The Muse's Advisory typed & spellchecked by Tom Riordan

part of nature, excellent, in harmony

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part of nature, excellent, in harmony.

Purity is what we had.

All things had consequences
and each consequence was opportune.
Somebody suffered? Good. Somebody died?
Part of the world's unfolding story 
that they should.
Nobody thought about prevent.
The world was totally dynamic—
what came came, what went went.

Ah, here's Cape Carmel now.

You want to stir things up for old time's sake
and see if we can't raise a surf 
to hurl you all the way to Nazareth? 
Oh, you've kept this woman guessing, Zeus!
The look she gave me, 
she thought maybe 
I was serious.

Itinerary, Day 1 - Muse's Advisory, May 22 – Visitor Center Clerk to Zeus & Miriam:

       Margaret Hotel have best view. Golden Crown Hotel have very big pool. Notre Dame Hotel—you see, Madame? She look like you, no?

       You are hungry after trip. Go eat lunch, 
there,  Diana Restaurant. After, go see sights. 
       Annunciation is biggest Arab church. Where angel tell Virgin she have baby. Or is St. Gabriel Church over there. Big fight. Everybody say, 
I am right! You are wrong! 
       Church of Carpenter, where St. Yusuf work. Synagogue Church, 
here, is where Yeshua preach. Mensa Christi, he eat meal with apostles—in Bible, no? Lady of Fright is where Virgin see people take Yeshua to cliff. Basilica of Young Boy, very nice. Yeshua Trail very nice, go to Capernaum. Ilut Stadium is Ahi Nazareth football team.
       I am guess you are from Greece, no? So do not go to Prophet—you see, 
across street?  Big guy from Crete break nose of owner in big fight. It look like this.  Here it take very long time to forget. If you see man with nose like this,  you must say, I am only Turk! I am also hate all Greek people!

Lunch At Diana's - Muse's Advisory, May 23 – Miriam/Zeus:

"I don't even know if I can eat,

I swallowed so much water
on Poseidónas's chariot.
And what if Yusuf wanders in?
What would I say?
Those foster-husband years were tough. 
How did he get himself mixed up
in all my 

      "Water under the bridge.

   I'm sure it is for Yusuf, too. 
   You think he spent these two millennia
   regretting what he had with you?
   By nature he's a loner, vagabond—
   who else takes on a pregnant girl as wife
   to raise the child of an absent god? 
   Does that sound like a man
   who wants a normal life?
   And think about it—
   who walked out on who?"

   "Miss, I'll have the falafel combination,

with cucumber salad, some taboolee, 
and two skewers of roast venison.
To drink, a large glass of iced tea."

      "For me...fowl with coffee and plums?

   Is that a dish you recommend?
   A can of Diet Pepsi and a bottle of Neviot—
   from an oasis on the Red Sea, Miriam.
   They say you can taste
   the pharaoh's soldiers' screams."

"Delightful, dear.

I'll stick with my iced tea, if you don't mind.
Do you see that Arab couple over there?
I think they're watching us."

      "We do stand out, I'd say—

   you with that 
zither, is it?—in your hand,
   and me with St. Paul sitting in this silly hat.
   After we eat, why don't we buy 
   some local clothes and try 
   to make ourselves blend in a bit?
   We're probably under surveillance
   by Israeli intelligence."

"And the Vatican Order of Malta."

      "Urban legend."

"Don't look now, but urban legend's peeking 

from behind that 
Commonweal  magazine."

      "Ah, so quick! Here are the drinks!

Shukran, nadila."

"You're flirting  with the waitress, Zeus?"

      "The basic courtesies, my dear—"

"Your basic courtesies are 

how Yeshua got conceived."


"I'm just a little tense. 
Maybe some food will help me settle down.
I didn't mean that I regret a thing, I don't. 
It's just that being home—"

Itinerary, Day 2 - Muse's Advisory, May 24 – Hotel Concierge to Zeus:

It's sad but Nazareth's become 

a one-night stop.
No tour-bus goes out to the caves.
It's Hagalil or Ali for a taxi: 
Jews or Arabs, take your pick, 
they all will rob you blind
and talk you deaf and dumb.
That's just the way it is.

No dig's in progress, but the watchman,

an Armenian,
will let you in for some baksheesh.
Be careful! I hear stories. You two do
know what they're digging up?
Be sure you get back on the road by dark.
The Egyptian cabbies, I can tell you,
won't remain one minute after sunset.

We Mizrahis like Turks quite a bit

but the Armenian is sensitive....
about that awful genocide?
So if you are  by any chance a Tatar
keep that to yourself.
You'll pass, no problem, for a Greek
or even an Iranian—though honestly
who ever sees the snakebit Persians anymore?
When I was young, they used to come
here quite a lot—and they could spend!

Kfar HaHoresh is a glimpse

of what the human race was like before
you had your Christians, Muslims, Jews
all at each other's throats.
The only thing that hasn't changed?
We're still this  close to Judgment Day!

At the Sudfa Bar, Nazareth - Muse's Advisory, May 25 – Yusuf's Buddy:

   no thanks, man,

still a couple hours
till I have my first.
Just want to let you know
I think I saw your Miriam
down at Diana's
with the weirdest looking guy
I've seen since Pat Boone
came to do that TV thing—
do you remember?

    Oh, she looked fine—

way  out of your league,
it all seems so impossible.
How did you ever get with her?
It was a fucking miracle!

   Oh, that's right, yes,

the little matter of the brat.
But hell,
I would've taken her myself
if anybody asked.
Anybody would've.

   No, the guy was

definitely not Yeshua!
He was big, strong,
older by the looks of him.
A foreigner.
He called the waitress
He's got this mini shako
on his head
with this strange bird in it—
a sailor probably.
From where
is anybody's guess.

   No, man, I don't expect you

to jump up 
and run and beg 
her to do anything.
Just thought
you'd want to know.

I know you looked for her.

Somebody said
you sent a letter
to Koressos up by Ephesus.
Maybe she got it after all.
Maybe the sailor's just—
well, no, the sailor is her stud.

   Yeah, okay, just one.

   Bartend? A bottle of Galil.
And one more of whatever 
Yusuf's drinking here.
So what? Fateema will find out,
she always does,
but here's my brother
who's without
even a wife to hector him.
L'chaim,  as Jews say.
Here's to life.

At the Sudfa Bar II - Muse's Advisory, May 26 – Melpomene to Tom:

Why hole up in the corner with that dreadful Golan wine 

whose hangover's as famous as the Gardens of Babylon?
Is there ambrosia in the fossil footprints of the dead? 
All that's changed in bars is that the 
blanc is colder
and you're not allowed to spit.

At the Sudfa Bar III - Muse's Advisory, May 27 – Tom to Melpomene:

   Let me guess.

You were the last inspire
of Sexton, Lindsay, Crane,
Qu Yuan, Plath, Teasdale, 
Lucan and Berryman.

You serve no liquor 

stronger than baneberry cider
nor carry any weapon stouter
than piano wire.

At the Sudfa Bar IV - Muse's Advisory, May 28 – Yusuf to Tom:

You're talking to yourself.

Such muttering's a sign
you're wearying of drink.
It's time to think
about another form of anesthesia.

Don't look at me like that.

I know I'm blotto too.
The guy who bought me my last snort,
he couldn't stay,
but he could tell you
I've tried everything
to keep my chin above the shit.
Of which mine eyes have seen
the glory and my ears
the same old story of the
fight for love and Richard Cory,
and all the fucking rest of them!

No, the question isn't

Did you have a stimulating life?
Ask anyone: I did.
By that failed measure,
I should be among 
the blessedest of men.

You don't seem a plodder either–

no retired 9-5'er
come to spend his kids' inheritance
revisiting the patch of grass
my  wife—there, I said it—
got herself "annunciated."

You've been around the block.

The tip-off is your utter lack
of interest in this sewer sink.
My ex was right—
Get out.

But didn't I?—and look  at me.

Not only am I back,
I'm back without a bit of wisdom 
or ten 

Spot me another drink?

   I'm sorry, man.
You didn't sit down here
to listen to the likes of me.
It's loutish, asking you to buy.
My name is Yusuf. 
I used to know a Tom, I think.

I'll go. 

It's just a shitty day.
The guy you saw me with
when you came in,
he spotted my wife and her new beau
enjoying dinner
at the priciest cafe in town.

You think she'll look me up?

If I was her, I doubt I would.
Who's fooling who?
I'd only bring her down.

Home - Muse's Advisory, May 29 – Miriam:

I think our house was–here.  Don't you remember, Zeus?

The charcoal kilns were up that hill
and Dad walked down that road into the souk?
All these damn churches fucked everything up.

When we returned from Egypt,

both my parents gone, it felt so logical to take their place,
so Yusuf threw a shed up, 
there,  for woodwork.
Yeshua said he still could sense their presences—
Dad glad to see us safely back,
and Mom, upset. I told him, "Yeah, you got that right."

The years passed stormily.

The boy fought off one crisis of identity 
and then the next.
More rebbes, quacks and healers 
were brought in than you could shake a stick at,
but each eventually threw up his hands and said, 
"He's got an imp in him! He's not the first child 
to come back from Alexandria as damaged goods."

We couldn't prevent him becoming an outcast.

In whispers people told their own kids, "Stay away."
We tried to keep that from him too
but he was smart and sensitive; grew furious. 
A boy who tumbled off our roof
had just the day before called him an ugly name.

When Yeshua trotted off to join his hippie cousin

at the river, Yusuf braved being a laughingstock
and thought it might be good if he got baptized too.
But it was misinterpreted as checking up, a lack of trust.
That was the straw that broke the camel's back,
and Yusuf just gave up.

I never did, and never will.

Yeshua wants acceptance just like everybody else.
It's not his fault he spent his early years abroad
and had a southern accent kids made fun of;
not his fault I carried him unwed.
But he determined he would show them all!

In the end, the neighbors

nodded pharisaically and said,
"We knew that boy would never straighten out."
I know the motivation's selfish
but I wouldn't mind it if Yeshua got the last laugh.

Heisenberg Principle - Muse's Advisory, May 30 – Zeus to Miriam:
  Omniscience failed,
  my equanimity
  upset by fluky waves
  when I observed you
  sitting in the window.

        The icy mind has

      perfect knowledge
              of its galaxy,
then one iota of desire
    shatters everything.

At Kfar HaHoresh Archeological Site - Muse's Advisory, May 31 – Zeus:


These are the very bones
I laid in far-off youth.
Why is it I remember this, 
the work I did,
but next to nothing
of my thoughts?

I don't remember

who I was.
Back then
I bet I thought I knew,
and think I do today,
which all suggests
it's only self-delusion.

The things I built, though—

look, still here,
still saying 

I'm not internal after all.

Over Lunch, With a View to the West - Muse's Advisory, June 1 – Zeus/Miriam:

“Dawn's gold and evening's purple
on those hills 
are always in my blood—
my first home after Crete,
the place I went out 
on my own,
began negotiating life
with spirits, humans, 
and all kinds of beasts—
became the god I am.
You're native but
I also call myself a Galilean.
   The lady at the desk 
seemed nice.
And didn't St. Paul take to her?
He's ready for some pampering.
She must have planted 
fifty kisses 
on the poor bird's head...!”

     “Let's go back to the Margaret,

Zeus. It feels like centuries
since we've spent time in bed.
So much has changed:
a lot of blood's been shed;
my middle galaxy
expanded quite a bit.
Your body's unfamiliar too,
but since you're neither marble
nor wear hooves today,
I'll take my chances!”

     “You are still that pretty girl—”

     “Zeus, don't you understand
the bill-and-coo's not needed any more,
and hasn't been since our first day?
You are my only possibility.”
     “You want to try
to put down roots with me again?”

     “Let's try the bed.

Tonight, we'll try the wine
and see what stars
draw pictures overhead.
Let me just say
that if we do decide
to get a little place,
I have a longish list 
of pleasant household chores
I've stored up in my mind
to help us occupy the time.”

Parrot's Prayer الببغاء في الصلاة - Muse's Advisory, June 2 – St. Paul the White Cockatoo:

I bow                                       أنحني

and never break.                  
وأبدا كسر
Allah is great!                         
الله أكبر

I don't stand straight.  أنا لا تقف شامخة

I bow                                      
and never break.                  
وأبدا كسر

Allah is great!                           الله أكبر

I bow.                                      
I don't stand straight.  
أنا لا تقف شامخة

Allah is great!                           الله أكبر

I bow.                                      
I don't stand straight    
أنا لا تقف شامخة
and never break.                    
وأبدا كسر

Pietà - Muse's Advisory, Midnight June 2/3 – Melpomene

Her recurring nightmare:

   They lay him in her arms
more like a lover than son—
so long since anyone was
sprawled across her thighs.
He's a handsome man
with a handsome prick
she always hoped would
help him charm a wife.

Her recurring nightmare:

   Thoughts unmaternal
blush beneath her veil.
She hopes John doesn't see
but his eyes too are fixed
hard on the shriveled dick,
the ugly way the scrotum
has begun to splotch.

Her recurring nightmare:

   Two of the novice soldiers
casting lots had never seen
Jews with circumcised cocks.
They point and start to laugh
at how the tip pathetically
shrinks back but fails
to find a place to hide.

Her recurring nightmare:

   She's desperate to wake up
but she still can't raise her eyes 
above Yeshua's waist,
afraid she'll see a bare heart
bleeding on his white chest,
gray lips murmuring in prayer
and dark eyes clear.

Her recurring nightmare:

   His penis is a bloodworm
but she still can't lift her eyes.
It wriggles up onto his breast. 
She finally casts about
for one of the others to help,
but all of them are gone.
She begins a long scream.

The Contrabandista

           Hail to the ancient hat!
           Neath which our chiefs have sat!
           Kneel down upon the mat!
                Hail hail ladrones! 
       -Burnand & Sullivan

Muse's Advisory, June 3 – Urania:

Psst!  Mister! Miss!”

a reedy old voice hisses.
“I've been watching you!
Come look at this!”

     Zeus scans the street,

     shops dimmed
     and shuttered tight
     for Friday prayer.

Miss! Mister! Over here!”

A bent hand flutters
like a feather in the air
outside the crack
of an old oak door.

“Yes, come in, quick!

You see this votive tablet,
pure red jasper, Yemenite?
Its inscription calls on
Al-Qaum of the air,
the wine-abstainer,
nighttime shepherd
of the cameldrivers' souls
in their disguise as stars;
then, Dushares
who resides inside
the hill-stone hereabout; 
third, Allah-ʼNā,
the primal god-man Greeks 
remember as Theandros.
For 1000 shekels it is yours
and I will tell you what
the last three lines reveal.”

     Zeus looks at Miriam

     and she at him, 
     the urge to burst out laughing
     testing both of them.

     “Old man,” Zeus says.

     “There's something in
     your face I like.
     Your eyes and voice
     remind me of a monk
     I used to drink wine with.
     He often muttered
     about scriptures, scrolls—
     and baked the most 
     delicious sweet rolls
     you could ever 
     wrap your lips around!
     But we're not here
     to buy up souvenirs.”

“I know exactly 

why you came!
But this cartouche
here in the hollow of my palm
will tell you more 
about yourselves
than poking into ruins!
It reveals the distant source
of all div
How light and matter mated
in a million different ways
to shape each leaf, 
each horse,
each humble ant!
How all life's 
surreptitiously related since—"
above his head he draws
wide circles with the charm—
You're not interested? 
Maybe some fresh
black-market caviar?”

Springs Eternal - Muse's Advisory, June 4 – Yusuf to the Other Barflies:

   Don't act surprised.

You all knew 
I was going to do it
and I did it.
Curse of my life,
I'm such an open book.

   Yeah, she looks good,

and yeah, I'm still in love,
okay? And yes, I know
I look like hell
and badly need a shave.
Life hasn't handled me
with kidskin gloves.

   No, I didn't go

and talk to her.
What would I say?—
Hey, babe,
your lover boy is back,
you know I'm gonna
make you feel alright,
so ditch that creep”?

This codger I ran into

back behind the avenue
told me her stud's named Zeus.
I'll bet you anything
the first name's Alexander—
fucking Greeks
and delusions of grandeur!

The old coot was 

some kind of collector.
For old family papers—
postcards of the Nile, 
Yeshua's bleak MMPI results—
he gave me this red stone
and said the last three lines
of its inscription
will enlighten me enough
to sweet-talk Miriam back
into bed.

   No, not an incantation.

Knowledge. Sensitivity.
A man who knows
what's in a woman's heart,
he promised me,
this  close to her muff.

Here's what it says—

the coot recited it
in Hebrew, Arabic and Ge'ez,
à la the Rosetta Stone.
It names three gods
so powerful
you never heard of them
and then predicts
“The future is reality TV. 
Who Wants to Be 
the Next Big Nazarene?”

   You bet I'll try it out!

What's there to lose?
The Osbournes told
In Style  magazine
it fanned the coals for them.
I've got a dead-end life,
no job, no kids, no wife.
Maybe celebrity's
exactly what I need.

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