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Mercer Island CK – Affirmative – Djibouti

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Mercer Island CK – Affirmative – Djibouti

Contention One: AFRICOM is watching its Djibouti

The United States' new military command AFRICOM's credibility is being undermined by the administration's excessive focus on security.
Mills, McNamee, Lorenzo, and Uttle, 07 (Greg, Terence, Mauro, and Matthew, Brenthurst Foundation, "AFRICOM and African Security," April,
In October 2008… insecurities, but Africa's.

The United States needs to expand AFRICOM beyond existing operations in order to offset apprehension and dissolve perceptions of the United States as a threat.

Morrison, 07 (Stephen, Executive Director of the HIV/AIDS Task Force and Director of the Africa Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Testimony by J. Stephen before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Africa, "Exploring the U.S. Africa Command and a New Strategic Relationship with Africa," August 1 ,
Across Africa, and in Europe … and the interagency process.

Thus, the Plan: The United States federal government should provide necessary assistance to substantially expand medical civil action programs operating in Djibouti under the Combined Joint Task force for the Horn of Africa.

Military operations in Djibouti serve as a template for all of the United States strategic—renewed recognition off Djibouti's role will be modeled by all of the adjacent commands.
Schermerhorn, 05 (Lange, Served as the Political Advisor to the CJTF-HOA, Battling Terrorism in the Horn of Africa, Rotberg (ed.); "Djibouti: A Special Role in the War on Terrorism," Copyright: The World Peace Foundation and Brookings Institution, p. 48-49)
Djibouti has achieved … Pacific Commands.

Contention Two: the European Command gets a Feel for Djibouti

The European Command is in a transitional period—the success of the African Command will play an integral role in the re-crafting of all combatant commands to create interagency cooperation that creates successful engagement with Russia, protect sea lanes, and maintains energy security.
Garamone, 07 (Jim, American Forces Press Services, "Craddock Discusses Africa, European Command Changes," March 5,

"EUCOM has plenty … higher-tempo basis.

The inflexibility of the European Command is threatening the credibility of America's Alliance with NATO and leaves the United States vulnerable to asymmetric threats--only a new approach can fix the failing post-Cold War Structures.

Wald, 04 (Charles, General and Deputy Commander of the United States European Command, "US European Command and Transformation,"

Since the collapse … partners to win this war.

Independently, Sustainable forward deployment in Europe is key to preventing nuclear conflict—prefer this to any other power structure. All of their impacts are more likely in a world without United States regopna; predominance.

Kagan, 07 (Robert, Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, "End of Dreams, Return of History," Policy Review,
Finally, … will provide an easier path.

Contention Three: Russia

Russia's assignment to the European Command has fractured the United States ability to respond to contingencies in the region and undermines military-to-military cooperation that is vital to preventing war with Russia.
Oiker, 03 (Olga, RAND: Project Airforce, "Assessing Russia's Decline: Trends and Implications for the United States and the U.S. Air Force,")
Russia has … such goals.

War with Russia is the only credible scenario for nuclear extinction—this outweighs all other impacts.

Caldicott, 02 [(Helen- Founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, The new nuclear danger, p. 7-12)]
If launched from Russia… annihilation of the planet .

Contention Four: The Air Force's Djibouti

Air Force readiness is at an all time low—strains risk collapse.
Grossman, 06 (Senior Correpondent, Inside the Pentagon, Inside the Army, 7-10, Lexis)
Although ground …are in short supply.

Missions in the Horn of Africa are key to the successful training and readiness of Air Force service by creating inter-task force cooperation that will be modeled in combatant missions. Prefer our evidence—we have empirical examples.

Bernard, 07 (Carrie, Sergeant in the Combined Joint Task Force for the Horn of Africa, "Airpower role essential in Africa," March 5,
With a mission … home from this rotation

United States Air power deters multiple nuclear, chemical, and biological conflicts in Asia and the Middle East

Khalilzad and Lesser, 98 (Zalmay and Ian, Senior Researches – Rand, Sources of Conflict in the 21st Century,
This subsection attempts …conflicts have already broken out.

Contention Five: Solvency

The success of the task force is key establishing the legitimacy of the African Command through its structures of interagency cooperation. This will prevent conflicts and future intervention
Barnett, 07 (Thomas, Professor and Strategic Researcher at the United States Naval War College and Senior Managing Director of Enterra Solutions, "The Americans Have Landed," June 27,
America is going … replicated across the entire continent.

The Combined Joint Task Force is a critical model of bifurcation of the military that will serve as a template for the African command.

Barnett, 07 (Thomas, Distinguished strategist at the Oak Ridge Center for Advanced Studies, Senior Strategic Researcher at the United States Naval War College, and Senior Managing Director of Enterra Solutions, "Africa command: How America organizes to win war and peace," June 24, Knox News,
For years now…, forging the obvious solution.

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