, if a football player covers 10 km in total, around 3 km will be done at fast pace, of which probably around 1 km will be done at top speed.

The pattern of football play has also been expressed in terms of time. Hungarian researcher Peter Apor and the Japanese researchers both describe football as comprising sprints of 3-5 secs interspersed with rest periods of jogging and walking of 30-90 secs. Therefore, the high to low intensity activity ratio is between 1:10 to 1:20 with respect to time. The aerobic system will be contributing most when the players' activity is low to moderate, ie, when they are walking, jogging and running below maximum. Conversely, the ATP-PC and anaerobic glycolysis systems will contribute during high-intensity periods. These two systems can create energy at a high rate and so are used when intensity is high.

The above research has described the average patterns of play during football and from this we can reasonably deduce when each of the energy systems is contributing most. However, now we need to establish just how important each energy system is for footballing success.

Recovering from high-intensity bursts
There is evidence that the aerobic system is extremely important for football. Along with the fact that players can cover over 10 km in a match, Reilly found heart rate to average 157 bpm. This is the equivalent of operating at 75 per cent of your VO2max for 90 minutes, showing that aerobic contributions are significant. This is confirmed by the fact that various studies have shown footballers to have VO2max scores of 55-65 ml/kg/min. These VO2max scores represent moderately high aerobic power. Reilly and Thomas (1976) showed that there was a high correlation between a player's VO2max and the distance covered in a game. This was supported by Smaros (1980) who also showed that VO2max correlated highly with the number of sprints attempted in a game. These two findings show that a high level of aerobic fitness is very beneficial to a footballer.

The greater the player's aerobic power the quicker he can recover from the high-intensity bursts. These short bursts will be fuelled by the ATP-PC and anaerobic glycolysis systems. Then, during rest periods, a large blood flow is required to replace the used-up phosphate and oxygen stores in the muscles and to help remove any lactate and hydrogen ion by-products. The quicker this is achieved, the sooner a player can repeat the high-intensity sprints, and thus cover more distance and be able to attempt more sprints. So the aerobic system is crucial for fuelling the low to moderate activities during the game, and as a means of recovery between high-intensity bursts.

Which system fuels the sprints?
As already mentioned, the ATP-PC and anaerobic glycolysis systems fuel the high-intensity periods. However, if we are to optimize training programmes, we need to know whether in performing the high-intensity bursts both systems contribute evenly or whether one is more important.

As the sprints a player makes are mostly 10-25m in length, or 3-5 secs in duration, some researchers have assumed that the ATP-PC system will be the most important. However, since football has an intermittent intensity pattern, just because the sprints are brief does not mean that anaerobic glycolysis does not occur; research has shown that anaerobic glycolysis will begin within 3 seconds.

To determine whether anaerobic glycolysis is significant during football, researchers have analysed blood lactates during matchplay. However, results from these studies have varied. Tumilty and colleagues from Australia cite research varying from 2 mmol/l, which is a low lactate score indicating little anaerobic glycolysis, to 12 mmol/l, which is quite a high score. Most studies seem to find values in the 4-8 mmol/l range, which suggests that anaerobic glycolysis has a role.
The contrast in results is probably due to the varying levels of football in the different studies. Some use college-level players, others professionals. Some studies test training games, others competitive matches. This is likely to confound results. Ekblom, a researcher from Sweden, clearly showed that the level of play was crucial to the lactate levels found. Division One players showed lactate levels of 8-10 mmol/l progressively down to Division Four players showing only 4 mmol/l. Tumilty and colleagues conclude that the contribution of anaerobic glycolysis remains unclear, but is probably significant. They suggest that the tempo of the game may be crucial to whether anaerobic glycolysis is significant or not. As Ekblom noted: 'It seems that the main difference between players of different quality is not the distance covered during the game but the percentage of overall fast-speed distance during the game and the absolute values of maximal speed play during the game'.
The conclusion from these lactate studies is that, as the playing standard increases, so may the contribution of anaerobic glycolysis. However, I think more precise research is needed to determine exactly how fast and how frequent the high-intensity efforts during play are. Maximum-intensity bursts with long recoveries will emphasis the ATP-PC system, whereas high-intensity but not maximal bursts occurring more frequently will emphasise the anaerobic glycolysis system more. Thus, along with the standard, the style of play and football culture may also influence the physiological demands. This means that the country in which the researchers are based may affect the conclusions they draw when studying the relative contributions of the two systems.

What action to take
From the research completed so far, it would probably be fair to conclude that for the high-intensity bursts during play both the anaerobic glycolysis and the ATP-PC systems contribute, but that the ATP-PC system is more important. This is because the ratio of high-intensity to low-intensity activity is between 1:10 and 1:20 by time. The high-intensity periods are very short and the rest periods relatively long. Therefore, the ATP-PC system will probably be more useful and also has sufficient time to recover. Research has also shown that lactate values become moderately high but not so high as to indicate that the anaerobic glycolysis system is working extremely hard. Indirectly, this is confirmed by Smaros who showed that glycogen depletion was mostly in the slow-twitch muscle fibres, which suggests that glycogen is being used for the aerobic system but not the anaerobic system. However, the possibility exists that for professional-standard football, or football played at a high tempo, anaerobic glycolysis will be at least as significant as ATP-PC.
If coaches of professional teams want to know better which system is more important, then more research taking place in their own country and using top players as subjects is needed, accurately analysing intensity patterns in matchplay and measuring lactate levels. Until then, training regimes must cater for all three systems, with particular attention to the aerobic and ATP-PC systems. Japanese researchers performed a Maximal Intermittent Exercise (MIE) test on footballers which consisted of 20 x 5 secs maximum efforts with 30 secs active rest. This was meant to mimic a high-intensity section of the game. They correlated the performance on this test with fitness tests representing the three energy systems, VO2max for the aerobic system, lactic power for the anaerobic glycolysis system, and maximum power for the ATP-PC system. All three components of fitness were significant to the performance on the MIE test. Peter Apor agrees with this in making fitness recommendations for footballers, saying that a good aerobic fitness needs to be linked to a moderate anaerobic glycolysis power and a high ATP-PC power.

A specific type of interval training for footballers would be to mimic the demands of an actual game with the correct work-to-rest ratios and distances covered. If players sprint for over 1 km during a game with high to low ratios of 3-5 secs to 30-90 secs, then a session such as two sets of 20 x 25m maximal sprints with 30 secs rest (2 mins between sets), would represent the demands of a tough match, namely, frequently repeatable high power. To focus solely on the ATP-PC system, short maximal sprints of 20-60m with 1-2 mins recovery are best. To train the anaerobic glycolysis system, longer sprints of 15-30 secs, with 45-90 secs recovery, are recommended. Aerobic training involves running continuously, fartleks, long repetitions (eg, 6 x 800m, 1 min rest) or extensive intervals at moderate speeds (eg, 30 x 200m, 30 secs rest). Trainers should be aware that running sessions, intervals and shuttle runs (or doggies) should be carefully planned so that they target the correct energy system. Running speeds, distances and rest periods should be calculated so that the session will target the specific energy system the coach wants to develop.

Raphael Brandon

soccer exercise | aerobic system

Soccer exercise energy demands

Just to remind you, there are three major systems available for the production of energy in the muscles: the ATP-PC system for high-intensity short bursts; the anaerobic glycolysis system for intermediate bursts of quite high intensity (this system produces the by-products of lactate ions and hydrogen ions, commonly known as lactic acid); and finally, there is the aerobic system for long efforts of low to moderate intensity.

With sporting events such as cycling, swimming and running, where the intensity is constant for the duration of the event, it is possible to estimate the relative contribution of each energy system. For example, the energy for the 100m sprint is split 50 per cent from the ATP-PC system and 50 per cent from the anaerobic glycolysis sytem, whereas the marathon relies entirely on the aerobic system (Newsholme et al, 1992). In contrast, games such as soccer are characterized by variations in intensity. Short sprints are interspersed with periods of jogging, walking, moderate-paced running and standing still. This kind of activity has been termed 'maximal intermittent exercise'.

It would seem reasonable to assume that during a soccer game all three energy systems would be used, as intensity varies from low to very high. However, because it is not obvious just how fast, how many and how long the sprints are, and just how easy and how long the intervening periods are, it is difficult to determine which of the energy systems are most important. Thus most of the soccer-related research has attempted to tackle this problem.

A 15m sprint every 90 seconds
English researchers Reilly and Thomas (1976) investigated the patterns of soccer play in the old first division. They discovered that a player would change activity every 5-6 secs, and on average he would sprint for 15m every 90 seconds. They found the total distance covered varied from 8 to 11 km for an outfield player - 25 per cent of the distance was covered walking, 37 per cent jogging, 20 per cent running below top speed, 11 per cent sprinting and 7 per cent running backwards. Ohashi and colleagues, researching soccer in Japan, confirmed these findings, showing 70 per cent of the distance was covered at low to moderate pace below 4 m/s, with the remaining 30 per cent covered by running or sprinting at above 4 m/s. Thus, for example, if a soccer player covers 10 km in total, around 3 km will be done at fast pace, of which probably around 1 km will be done at top speed.

The pattern of soccer play has also been expressed in terms of time. Hungarian researcher Peter Apor and the Japanese researchers both describe soccer as comprising sprints of 3-5 secs interspersed with rest periods of jogging and walking of 30-90 secs. So, the high to low intensity activity ratio is between 1:10 to 1:20 with respect to time. The aerobic system will be contributing most when the players' activity is low to moderate, ie, when they are walking, jogging and running below maximum. Conversely, the ATP-PC and anaerobic glycolysis systems will contribute during high-intensity periods. These two systems can create energy at a high rate and so are used when intensity is high.

The above research has described the average patterns of play during soccer and from this we can calculate when each of the energy systems is contributing most. However, now we need to establish just how important each energy system is for soccer success.

Recovering from high-intensity bursts
There is evidence that the aerobic system is very important for soccer. Along with the fact that players can cover over 10 km in a match, Reilly found heart rate to average 157 bpm. This is the equivalent of operating at 75 per cent of your VO2max for 90 minutes, showing that aerobic contributions are significant. This is confirmed by the fact that various studies have shown soccer players to have VO2max scores of 55-65 ml/kg/min. These VO2max scores represent moderately high aerobic power. Reilly and Thomas (1976) showed that there was a high correlation between a player's VO2max and the distance covered in a game. This was supported by Smaros (1980) who also showed that VO2max correlated highly with the number of sprints attempted in a game. These two findings show that a high level of aerobic fitness is very beneficial to a soccer player.

The greater the player's aerobic power the quicker he can recover from the high-intensity bursts. These short bursts will be fuelled by the ATP-PC and anaerobic glycolysis systems. Then, during rest periods, a large blood flow is required to replace the used-up phosphate and oxygen stores in the muscles and to help remove any lactate and hydrogen ion by-products. The faster this is achieved, the sooner a player can repeat the high-intensity sprints, and thus cover more distance and be able to attempt more sprints. So the aerobic system is crucial for fuelling the low to moderate activities during the game, and as a means of recovery between high-intensity bursts.

Which system fuels the sprints?
As already mentioned, the ATP-PC and anaerobic glycolysis systems fuel the high-intensity periods. But if we are to optimize training programmes, we need to know whether in performing the high-intensity bursts both systems contribute evenly or whether one is more important.

As the sprints a player makes are mostly 10-25m in length, or 3-5 secs in duration, some researchers have assumed that the ATP-PC system will be the most important. But since soccer has an intermittent intensity pattern, just because the sprints are brief does not mean that anaerobic glycolysis does not occur; research has shown that anaerobic glycolysis will begin within 3 seconds.

To determine whether anaerobic glycolysis is significant during soccer, researchers have analysed blood lactates during matchplay. But results from these studies have varied. Tumilty and colleagues from Australia cite research varying from 2 mmol/l, which is a low lactate score indicating little anaerobic glycolysis, to 12 mmol/l, which is quite a high score. Most studies seem to find values in the 4-8 mmol/l range, which suggests that anaerobic glycolysis has a role.

The contrast in results is probably due to the varying levels of soccer in the different studies. Some use college-level players, others professionals. Some studies test training games, others competitive matches. This is likely to confound results. Ekblom, a researcher from Sweden, clearly showed that the level of play was crucial to the lactate levels found. Division One players showed lactate levels of 8-10 mmol/l progressively down to Division Four players showing only 4 mmol/l. Tumilty and colleagues conclude that the contribution of anaerobic glycolysis remains unclear, but is probably significant. They suggest that the tempo of the game may be vital to whether anaerobic glycolysis is significant or not. As Ekblom noted: 'It seems that the main difference between players of different quality is not the distance covered during the game but the percentage of overall fast-speed distance during the game and the absolute values of maximal speed play during the game'.

The conclusion from these lactate studies is that, as the playing standard increases, so might the contribution of anaerobic glycolysis. However, I think more precise research is needed to determine exactly how fast and how frequent the high-intensity efforts during play are. Maximum-intensity bursts with long recoveries will emphasis the ATP-PC system, whereas high-intensity but not maximal bursts occurring more frequently will emphasise the anaerobic glycolysis system more. Thus, along with the standard, the style of play and soccer culture may also influence the physiological demands. This means that the country in which the researchers are based may affect the conclusions they draw when studying the relative contributions of the two systems.

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